Apple TV Hard Drive

I was wondering if anyone knew how to see what has actually been transfered to an Apple TV Hard Drive.
I know I can stream anything that is connected with iTunes, but I want to know how to see what is "Physically" on the drive so I don't have to stream if I can help it. I have a good network but for big files it's tough to wait to watch home movies when it's a 3 GB file stream.
I have the Apple TV syncing, so the question is. Is there a way to see what I have downloaded onto the drive.

Streaming is near instant if you have a decent network
It may take a few secs to initially buffer then the stream plays - the whole file does not need to transfer over to AppleTv to be viewed, and it can play virtually as well as synced content.

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    You can also download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.

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    I see your point but basically Apple TV is not intended to be an external drive, that's why you cannot just keep the files there. Search the forum there are ways of doing it which I wouldn't suggest. I think I read about people deleting the file from their hard drive and still keeping it in the library so it does not get deleted. I did not do it and am not planning on doing it.
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    Hi & welcome!
    I know nothing about Apple TV, but is anything else missing?
    Is this a different User account perhaps? Or a renamed one?
    Might try this first...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.

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    Re: the Hard Drive.
    I have an Apple brochure dated Feb 1989 that offers the Apple hard Drives: 20SC, 40SC, 80SC, and 160SC \[and that's all].
    My recollection of the drive you pictured is that it was mildly scandalous because they were not even made by Apple -- they were made by a prominent (in those days) drive reseller with the Apple logo on them.
    RE: the tape drive
    I bought my first Mac, a Mac II, in late 1987. Apple Unix was soon offered for it, but there was no practical way to issue the software except to buy a Hard Drive 80 with Apple Unix pre-installed. The tape backup unit pictured was available some time later, but was far too expensive to use for issuing software.

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    The folllowing instructions assume that your Apple TV is up and running, and is regustered with iTunes.  If this is not te case, you'll have to resort to finding and matching model numbers as other posters have inicated.  It also applies only to the 1st Generation Apple TV (the silver one).
    In iTunes 9 or higher, select the Apple TV that appears in the devices list.  There is a capacity bar that shows you what space is used for what media type, but it also indicates the space remaining on the drive.  From that, you can deduce the size of the Apple TV's internal hard disk.

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    AppleTV 2 and 3 don't have hard drives.  You enable Home Sharing and stream under th Computers icon with iTunes running.
    AppleTV1 need to be configured to sync with iTunes .
    Which model do you have?

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