Application Layer VPN

Apple states that OSX Mavericks has a new "Application Layer VPN" feature. Is this something that can be configured by users? For example, can I set up a VPN only for Safari?

The VPN-IPSec is a technology that let you access to your private network through Internet or an unsecured network. It works at network layer. Before you access to your private network you have to set up a tunnel IPSec.
Regarding SSL there is an interesting link : SSL: Introduction to Secure Sockets Layer
With SSL you have secure access to a WEB server (which can be located on Internet) without setting up a tunnel VPN.
I hope this helps.
Best regards.

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    Hi friends,
    Can any body tell me how to this.when ever we give a print a spool number will be created.we can give this spool number to rstxpdft4 program and we can convert it into pdf.
    how to put this pdf into application layer as a unix it possible to do that.

    Complete code right from spool request :
    FORM convert_spool_to_pdf.
      IF is_otf IS INITIAL .
    List to PDF
                  src_spoolid              = p_spool
               dst_device               = 'LOCL'
                  pdf_bytecount            = bytes
                  pdf_spoolid              = pdf_spool
                  list_pagecount           = pages
                  btc_jobname              = job_pdf
                  btc_jobcount             = jobcount_pdf
                  pdf                      = i_pdf
                  err_no_abap_spooljob     = 1
                  err_no_spooljob          = 2
                  err_no_permission        = 3
                  err_conv_not_possible    = 4
                  err_bad_destdevice       = 5
                  user_cancelled           = 6
                  err_spoolerror           = 7
                  err_temseerror           = 8
                  err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
                  err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
                  err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11.
      ELSE .
                  src_spoolid              = p_spool
                  no_dialog                = ' '
                  pdf_bytecount            = bytes
                  pdf_spoolid              = pdf_spool
                  otf_pagecount            = pages
                  btc_jobname              = job_pdf
                  btc_jobcount             = jobcount_pdf
                  pdf                      = i_pdf
                  err_no_otf_spooljob      = 1
                  err_no_spooljob          = 2
                  err_no_permission        = 3
                  err_conv_not_possible    = 4
                  err_bad_dstdevice        = 5
                  user_cancelled           = 6
                  err_spoolerror           = 7
                  err_temseerror           = 8
                  err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
                  err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
                  err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11.
      ENDIF .
      IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR
         i_pdf[] IS INITIAL .
    Error creating PDF File .
        Message e000.
      ELSE .
    Got PDF Structure . Now transfer to App. Server.
      ENDIF .
    ENDFORM.                    " convert_spool_to_pdf
    FORM send_spool_app.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT i_pdf .
          TRANSFER i_pdf TO p_fname.
        CLOSE DATASET p_fname .
        MESSAGE s000 WITH p_fname.
        MESSAGE e502(0u) WITH p_fname .
    This is a working code as we are using the same concept.
    Hope it helped.

  • Handling Oracle RAC Failover at the application layer

    Hi All,
    I am currently researching best practices for handling oracle RAC failover at the application layer since transactional statements (INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE) are not handled transparently. So I have few questions for the community:
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    the Oracle RAC stack works very vell on its own, without the need of a third party clusterware. It will be aware of failures on the nodes.
    Database will be using ASM or RAW or NFS devices for Shared storage.
    Oracle Clusterware can also be configured to monitor your applications and to a failover to other nodes.
    However if you need a shared filesystem for your own applications, then you will have to use QFS or similar (which again than requires Sun Cluster).

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    APEX 4.2
    Oracle 11g2

    Hi Hilton,
    you can use tabular forms for this:
    If you want for all to be cleaner in APEX, you can create instead of trigger over your view that uses your package API for DML.
    Marko Goricki

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    It's a known issue that apparently hasn't been fixed. Not a high priority for Apple Engineering, it seems.

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    What do you mean by Application Layer Security?

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    Dispatcher allocates work processes to get the work done. There are different types of work processes like Dialog, Background, Spool, Enqueue etc... So, depending upon the requirement, dispatcher allocates a free work process.
    Reward points if the answer is helpful.

  • F4 to application layer

    f4  functinality for storing data in Application server, ie on the selection screen I have to have the f4 functionality which has to navigate to the application layer (AL11), is there any FM for this, please let me know what I have to pass, a sample code is welcome.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: vikram kagada on Jun 20, 2008 3:28 PM

        c_fnh_mask TYPE dxfields-filemask VALUE '.',
        search_dir TYPE dxfields-longpath VALUE 'F:\USR\SAP\',
        file_path LIKE dxfields-longpath.
      CLEAR p_fpath.
    To provide the F4 help for Application Server File Path
          i_location_flag = 'A'
          i_server        = ' '
          i_path          = search_dir
          filemask        = c_fnh_mask
          fileoperation   = 'R'
          o_path          = file_path
          rfc_error       = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        p_fpath = file_path.
      ENDIF.                               " IF sy-subrc EQ 0
    Reward if helpful.

  • Check application layer

    hi friends i want checking packets when  sending over my network  but i want checking in the application layer my purpose that i want checking and know which protocol opened in application layer like http or smtp....etc?when i using raw socket
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    thank you for your help

    Hi zryan,
    Your question is not clear enough.
    If you want to use create client for transporting HTTP or SMTP messages, you can utilize these built-in classes in .Net Framework:
    HttpWebRequest Class
    SmtpClient Class
    If you mean you want to intercept the network messages using C# code, please note the topic in this thread:
    Contributors: How to avoid aiding
    the development of malicious code
    .Net Framework doesn't contain built-in objects for you to automatically detect the protocol of the network message.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Application layer inspection and MPF

    Why create other policy map when only once policy map can be used on any interfaces? Why not just use the default policy and add to it? I am trying to understand the application layer inspection and the MPF.

    The default policy will not give you many options due to the "match default-inspection-traffic" in the default class map.
    At the end of it the number of policy maps or usuage or default policy map with additions really depends on user and his/her requirement.

  • Application layer

    Is there any function module to get the name of the directory when we pass Logical path.
    I ll T code : FILE
           -> we give Logical FIle path Defination as ZYINTERFACE(for eg)
           -> then assign physical path to logical paths
            -> in this step we give Logical path : ZYInterface(for eg)
                                             Syntax Grp : unix
                                             Physical path : /usr/sap/tmp/<FILENAME> 
    in this case if i pass 'Zyinterface' in this case i want the output as '/usr/sap/tmp/'.
    Can u please name the function module to get this and also sample code if possible ?
    Thanks in Advance..........

    hi reddy,
    using AL11  u can view the directories in appl layer, using cg3z u can travsfer file from presentation to application layer.
    like this u try

  • Application Specific VPN?

    I need to connect to some computers that are isolated from the outside world behind a an XServe (running Leopard), which is serving said computers IP addresses.
    To connect to these computers I can currently do one of two things:
    1. Remote Desktop to server, and then Remote Desktop to target computer. This is a little slow.
    2. VPN to the server (making sure to have my VPN connection as my #1 connection in Network Preferences). This, however, cuts off all of my other network access, which is a drag.
    I've been looking around for a way for me to assign Remote Desktop to use the VPN connection, while the other applications would continue as normal. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps through an SSH tunnel, or something?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Settings//General/VPN. Then all you need is to find a public VPN server. You don't need a separate app.
    But you should keep in mind that your employer doesn't want you using social media. In most companies bypassing corporate information security policy is grounds for termination. Do you really want to risk it?

  • Is this possible Same client diffrent application layer

    Hi experts ;
    I have a question. We use Sap; diffrent companys same client.  Can we work companys data layers same and applications and programs diffrent layer. Is this possible ? 

    >We use Sap; diffrent companys same client.
    Peep - thanks for playing
    Using the same client for different companies is a very bad idea.
    > Can we work companys data layers same and applications and programs diffrent layer. Is this possible ? 
    Yes, use different clients. That's what they are used for.
    Or do you want to have both companies to share their data but use different programs on it?
    That would be a even more questionable request...

  • IPS and application layer firewalls

    Hi all, can anyone explain to me what an IPS does that a layer 7 application firewall does not, i need to know the biggest differences?
    also what can an IPS do for me in simple terms?

    Hi Carl,
    AN IPS is basically deep packet inspection for all protocols generally found on a network. So, for example an IPS is looking for all malicious traffic that relates to an attack, usually by a specific 'signature' or a pattern of traffic. They go over an above a firewall by fully inspecting all traffic flows and alerting on suspect traffic that represents a possible attack/vulnerability.
    With respect to an Application Firewall, this could relate to two different things. For example, the ASA has application inspection which basically means it can drill down into the protocol and check that HTTP request/response headers are RFC compliant, as well as FTP etc. We can also drill down and ensure that SMTP exchanges are as they should be. But if there is data embedded into the actual 'payload' then the ASA is not designed to check for this. That would be an IPS.
    There is however a 'Web Application Firewall' or WAF which takes this even further (ACE WAF) as this is specifically looking for attacks and vulnerabilities relating purely to Web Applications. So the 'WAF' learns the web application/login forms/Parameters etc and therefore can stop attacks such as Cross Site Scripting and SQL Injection.
    It depends on the environment and what you are exactly trying to secure :-)
    I hope this helps!

  • Need Help to Prevent DDOS at application layer to protect Web server ?

    Please guide the solutions for DDOS attack. I am facing this attack and after some investigation I  found some details what is up against me
    Here are some details of the attack which is most similar in my situation.
    In considering the ramifications of a slow denial of service attack  against particular services, rather than flooding networks, a concept  emerged that would allow a single machine to take down another machine's  web server with minimal bandwidth and side effects on unrelated  services and ports.  The ideal situation for many denial of service  attacks is where all other services remain intact but the webserver  itself is completely inaccessible.  Slowloris was born from this  concept, and is therefore relatively very stealthy compared to most  flooding tools.
    Slowloris holds connections open by sending partial HTTP requests.   It continues to send subsequent headers at regular intervals to keep the  sockets from closing.  In this way webservers can be quickly tied up.   In particular, servers that have threading will tend to be vulnerable,  by virtue of the fact that they attempt to limit the amount of threading  they'll allow.  Slowloris must wait for all the sockets to become  available before it's successful at consuming them, so if it's a high  traffic website, it may take a while for the site to free up it's  sockets.  So while you may be unable to see the website from your  vantage point, others may still be able to see it until all sockets are  freed by them and consumed by Slowloris.  This is because other users of  the system must finish their requests before the sockets become  available for Slowloris to consume.  If others re-initiate their  connections in that brief time-period they'll still be able to see the  site.  So it's a bit of a race condition, but one that Slowloris will  eventually always win - and sooner than later.
    Slowloris also has a few stealth features built into it.  Firstly, it  can be changed to send different host headers, if your target is a  virtual host and logs are stored seperately per virtual host.  But most  importantly, while the attack is underway, the log file won't be written  until the request is completed.  So you can keep a server down for  minutes at a time without a single log file entry showing up to warn  someone who might watching in that instant.  Of course once your attack  stops or once the session gets shut down there will be several hundred  400 errors in the web server logs.  That's unavoidable as Slowloris sits  today, although it may be possible to turn them into 200 OK messages  instead by completing a valid request, but Slowloris doesn't yet do  that.
    Please suggest any solutions with product that can help to prevent this problem with some guidance of the feature of that product to specifically prevent this type of attack. I already a many cisco devices like ASA, IPS, Cisco guard etc. just need some guidance
    An early response requested and it will be highly appreciated.

    Hello Haseen
    Any tool will have some sort of trend/chracterstic that can be used to filter or throttle it out. Take skype for an example; even with all its complexity vendors managed to find days to detect it on the network and take corrective actions. However its always a catch-up game, developers continually work to make their applications or protocols more stealthy and the vendors have to keep up with this challenge.
    So you would need to understand this trend/chracterstic of the attack, and then filter out using an access control mechanism, IMHO the most appropriate would be a web application firewall (WAF), Cisco used to have one but I think it is EOS soon:
    F5 Networks have their ASM module:
    Other vendors also have some good tools.
    Please rate if you find the applications helpful.

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