Apps close spontaneously with iPad 1

Apps close spontaneously with iPad 1.
We have about 50 iPad1 and I have about 25 reports.
even after all the updates and full restore of the iPad closing apps like safari and mail while working out. For example during Powerpoint presentations really annoying.
How can I fix this?

How much free/available storage space is on the iPads. If almost full, may cause this.
Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
 Cheers, Tom

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    Also close all apps in the multi-task window
    1.Double-click the Home button.
    2. Swipe the app's preview up to close it.
    3. Preview will fly off the screen.

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    You just click on the iPad while connected to itunes, then click on the apps menu on the iPad in iTunes and you can select deselect which apps are synced. It has a drop down on the apps page to let you sort by date, device type, etc. There is also an option that prevents autosyncing of new apps.

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    Hi mmarenyi
    In short it impossible to send emails from Apple's mail from an account that is not added through settings.
    To provide some advice rather than adding the account due the amount of emails - I would suggest getting the Gmail app from the App store which will allow you to fetch your emails from your iPad without getting them in Apple's mail. If the other work email address is a common one such as: hotmail, gmail, big pond, yahoo ect, see if there is an app to download. Most email companies now have apps on the App store for download. You could if your work email does not have an app simply pick up your emails through safari.
    I am assuming that your iPad is using iOS 7 or later, however these instructions will work for iOS 5 or later.
    To get the Gmail app:
              1.          Go to the App store
              2.          Search for Gmail
              3.          Click on the free button
              4.          Wait for it to download
              5.          Put in your email and password
              6.          Then you will be able to access your gmail account without using Apple's mail
    Enjoy and Many Thanks
    iBenjamin Crowley

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    Photo App will give you access to all albums as set in settings\Photo
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    Slideshow timings is under Settings\Photo

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    Also reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

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    You can't.
    If its not a universal app, you are stuck with the phone version unless you buy the HD version.
    Look for the 2x button on the screen with app open.

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    problem over
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    1. Double-click the Home button to reveal Task Bar at bottom
    2. Hold the Music app down for a second or two until you see the minus sign
    3. Tap the minus sign to close app
    4. Re-launch the app and test
    Note: If necessary close all apps in the Task Bar

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    Click the Home button once to display your Home Screens. Double click the Home button. That should display your open apps at the bottom of the screen. Press one of those icons until they wiggle and a red dot with an "x" appears appears on each icon. Press the red dot to close down each app. Press the Home button when all apps are closed. You may need to press the Home button again to get back to the normal Home Screen display.

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    Yes, you should get an email if somebody replies to a thread you started or one to which you posted. I did; that's how I knew you had replied. Check up at the top of the right column of this thread. In the "Actions" box you should find "Stop email notifications" if you are subscribed to this thread.
    One step you didn't list among HP's suggestions is a compound action: delete the app, reset the iPad (by holding down the home and start buttons together for ten seconds), then reinstall the app and test it. If it still falls over, I would say the HP app has not kept up with iOS changes and needs updating -- OR your iPad has developed some persistent internal corruption in its photo storage that only the HP app trips over (in which case, the app still needs updating, but it's going to be much harder for HP to determine how).

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    I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting my IPad to iCloud with no luck.. However I cloud happens to show the correct/updated email address.
    Does anyone know how to resolve this?

    Did you change the email for the Apple ID or did you create a new Apple ID? A new Apple ID cannot be used with content that was bought using a different Apple ID.
    Changing the email address you use for your Apple ID -

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