Archive formats

Does anyone know the best format to store video on an external HD? IMovie project takes a lot of memory but img can't be edited without ripping & losing a generation. There must be a format that allows the maximum flexibility but most importantly maintains the best quality for the longest time. Also, is transferring VHS tapes to digital best done by recording on a digital camcorder?

Thanks for the responses so far guys. Yes - I was talking about saving edited sequences. The reason why I started to archive uncompressed 10bit files, is simply because when I compared them to saved .mov files in DV or HDV format, they always looked better. I know it doesn't make sense, but to my untrained eye, that's just how things worked out. I'll give the ProRes format a try to see how that looks in comparison to uncompressed.
Also - I do have the original tapes as my actual archive. This is more a way for me to save the edited sequence so that I can view them as quicktime movies on any of my machines, even those without FCP installed (which is why I avoid saving the FCP project/raw capture files as an archive). Once I mark a project as "complete" I never go back to it in FCP, so an "archived" quicktime movie of my edited sequences is a great archive medium for me.
Thanks for any additional insight.

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   =>  (0x00007fffc9bff000)
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    > sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/sync/
    > pacman -Syuf
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    Server =$arch
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    Last edited by lasombra (2013-03-04 19:22:25)

    The server has changed so all you need to do is replacing "" with "".

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    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 37622 2009-02-23 11:18 openssh-5.2p1/
    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 5545 2006-08-31 03:24 openssh-5.2p1/CREDITS
    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 60889 2009-02-23 11:12 openssh-5.2p1/ChangeLog
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    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 6718 2006-08-05 12:39 openssh-5.2p1/OVERVIEW
    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 9504 2009-02-14 18:00 openssh-5.2p1/PROTOCOL
    -rw-r--r-- djm/djm 16760 2008-07-02 22:35 openssh-5.2p1/PROTOCOL.agent

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    Hi Arti,
    The scenario is as follows: we have a common data model in use, and all new-defined services should adhere to this model. Besides the data model we also have Naming rules for our services, operations etc.
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    Best regards, Fred

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    Changing this parameter means oracle recoverer will be looking by default the current Archivelog dest/ Archive log format sequence file. If it is not successful in finding it where expected a dialog starts with the dba so he provides an alternate path/name where smon can find archivelog files.
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    ~ Madrid.

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    Hard drives are OK; they're cheap enough these days were you can make a duplicate or two, which should be standard practice anyway.
    LTO tape is probably one of the best archive mediums available right now. The tape itself is dirt-cheap (the drives--not so much) and stores a huge amount of data. Considering that the technology was developed for the financial industry, it's pretty bombproof.

  • FCP Archive Formats

    When you complete a project in FCP, what do you use as the "Archive" format for your sequences, aside from the original tapes (I primarily shoot in DV, but am just now moving to HDV)? I've gotten accustomed to exporting a 10Bit uncompressed SD version of each of my main clips, and I keep these for as long as I can. Obviously since I don't have a huge quantity of work, I can get away with uncompressed .mov files. I'm curious to hear what everyone else does? What are the highest quality formats that can be exported from FCP and played in quicktime? I'd like to find a happy medium between DV and 10bit Uncompressed that will save me some disk space, but still give me quality that is equal to or close to the uncompressed files that I'm exporting now. With my switch to HDV, I'm guessing the file size increase is going to be more and more of a limiting factor for me regarding 10bit uncompressed files.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the responses so far guys. Yes - I was talking about saving edited sequences. The reason why I started to archive uncompressed 10bit files, is simply because when I compared them to saved .mov files in DV or HDV format, they always looked better. I know it doesn't make sense, but to my untrained eye, that's just how things worked out. I'll give the ProRes format a try to see how that looks in comparison to uncompressed.
    Also - I do have the original tapes as my actual archive. This is more a way for me to save the edited sequence so that I can view them as quicktime movies on any of my machines, even those without FCP installed (which is why I avoid saving the FCP project/raw capture files as an archive). Once I mark a project as "complete" I never go back to it in FCP, so an "archived" quicktime movie of my edited sequences is a great archive medium for me.
    Thanks for any additional insight.

  • DVD Production/Compressor/Archiving - Format?

    I've spent a significant amount of time in the last few days on the boards, trying to come up with an answer for this... And while I'm much more educated, I haven't found someone with the exact answer.
    The quick background... We are new to FCP and DVDSP by about 4 months. We are a public school channel, producing video about the good things going on in the district. Our features are mostly short, 2-3 mins, with some longer applications. We had been using an avid, playing in real time to a Canopus Amber card in another PC. The file this would make would be a MPEG-2 that we send to our MVP-2000 to air. We were also able to use this file to burn to DVD using Nero (NOT my choice, but it was easy, and all we had), and for archival purposes
    With our new G5, we are starting to use it for DVD produciton. DVD studio Pro is MUCH better than Nero.
    Yet, I'm having a hard time grasping what I need to do to make the video look good. From FCP, I went to Compressor, and chose the "Best Quality, DVD 90 mins" setting. This gave my settings VBR two pass, Avg. 6.2, Max 7.7, Best motion estimation. The result? Crap. A lot of artifacting.
    This seems pretty consistent with what I'm reading in other user's experiences. So I tried some settings, and the best one I found was using compressor to do a One Pass, 7.2 bit rate, GOP 7, Best motion estimation.
    Yet, this setting is only video, then I have another for audio (obviously...) So I have two files in the end. Not a big deal for DVD production. And they are relatively small, both files totaling about 130 MB for three-ish mins.
    I also tried to avoid compressor, using Export-Quicktime Movie in Final Cut. Then, in DVD SP, telling the encoder to use One pass, 7.2, Best motion estimation. This setting also appeared to work well. And it is nice because I have a quicktime movie file that I can use for multiple things. I can send it to air, I can send it to DVD and DVD SP encodes it properly, AND I can archive the file to disc, AND if I drop it right back into FCP, it's right there, no rendering or anything. Yet, the file is nearly 3 times the size, just under 400MB. Obviously because it's uncompressed.
    SO........ My question becomes... Is there anyone out there with a similar workflow? I like having the quicktime file, simply because there is then ONE file that I have to deal with, and ONE version can do multiple things. Yet, the file size is rather large, and if we do anything longer than a few minutes, that's gonna be one big file...
    Suggestions on how to export from FCP into a format that will work for these different applications?
    Thanks everyone... Hope I've explained my situation thoroughly enough....

    Right about the separate tracks. The nice thing is about the QT file, is that DVD SP separates that out for me, and I kinda like that.
    Good to know about DVD SP having a tendancy to crash. I haven't seen it do this yet, but good to know it's out there.
    Yea, I see there is a lot more control in compressor than DVD SP. Yet, if I can do a simple QT movie and have DVD SP encode it, it helps my workflow a bit, only having one step to encode for archive, DVD, and air.
    So let me ask this... The reason I like having one file to "do it all" is because it seems to make it easy. Encoding with the canopus before, we would have that MPEG file on our PC, and we could archive those to CD every so often. If someone comes back to us in a few months and says "Hey, can I get a DVD of that Show Choir performance", I have most likely ditched the media from my drive. So all I have to do is open my database to find the CD it's on, get that disc, and import the file back onto the computer, and burn using Nero, and it's finished.
    Keep in mind that we don't burn a copy of every performance/story to it's own DVD. If we did that, and someone wanted a copy in 3 months, we could just dub that disc. Yet, we don't do that because we will get requests for certain stories to be on the same disc.
    We also archive everything we do to full size DV CAM tapes. So, yes, we could re-import the finsihed video when someone wants a copy of something, but why do that if we can already have a digital file (Our MPEG file) on a CD already.
    So, I suppose my question becomes... If I want to stay using the same workflow of having one file to work with, do I just have to get used to the fact that my QT files will be huge? Or is there a way in File-Export-Using QT conversion that I can shrink that file by half or two thirds and not loose a lot of quality?
    Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

  • archive format

    What format is the exported archive with -cmd archive?
    I want to check this in and source control the extracts. Need in xml or text format.

    It is a kind of compressed file.
    for more check
    If helps mark


    My customer is concerned about compliancy and has asked a few questions regarding the MARS database and archive. Does MARS put his own timestamp on all raw events? Is the database format published anywhere? For whatever regards the archive; are the events stored in their original format or are they manipulated in any fashion (apart from being compressed)?
    Thanks, Joe

    If you want the above code to work as per ur reqmt, then follow the below code. I thought u will do all the String functions...
    As I said earlier, while creating UDF create it with single input argument.
    Now Double click on the CurrentDate(standard function) and give the format that looks like
    ddMMyyyy HH-mm-ss
    Now your mapping must look like
    CurrentDate - UDF-Rootnode of target.
    //Let consider ur input argument name is input_date
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
    java.util.Date d= new java.util.Date();
    int dt = d.getDate();
    String fname = conf.get(key);
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fname,".");
    String ret = st.nextToken()"_Price" input_date"."st.nextToken();
    return " ";
    I hope it helps u now!!

  • Toshina External Hard Drive backup files in "archive" format

    Hello. I had an issue with my Acer Aspire 7739z-4605 laptop so I backed up all my infomration on that C drive to the Toshiba Canvio External hard drive I just purchased. I connect my external hard drive via usb to my new computer that I want to import my backed up files onto. However, when I go to my external hard drive on this computer this is exactly what I see:
    My backed up files are in this unknown format and obviously not in their original state. Is there a certain program I need to download on my new computer so that these files can be read and opened properly?
    Thank you.

    You have apparently used some program to write to the external drive. You'll need to use the same program to restore from the backup.
    If you used a program that came with the drive, it might be NTI BackupNow EZ software. Can't hurt to give it a try.
       Toshiba Portable USB Hard Drive Software Installer for Windows

  • Best Video Archive Format?

    This is my first post ever - I am using a MBPr 10.8.2. 
    I am in the process of copying all our VHS, 8mmHS, and miniDV tapes to DVD using a VHS/DVD recorder that also allows you to hook up the cameras and record to the DVD.
    After I do that, I copy the files (VIDEO_TS) to my computer and an EHD.  I have Steamclip and understand that I drag the VIDEO_TS folder to Steamclip.
    That is where I have questions - What settings do I choose to get the best quality and long term access to that conversion?  These are precious (irreplaceable) videos of my wedding, my children as babies/children and footage of family members that are either now gone or won't be with us much longer.  I want to do everything I can to keep this footage safe, hight quality and accessable for many years.
    What format meets those qualifications? 
    Thanks a bunch,

    I have no experience with the iGrabber so I can't comment one way or the other. The Amazon comments might be useful.
    The EyeTV Hybrid is the one I have used.
    Here is a link. ml
    It is a little more expensive because it allows your Mac to receive TV signals through a rabbit ears antenna as well. I think EyeTV makes a version without the TV capability just for video capture, but I have not had any personal experience with it.
    Here is the video capture product.
    Here is a sample of the quality I am getting through the EyeTV Hybrid.

  • AVCHD - best archive format?

    I've been experimenting with the Log and Transfer process in FCE 4 with a Canon HG10. The resulting Apple Intermediate Codec isn't so hot in my mind, and I'd like to export out captured footage to something for use later on - in FCE or iMovie. What would you suggest for full resolution HD (1920x1080)?

    Where are you looking at your video? The Canvas is a low resolution display to optimize playback of multiple tracks of high data rate media. H.264 is a very good codec but has nothing to do with AIC or HD per se. To see your material at full resolution you either need to display it on an HD monitor or on a HD display, both of which require hardware support. To see you media closest to full resolution n a computer screen, set your canvas to 100% and play it back at full size. Bear in mind your media is 1080 interlaced. It's designed for display on an interlaced delivery system, i.e. a television set, not a computer.
    Just to add: Pinnacle Liquid as always been an MPEG-2 based editing system, which none of Apple's products have ever been. The use of MPEG-2 by camera manufacturers has created huge problems for professional editing system. The Pinnacle solution works but is problematic at best because of the intraframe MPEG format that it's based on. Any real-time system based on MPEG will have issues, as can be seen in Apple's real-time HDV configurations. The same applies to Liquid and its implementation of AVCHD.
    Message was edited by: Tom Wolsky

  • I've send from Lightroom 5 photos in Jpeg format to my desktop that arrive as Archive and I'm unable to do anything with the photos.  I want to put them in a folder but can't. It seems problem is in them being in 'archive'.  Any suggestions?

    I've exported photos from Lightroom 5 from my laptop to my wife's desktop.  The photos arrive as Archive and she's unable to do anything with them, such as catalog them in an IPhoto folder with other photos.  Is there an adjustment I need to make when exporting from Lightroom 5 so we can avoid this problem? Thank you.

    Sorry - this is the iPhoto for Mac support forum - Your question does not involve iPhtoo for the Mac in any way - you need to contact Adobe or use an Adobe LR support forum for LR support
    Afar as iPhoto is concerned it can import JPEGs and TIFFs - plus a few others - I have no idea what an archive format is and neither does iPhoto
    File Formats
    Native RAW import and editing of images from leading digital cameras and camera backs
    (See RAW support page for model listing.)
    .ARW, .CR2, .CRW, .MOS, .NEF, .RAF, .RAW, .SRW, .TIF, .OLY, .FFF, .3FR, .DNG1
    Compatible with all major still image formats

Maybe you are looking for

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