Application app has disappeared

My application apps disappeared on my iPhone, so I am unable to enter the App Store

Are Restrictions enabled? If so, see if App Store is set to off and switch it on.

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    Not sure why you cannot find it, but you can always just sync it back via iTunes. I am assuming you have synced it over to your iTunes library at some point since having it installed.

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    Sync it back from iTunes on the Mac.
    Connect the iPad to the Mac and launch iTunes.
    Click on the iPad name on the left side under devices.
    Click on the Apps Tab on the right.
    Click on Pages in the list of apps
    Click on the Sync Apps Heading.
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    You may have just moved it to another screen on the iPad and you can look for it by swiping from screen to screen. You can also search for it in Spotlight. Double tap the home button. Wait a second and tap it again. Wait a second and then tap it again. Type Pages in the search field at the top of the screen and see if it shows up.

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    It's not possible to delete it. Try resetting the home page layout. It has to have been moved to another page or a folder... oh, wait. you can't reset the home page layout without getting to it.
    Go to the search page (press the home button once when on the first screen or swipe right from the home screen and type settings. Provided you have not turned off application search results in spotlight settings, you should be able to get to it from there.

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    You've looked in /Applications/Utilities  for Keychain ?.
    Tried Spotlight ?.
    If it's missing, you'll need to restore from a backup, or reinstall OS X.

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    Make sure you emptied the trash
    Now restart
    If that fails, click the in the upper right hand corner of your screen and type app name in

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    The YouTube app is not included in iOS 6. You will either need to try one of the YouTube apps from the store (there is an iPhone optimised app from google, and other people have said that they are working on an iPad version and there is Jasmine), or try accessing the mobile version via Safari : (you can create a home screen shortcut for the site)

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    Did you recently erase and/or reinstall the OS?
    And, some details are needed: model/year Mac, Mac OS version running now and which version originally).

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    Managed to get it back

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    I have restarted my iPad, restored settings and still no help. I was also advised to cable link the iPad to my laptop and in iTunes remove/delete the Facebook app, then re purchase it. When I tried to remove it I was shown a message saying, this will not be deleted from your IOS device.
    Yes eh I can still access Facebook from Safari but that defeats the purpose of the app which gives me notifications immediately.
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    You do not want to do the Delete/Redownload the App from/to your iTunes Library - you want to Delete/Redownload it from/to your Device. When you hook up your device to iTunes, click on the device, then on the Apps tab to the right in the Device Profile Screens (not on the App under Apps in the Library).
    You should see a little box next to the App that says "Remove". Click on that. It will then change to "Will Remove". Sync your device to remove the app. Then eject the device, check it to make sure the app is no linger listed with "Open" next to it. (depending on your display options, you may still see it but with a little Cloud next to it, or you may not see it listed at all).
    Plug the device back into the computer, and select it again. Then, under Apps in the Device Profile, see if the little box next to the App says "Will Install" If it does, then sync to reinstall it. If it does not, click on the box until you see the "Will Install" option and then sync.

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    So far I`ve:
    Checked all pages - not anywhere
    Done a full restore - still not returned.
    Check Restrictions - they were not on.
    Allocated Camera to home button but still not working
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    There appears to be a bug with this new update (3.0) - If you're using Exchange (sync) support with the new firmware, then the camera disappears. If you deactivate the Exchange email account ( temporarily) the camera magically appears.
    Maybe Apple will call this a 'security feature'? < said as a joke > because many larger organizations shun using camera phones internally. In fact, many government/federal institutions do not allow you to bring camera phones into their offices...
    Whatever the reason, it's a bug.. not sure if it's a completely 100% known one but the next small point update should alleviate that.
    Try deactivating the exchange account and see if your camera icon shows up.. .Mine does..
    Good luck....

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    Are you sure you didn't accidentally drop it into a folder?
    Try a hard reset:
    Hold Sleep/Wake & Home buttoms until the screen goes black and you see the white Apple logo

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    If you purchased from the App Store, easy fix! Just download it again from there. You will not get charged again. If you purchased from a DVD, still an easy fix! Reboot the DVD and install Numbers only!

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    Hi maggiejones400,
    As always, you can download iTunes from the Apple website:
    Apple - iTunes - Download iTunes Now
    Matt M.

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