Approval Procedure with multiple Approver

Dear All,
Good day!
We have currently setup approval procedure when creating a particular document. In our setup, we have 2 authorizer but it requires only one approver. Result shows that when originators created a document a message prompts to the authorizer. But the problem is, if one of the authorizer approves the document it still sends to the other approver. Can we have a system message that automatically sends that this particular document was already approved by one of the approver? Or is there any setup that when one of the approver approves it will not prompt in the other approver?
Thank you and Regards,

1. Can we have a system message that automatically sends that this particular document was already approved by one of the approver?
There is no such system message in SAP B1.But the first approver can add his comments on "Remarks" field, for example, "this document already approved me".
Whenever second approver open the document to approve, he can see this remarks under "Display history". So he no need to approve the document again. Refer below screen shot:
2. is there any setup that when one of the approver approves it will not prompt in the other approver?
There is no such setup in standard approval procedure.
Thanks & Regards,

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    procedure dl_sor_image (p_offender_id IN NUMBER)now I rewrite it as:
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    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for your help! Your question is what I am trying hard now. Current procedure can only display one picture per person, however, I am supposed to write a new procedure which displays multiple pictures for one person. When user click a button on report, APEX should call this procedure and returns next picture of the same person. The table is SOR_image. However, I rewrite the HTML expression as follows to test to display the second image.
    <img src="#OWNER#.Sor_Display_Current_Image?p_n_Offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#&p_n_image_Count=2" width="75" height="75"> The procedure code is complied OK as follows:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number) AS
        v_mime_type VARCHAR2(48);
        v_length NUMBER;
        v_name VARCHAR2(2000);
        v_image BLOB;
        v_counter number:=0;
        cursor cur_All_Images_of_Offender is
          SELECT 'IMAGE/JPEG' mime_type, dbms_lob.getlength(image) as image_length, image
          FROM sor_image
          WHERE offender_id = p_n_Offender_id;
        rec_Image_of_Offender cur_All_Images_of_Offender%ROWTYPE;
        open cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
          fetch cur_All_Images_of_Offender into rec_Image_of_Offender;
          if (v_counter=p_n_image_Count) then
            owa_util.mime_header(nvl(rec_Image_of_Offender.mime_type, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
            htp.p('Content-length: '||rec_Image_of_Offender.image_length);
            wpg_docload.download_file (rec_Image_of_Offender.image);
          end if;
          exit when ((cur_All_Images_of_Offender%NOTFOUND) or (v_counter>=p_n_image_Count));
        end loop;
        close cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
    END Sor_Display_Current_Image; The procedure just open a cursor to fetch the images belong to the same person, and use wpg_docload.download_file function to display the image specified. But it never works. It is strange because even I use exactly same code as before but change procedure name, Oracle APEX cannot display an image. Is this due to anything such as make file configuration in APEX?

  • Using procedure with multiple out variables in a query

    We have a procedure that is time-consuming, which returns 4 variables as out parameters:
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    I would like to use this in a query (or view), in the form
    select, val1, val2, val3, val4 from something s, product_table p
    where = p.idI have tried the following approach, but I am kinda stuck
    * define a type
    * define a table of this type
    * write a wrapper function that calls this procedure and returns the results as a table
    * pivot the table into columns
    * join this with the product table
    It feels like I am on the wrong track, i am having trouble to get the id from the product table back into the wrapper function.
    Is there a better approach to this? I am on oracle 10g

    Te below is my interpretation of what you asked to do. I don't really know that it is what you want to do or what you should do.
    CREATE TYPE prod_vals_def
    (VAL1      NUMBER,
      VAL2      NUMBER,
      VAL3      NUMBER,
      VAL4      NUMBER
    create or replace
    TYPE   prod_vals_tab
    AS TABLE OF prod_vals_def;
    CREATE FUNCTION pvals (p_prod_id  NUMBER)
    RETURN prod_vals_tab PIPELINED
      TYPE         ref0 IS REF CURSOR;
      cur0         ref0;
      out_rec      prod_vals_def
                := prod_vals_def(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
      -- CASE replacing SELECT against table I'm not going to create
      CASE p_prod_id
        WHEN 1 THEN
          out_rec.val1 := 1;
          out_rec.val2 := 2;
          out_rec.val3 := 3;
          out_rec.val4 := 4;
        WHEN 2 THEN
          out_rec.val1 := 2;
          out_rec.val2 := 3;
          out_rec.val3 := 4;
          out_rec.val4 := 5;
        WHEN 3 THEN
          out_rec.val1 := 3;
          out_rec.val2 := 4;
          out_rec.val3 := 5;
          out_rec.val4 := 6;
        WHEN 4 THEN
          out_rec.val1 := 4;
          out_rec.val2 := 5;
          out_rec.val3 := 6;
          out_rec.val4 := 7;
          out_rec.val1 := 0;
          out_rec.val2 := 0;
          out_rec.val3 := 0;
          out_rec.val4 := 0;
      END CASE;
      PIPE ROW(out_rec);
    END pvals;
    WITH s_tab AS
      (SELECT 1 AS prod_id FROM dual
       UNION ALL
       SELECT 2 AS prod_id FROM dual
       UNION ALL
       SELECT 3 AS prod_id FROM dual
       UNION ALL
       SELECT 4 AS prod_id FROM dual
    SELECT s.prod_id, p.val1, p.val2, p.val3, p.val4
    FROM   s_tab s,
           TABLE(pvals(s.prod_id)) p
    PROD_ID  VAL1     VAL2     VAL3     VAL4    
    1        1        2        3        4       
    2        2        3        4        5       
    3        3        4        5        6       
    4        4        5        6        7    

  • Stored Procedure With Multiple Result Sets As Report Source : Crosspost

    Hello Everyone,
    I have an issue where i have created a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets
    /* Input param = @SalesOrderID */
    SELECT * FROM Orders TB1
      INNER JOIN OrderDetails TB2 ON  TB1.ID = TB2.ID
    WHERE TB1.OrderID = @SalesOrderID
    SELECT * FROM Addresses
      WHERE Addresses.OrderID = @SalesOrderID AND Addresses.AddressType = 'Shipping'
    SELECT * FROM Addresses
      WHERE Addresses.OrderID = @SalesOrderID AND Addresses.AddressType = 'Billing'
    This is just a quick sample, the actual procedure is a lot more complex but this illustrates the theory.
    When I set the report source in Crystal X to the stored procedure it is only allowing me to add rows from the first result set.
    Is there any way to get around this issue?
    The reason that I would prefer to use a stored procedure to get all the data is simply performance. Without using one big stored procedure I would have to run at least 6 sub reports which is not acceptable because the number of sub reports could grow exponentially depending on the number of items for a particular sales order.
    Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.
        - Adam
    Sorry for the cross post, I originally posted this question [here|/community [original link is broken];
    but was informed that it might be the wrong forum
    Edited by: Adam Harris on Jul 30, 2008 9:44 PM

    Adam, apologies for the redirect, but it is better to have .NET posts in one place. That way anyone can search the forum for answers. (and I do not have the rights to move posts).
    Anyhow, as long as the report is created, you should be able to pass the datasets as:
    Of course alternatively, (not sure if this is possible in your environment) you could create a multi-table ADO .NET dataset and pass that to the report.

  • Procedure with multiple Loops and Insert into table

    Hello All,
    I am trying to create the Procedure to create a new table for our DWH.
    In this Case, I have 2 tables and I need to create Loop for each value from one table and get the respective data from second table based on first table data.
    Please find the below example:
    First table: TABLE_A
    X             Y              Z
    1              a              10
    1              b             abc
    1              c              xy
    1              e             $
    2              a              11
    2              c              asf
    2              d             tal
    2              f              ghs
    Second Table: TABLE_B
    A             B             C             D             E              F
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100
    10           jhy          xy           sd           ew          100
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs
    11           ght         afr          tal           ss            ghs
    O/P Table from Procedure: OUTPUT_TABLE
    A             B             C             D             E              F              X
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100         1
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs         2
    Business Logic In the Procedure:
                    -- First get the DISTINCT values from the TABLE_A to generate the Loop
                                    -- For Each ID get the Y ,Z values from TABLE_A other than $ in Z
                                                    SELECT Y, Z FROM TABLE_A WHERE X = ID.X AND Z <> '$' ;
                                                    Based on above SELECT statement, I need to construct dynamic SQL query to get the data from TABLE_B
                                                    SELECT * , ID.X AS X FROM TABLE_A WHERE [In this place I need generate sql cond dynamically. For Example, For X=1 in TABLE_A , the where cond must A=10 AND B='abc' AND C='xy'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For X=2 , the Where cond must be WHERE A=11 AND C='asf' AND D='tal' AND F='ghs']
                                                    -- I need to INSERT all the values from OP_EACH_ID into OUT_PUT_TABLE
                    END LOOP ;
    I am new to PL/SQL , so please help me on the above case.

    duplicate post

  • Stored procedure with multiple Reference Cursors

    In Sybase and SQLServer, result sets are returned to the application implicitly. Oracle emulates this by passing back weak reference cursors to the application through an IN OUT parameter.The number of reference cursors must match the number of results sets. For example, if 2 select statements are present in the stored procedure code, then 2 reference cursors are passed back.The Oracle Migration Workbench creates the correct number of reference cursors but assigns each select statement results to the first cursor created. Therefore only the last set of results are returned to the client.
    Before (SQLServer)
    CREATE PROCEDURE get_sch_associated_appointment_info (@piAcc_itn int) AS SELECT s.acc_itn, r.internal_key, r.mnemonic, r.descp, sh.start_dtime, sh.end_dtime FROM schdtl s, schdtlhdr sh, resource r WHERE s.acc_itn = @piAcc_itn and sh.acc_itn = @piAcc_itn and sh.resource_itn = r.internal_key SELECT sdcr.acc_itn, sdcr.rsch_dtime, sdcr.rsch_by_init, sdcr.rsch_code, sdcr.rsch_reason, sdcr.cncl_dtime, sdcr.cncl_by_init, sdcr.cncl_code, sdcr.cncl_reason, sdcr.prev_start_dtime, sdcr.prev_by_init FROM schdtl_canrsch sdcr WHERE sdcr.acc_itn = @piAcc_itn SELECT sdi.acc_itn, i.sched_notes, i.post_sched_notes, d.pre_sch_notes, d.post_sch_notes, i.detail_key, i.output_notes FROM schdtl_info sdi, extitem i, dept d WHERE sdi.acc_itn = @piAcc_itn and sdi.actual_dept = i.dept and sdi.actual_proc_no = i.proc_no and sdi.actual_dept = d.dept
    After (Migration Workbench) – Optional Section
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_sch_associated_appointment_info (piAcc_itn int, RC1 IN OUT Omwb_emulation.globalPkg.RCT1) AS OPEN RC1 SELECT s.acc_itn, r.internal_key, r.mnemonic, r.descp, sh.start_dtime, sh.end_dtime FROM schdtl s, schdtlhdr sh, resource r WHERE s.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sh.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sh.resource_itn = r.internal_key; OPEN RC1 SELECT sdcr.acc_itn, sdcr.rsch_dtime, sdcr.rsch_by_init, sdcr.rsch_code, sdcr.rsch_reason, sdcr.cncl_dtime, sdcr.cncl_by_init, sdcr.cncl_code, sdcr.cncl_reason, sdcr.prev_start_dtime, sdcr.prev_by_init FROM schdtl_canrsch sdcr WHERE sdcr.acc_itn = piAcc_itn; OPEN RC1 SELECT sdi.acc_itn, i.sched_notes, i.post_sched_notes, d.pre_sch_notes, d.post_sch_notes, i.detail_key, i.output_notes FROM schdtl_info sdi, extitem i, dept d WHERE sdi.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sdi.actual_dept = i.dept and sdi.actual_proc_no = i.proc_no and sdi.actual_dept = d.dept;
    After (Manual Change)
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_sch_associated_appointment_info (piAcc_itn int, RC1 IN OUT Omwb_emulation.globalPkg.RCT1, RC2 IN OUT Omwb_emulation.globalPkg.RCT1, RC3 IN OUT Omwb_emulation.globalPkg.RCT1) AS OPEN RC1 SELECT s.acc_itn, r.internal_key, r.mnemonic, r.descp, sh.start_dtime, sh.end_dtime FROM schdtl s, schdtlhdr sh, resource r WHERE s.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sh.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sh.resource_itn = r.internal_key; OPEN RC2 SELECT sdcr.acc_itn, sdcr.rsch_dtime, sdcr.rsch_by_init, sdcr.rsch_code, sdcr.rsch_reason, sdcr.cncl_dtime, sdcr.cncl_by_init, sdcr.cncl_code, sdcr.cncl_reason, sdcr.prev_start_dtime, sdcr.prev_by_init FROM schdtl_canrsch sdcr WHERE sdcr.acc_itn = piAcc_itn; OPEN RC3 SELECT sdi.acc_itn, i.sched_notes, i.post_sched_notes, d.pre_sch_notes, d.post_sch_notes, i.detail_key, i.output_notes FROM schdtl_info sdi, extitem i, dept d WHERE sdi.acc_itn = piAcc_itn and sdi.actual_dept = i.dept and sdi.actual_proc_no = i.proc_no and sdi.actual_dept = d.dept;

    I believe you are using .NET(?). If that is the case, please post this query to the .NET Development - Crystal Reports  forum:
    SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio
    That forum is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there.
    Thank you for your understanding,

  • Database procedure with IN/OUT parameters

    I have a procedure with multiple OUT parameters,
    but I do not know how to get the values of these out parameters in the calling procedure.
    What I mean is I can simply get the value of a function from a calling procedure as:-
    val1 number;
    val1 := func_get_num;
    How can I get the values of OUT parameters of a procedure in a similar way?

    SQL> var ename_v varchar2(30);
    SQL> var empno_v number;
    SQL> create or replace procedure get_employee(empno out number, ename out varchar)
      2  as
      3  begin
      4     select empno, ename into empno, ename from emp where rownum <=1;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.51
    SQL> exec get_employee(:empno_v, :ename_v);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.12
    SQL> print empno_v
    SQL> print ename_v;

  • Managed metadata columns in document information panel with multiple content types

    Hi everyone,
    The problem I have is that for custom content types not all managed metadata columns are displayed in Document Information Panel (DIP) for the document in the Office client application. 
    However, everything works fine with 1 specific content type. Even though the others using exactly the same site columns. The content types are deployed using visual studio to the content type hub, and after this the content types are correctly published to
    the site collections, there are no publish issues here. 
    When I create a document based on the second content type in the same library, all fields are showed in the document information panel, except the managed metadata columns.
    Detailed explanation:
    Library: procedures
    Content types:
    - simple procedure (with 4 managed metadata fields and some other text fields)
    - procedure with approval (with the same 4 managed metadata fields and some other text fields)
    Scenario 1: I add the 'simple procedure' content type to the procedures library as only content type. Everything works fine, and all fields show correctly in the document information panel in Word.
    Scenario 2: I add the 'procedure with approval' content type to the procedures library as only content type. Everything works fine, and all fields show correctly in the document information panel in Word.
    Scenario 3: I add the 'simple procedure' and 'procedure with approval' content types to the document library procedures (added simple procedure first). When I create a new document based on the 'simple procedure'
    content type, everything works fine and he shows all metadata fields. When I add a new document based on the 'procedure with approval' content type, the document information panel shows correctly, except all managed metadata fields. These are not visible at
    all. Though they worked perfectly in scenario 1 and 2.
    Is this a known issue or is there a workaround for this? 
    Thanks in advance! 
    Kind regards, Davy

    This problem is solved right now.
    My issue was that I'm using custom content types deployed by Visual Studio in the content type hub. To create a managed metadata site column in visual studio, you need to have first of all your managed metadata field, but also a hidden field accompagnied
    to make the actual mapping like the example below:
    <Field ID="{B654D984-187A-471B-8738-F08F3356CFDA}"
    <Value xmlns:q6="" p4:type="q6:string" xmlns:p4="">{67308AC2-9556-456B-BF9E-43E8F23EBEE6}</Value>
    <Field Type="Note"
    VERY important here is that when you create your content type using visual studio, you not only have to add the managed metadata site column in your xml (which let the content type work already perfectly) but also add the hidden field to your content type
    xml !! This way, SharePoint knows that when you have multiple content types with the same site columns in the same library, the second content type also need to get the hidden field from this site columns like in the example below!
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
    <!-- Parent ContentType: Document (0x0101) -->;
    <ContentType ID="0x010100571ebc0f478a49d5a775039347ee1535"
    Name="Document Location"
    Description="A content type containing Managed Metadata Column."
    <FieldRef ID="{B654D984-187A-471B-8738-F08F3356CFDA}" Name="Countries"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{67308AC2-9556-456B-BF9E-43E8F23EBEE6}" Name="CountriesTaxHTField0"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{f3b0adf9-c1a2-4b02-920d-943fba4b3611}" Name="TaxCatchAll"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{8f6b6dd8-9357-4019-8172-966fcd502ed2}" Name="TaxCatchAllLabel"/>
    I'm very happy I found this solution, because in the whole project i'm implementing, this was used a lot!
    Special thanks to the blog of @cann0nf0dder ( which let me think about this! 
    This ticket is answered now! :-)
    Kind regards,

  • Single step workflow with multiple approvers (without using a group)

    is it possible to have a single step workflow with multiple approvers without using a group? This is for a contract document.
    i want to add a number of users based on particular logic. The approvers are random and do not belong to any particular group.
    DO let me know if it is possible or if any of you have done that.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Rubio,
    I believe the behavior would be, if individual users are added as approvers then the system would require each approver to approve the document. However, if you use the user group, you could set the role so that it would be either ALL or ANY.

  • PO Error in Process with Multiple account assignment

    Hi ,
    I am working with Extended Classsic scenario.
    Problem is with PO with Multiple account assignement.
    There is only one user who is getting problem with one particular account assignement "CCC" - Cost Center RP.. . When PO gets created with this particular AAC , it goes into "Error in process" only for one user.
    In RZ20 it shows messsage as "Please enter quantity or percentage for account assignment" & "Distr. ind. and partial invoice ind. must be set f or multi acct. assgt.".
    On other hand , other users are able to order the PO with the same AAC without any error.
    What could be the reason behind this only for one user ?

    Hi ,
    I have checked it intially and both are identical.
    Initialy the problem was, user had entered 128 times AA line items  ( added & deleted ) in the PO while in the SC it was having only 64.... Our system accepts line items till 99 , so i asked him to delete the items above 99 ..
    So after that POs error has gone and it went for approval..
    But after approval it again went into error in process

  • The specified user could not be found - ADFS with multiple realms

    I am using a single trusted identity token issuer (ADFS 2.0) with multiple realms for different sites (urn:sharepoint:int-site1 and urn:sharepoint:int-site2).  I added my provider to both sites through central administration and the first site works
    fine and allows my external user to authenticate.  The second site gives me an access denied page (which I expected) and asks that I request access.  When I submit the request for access I get an error message back stating "The
    specified user [email protected] could not be found".  What could I be missing?

    Hi Drew,
    According to your description. My understanding is that you encountered the error "The specified user [email protected] could not be found“ when you try to login the second site. For resolving your
    issue ,please take steps as below:
    1.Go to site settings->Site Permissions->Access Request Settings.
    2.Check  the access request send to whom, whether he approve your access request, before you logon.
    Please inform me freely if you have any questions.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Release procedure with out classification

    after making proper settings in the 'release procedure with out classification', when i try to create a puchase requisation by ME51N to test the working of release procedure ,i'm not getting check boxes of approval levels.
    please guide

    did u took the pur grp as the chrecteristic for release
    if yes then put the value of pur grp in release strategy
    plz check ur release strategy as per follows

  • Procedure with OUT Parameters - Creating A Report

    I have the following procedure that is used in our internal (non-APEX) apps:
    PROCEDURE SelIssueActivityPublic (
                                                p_results           OUT     SYS_REFCURSOR,
                                                p_IssueID                    IN     ems.issue.issue_id%TYPE,
                                                p_TransactionID         OUT VARCHAR2
                 ) The body of the procedure does a bunch of processing, and inserts data into a staging table. The cursor OUT parameter then returns a SELECT statement from the staging table. Since it's possible for this procedure to be hit multiple times (multiple users), the transaction ID is used to match the data in the staging table to the correct request. The procedure then deletes the data from the staging table. (I'll post it if necessary, but it's quite long, and since it's used in other applications successfully, I don't believe it's relevant to my issue.)
    I have been asked to create an APEX report of the data generated by the procedure. I've never used a procedure with an OUT parameter to set up a report. I was hoping to assign the transaction ID to a hidden variable on page load, and then using it to poplulate the report. I'm not interested in the cursor OUT parameter, I've written my own SELECT statement to grab data from the staging table.
    I tried to create a page computation that did this - item :H_P19_TRANSID, Before Header, computation = EMS.EMS_READER.SelIssueActivityPublic(:H_P19_CURSOR, 454551, :H_P19_TRANSID) [454551 is a test issue id], but I get the following error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 43: PLS-00222: no function with name 'SELISSUEACTIVITYPUBLIC' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored flowComp=H_P19_TRANSID
    Error ERR-1030 Error executing computation expression. It seems to be thinking that SelIssueActivityPublic is a function, and I'm not sure why.
    Basically I need to know how to use this existing procedure to set up my report. Once I can get the transaction ID into a page item, I'll be set.

    I never got a chance to finish this report, as I was shuffled to something else with a higher priority. Now that I'm coming back to it, I still have a few issues.
    I created a new function that does all the processing (inserting into the staging table etc.), and returns the transaction id. I then tried to set up a page computation on a hidden item to run this function and store the transaction id.
    In the computation, if I put
    reader.SelIssueActivityPubnocursor(:H_P19_ISSUEID); as the computation, I get ORA-06503: PL/SQL: Function returned without value flowComp=H_P19_TRANSACTIONID as an error. If I put return return reader.SelIssueActivityPubnocursor(:H_P19_ISSUEID); as the computation, I get ORA-06550: line 1, column 50: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "EMS" when expecting one of the following: . ( * @ % & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2 like4 likec between || multiset member submultiset The symbol "." was substituted for "EMS" to continue. flowComp=H_P19_TRANSACTIONID as the error. Can someone tell me what's going wrong?

  • Report with multiple Detail Area

    Hi All,
    Please see the Report pointed to the link below:
    [Report with multiple Detail Area|]
    Some Explanations:
    (1) The line with "ABCDEFGH..." is variable data coming from the database in the Detail Area
    (2) The lines with "WBLNX'" "123, 123.12", 
       are variable data associated with the same Heading: "ABCDEFGH..."
    (2b) There can be multiple lines of data in the detail area (i.e. 1 or more "ABCDEFGH..." and the associated WBLNX and numbers...)
    (3) Item Code Descriptions ==> is a Header Info
    (4) ARL ... and FPHI... ==> are variable data and lines in these area can be 1 line; it can be 4 lines; it can be 10 lines...
    (5) Lines FROM "Artwork Procedures..." to the the end of the page are static.
    How do I best design these Report with the multiple detail areas? Again, please see link of the Report above...
    Thanks and Best regards,

    Hi Felix
    You can place the less detailed fields in the regular sections of the report and wherever you require multiple lines you can use the subreports.
    Hope this helps.

  • Executing a stored procedure containing multiple Select statements

    Post Author: Beverly
    CA Forum: General
    I am using Crystal  10.0 against a MS SQL 2000 server.
    I am trying to create a report based on a stored procedure that contains multiple select statements.  The sp requires a single parameter (Claim number) and contains 17 Select statements that produce results.
    I am able to use the Add command and execute the sp with the parameter, but I am only getting the results of the first select statement in the sp back in my data set.  Is there a way to have the data from each Select statement returned to my report?
    I have used Crystal for a while, but pretty much for straight-forward reporting.  I am familiar with the basics of SQL.
    I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.

    Post Author: BISoftware
    CA Forum: General
    I believe Crystal Reports can only handle one recordset at a time, which means it can only handle a single select statement.  The only way I can see around this would be to break up your stored procedure into multiple stored procedures, so that each only contains a single select statement.  Then, use subreports to report on each individual sp. Hope this helps. -

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