Architecture purity vs. Resource access optimization

I'm working on a rather complex application with a number of pattern implementations like DAO and Service, but I'm not an experienced developer, so I often find myself in situation, when I can't decide, whether to pursue more strict pattern implementation, or break it in favour of resource access optimization.
For instance, if I have an object which is stored in database, or a JCR repository, it'd be nice to have a DAO+DTO and use and dto = DAO.load() to load and modify the object. However, in many cases it's just one property of the object that needs to be modified, so I have methods like DAO.updateSomeValueOf(dto). I don't like those methods very much (:
So I'm wondering, are there some sort of articles or best practices explained to read on the web, (or even in a dead-tree form) to understand this problem better and don't feel so bad each time a DAO has to be modified?

s.p. wrote:
Yes, you're most probably right. This is something I'm doing following an advice from a senior developer ("it's best to have the least number of database queries in almost all cases"), though now I'm actually thinking this is exactly what's called "premature optimization" (if it is in fact an optimization).
What does that have to do with your original statement though?
Say you have a customer and want to update the address and only the address (street).
The choices are write the entire customer record or write just the address.
In both cases there is one write. Only one.
Conversely say you want to update the address and zip code.
The choices are
1. Write the entire customer record
2. Write the address and zip
3. Write the address then the zip
Then 3 requires 2 writes. Thus not as good as 1/2.
However, all of the above is completely moot. It does not in fact matter if you did do 3. The reason is simple - there is no business case where you are going to be updating (versus creating) customers in such volumes that this would ever have any impact even in a business with a huge (millions) of customers.
Conversely that doesn't mean that you should ignore the implications. There can certainly be cases where minimizes writes is a good idea.
Of course none of this addresses queries rather than writes either. Most businesses will do far more queries than writes. Some businesses (think google) do vastly more queries than writes. Probably really not a good idea to query the name, then query the address, then query the street. However in some cases even then separate queries are good ideas. For example if you query a customer you would not want to query all of the orders for the customer even though you know that the next query will in fact want a order (but only one.)

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    is most likely for logging into RD Web - icons shows up).
    user "DOMAIN\testuser", on client computer "10.x.x.x", did not meet resource authorization policy requirements and was therefore not authorized to resource"localhost".
    The following error occurred: "23002".  (This
    is after clicking on any of the icons).
    think the Android MS RDP client is providing the incorrect resource.  It shouldn't be "localhost".
     It should be the RD Connection Broker's hostname, I believe.
    what it should look like (connected using a Windows PC going through the RD Web portal via Internet Explorer):
    The user "DOMAIN\testuser", on client computer "10.x.x.x",
    met connection authorization policy requirements and was therefore authorized to access the RD Gateway server. The following authentication method was used: "NTLM".
    The user "DOMAIN\testuser", on client computer "10.x.x.x",
    met resource authorization policy requirements and was therefore authorized to connect to resource "".
    The user "DOMAIN\testuser", on client computer "10.x.x.x",
    connected to resource "".

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    Connect info is passed when making the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT call. No changes to Reports is needed. The only requirement is that both Forms and Reports have SSO enabled. The same information used to connect to Forms will be used to connect to Reports.
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    Hello Folks,
    This issue is solved.
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    Do you agree?
    Kind regards,

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    2. Resource (e.g. /QuickCarRental)
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    This is only available for NetWeaver Portal, not NetWeaver Application Server(WebAS). host and port can be obtained using the following code:
                   Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[3];
                   callbacks[0] = new NameCallback("UserId: ");
                   callbacks[1] = new PasswordCallback("Password: ", false);
                   // get host name and port
                   HttpGetterCallback getterCallback = new HttpGetterCallback();
                   callbacks[2] = getterCallback;
                   try {
                   } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new LoginException(ex + "");
                   Object retValue = ((HttpGetterCallback)callbacks[2]).getValue(); //get host
    host and port will be returned in the following format SERVER.COMPANY.COM:50000
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    Hi all,
    My requirement is order need to be scheduled on all alternate resource... and also it will adhere product sequence...
    I have given cost as follows in optimization profile..
    Make span=100
    Setup cost=60
    Mode cost=25
    Cost and time i have maintained in setup matrix.
    In the cost tab of optimization profile i have given A=10,B=100 as variable and 100,200 in fixed column..
    Product sequence is some how adhering..but order is not going to alternate resource....

    Hi Pradeepta,
    I Believe, that might be u r observation.
    To achieve the required scenario which you have given, plz follow the below steps
    1. Plz check whether u have defined mode priority in PDS or not. If not plz define.
    2. After maintaining do new explosion of transaction data
    3. Plz maintain the weights in basic settings of optimization profile as "make span = 0", Total setup time = 50, Total mode cost = 70,
    4. In Cost tab maintain fixed mode cost as A = 10, B = 12, C = 14 etc (In multiples of 2)
    When you try this example ensure that u have 1 and half day load & give scheduling horizon as 1 day while optimization for the resources A, B & C.
    System will schedule on Primary resource A first then it willl schedule on alternate resource B. If resource B is also full then only it schedule on resource C.
    Note: If you define make span, then system will thing that you want to produce ASAP and results will be accordingly. make span has no relation with mode priority.
    Sravan Maturu

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    Sorry, I solved myself...
    I forgot to put:
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib
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    third answer is: _www

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    How can I from a SQL stmt, measure the number of cpu per call ? I cannot guess this value otherwise if wrong the SQL stmt will fail evry time!
    I'm on 10g, windows server 2003
    Thank for your help

    You can see that information at sql_trace files.
    Turn on traces in session using
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    SQL> exec dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(SID, SERIAL#, TRUE) -- to another session
    After stmt executes make a plain text by tkprof tool
    # tkprof xxx.trc xxx.txt explain=user/pass aggregate=no
    The file xxx.txt mensures the CPU per call for stmts ... the option aggregate=no it's mandatory if you execute more than 1 binded sql statement
    Marcio Paiva

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