Are there limitations on complexity of forms? What are they?

Currently I'm busy assembling a couple (4) of static forms, available in 2 different languages, into one single interactive and dynamic form. This has to run on Acrobat / Reader version 7.
Every form is first developed as a separate fragment. Now we finaly assemble them into the root-form, we get the following message in the log:
"Invalid version: The current version of the XFA template model exceeds the capability of Acrobat / Reader 7.0.5"
Does anyone know about limitations on the capability or complexity of Reader 7? I can't find any information about such limitation. Can it have something to do with using nested fragments or can form's length be the problem?
Thank you in advance for you help.
Kind regards,

The fragment version was my first idea also: checked them all and ensured their all in the correct version. Without any help.
I guess this is more like a 'feature thing'. I tried to rebuilt the form from scratch and found already some issues:
1. It seems Acrobat/Reader 7 don't like fragments on Master Pages. That starts LC Designer to complain about this "exceeding capability"
2. This is a strange one: as soon as I add a (regular) button in a Master Page, this message appears also. Strange, because this shouldn't be a problem! It works properly in a blank form without other items in the header, but at soon as I add the style items this problem appears. (The items on the Master Page are: 2 (positioned) subforms, an (embedded) image, a line and 4 text-objects.)
Any ideas?
(Strange enough Adobe has some whitepapers about differences between target versions, but there is nothing about fragments nor restrictions on Master Pages in it.)

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    Along the lines of Brett's question and comments, it is good practice to Scale Still Images to just what will be needed by the Project's (term from Premiere, the Adobe Video editing software) Frame Size.
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    Do you happen to have an Android?  If so and depending on what version there is a great data usage analyse tool built-in.  See if you can go to Settings -> Data Usage  from there you can pick a current or previous billing cycle and then use the vertical sliders to select a date range and it will filter the usage data per app to show you exactly what app(s) were using data during that time frame.

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    Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
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