AppleTV sync problem...Hard Drive Full Computer

So i got my ATV with a large hard drive installed weeks back to use as a way to buy shows and movies since my computer hard drive was maxed. I never synced the apple tv up with my computer until tonight because i wanted to transfer my movies and tv series that i downloaded over the years to my ATV. After i synced up it deleted everything on my ATV that i purchased and wants to basically install it on the itunes on my computer but the problem is i have no hard drive space. Now im not able to re download stuff on my ATV unless i download everything that i just purchased onto my computer. Does anyone have any advice for me??

ryanlameyer wrote:
Does anyone have any advice for me??
get an external HD and move your iTunes library to it.

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    Initial easy steps to gain disk space:
    - Delete all files in the Downloads folder.
      Empty the Trash.
    - Start iPhoto.
      Empty its trash.
    Run a Time Machine (or other) backup since you are about to delete and move files and you may need to recover from any inadvertent mistakes or decisions.  You will need one external hard drive for your Time Machine (or other) backup and a second if you plan to offload some files.  (See suggestions for where to purchase hard drives at the end of this message.)
    For more about backups:
    Time Machine Basics:
    Most commonly used backup methods:
    Methodology to protect your data.  Backups vs. Archives.  Long-term data protection:
    Deleting files:
    Then use the free application OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume in descending order by size so you can attack the problem from the top down, deleting the largest unwanted files first.  Delete with caution and do not delete any system files.  Remember to empty the trash after trashing the files.
    Additional reference on freeing disk space:
    Offloading files:
    Consider moving some of the no-often-used large files or directories to an external disk.  Use ODS again to find them.  This will be at least your second hard drive.  Your first one(s) is/are for your Time Machine (or other) backup(s).  Do not offload files onto a Time Machine disk.
    Format the second drive as Mac OS Extended (journaled).  Using OWS to find large files/folders and copy them from the system drive to the external hard drive and delete them from your internal drive.
    Then  > System Preferences > Time Machine > Options… > Remove the offload HD name from the exclusions list.
    Now both your system disk and your external offload disk will be backed up onto your Time Machine disk.
    To move your iTunes Music folder to another disk or partition:
    To change the location of your iTunes Music folder, carefully follow the instructions in the AppleCare® Knowledge Base document "iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Music folder."Additional information can be found in iTunes Help. 00000849.html
    Laptop users may want to consider having two iTunes libraries: a small library of current favorites on their computer, while their complete library resides on an external hard drive. Utilities like iTunes Library Manager enable you to easily have multiple iTunes libraries you can use with your account.
    To move your iPhoto Library folder to another disk or partition:
    To move the iPhoto Library folder to a new location, employ the instructions in the AppleCare Knowledge Base document from corresponding to the version of iPhoto you are using. Additional information can be found in iPhoto Help.
    Laptop users may want to consider having two iPhoto libraries: a small library of current, favorite photographs on their computer, while their complete library, or archives of older photos are saved on an external hard drive. Utilities such as iPhoto Buddy and iPhoto Library Manager enable you to have multiple iPhoto libraries that you can use with your account.
    Hardware — Bigger disk/SSD:
    OWC sells 120, 240 and 480 GB SSD upgrades for MacBook Airs.  A 240 GB upgrade costs $265. .  If your Mac is under warranty or AppleCare replacing the SSD will void the warranty.

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    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. Then reboot. That will temporarily free up some space. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB free on the startup volume for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of your data. Use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. Proceed further only if the problem hasn't been solved. ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To really see everything, you have to run it as root. Back up all data now. Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. After installing ODS in the Applications folder, drag or copy — do not type — the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:sudo /Applications/
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    Recover media from iPod
    See this post for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.

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    I wouldn't trust that backup.
    Make sure the system is connected to AC and Do Over.

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    Question 2: Problem = PRAM battery?
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    Restart with the Option key held down.
    If the internal drive shows up, it's the PRAM battery.
    If it doesn't, insert a compatible Mac OS 9 or X install disk, click the button with the circular arrow, and either repair the internal drive or install a new OS on it. If it doesn't show up in Disk First Aid(9) or the Disk Utility(X), it's either not plugged in or needs to be replaced.

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    Thank you - Tracey
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    Thank you for your reply however, I tried this and it did not work.  The first time it did not ask me to reset the unit but, the second time I tried to sync it did ask me to reset the unit.  It also re-installed all of the applications like word to go, sheet to go and street finder along with the directions that were saved to different areas.
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    Thank you again for your help!
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  • Computer hard drive full

    My computer hard drive is 30 GB, Ipod is 60 GB. Computer is full. If I cut Itune music folder to a Maxtor backup disk (this will free 28 GB on laptop), can I start adding stuff again (on laptop) without losing everything already on IPOD when I go to update IPOD?
    Lots of movies and TV shows I paid for and don't want to lose.

    You can delete songs from your iTunes/computer hard drive after transferring them to the iPod, and for this you need to set your iPod to manage the songs manually.
    However, this is an extremely risky option because when (and not if) there comes a time to restore your iPod, which is a very common fix for iPod problems, then all the music would be erased. If you no longer have the music in iTunes (or any other back up), then all that music would be lost.
    My suggestion would be to bring that Maxtor hard drive home, transfer a back up copy of your music to it before you start deleting stuff from your laptop hard drive.
    That way you will have a back up if things go wrong with your iPod.
    The iPod is not a reliable enough device for storing the only copy of your music.

  • Hard Drive Full - After Reboot, Will Not Boot to Mac OS - Boot Camp OK Tho?

    Hello all,
    I having a severe issue with my 2007 Macbook Pro 2.33 w/10.6.xx (I believe I'm up to 10.6.2). Yesterday I was on the net in Firefox and got a message from the OS that my hard drive was full and that I had to kill some running apps to recover needed virtual memory. I killed everything but Firefox, finished my web-based game and shut down. The next time I attempted to start the computer, it would not go past the "gray screen with Apple logo and spinning wheel". In fact, if I hold the option key at startup, I can see my Windows Boot Camp partition, any bootable CD/DVD I might have in the drive and "EFI Boot" only. I cannot see Macintosh HD as option.
    Here is a list of things I have done/tried:
    1. The day before yesterday, Mac OS ( informed me on my 2007 15" 2.33 MBP that it was out of HDD space and I needed to kill some apps to recover virtual memory.
    2. I force killed everything but FF since I was in a game of Settlers on Asobrain at the time!
    3. The computer ran fine for the rest of the session.
    4. When I rebooted, all I could get was gray screen and spinning wheel.
    5. I forced shut down, tried again, same thing.
    6. I tried resetting PRAM with Ctrl-Cmd-P-R at startup, same thing.
    7. I tried booting to safe mode. I got past login but it never loaded anything but the default background wallpaper. I shutdown.
    8. I booted from the Snow Leopard DVD and ran disk verify, then disk repair but it could not be completed as the drive has been "corrupted".
    9. At this point all I get upon startup now is Gray screen w/ Apple, then spinning wheel with progress bar that never goes anywhere then it shuts itself down.
    10. When I start the computer in Target Disk Mode (TDM), only my Boot Camp partition will mount, not my Mac HD
    11. *I do have boot camp installed, with XP Pro, and it will boot without a problem. In fact, I have HFSExplorer (a free utility f . or reading HFS volumes while in Windows) installed on the Windows side and I can see/browse folders on the Mac partition, so on the fact alone that I can boot to windows I know I don't have a HDD failure.
    12. I have also tried booting to Single User mode which worked, I got the prompt. I tried using the "fsck -fy" command and it could not repair the volume.
    13. I have tried creating an image of the Macintosh HD while in Disk Utility booted from the Mac Install DVD, but I get an "i/o error".
    Please help! Any good suggestions, help, etc. is much appreciated! -Kyler

    Hello and welcome to the discussions. All OS X drives need to keep 10-15% free space. If you were operating with less that that capacity, it is quite possible that some files were overwritten. Thus corrupted. The only thing that I could suggest is to try to copy your drive to an external HD or another Mac (Space permitting) Then reinstall using the install disc. You will then have to physically copy files from the external to your new install.
    How large was your HD and how much free space does it have? You can use the install disc and Disk Utility to find out.

  • Running iTunes from external hard drive, new computer, where to start?

    I've seen several threads relating to this, but I'm a bit confused. For some time we have been running iTunes from an external hard drive with no issues. We now have a new laptop with windows 8, and I'm not sure where to start to set up iTunes (we replaced the computer with a laptop). Do I need to do a new install of iTunes on the laptop? Do I install it to the hard drive (C) or to the external drive (G)? My biggest source of concern is losing the library. I also want to be sure that we can continue to run iTunes from the external drive, I don't want it taking up space on the laptop hard drive.

    With more & more people looking towards external drives as a storage solution, it's important to warn them, that although using one within iTunes is a great idea, it comes with its issues & can be a step towards a disastrous sequence. In such a scenario, each time iTunes is launched it'll look for the library that resides on the external drive, & if that drive's not connected, iTunes will open with an empty library. You know what's comming next, rite ? An empty iDevice. This happens because 'by default' iTunes is set to Auto-Sync & if you're using an external drive, the potential for a messy problem goes way up.  So in short, remember these points. when using an external drive(library).
    . Always connect your external drive prior to lauching iTunes.
    . Always ensure iTunes sees your external library prior to connecting your iDevice.
    . Disable the 'Auto-Sync' feature from within iTunes prior to connecting your iDevice.
    . Always wait to connect your iDevice until thee aforementioned points are confirmed.
    As stated earlier, using an external drive with iTunes isn't a problem in & by itself. But if the external drive's disconnected & the 'Auto-Sync' feature's left at its default setting(enabled), a family member could loose all their data simply by connecting their iDevice to the PC/Mac. Or be in for a time consuming lesson.
    PS: At the very least one should research the topic themselves.

  • Internal Hard Drive Full - Want To transfer my iPod library to external HD

    I have a 60GB iPod and my desktop's hard drive is full therby preventing me from downloading anymore to my iPod. I have a 300GB external hard drive that I want to move everything to, especially my iPod Library. HELP!! How do I do it?

    Check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer (using option 2).
    There's also another method. I've successfully tested this across several different Windows PCs.
    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
    Connect the iPod whilst holding down the shift/ctrl keys to prevent any auto sync, and if you see the dialogue window asking if you want to sync to this itunes library, click 'no'.
    Then go to file/add folder, open 'my computer', select your iPod and click 'ok'.
    The music files should transfer to your iTunes.
    If this doesn't work (and it may not because officially it's not supposed to), there's Yamipod. This is a free program that transfers music and playlists etc from iPod back to the computer. However, it does not transfer playcounts/ratings etc.
    The above methods may depend on what version of iTunes you are running.
    If none of these methods work, try CopyPod. This does preserve playlists/playcounts/ratings.
    If you are using iTunes version 7 or later, then you can transfer purchased iTunes store music from the iPod to an authorized computer by using the "file/transfer purchases from iPod" menu. Note that the maximum of 5 authorized computers applies here.

  • External Hard Drive and Computer NOT recognizing IPod

    Can anyone please help me? I purchased an external hard drive to store all my songs instead of on my internal hard drive. I change the location of all my songs to the external hard drive and even import any new song there as well. But when I connect my IPod to my computer to update and import my new songs, my computer DOES NOT recognize the IPod. The only way my computer will recognize my IPod is if I disconnect my external drive first and then connect my IPod. But then I cannot import or update my IPod. This is driving me nuts. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
    IPod 20G   Windows XP  

    Anyone find a solution for this yet??? I'm having a similar problem. I have an external drive but my tunes are on a partitioned drive on the internal. The external is off but when I go to enable disk use it keeps turning it off on me. When I have selected manually sync songs then it tells me that disk cannot be read from or written to. The computer never shows a drive for the ipod. This is really getting on my nerves!

  • Items Listed In Library, But Missing From iPod/Hard Drive of Computer

    I recently had my latest disaster with iTunes wiping out the content of my iPod. I hooked up the iPod to the computer to charge and to add on a few more items. When it updated, it started from scratch and updated some 1700 items or so directly from my computer hard drive into the iPod, as if they had never been on the iPod in the first place. Further, there are still something like 2000 more items that were on the iPod before this, but now are missing from its list. These items are songs that are no longer on my computer's hard drive. These items are still listed in the iTunes library, however.
    What do I do to get these items accessible again on the iPod itself? Whatever I have tried so far with updating does not do anything but have the iPod/iTunes deal with the items that are still on my hard drive of the computer. How can I get the full listing of 3700 items to play on the iPod again? Or do I have to start from scratch (this will be the third time I will have to do this if so) and reload all those hundreds of CDs back into the iPod manually?
    Thank you for any advice you may be able to provide!

    Were any of those exception edited with Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? If so and you can identify them, download the "Embed sRGB Profile" application from Toad's Cellar, unzip it and place on the desktop. Then take those files and drop onto the application. After the profile is embedded in the files try importing them again.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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