Archiving to MiniDV Tape

Is is possible to use the print to tape function for archiving HD footage through an SD camcorder via firewire?

I just wanted to know if it was possible to do it through my old SD camcorder in HD through Final Cut.
I understand that, but by playing it to a mini DV you are changing its format. You also lose the reel and clip names, the source timecode and the ability to remove or change any filters, color corrections etc.
Wouldn't a better solution be to archive the .mp4 camera files to a dedicated external drive? That way they take up very little space, compared to the transcoded media.
Message was edited by: Nick Holmes

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    There are no good economically reasonable way to do that.
    • One tape needs 13-14Gb space to be stored.
    • Even if possibly - external hard disks are fragile - tapes 1000 times (or more) less so
    A drop -> dead
    They get mechanically old - and stops to spinn especially if not used from time to time
    To keep movie material up to date on hard disk storage - means a maintenance scheme and DISIPLINE.
    If this is a must then the Hard Disk HAS TO BE - *Mac OS EXtended formatted*.
    UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange has a 4Gb limit resulting in corrupted movie files.
    AND miniDV tapes are interlaced material - not optimal for iM'08 & 09 - they discard every second line.
    So if You want to store 100% on hard disk - *USE iMovie HD 6* (or prior) or FinalCut
    to do Your safety QuickTime (full quality) .mov files.
    My strategy is
    • Tapes are easy to store and get a cheap miniDV Camera to use as Playback/Capture tool. (about 300 up till today)
    Yours Bengt W

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    Welcome to Apple discussions robnorv,
    Look through the threads here and compare the number of problems encountered with hard drive cams, as opposed to miniDV cams. The choice should be clear and, as a bonus, with miniDV you will have unfettered access to use iMovie 06, should you find that iMovie 08 doesn't offer you enough editing solutions. You will have some quality degradation using a hard drive cam due to the high compression the format uses. DV is what iMovies all use and a miniDV cam will need no conversion processes to get the video into any iMovie programme you choose to use. Do some more research about these factors before you decide.
    Tape cams also allow you to back up your completed video to a tape for archival purposes. If you go miniDV, it is good practice to buy quality tapes and always stick with one brand. Different manufacturers use somewhat different tape formulations and changing tape brands can cause head clogging problems. I bought several boxes of one brand (Panasonic MQ) online, where you will find good deals.

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    Is there something obvious I am overlooking? Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi sydman
    What was the source of the original video? If it was from your video camera the sync problem could be due to the camera's audio being set to record 12 bit rather than 16. Some cameras will default back to 12 bit after it's turned off. You need to make sure the camera is set to 16 bit. So check the source.
    The solution is to edit the audio in iM where you notice the drift starting. Then edit to the appropriate spot.

  • Archiving on minidv - how is that done?

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    I store my iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD projects on a 300GB hard drive and assumed the best archival system is simply another large hard drive, on the presumption that both won't go belly up simultaneously.

    In a recent post one reply said minidv tapes were the easy and cheap way to back up or archive iMovie and iDVD projects. How is that done?
    Is this the recent post you were referring to?
    If so, there is no mention of using minidv tape to "archive" but rather shooting it back out to mini dv tape via iMovie as a "backup" and reworking the project at a later date w/in iMovie and finally to iDVD.
    If your intention is to archive only, then the external FW HD approach is what I recommend also. Hope this is Helpful & good luck to you.
    (3) G4 PM's/(3) S-Drives/Sony TRV900/Nikons/6FWHD's/PS7/iLife06/FCPHD/DVDSP/etc. Mac OS X (10.4.8) My ichatav AIM account is: SDMacuser1 (Please use Text chat prior to video)

  • Unable to properly capture HD video from miniDV tape in FCE

    unable to capture HD video from miniDV tape
    When I connect my Sony HDR-HC3 miniDV HDV camcorder to my iMac via firewire cable and use Final Cut Express to capture the video from the tape, I do not get a Capture window that allows me to specify in and out points, I just get a playback window that immediately starts capturing and the only option I have in this window is hit ESC to stop capturing. If I let this capture window continue to capture the video from the camera with miniDV HD tape, then the entire tape would be captured as one massive single video clip.
    QUESTION: Is there something I change or do to make the proper capture window appear where I can specify in and out points to capture from tape for each clip?
    NOTE: using same camera and tape with iMovie with automatic capture enabled, all the clips get captured properly. I also tried to use the manual setting in iMovie and it worked too.
    More details(read only if you want more information)
    I have a several miniDV tapes containing HD video created on a Sony Sony HDR-HC5 and Sony HDR-HC7. Unfortunately, both these camera were stolen, and I have since moved to a camera that uses flash memory, not tape. However, I need to get the video footage off these tapes, so I bought a used Sony HDR-HC3, it plays the HD miniDV tapes just fine and iMovie reads the video from this camera just fine, but Final Cut Express does not.
    When I setup Final Cut Express, I used the Easy Setup and specified:
    Format: HD
    Rate: 29.97 fps
    Use: HDV-Apple Intermediate Codec 1080i60
    These setting match those of the camera and recorded tape. If I use any other settings but these, then Final Cut Express never sees the camera and never opens any capture window at all. Using Quicktime 10 movie inspector on the clips captured by iMovie from same camera, all the clips match this setting too.
    Final Cut Express version 4.0.1
    iMovie 09 Version 8.0.2 (821)
    iMac 2.93 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 running
    Mac OS X Version 10.6.4
    My Final Cut Express scratch disk is a Seagate 2TB external USB 2.0 Hard Drive that has been formatted to be Mac OS Extended (Journaled). This external disk is also where iMovie successfully captured all the video from the same camera.

    Thanks for the answer. It makes me sad. I thought using Final Cut Express would be an upgrade to a more robust editing system from iMovie, yet iMovie does a superior job of logging and capturing video from HDV video on miniDV tape in comparison to FCE. Not only does iMovie capture each clip on the tape into it's own video file automatically, it also includes timestamp information in the filename indicating when the clip was originally recorded, which appears to be something that is missing from Final Cut Express. Now I realize that HDV miniDV cameras had a relatively short life span in the consumer marketplace and have since all been replaced by flash and hard drive based AVCHD cameras, but from circa 2004 to 2007, miniDV HDV camcorders were very popular and I am sure there are lots of consumers that must be super frustrated by Final Cut Express limited ability to log and capture clips properly from these cameras.
    Assuming I do not want to make a rough cut of video in iMovie and prefer to begin my editing project in Final Cut Express (not doing XML export of iMovie project), I need to determine the best way to get clips captured via iMovie into Final Cut Express and determine if there is anything inferior in the iMovie captured clips that I need to be aware of. So far it appears that both iMovie and Final Cut Express reduce the 5.1 surround sound captured on the HDV miniDV tapes to stereo sound, which is not a big lose given the 5.1 sound was recorded from camera's built-in microphone, but it makes me wonder if the video is reduced in any way by the iMovie import process, examining the video in quicktime's inspector window the video appears to be the same in both iMovie and FCE, but I'll research the answers to these questions elsewhere on this forum and post additional questions if I do not find the information I need.

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    Note that I am just importing the video from the MiniDV tapes so that I can export it as a Quicktime file. I really don't need the video to be split into clips at all. I would actually prefer to just import the entire video as one big clip.
    Any idea how I can preserve the order of the

    One thing that I have noticed is that Apples built-in camera is optimized for Face Time, so it sometimes captures at 30 frames per second, but if there is not a lot of motion in the frame, it might use 12 or 15 frames per second. So it has variable frame rates. This is great for FaceTime, but not so great if you are trying to keep the audio in sync.
    The way to fix this is to use QuickTime Pro or MPEG Streamclip to save the movie out with identical specs except to specify 30 frames per second (or 25 in a PAL country).
    I wonder if you are running into a similar problem in QTPlayer. If it is making a variable frame rate movie, you could fix it by dragging the movie into MPEG Streamclip and exporting as the same kind of movie, but with a fixed 30 fps frame rate. MPEG Streamclip is free and quite useful for stuff like this.
    Just a thought.
    Right now my QuickTime Player is hanging so I can't test to see if you could set the frame rate directly in QuickTime Player X.

  • Loading content from multiple MiniDV tapes to one DVD

    I am being offered this "One Touch" feature on iDVD to copy my Camera footage to a DVD. I am wondering what the best process is to follow if I wanted to, say, merge :30 minutes of content from one MiniDV and :20 minutes of content from another. Should I be uploading to iMovie instead? If I have the ultimate objective of a. having copies on DVD instead of MiniDV and b. using the content for video editing in iMovie, what is the best process to follow?
    1. Move all MiniDV to DVD and then work from that?
    2. Import clips into iMovie and move them to iDVD?
    Tips, best practices, advice appreciated.

    It's pretty much agreed here that the best storage medium for your MiniDV tapes, is the tape itself.
    I tried OneStep once. Yuk. I bring everything into iMovie HD.
    1.: No.
    2.: Yes
    iDVD 5 Getting Started
    Apple's iMovie Learning Site
    Apple's iDVD Learning Site
    Ken Stone: Authoring in iDVD 5
    My favorite, by far:
    iMovie HD & iDVD 5: The Missing Manual
    iPhoto 5: The Missing Manual

  • Question about outputting DVCPRO HD to MiniDV Tape

    Hi There,
    I have a DVCPRO HD 720p24 project that I need to output onto MiniDV and I have a few questions. I am running FCS2 with the latest updates.
    1) I have an older sony camera (DCR-PC100) that I am outputting to. I would like to maintain my 16x9 aspect ratio. Provided I have selected anamorphic in my sequence settings, will my camera record a 720x480 image with the aspect ration intact? The camera is just a 4:3 consumer camera and it's a bit older. Just don't want to lose any quality.
    2) As it states in my signature, I'm working on a MBP so my only video output for coloring monitoring and that type of thing is through firewire and out of my camera. This doesn't work correctly from my native 720p24 sequence - it just sticks on one frame. I am already in the process of rebuilding a 720x480 NTSC sequence. Is this the only way I can output properly to a monitor?
    Thank you for reading my post

    Hi Spiff,
    Well I mainly assumed so because the most practicle way to screen a selection of films in one session at a short film festival is to compile a tape with all the films set to one ratio (usually 4:3)and I thought you were specifically asked to send a tape.
    However it would be wise indeed to call them.
    Some festivals use/compile miniDV or DVDs some others BetaSP or DigiBeta.
    With regard to transferring the film onto your PC 100 (Mighty PC 100! It was very popular 4-5 years ago amongst domestic camcorders, so popular that Sony put a PC 12O in the market with enahanced features) providing it works fine, then you will be fine to use it. Renting a deck or using a pro camera with miniDV capability will not improve the quality of your video.
    If your anamorphic version looks fine then lay that one on the tape.
    Try to use Panasonic pro master 63 minutes miniDV tapes. THey are white tapes.
    Good luck with the festival!


    Hey guys, I've got some MiniDV tapes that a client gave me that seem to all have a glitch where the tapes won't play audio and are skipping frames continuosly. The tapes are all labelled "drop frame" and "avid output". They are not playing in the DV deck (JVC) so it's actually not a FCP question. Does anyone know what this is?

    As Wes said, it could very well be a dirty head(s) or misalignment problem. But are you certain the material on the tape is actually DV and not some other format? I've seen DVCam and DVCPro recorded onto MiniDV tapes in a pinch and while some DV VTRs will play DVCam footage, they don't always playback other formats.

  • Print to miniDV tape-- help, please

    I am trying to print from FCP to miniDV tape (specifically via a DCR-VX2000). When I select "Print to Video" I can see the image played on the camera's LCD screen, but I cannot get it to record. I am in VCR mode and I push the RECORD button before starting. Um?

    The write protection tab is not engaged-- I mean it is not locking the camera and it should be able to record.
    FCP will prompt me to hit Record and then OK. I will hit Record on the camera. The tape in the camera will begin to play the bit of black I put at the beginning of it. I will hit OK in FCP to begin "printing to video" and the image won't show up.
    Alternatively, I can not hit "record" at all, and then the image will appear.
    I hate technology. I don't have the manuel for this camera, but it is strange.
    I've now used another camera so I do have the footage on a miniDV tape, but I'm still annoyed in the general direction of the Camera 1.

  • IMovie08 share to miniDV tapes

    This appears to have gone with imovie08....
    I have a Sony HDR-HC7 miniDV high def camcorder and I can do all the HD editing I need to in iMovie08... the problem is that because HD (or blu-ray) is so young I can't yet easily burn and view high def DVD's to watch on my HD ready TV...
    My solution was to make the video film and then export it back to tape so that I will be able to use the tapes and make those DVD's when HD technology is more affordable and available.
    I was starting to use iMovieHD 6 to do this but have encountered horrible audio bugs in my transitions... (see my previous post).
    My question.... Is there any way to share back to miniDV tapes with iMovie08?

    turski wrote:
    ... My question.... Is there any way to share back to miniDV tapes with iMovie08?
    this feature isn't included in the actual version of iM08 ...
    only workaround:
    'Export with Quicktime.. ' and using 'Apple Intermediate Codec' as codec, import THAT into a iMHD6 project, export to camera..

  • Hdv & minidv tapes

    is there a much different bt hdv & minidv tapes to shoot hdv? Have been using minidv to shoot hdv format but wonder if using hdv tape would preserve a better quality?
    thank you & happy holiday.

    HDV tape is more reliable, has higher energy, and will live longer on a shelf. Quality won't be affected in either case don't think. mini DV tape tends to be prone to stretching so it may lose your recording after being used once... I'd not use a mini DV tape twice ever.

  • Compression of MiniDV Tapes

    I have quite a few MiniDV tapes stored up, and have put a few of them on my hard drive. Unfortunately, these tapes take about about 12 GBs per hour- and that's more room than I can afford (one or two of those is ok, but 20+?). What format do you recommend I save these in? I've tried saving them as MP4's in iMovie, but I'm a little bit iffy about the quality loss. Surely there's a format that keeps most of the quality with less space. Any help here would be greatly appreciated- the tapes keep stacking up.

    Yes, iMovies use about 13 GB per hour of video as imported. If you edit them, the size can increase dramatically, Most of the movies I have made are just under two hours and use up 25-30GB each, but several of them ballooned up to over 100GB.
    It is not practical nor advisable to keep your edited iMovies on your computer's drive--unless you invest in several 1000 GB(1TB) drives.
    You need to think through what you eventually want to do with all your movie tapes.
    I disagree with you that tapes 'stacking up' is a problem. The miniDV tapes hold up well over time and the space they take up is minimal.
    If you want to put your iMovies onto DVDs, you should import them a few at a time, just the portions that you want in one iMovie. The limitation for iDVD is total time length, not size. Using single-layer DVDs, you can burn up to two hours--that would include any menu/submenu videos and audios as well.
    If you do a 'save as disk image' for each of your iDVD projects--and you should--you will be creating an image file that is self-contained, and can be used to burn DVDs of that same project in the future using Disk Utility.
    SInce the disk image is self-contained, you can safely delete the original iMovie and iDVD for that project after you are finished with it.*See next sentence about exporting iMovie to camcorder.
    I also export all my edited iMovies back to DV tapes as a way to save my movies*.
    Those DV tapes are small, take up hardly any room, and keep my precious movies in digital format, ready for whatever technology follows DVDs.
    But, I don't want to rely solely on DVDs to preserve my movies since DVD disks can crack, break, get stepped on, melt or meet some other disaster. If you have children or grandchildren around, accidents can and will happen.
    I am a bit paranoid about saving my movies. I also keep a set of my DVDs in a safe-deposit box so that I can always duplicate it if need be, and I have each iDVD project's disk image saved on two external drives.
    I have made DVDs of our family videos and still photos for a 20-year period. I have one plastic bin of the raw footage DV tapes, and another bin with the edited movies saved to DV tapes. Each of the bins is about the size of two shoeboxes. I consider them as valuables and feel fortunate that they occupy so little space!
    There is no need to try to change the format of the DV footage. iMovie works best with it, and you don't want to do any conversion that may result in loss of quality.

  • Moisture on MiniDV tapes

    I have been editing MiniDV tapes for local high school sports. However, the cameras were apparently subject to rain during the last event and everything seems to have taken on moisture. Is there anyway to let these tapes (and equipment) completely dry out or should I completely avoid introducing these tapes to my edit system? Thanks

    Just reading your post now,
    by instinct I had a look around here where I am today!
    BTW I'm watching "the 100 greatest scarest moments af all times in Cinema"!
    I'd vote your case as ...the 21st,no the 14th,no the 7th!
    Get yourself an hair dryer before +introducing those tapes into your edit system+

Maybe you are looking for