Application Name and SQL/EM

Is there a way to make sure that when a user is accessing
data in SQL via a CF template, that the application name in
Application.cfm is displayed as part of an sp_who query? This would
be similar to using the applicationName attribute in an ASP.Net
web.config file.

Is there a way to make sure that when a user is accessing
data in SQL
via a CF
template, that the application name in Application.cfm is
displayed as
part of
an sp_who query? This would be similar to using the
in an ASP.Net web.config file.
I don't understand what you are asking, I don't know enough
about to get your reference.
But you can access that applicaiton name with
#application.applicationName# if that helps.

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    Hi Pratibha,
    Above code will only get you the application status or application collection class not the Application NAME(S). To get name of the BizTalk application, you
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    Morten la Cour
    I agree with Morten here. From your last message we understand that you are still using BizTalk Server 2004 in your production server which is
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    BizTalk Server 2013
    BizTalk Server 2010
    BizTalk Server 2009
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    Hi Bob,
    AFAIK yes this issue of ''I/O was frozen'' might occur when you use backup tool which uses VSS to take backups. This is actually how VSS backups works . There are few steps when backup is being taken using TP tool which uses VS. One of the steps is to create
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    c) Once this is done, the I/O is resumed. This process is called "thaw".
    The second step would freeze I/O momentarily and you might see little freezing. AFAIK this is default behavior how VSS backups work
    You must read below excellent article It would help you in understanding how this backup works
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

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    SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS [ServerName],
    SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS [ServerInstanceName],
    SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName') AS [Instance],
    SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS [Edition],
    SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS [ProductVersion],
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    Blog: |
    MCITP - BI, SQL Developer & DBA
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    Use an input/output string variable in the subprocess and set its value in each calling process as respective Application name.
    May be if this could help.

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    google 1.4.5 1.4.5 1.4.5
    web 4.514 4.514 4.514
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    Edited by: user11140631 on Dec 23, 2009 11:18 PM

    Here i have developed a Simple JMX Code which displays the Application Name, It's Current Status and The Application Version. Please let me know this is what u wanted?
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import weblogic.jndi.Environment;
    public class ApplicationStatusChecker
    MBeanServer server = null; // MBeanServer
    MBeanHome mbeanHome=null;
    Hashtable inStart = new Hashtable();
    public ApplicationStatusChecker()
    try {
    Environment env = new Environment();
    env.setSecurityPrincipal("weblogic"); // username
    env.setSecurityCredentials("weblogic"); // password
    Context myCtx = env.getInitialContext();
    mbeanHome =(MBeanHome)myCtx.lookup("");
    server = mbeanHome.getMBeanServer();
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.err.println("\n\n\tCannot get MBeanServer: "+ex);
    public void getAllMBeans()
    Set set=mbeanHome.getAllMBeans();
    Iterator it=set.iterator();
    System.out.println("\n\t ";
    public void getMBeanByType(String type)
    Set set=mbeanHome.getMBeansByType(type);
    Iterator it=set.iterator();
    ApplicationRuntimeMBean appRun=(ApplicationRuntimeMBean);
    int n=appRun.getActiveVersionState();
    String status="";
    if(n==0) status="UNPREPARED";
    if(n==1) status="PREPARED";
    if(n==2) status="ACTIVATED";
    System.out.println("Application Name : "+appRun.getApplicationName());
    System.out.println("Application Status : "+status);
    System.out.println("Application Version : "+appRun.getApplicationVersion());
    public static void main(String ar[]) throws Exception
    ApplicationStatusChecker sm=new ApplicationStatusChecker();
    C:\DELETE>java ApplicationStatusChecker
    Application Name : UsernameTokenEar
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Application Name : consoleapp
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Application Name : bea_wls_internal
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Application Name      : complexServiceEar+
    Application Status    : ACTIVATED+
    Application Version   : VesionB+
    Application Name : bea_wls9_async_response
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Application Name : mejb
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Application Name : SystemModuleA
    Application Status : ACTIVATED
    Application Version : null
    Jay SenSharma (WebLogic JMX And Wonders Are Here)

  • How can I find Application Name/ EAR Name in runtime

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    You can try this:

  • Application name for SDA Deployment(Custom Adapter)

    hi Experts,
    I am trying to deploy an SDA file using SDM. I had created an EAR project using NWDS and then converted this into an SDA file using CECLT.
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    What is the meaning of application name while deploying SDA file?
    Please help if possible! Thanks!

    Hi DDasgupta,
    After you created a web application with a custom host name, if you got a prompt for the user and you may face the following issues:
    There is continuous prompt for the credentials
    HTTP 401.1 error
    This shows that there is a problem with the Loopback configuration. This situation should occur only when we access the application from the server machine.
    For fixing the problem, we have to disable the Loopback value inside the registry.Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and locate the following key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa, and create a new Key Value of type DWORD inside
    it and set the value to 1.
    More information, please refer to the link:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using Application Name twice while registering a Concurrent Program

    When we create a Concurrent PRogram,
    1) We first create an executable. In the executable screen, we give the name of the Application like Receivables, Payables etc.
    2) Next we Define the Concurrent program and attach the executable. Here also we give the Application Name like Receivables, Payables etc.
    Question is, when the executable already has information about the Application Name, then why do we have to give it again in the Concurrent Program Define Screen.
    Looking for a prompt response.

    Hello Helios,
    I dont have any problem in creating a concurrent program or executable.
    I am just trying to understand the concept that why do we need to give the Application Name twice, one while Creating the Executable and one while define the Concurrent Program.
    Because if you look at the executable, we already have give the Application Name and then we attach this Execiutable to the Concurrent PRogram Defintiiion, then why again we give the Application name in the Concurrent PRogram Def Screen.

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    First of all, I believe you mean a procedure that would check the application username and password. Fot, if you mean a PL/SQL procedure, that runs in the database, and that means it has to be executed after the client application is connected to the database.
    Maybe you need a procedure like this:
    procedure check_pass(p_user varchar2, p_pass varchar2) is
    pragma autonomous_transaction;
    v_passwd varchar2(200);
    select passwd into v_passwd
    from password_table
    where user_name=p_user;
    if v_passwd!=p_pass then
    update password_table set
    where user_name=p_user;
    raise_application_error(-20101,'Invalid username/password!');
    end if;
    when no_data_found then
    raise_application_error(-20101,'Invalid username/password!');
    Study this piece of code and see if this will do.

  • Why is my application name not showing up in the SQL Server connection properties?

    If I understand correctly I should be able to have the application name from application.cfc show up in my SQL Server connection string (i.e. in the program_name column of sp_who2) if I go in to the DSN advanced settings and check "Application Name" under Client Settings.
    However having done that I still don't see anything in the program name columns of the sp_who2 result set. Any ideas?

    I drew my shape, then went to the GRADIENT panel and clicked in the default gradient box to apply the default white to black gradient.  Normally you can click on either color to change it using the ways I described in my original post but those are not available to me.  The only way I could add a color was to drag it from the SWATCHES panel into the gradient colors slider.
    This means that I cannot make changes to colors directly in the gradient panel like before.  I have to make changes to the individual colors but clicking on the color in the gradient slider then going to the COLOR panel and adjusting the color there. Or by dragging in a whole new color from the COLOR or SWATCHES panels.  This is really killing my work flow.

  • CR for VS, MSSQL, ConnectionInfo and "Application Name" in connection string

    I'm using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2013, latest version. I'm using the web CrystalReportViewer component. I'm setting the connection information, something like this:
    var tables = rpt.Database.Tables;
    foreach (Table table in tables)
        var tableLogonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
        tableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
    When the connection to the database is opened, the "Application Name" (which you can see with sp_who2 in MS SQL Server) is "Internet Information Services". I'd like it to be something else, like the name of my website or something similar. If I could specify the exact connection string, I could do this by including "Application Name=MyWebSite" in the connection string, but of course that isn't possible (right?).
    Does anyone know of a way to set the CrystalReportViewer's connection's Application Name?

    The name of the physical executable that created the connection is (generally) automatically used to populate the PROGRAM column of the V$SESSION table.
    If you want a more human-readable application name or if you have multiple applications in the same application server, you can use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package to set the CLIENT_INFO, MODULE, and ACTION columns of V$SESSION for this particular session once you've created your connection.

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