Are there a 12v car adoptor to macsafe?

I have to drive far away and would like to use my macbook pro retina but it does not hold power for so many hours, so would like to know if there is a way to let his macbook up when sitting in a car?
thank in advance

You will need to purchase an inverter that will allow 12 v DC input and produce 120 v AC output.
Note larger MBPs have 85 w power adapters.  Allow for additional headroom with the inverter.  There are third party power adapters available that allegedly do not require an inverter, but I treat them with great suspicion.
Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

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    Does anybody understand why I fell frustrated and confused about all this videocard discussions?
    Some tells me that the FX3800 is a better card - more pro - stabillity etc. than low-price cards - like GTX 260/285/295 - and some tells me that GTX 260 = FX3800. I read on other webpages about how people are having problems having their GTX 260 recognized as a FX 3800 (not in PPro but by Nvidia software). Other places tells about how to softmod GTX 260 to a FX 3800. Some tells me that there is a big difference between these cards - others they are almost alike - same GPU etc. I read that the difference between GTX 260 and FX 3800 is only the looks of it from outside - inside they are alike - and that apart from that only drivers are different.
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    I would feel much more comfortable in having ordered the FX 3800 if someone from Adobe could tell me excactly how much better FX 3800 is from the GTX 260 - apart from being supported and the GTX is not. And if there is more in it than just changing a simple textfile? Are there any more things going on inside PPro - deep inside - that affects performance with FX cards besides from two lines in a textfile? Who can help answering that question - and I mean really answering it in serious way - not just saying - off course the FX is better - because its more expenssive.
    Haven´t we all experienced this in other situations? Like buying a car? Fx. Inside SKODA FABIA is a VW engine like the ones used in much more expensive VW cars. Only difference is the name and the outside look - and some comfort. The engine is the same - and in a way you could say that from an engine-point-of-view - the cars are alike. But you pay for comfort.
    Is the same thing going on here? I pay more for FX 3800 for the looks of it from the outside and some software-drivers that makes it more stable - but inside it is just like GTX 260? So from a graphic-performance-GPU-point-of-view I actually have two cards that are alike and I reaaly am paying for software and not hardware?

    You are right -. and I keep spanking myself in the head with a wet towel.
    I will lie in my bed - thinking of the nice new bicycle I could have bought instead of the FX 3800....;-)
    No seriously - I know what I have done - and maybe I have done right - I don´t know? Time will show and I will sell or buy.
    What I am frustrated about is the fact that I actually just decided to buy FX 3800 because Adobe and Nvidida toold me too -  to get support for MPE and now it seems that my old GTX 260 is much like the FX 3800 if not the same inside? And I am frustrated about that it is possible to change a line in a simple textfile and suddenly get support for the GTX 260 to play MPE. This fact only put more lit on the conspiracy-fire about Adobe and Nvidia having made a simple software-trick to make some cards work others not = making a lot of money on fools like me...
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    I certainly do not hope this is what is going on. But it seems no one can help me but myself - testing and trying these cards - and I will try to post my results in this forum - so others might have easier tomake a choice...
    I´l be back....

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    The same tragic thing happened to me, not even a full two days after I bought it. I immediately powered it off, wiped it as best I could, and put it in front of a fan. I tried valiantly to get the back off, but couldn't remove all the screws. I was basically inconsolable until I realized that no matter what, my credit card insurance would cover it, since it had been less than 90 days. Fast forward 48 hours, and it seemed to run just fine. Some of the keys and the track pad were sticky, and I figured since it was covered, I might as well get it fixed. My only concern at this point was had I voided the Apple Care. I brought it in, told them what happened, said what I needed to satisfy the credit card, and they said, "We'll just swap it out for you, no problem." I was thrilled, and the Genius said they appreciated my honesty, and it was easier for all parties to just do it this way. And my Apple Care was transferred to the new machine. This was my first Mac and, needless to say, I am now an Apple devotee.

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    As per previous posts, complete agreement.
    I have built a production system in-house for a large company using JSC. I had to get my machine upgraded to 2GB just to get some usuability but it still needs a few jsc re-starts and appserver restarts through out the day.
    Functionality wise, JSC is such a winner and the guys at SUN have indeed did a great job. I come from a VB environement for the last 12 years, so having a rich web client tool was high on my priority. But if I am to try and preach to the rest of the J2EE guys here, the performance issues really need to be addressed. They are used to Eclipse and I don't need to go on about how good that tool is. If any other company gets JSF to work under Eclipse the way JSC does, I would have no hesitation in using that tool.
    I hvae tried some of the Eclipse based JSF IDE's and they don't even compete with JSC in terms of ease of use and putting apps together. But they do not lock the machine for 30 secs when I click a property or right click on a component !
    I have been one of the champions of JSC from the start and I still am. The system I wrote has near 300 users and is working fine with not one
    problem in 3 months. If this performance problem can be beat, JSC will set the standard for GUI development for years. If not, then it will be consigned to the nearly made it bin.
    To the guys at SUN:
    After all the time and effort you have put into this product, I'm sure there is no overnight cure for the problems. I am sure you are working on the problems. For me, I don't care about any new Ajax components, etc in the updates. If the next patch gets JSC even working 50% better performance, I will be a happy man. Then I can go and try to convert the unimpressed.
    if not, then I will be forced into a corner to use IDM RAD tool for JSF development, of which I do not want to do. My company has an IBM affiliation, but I like to use the best tools for the job.
    Overall, impressed by JSC but the final hurdle has not been jumped.

  • Replacement internal optical drives. Are there tricks for young players?

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    I've seen a Sony DRU830A 18x internal and also one of the LiteOn internal 16x models.
    My questions are: Are all these types of drives the same form factor, power usage and connections that will fit the G5 bay? ... even if they say Windows a lot on the box? (I'm aware I need to remove the front bezel and also put on the mounting screws).
    Are there any other requiirements for them to work with the Mac hardware and software or will they just be automatically detected and 'acquired'? I don't care about all the bundled Windows software. However I know the internal DVD drive needs to be initialised and somehow 'certified' and regioned for DVD player to use it.

    Thanks maclover for your reply and the links. The xlr8yourmac forums on CD-DVD drives were particularly relevant. One thing I noticed is that it's best to just enter 'DVD+R/RW - DVD-R/RW' and then just the brand of drive you're interested in. With all the other fields blank you get a large selection of posts, generally including the model you want info about, but even the info about installation experiences with different models is useful. However if you get very specific about your Mac model and OS version the search can return not even one post. Turns out most of the posts are about installing drives in G4s, iMacs, iBooks etc.
    Flashing the drive: this seems to be a real problem in updating the firmware for any number of drives you might want to use in a Mac. In checking the company sites for Sony, Pioneer, LiteOn etc. there's always a firmware update available for download but it's an .exe file for Windows. Other posters have noted that this requires attaching the drive to a Windows machine to flash the ROM. How very convenient. With a drive you've just bought new this probably isn't all that important although when they list the improvements in the latest revision it would be useful to be able to do it. For those trying to upgrade an older drive to burn at 16x and dual layer, they're kind of out of luck. I take it you can't do this upgrading while you're running Virtual PC - no one's mentioned that you could. But I wonder if it would now be possible with the Intel Macs running Windows via Boot Camp. Either that or the service sections of Apple Stores could run a Wintel box and offer a service to flash the ROM if you took the file in on a USB pocket drive. Void your warranty while U Wait.
    Thanks again, The Pioneer DVR - 111D looks like a successful candidate as a replacement drive. Posters also report good results with current LiteOn and Sony models. In fact one reports that the LiteON IS the Sony (and also the BenQ) - just $40 cheaper locally. Probably without the Windows Nero software the Sony bundles. A service technician also reported successful results with an LG internal.
    Cheers, Peter.

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    Thanks in advance!

    I use Dolphin Browser 6.0. Its faster than 5.0 and has no issues with Flash.  I have used flash and used the Beta 6.0 and now the actual released version. Its the best so far. It has tabs like a normal computer browser and even has a gesture feature to do scrolling. 
    Others are Firefox which has NO flash. Then there is SkyFire which is ok, uses its servers to compress data and show it on your phone, its quick but I found the quality of images not as good as stock. 
    Opera Mobile and Mini do the same as skyfire.
    I personally just didnt care for Xscope of Miren browsers.  Didnt care for the feel of Xscope and Miren was developed in China and is modeled after Iphone Browser. 
    Try em all if you want, biggest benefit of the aftermarket browser is you can sync certain accounts (dolphin with google, firefox with firefox) and instead of storing the Cache info using phone memory you can now save the data and the web browser on the SD card. 

  • Are there other iLearning discussion forums?

    I've just been asked to help install/deploy iLearning in a Linux environment. The purchase hasn't happened yet so I'm not aware of/nor have access to any detailed iLearning installation guide, but if possible i'd like to get a head start since I am not familiar with Oracle products (I've been developing primarily with PHP/MySQL).
    Are there any publicly available installation documents for iLearning on a Linux platform?
    Anyone else here using iLearning on Linux and care to share their experiences?
    Also, since this forum is pretty quiet, are there more active discussion forums covering iLearning?
    many thanks in advance!

    The install guide for Oracle iLearning is available through Metalink, our customer support web site.
    There is a forum on metalink as well as a discussion forum on our Oracle iLearning customer site:
    Click Self-Register
    When asked for the site name, enter "ilearning"
    Create your account
    Perform a search in the catalog for "Forum"
    Subscribe to the Oracle iLearning Product Information forum.
    There is not very much activity there either however, but as questions are asked the product management team attempts to answer them or other customers may respond as well.

  • Are there specific numbers on an iPod to identify it?

    What I mean, is are there any iPod specific numbers, that are only on that iPod? I would like to know, incase my iPod were to get stolen, or lost at school, so I can prove its mine.
    Thanks for the help in advance!

    The serial number of the iPod (unique to each iPod) is etched into the casing on the back of it. In addition, the serial number can be found by going into Settings/General/About>Serial Number.
    However, if you were to lose it, how exactly would you go about finding your particular one? You are unlikely to be allowed to interrogate people at random, and even if you have grounds for suspicion about someone, it may prove very difficult to examine their iPod so closely. Would your school allow it?
    These discussion pages are littered with posts from people who have lost their iPods or had them stolen, frequently from school. We never read about anyone getting one back.
    So my advice (which you are perfectly free to ignore) is to take enough care of your iPod to ensure that it doesn't get stolen or that you don't lose it. If you are likely to have to leave the iPod unattended, don't take it to school.

  • Are there PCI thunderbolt cards for mac pro 3.1?

    are there PCI thunderbolt cards for mac pro 3.1?

    DCWinton wrote:
    It's that last sentence I'm curious about.  "However a MacPro already has much more capability already built in than Thunderbolt can add."
    I'm thinking of getting a Mac Pro, but see that it doesn't seem to have Thunderbolt. I'm not sure if I care. The reason for the Mac Pro is that I'm topping out my 8gb RAM 27" iMac capacity with the volume of work going through it, and my tech tells me I'm pushing it too hard.  I use it to run a small law office, but usually have about 15 apps open, with lots going on in the network in the background.
    Is there any reason to wait until Apple puts Thunderbolt into the Mac Pro?
    Thunderbolt will not increase the performance capability of the MacPro. It will add a bus that can be convenient, especially later on when Thunderbolt devices become more common, more mature and better supported - oh, and with more common will come less costly. From a pure performance standpoint the existing PCIe slots are much more capable and cheaper to implement. You would be giving up nothing with a current MacPro.
    My opinion. Thunderbolt is really a great move forward in the long run - needed something to replace Firewire and this is it. But there is no reason to wait on Thunderbolt on MacPro - it is redundant.

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    I'm trying to create a timelaps but PS6 does not include all the images in sequence 0001 to 1360? It simply creates a movie in 27 seconds and cuts out the 400 latest pictures!
    Tanks Lasse

    Along the lines of Brett's question and comments, it is good practice to Scale Still Images to just what will be needed by the Project's (term from Premiere, the Adobe Video editing software) Frame Size.
    Unused pixels require processing overhead, and as they will not be used in the Video, are unnecessary. It does not take all that many overly-large Still Images, to choke even a stout workstation, with Video.
    This article is based on, and directed at Premiere, but much of the Video handling in PS is probably based, at least partially, on some of that code:
    Remember, it was written FOR Premiere, and uses PS to Scale the Images. In your case, it could be a two-step process - Scale with PS first, then assemble the Video n PS.
    Unlike printing of Still Images, Video does not care about DPI, or PPI. It is ONLY about pixel x pixel dimensions, and the necessary dimensions are set by the Video Frame Size. Unless you are Panning on a Zoomed Out Still, having more pixels, beyond, say 1920 x 1080 (HD Video resolution), just requires horsepower, and those extra pixels do nothing for your Video.
    Good luck,

  • What other methods are there to re-install Win 8.1 pro without losing files & programs, if I am unable to update my Recovery image?

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    now and nothing has worked.  So I know I need to re-install windows but I really want to be able to keep my Programs & files.
    So my question is, are there any other methods to re-install Windows 8.1 pro without losing my programs?
    That's the reason I have not just done a reinstall, because of the time and effort needed to do this in a timely manner.  Also I need to keep my programs APPDATA intact so that my applications still work as they do now, some programs have got months
    of history and data.  Also I am not certain I still have the installers for some of my applications, I know I can get them but again its the time it would take.
    This is why I run a separate backup of my APPDATA DIR, am I right in thinking that If I did have to reinstall that I could just restore the old APPDATA data to the new Install and my programs would automatically have all there normal settings?
    So what are my options?
    Thanks peeps.
    JK MCP

    Isn't that only used when a PC will not boot?
    What options does booting with this give me?
    JK MCP
    USB recovery disk was used to recover your system when it encounter problem. You can try to use it to fix your problem instead reinstall system. However, there is no method to keep your program whenreinstall system.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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