Apps "Hiding" Themselves

I've been dealing with this for a while. It's been happening more frequently as of late. I'm working in one space and I click a dock icon for a app in another space. Not only am I not switched to space of that app automatically, but when I switch the space manually there is nothing there. I navigate through the rest of my spaces to find that there are no apps shown. I right click on the icons of these "hidden" apps to find that the Hide option is still available. The app doesn't reappear until I "hide" and show it. I have to repeat this for all of the open apps. Why would I have to hide apps that I can't see? I hope everyone can follow this. What is causing this problem? What can I do to fix it?

Garry Bradley wrote:
I know this is only the first incarnation of Leopard so I'm not going to be scathing. It's up to us to make things better so if I've uncovered an OS glitch all the better for the next version. It could be a 3rd party plug-in somewhere who knows.
Not annoyed, just frustrated. Apple forever.
Hi garry,
thats what I am thinking too. It must be a third party plug in , which gives you a bad time. I have installed ( with archive & install ) 10.5 on 3 Macs - 2 / MBP's and 1 / G5 Powermac - on all three everything - everything is going fine - as promised by Apple.
All of these systems ( 10.4.10) were quite the same ..etc...
So - sorry for ya - but I guess somehow it will turn out right for ya too..
i've heard today ( in a german macnewspaper) that 10.5.1 is already in progress and will adress some major issues for the people who had "bad luck"..
All my best!
Message was edited by: Dirk

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    Go to Solution.

    put all apps in the menu bar and then reboot
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    That happens for me as well, I assume that it's a bug. You should be able to hide them via your computer's iTunes (and they should then stay unhidden) : click on your name towards the top right of your iTunes, and then click Purchased on the popup :
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    all you need is ... it work for me 100%

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    enable button "Install drivers"
    end if
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    You could try something like this:
    set exists_ to driverInstalled("/usr/share/cups/model/2100.ppd")
    if exists_ then
    set enabled of button "installButton" of window "main" to false
    end if
    -- OR --
    if exists_ then
    set hidden of button "installButton" of window "main" to true
    end if
    on driverInstalled(thePOSIXPath)
    set thePath to ((thePOSIXPath as POSIX file) as alias)
    return true
    on error
    return false
    end try
    end driverInstalled
    You could try either of those options, though the hidden option is only available in OS X 10.3 and later. Also, I've only guessed at the syntax, since I moved on from AppleScript Studio to Objective C a while ago. This script assumes that you have a window whose AppleScript name is "main" and directly in it is a button whose AppleScript name is "installButton".
    Hope this helps....
    Dual 2.7GHz PowerPC G5 w/ 2.5 GB RAM; 17" MacBook Pro w/ 2 GB RAM -   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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