Are imacs any good?

i am thinking of getting the 27" i7 imac but wondering what the quality is like as i have read reports that they overheat and cause hardware problems?
i am wanting a computer that is fast, reliable and just works.
i would like an all in one computer to make my desk tidier and less cable mess.
how long do imacs last?

how long do imacs last?
As long as you want them to last. I have owned Macs since 1985 and they all became functionally obsolete before any hardware failure occurred. That period of economic viability is approximately seven years. If course there is no defined limit; eventually you will want to do things with a computer that were not even envisioned when they were built, and you will want to upgrade. The oldest Mac still in my possession is a 1989 SE/30 with its maximum 32 MB RAM. It still works, but its nine inch black and white screen is a limitation. There wasn't much of an Internet in 1989.
Hard disk drives fail but are easily replaced, and they are rapidly becoming obsolete, and you can configure the iMac without one. Optical drives fail and they are already obsolete, also cheap to replace though. I have worn out many mice, but Macs don't use them any more either. Batteries (for portables) have a depreciation cost of about 50¢ a week.
In the case of the 27" iMac I have tried and failed to get it to run hot using common "benchmarking" software stress tests. Nevertheless I have never been able to make the cooling fans become audible outside of hardware testing. The i7 is extremely efficient and the iMac's large aluminum case serves as an effective heat sink.
Over time, Macs are the least expensive of all computers to own, and the most reliable. It's always been that way. Nevertheless the public was traditionally drawn to cheap, poorly made Windows boxes because of their low initial price. Hundreds of millions of them populate landfills all over the world. If you buy a desktop Windows PC, in all likelihood it will be out in the trash in about a year. Used Windows PCs command almost zero market value and it's difficult to even give one away.

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    I am calling up the folios via:
           adobeDPS.libraryService.folioMap.addedSignal.add(function(folios) {
                for (var i = 0; i < folios.length; i++) {
            }, this);
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         var productId = folio.productId;
        var html  = "<div id='" + productId + "'>";
            html +=     "<a href='#'><img class='shadow' width='120' src='' border=0 /></a>";
            html +=     "<br /><span class='bold'>" + folio.title + "</span>";
            html += "</div>";
        this.$el = $(html);
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    Have you looked at the default implementations of the library?
    In FolioItemView's render function, there is a function(follow the nested functions!):
    setTimeout(function(){ scope.loadPreviewImage() }, 100);
    It references this function (this doesn't copy well):
    loadPreviewImage: function() {
    if (this.el.parentElement) {
    var transaction = this.folio.getPreviewImage(135, 180, true);
    transaction.completedSignal.addOnce(this.getPreviewImageHandler, this);
    Going deeper, into the getPreviewImageHandler function is where you see the url value..
    if (transaction.state == adobeDPS.transactionManager.transactionStates.FINISHED && transaction.previewImageURL != null) {
                                  this.$el.find(".folio-thumb").attr("src", transaction.previewImageURL);
    Within the example is also code for supplying a preview when the Adobe API is not available:
    (Within the render function)
    var json = this.model.toJSON();
    $folioThumb.attr("src", json.libraryPreviewUrl);
    If you're making any changes to where the preview is displayed, you can just swap out the class ".folio-thumb" to whatever the class (or id) is of the element you're wanting to render the preview in.

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