Appleworks and imac

Maybe correcting the typos will get me my answer. Am I right in my plan to install AW6.2.4 in leopard, then transfer AW 5 documents to new imac? It seems like the easiest way, and I can get AW6.2.4 on e-bay.

I read your two threads and don't understand what you are asking for.
As you wrote, you read in the forums that to open your old AW5 documents on a new machine you must use AppleWorks 6.
It's true and it works flawlessly (except from time to time with some files requiring Aw 624 because AW 629 is unable to open them.
So my advice will be:
Install AppleWorks 624. Create an archive of the folder AppleWorks 6 or better track, create a disk image of about 200Mo and install AppleWorks 624 in it.
Update the AppleWorks installed in you Applications:AppleWorks 6 folder to AW 629.
You will be able to use AW629 for daily tasks.
AW624 will remain available for special tasks when AW629 will reject an AW5 file.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 11 février 2008 20:24:50)

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    Thanks, Dr. Duke
    An American profesor in Europe.
    PS I will post this under Imac windows 7 updates without a reinstall and under
    imac Sound issues.

    On another thread a few people have responded saying that their imac has the same situation, the cpu is going crazy and the imac gets hot with headphones or speakers plugged in. But this doesn't happen in the mac side.
    If you have an late 2009 imac and don't have these audio issues, let us hear from you. If you don't, lay out the problem here.
    Here is my last two cents in to the inquiry.
    Not only does the cpu run crazy but the imac 27 gets very, very hot. Since I unplugged the headphones, it runs much, much cooler.
    Certainly, some Mac engineers should take care of this problem, it seems it is universal on all the imac 27's and from what I gather, the smaller screened cousins too.
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    Finally, the mic jack part of the trrs set up MUST be fixed! A lot of manufacturers are going to headset combo jacks as they call them, mic in and stereo out on the same tribanded plug. But, the old single jack for mic in and single jack for stereo out are two tiny parts of the hardware and super inexpensive for the manufacturer. Why in the **** to go to the "advanced" triplug if the **** thing doesn't work.
    Mac has a great reputation. I hope they remedy these problems right away.
    Anyone whose imac 27 or 24 whose headset plug is working correctly. Let us know! I don't think anyone's is, but I think that few people understand that their cpu is running so much faster with the plug in, plus few even understand the combo jack and the triband, or trrs audio jack! Out of 4 audio technicians I talked to, not one of them knew what a trrs jack was or that you even have a mic in jack as part of the headset jack!
    When I told one senior that it worked on the Mac side, he didn't believe for a while, thought my sound might be recorded from the onboard mic, but I proved it to him by tapping iaudibly on my iphone mic headset and and it showing up in garage band clearly and listening to big difference in audio.
    As for a usb audio adapter, I am in a neon light environment and find that those adapters are more sensitive to electrical interference. Besides I want to use the headset jack as it was meant to be used!
    Thats it.
    Again, if anyone using an imac 27 and windows 7 64 or 32 doesnt have these problems, let us know! We are all anxious for a fix!
    Best to all!

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    I heavily use iTunes (190 GB), iPhoto (120 GB) and iMovie (30 GB, but want to do more when I get time).  Additionally, I store lots of old videos on circa 10 portable hard drives (1 TB each), which I access occasionally.
    The family use all this content and we currently have a MacBook Pro and are considering buying a new computer - either a new MacBook Pro or an iMac. We also have iPads, iPhones etc and a Time Capsule.
    […] We want all our music and pictures in single master libraries that we can all access and update.
    The "update" portion of this is where your problems will arise.  You'd be better to consider your proposed system initially in terms of content "consumption", before getting into the nitty-gritty of editing shared content.
    iTunes has the Home Sharing feature built-in, which solves the content consumption issue.
    I don't know anything about sharing iPhoto libraries, but this KB article looks useful.
    As for iMovie, I think there are two things you want to do: share the raw data (sound effects, music, photos etc.) that are used to create iMovie content; and share the finished results.  Is that right?  I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that, but if you clarify your aims in this regard, it'll help the next person who comes along.
    When it comes to updating content, such as adding new music to iTunes or iPhoto, I'd suggest you do it through the Mac mini directly.  This seems the least problematic solution.  You wouldn't necessarily need a dedicated display for the Mac mini - you could use remote desktop or VNC or what-have-you.
    As for speed: doing anything across a network is always going to be slower than doing it locally.  But, it probably won't matter for content consumption (though if you're all watching different movies at the same time the drives on the server may struggle, and the wifi bandwidth might be tight).
    I hope this represents a good initial response to your query.

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    That's the way IMAP servers work. The messages really live on the server; the iPhone and the iMac just view them.

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    First, uninstall "SuperTV" (whatever that is) according to the developer's instructions. It isn't working and it's filling the log with noise.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left.
    Enter "BOOT_TIME" (without the quotes) in the search box. Note the timestamps of those log messages, which refer to the times when the system was booted. Now clear the search box and scroll back in the log to the last boot time when you had the problem. Post the messages logged before the boot, while the system was unresponsive or was failing to shut down. Please include the BOOT_TIME message at the end of the log extract.
    Post the log text, please, not a screenshot. If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message. When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.
    Step 2
    Still in Console, look under System Diagnostic Reports for crash or panic logs, and post the most recent one, if any. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if present (it may not be.) Please don’t post shutdownStall, spin, or hang logs — they're very long and not helpful.

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    See Here > Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
              Ask to speak with the Account Security Team..

  • HT1206 My credit card security code keeps popping up as invalid but I'm able o purchase off my home computer and iPod, iPhone and iMac. Why can't I use the same card off my iPad ?

    My credit card security pin shows up as invalid on my iPad. However, I can use the same credit card information off my iPod, iPhone and iMac. What is causing this to happen?

    have you enter the security code when you rentered your cc information.

  • How to delete my email on my iPad and have it automatically delete the same email on my iPhone and iMac?

    How to delete an email on an apple device and have that deleted email automatically delete from my iPhone and iMac?

    You need an IMAP type email account a opposed to POP 3. Google the two words together to find out more.

  • How can I open files from Appleworks and Pages 4.3 in Mavericks?

    I have documents I created in Appleworks and Pages 4.3 that I can't open in Pages 5.1 using Mavericks.  How can I open those files?

    Mavericks is the Operating System (OSX).
    LibreOffice [free] may be able to open your AppleWorks files but probably not perfectly.
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Pages 5 can open Pages '09 files but will alter/damage them.

  • I have a mac book pro, an ipad and an iphone.  i have an icloud account that allows my iPad and imac to sync.  but my mac book only has a connection to 'mobile me'.  how can i include my macbook with my other devices?  help!  thanks

    i have a mac book pro, an ipad and an iphone.  i have an icloud account that allows my iPad and imac to sync.  but my mac book only has a connection to 'mobile me'.  how can i include my macbook with my other devices?  help!  thanks

    You need OSX 10.7.2 or higher in order to access icloud.  The mobile me account is now defunct (it closed down more than a year ago).

Maybe you are looking for