Arranging Layer Position of Loaded SWF or Mc in ActionScript3

Hi All
    I would like to RUN/LOAD my loaded SWF or Movie Clips BEHIND some existing Masks already designed in a scene or simply arrange their
    visibility position in ActionScript 3 while loading them with CODING only
    is there any command  to define, something similar to "Layers", "send to back", "bring to front "  ?
    Thank You .

You can use the addChildAt() method to place things behind other things.  You can also use the setChildIndex() method.  Both are explained in the Help documentation.

Similar Messages

  • Set X,Y Position for loaded SWF file

    I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I have been
    reading the forum and get seem to find the answer. (Yes I looked at
    the AS2 dictionary before I posted.) I'm trying to load an external
    SWF into my stage. I have entered X,Y, coordinates, but the
    external SWF loads at 0,0 I have attached the code I was trying.
    Any help would be appreciated. This code is on the button, should
    it be on the timeline? Thanks!

    Glad you took that in the good spirit it was offered. After I
    posted it I was worried that I sounded too mean. Your new code is a
    big improvment IMHO! I've made a few changes and attached that and
    I'll go through them with ya.
    The first cool thing you did and you might not even be aware
    of all of it is that you were using the return type of
    createEmptyMovieClip. Whenever you checkout something in the help
    files, notice the return type. That tells you that cEMC returns a
    reference to the newly created clip. If you capture it and assign
    it to a variable you can then use that variable as a
    "short cut" of sorts. So even though you named
    the new clip roscoe, I'm refering to it as container. Not such a
    big deal for this example, but in the future you might attach a
    bunch of clips with names/paths like:
    So remember that trick. I've also added a this to the cEMC.
    It is a good habit to always prefix methods with an instance of the
    class they belong too. For example there might be times when the
    scope isn't clear and your clip will not get attached where you
    think. Of course using this inside a function is one of those
    times! So sometimes I would create a variable called home (outside
    of any functions) which refered to my main timeline. Then I could
    use home.createEmptyMovieClip() inside pretty much any function or
    handler and not worry about where my clip was being created.
    Next, setProperty is also the old style. I find it much
    easier just to set the property with the assignment operator (that
    would be the equal sign) and the dot. So:
    someObject.someproperty = somevalue;
    I think most people find that easier to read.
    I'm not sure, but generally I don't think I would create my
    MCL instance inside the onRelease handler. No real reason I could
    give for that, except perhaps if you have several buttons and each
    one will load a different clip. In that case they could all use the
    same loader and you wouldn't need to repeat the code over an over.
    Hey! that seems to be a pretty good reason to me.
    Finally. The way you handled the onLoadInit will work, but
    for some reason it isn't the prefered way. It has never really been
    clear to me why, but they prefer to have you create an object, add
    your event handlers to the object, and then add the object as a
    listener. I've shown you how here.
    BTW, if you hadn't figured it out, the onLoadComplete is
    pretty useless. Several of the properties, like _width and _height
    are not yet available at that event, so you picked the right one
    (onLoadInit) if you want to scale the content after it loaded.
    Good luck and let me know if you need to figure out something

  • Loading swf into swf in exact position

    It's very simple to load an external swf into a main swf with
    loadMovieNum("name.swf", 50);
    But how do I control the position of the loaded swf?
    Currently it just pops in the top left.

    Try loading your external .swf into a pre-positioned
    movieClip, for example myMovie.loadMovie("name.swf). If you do not
    want to do this you can position the loaded movie later in your
    application or onload by setting the x and y pos with some

  • How to unload externally loaded swf which contains 3D Carousel?

    Hello to all
    I am learning AS3 and have been taking on various tutorials found on the net. While learning about AS3 I came across a lesson on titled "Vertical 3D Carousel with AS3 and XML".
    I completed the tutorial and all worked fine so I then wanted to load the swf into a existing project. The loading of the swf goes fine and when I unload my loader it is removed but only visually as in my output panel in flash CS5 I get an error as follows
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at carousel_c_fla::MainTimeline/moveCarousel()
    this error repeats over and over again slowing my swf movie.
    So does this mean my main flash movie trying to still play / find my unloaded 3D Carousel?
    If so how do I unload remove all the AS3 that is trying to run from the 3D Carousel?
    I have included the AS3 below from the tutorial page and I understand that this is what I have to remove to "break free" from the 3D Carousel swf when it is unloaded. This is where I am stuck as my knowledge of AS3 is limited - Can you guys / girls help?
    //Import TweenMax
    import com.greensock.*;
    //The path to the XML file (use your own here)
    // old var from tutorial - var xmlPath:String = "";
    var xmlPath:String = "carousel-menu.xml";
    //We'll store the loaded XML to this variable
    var xml:XML;
    //Create a loader and load the XML. Call the function "xmlLoaded" when done.
    var loader = new URLLoader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    //This function is called when the XML file is loaded
    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
         //Make sure that we are not working with a null variable
         if (( as URLLoader) != null ) {
              //Create a new XML object with the loaded XML data
              xml = new XML(;
              //Call the function that creates the menu
    //We need to know how many items we have on the stage
    var numberOfItems:uint = 0;
    //This array will contain all the menu items
    var menuItems:Array = new Array();
    //Set the focal length
    var focalLength:Number = 350;
    //Set the vanishing point
    var vanishingPointX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
    var vanishingPointY:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
    //We calculate the angleSpeed in the ENTER_FRAME listener
    var angleSpeed:Number = 0;
    //Radius of the circle
    var radius:Number = 128;
    //This function creates the menu
    function createMenu():void {
         //Get the number of menu items we will have
         numberOfItems = xml.items.item.length();
         //Calculate the angle difference between the menu items (in radians)
         var angleDifference:Number = Math.PI * (360 / numberOfItems) / 180;
         //We use a counter so we know how many menu items have been created
         var count:uint = 0;
         //Loop through all the <button></button> nodes in the XML
         for each (var item:XML in xml.items.item) {
              //Create a new menu item
              var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
              //Calculate the starting angle for the menu item
              var startingAngle:Number = angleDifference * count;
              //Set a "currentAngle" attribute for the menu item
              menuItem.currentAngle = startingAngle;
              //Position the menu item
              menuItem.xpos3D = 0;
              menuItem.ypos3D = radius * Math.sin(startingAngle);
              menuItem.zpos3D = radius * Math.cos(startingAngle);
              //Calculate the scale ratio for the menu item (the further the item -> the smaller the scale ratio)
              var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
              //Scale the menu item according to the scale ratio
              menuItem.scaleX = menuItem.scaleY = scaleRatio;
              //Position the menu item to the stage (from 3D to 2D coordinates)
              menuItem.x = vanishingPointX + menuItem.xpos3D * scaleRatio;
              menuItem.y = vanishingPointY + menuItem.ypos3D * scaleRatio;
              //Add a text to the menu item
              menuItem.menuText.text = item.label;
              //Add a "linkTo" variable for the URL
              menuItem.linkTo = item.linkTo;
              //We don't want the text field to catch mouse events
              menuItem.mouseChildren = false;
              //Assign MOUSE_OVER, MOUSE_OUT and CLICK listeners for the menu item
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutItem);
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itemClicked);
              //Add the menu item to the menu items array
              //Add the menu item to the stage
              //Assign an initial alpha
              menuItem.alpha = 0.3;
              //Add some blur to the item
    ,0, {blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
              //Update the count
    //Add an ENTER_FRAME listener for the animation
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveCarousel);
    //This function is called in each frame
    function moveCarousel(e:Event):void {
         //Calculate the angle speed according to mouseY position
         angleSpeed = (mouseY - stage.stageHeight / 2) * 0.0002;
         //Loop through the menu items
         for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
              //Store the menu item to a local variable
              var menuItem:MenuItem = menuItems[i] as MenuItem;
              //Update the current angle of the item
              menuItem.currentAngle += angleSpeed;
              //Calculate a scale ratio
              var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
              //Scale the item according to the scale ratio
              //Set new 3D coordinates
              //Update the item's coordinates.
         //Call the function that sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
    //This function sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
    function sortZ():void {
         //Sort the array so that the item which has the highest
         //z position (= furthest away) is first in the array
         menuItems.sortOn("zpos3D", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
         //Set new child indexes for the item
         for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
              setChildIndex(menuItems[i], i);
    //This function is called when a mouse is over an item
    function mouseOverItem(e:Event):void {
         //Tween the item's properties, 0.1, {alpha: 1, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:60, blurY:60},blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});
    //This function is called when a mouse is out of an item
    function mouseOutItem(e:Event):void {
         //Tween the item's properties, 1, {alpha: 0.3, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:0, blurY:0},blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
    //This function is called when an item is clicked
    function itemClicked(e:Event):void {
         //Navigate to the URL that's assigned to the menu item
         var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest(;

    Hi Ned thanks for the reply,
    Ok so I have a button in my main movie that loads the external swf
    var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var my_btn:Button = new Button();
    var my_pb:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
    my_pb.source = my_loader.contentLoaderInfo;
    function startLoading(e:MouseEvent):void{
    my_loader.load(new URLRequest("carousel.swf"));
    my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishloading);
    function finishloading(e:Event):void{
    function killLoadedClip(e:Event):void {
    Then I have a button in my loaded swf that closes the loader
    This is spread over 2 frames
    function closeIt(e:MouseEvent):void {
    Frame 2
    back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeIt);
    Frame 2 also holds all the code for the carousel
    Thanks for your time and help in advance people ; )

  • Map and externally loaded swf working together

    Here's the setup:
    I have a panoramic viewer, and i'd like to have a map go
    along side it. The panoramas are loaded externally into the player.
    Inside these external swf files are "hotspots" that link to other
    panoramic swf files that load and take the previous swf's place. I
    have all of this set up, and you can see how I did it in my
    previous post: =1274410&enterthread=y
    So now my new question is... how can I have a map with points
    on it, that when you click on a point, it will load a corresponding
    swf file into the player. I believe that part is easy. My big
    problem is if someone clicks on a hotspot in the external swf file
    first, which in turn loads another swf file, and if that person
    goes back to the map, I want the map to change the position of lets
    say, a marker or a pin to indicate the new position on the map that
    correllates to the new external swf that was loaded.
    make sense? Any ideas? I was thinking maybe it would be some
    kind of listener or something so that should a specific swf load,
    it will recognize it and automatically change the location of the
    marker on the map to the point that relates to the loaded swf or

    Hi Thanks for your reply, I tried with a small AS3 file as
    well and I get the same ERROR.

  • Load SWF into empty movieClip?

    Could anyone please point me in the right direction to find
    out how to load an external SWF into an already existing movieClip
    instance that is already placed on the stage? This is the way I've
    always worked in AS2, but I can't find how to do it in AS3. Can
    anyone point me to an example where URLRequest works with a
    specified movieClip instance?
    Thank you!

    I understand why you might think I was ignoring your advice,
    but this isn't the case. You're expertise is much valued and
    My purpose for continuing to experiment with loading into a
    movieClip was an attempt to find an easy way to layer the SWF
    behind other elements, but as you know, although it works for this
    purpose, it doesn't allow control of the loaded SWF from the main
    timeline. For others struggling to learn as I am, here's a link
    where I found the answer to my question above:
    The transition to AS3 is not as easy for some as for others,
    and there are new concepts to understand.
    Don't know what "nvm" means... curious, but might be better
    off not knowing ;) Thanks again for all the help you offer to all
    of us who are struggling.

  • Control the property of an object in main stage from a loaded swf timeline

    please someone help me here, im loosing my mind
    i have a UILoader that loads an image from an xml list when you click its thumbnail ( in its thumbnails mc on mainstage aswell)
    thing is, i have another UILoader on the layer above that loads in a swf ( a slideshow that fades in and out the pictures when they change to the next,
    with all the coding on frame 1, frame 2 only has a stop and some code for when the mouse is idle for 5 secs it goes back to frame 1)
    so when you go to "portraits" it takes you to frame "x" where the slideshow ( loaded external swf ) starts playing automaticly right,
    if i click any thumbnail the slideshow goes to frame 2 ( wich is perfect and the mouse idle thing i wanted works great ) the ONLY THING IS
    after the slideshow runs by default for the first time ( i enter the category portraits )
    and i click any thumbnail ( moving slideshow swf to frame 2 enabling mouse idle event )
    and the mouse is idle ( so it does the event and starts playing the slideshow again ( goes back to frame 1 ) )
    i have tried everything i can think of and everything i have read trying to adapt it with what i know,
    im no guru at this i reeeeally need some help

    and where would i put the remove.simpleScreen ( simpleScreen is the loader i would want to remove )
    would it be on the external swf on frame 1 where the slideshow plays?
    or in the main timeline's category's frame?
    the problem ( that i see ) is that both loaders are on the same frame ( different layers tho )
    so if i put a the remove simplescreen there it wont show me the pictures when i click the thumbs
    or could i make it so that it removes it BECAUSE its playing on frame 1 ?

  • How to access properties of symbols in loaded SWF?

    I'm making the migration from Flash to Flex, but I'm running
    into a dead end on one particular area: accessing and manipulating
    properties of symbols in a loaded SWF.
    The SWF is actually a simple library of a detailed parts
    illustration. I would like to load the entire SWF in position, and
    be able to change the attributes (i.e. colors) of individual
    symbols (or parts of the illustration). I can load, display and
    manipulate each symbol separately, but I need the parts to remain
    in place.
    The original art was created in Illustrator and exported as
    SWF using the symbols palette.
    I can always go back to Flash, but I'm forcing myself to move
    forward and do this project in Flex (baptism by fire!!).
    Is there some sort of dot notation to access the symbols from
    within the SWF, without loading them all separately?
    Let me put this another way: it appears that I can load an
    SWF and then instantiate each symbol in that SWF, and then load
    each symbol to the 'stage' (or whatever it's called in Flex)
    I can certainly instantiate each symbol separately, and then
    align it on stage, but it seems to me to be bass-ackward to do it
    that way, expecially since I created the original SWF with
    everything in position.
    Is there no way to access the attributes of the individual
    symbols within an SWF without separately instantiating them?
    I'm just having trouble getting my head around this. Any help
    is greatly appreciated.

    Okay, I took a look at this info and it's what I was already
    Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to do, using
    the example in the swf9.pdf file.
    Let's assume I've created a SWF with a "BlueSquare" movieclip
    (in the symbols panel in Flash, exported for AS). In that clip,
    there is another symbol called "Star". I import the SWF and
    BlueSquare symbols in with the following code:
    public var LogoCls:Class;
    public var LogoClsBlueSquare:Class;
    If I instantiate the BlueSquare on stage, it includes the
    Star symbol when previewed, but I can't figure out how to get at
    the Star symbol to change color. If I apply a color change to the
    symbol, it changes the entire BlueSquare symbol.
    If I instantiate the Star symbol separately, I can then
    position it on the stage and make changes, but that requires
    positioning it with actionscript. I'm trying to not have to
    position a sub-element of my actual artwork because of it's
    I'd like to display the main movieclip (or sprite) with the
    ability to access the attributes of a sub-movieclip or

  • Small Bug in Flash 8: loading swf that´s a vectorized image in many layers

    Hi! There´s a small bug in flash 8. If you load a swf
    that it´s a vectorized image in many layers, when you give it
    an action in onLoadInit, like mc.onRelease, the mc don´t
    "catch" that action. You can try loading an image (it works), a lot
    of swf (it works), but with this kind of swf the actions onRelease,
    onPress, etc... don´t work.
    I´ll make a different vectorized image to make it works
    (if there is only one layer it works)

    Seems odd it will only run once. Usually if a cache problem
    you get the same
    results even when you update the movie or server scripts.
    If it is
    http:// it is not local even if from the browser
    Verify the html is validated.
    Check to see if this applies to all swfs. Create a simple
    hello world swf
    that connects to a JSP script that returns a simple value to
    Flash. If that
    seems to work, then the problem is in the JSP or
    Actionscripting coding.
    Check you can load the JSP script repeatedly using a direct
    call to it on
    the browser line using
    Lon Hosford
    Flash, Actionscript and Flash Media Server examples:
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "srikanth_s_india" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e6obld$lfb$[email protected]..
    > Thanks for the article link.
    > I can't provide the URL as it is within our application
    which requires
    > logging
    > in. However, one more interesting thing about it is that
    it always works
    > for
    > the first time (in the browser/machine) but not from the
    next time.
    > My doubt is whether it is because of the caching? When
    it loads for the
    > first
    > time, the HTML and SWF files load from our server and
    hence are allowed to
    > communicate with our JSP. However, when it loads the
    subsequent times, it
    > probably loads from the cache and hence considered as a
    local file and not
    > allowed to communicate with our JSP file which is on the
    > Can anybody tell me how to enable a local SWF file to
    load SWF files from
    > the
    > Internet & access URLs from the Internet in Flash 8

  • TypeError: Error #1009 (loaded SWF)

    I'm pulling out my hair on this one!
    I'm just starting a site (full-Flash site) using CS3 and AS3.
    I'm pretty much accustom to the new AS3 changes. I built a rough
    structure to make sure the way I wanted to set the site up would
    work (loading in external SWFs, etc.). The tests worked.
    Now, I'm going in to make some things real, and I'm getting
    this error as soon as an external SWF loads in:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    at test_fla::MainTimeline/test_fla::frame2()
    I've tried narrowing it down, couldn't find the exact culprit
    (had to remove every ounce of ActionScript before it started to
    function again). So I started to rebuild that movie entirely --
    cleared out the Library and deleted every layer. Didn't work.
    Couldn't even add a stop(); action in Frame 1.
    Then I started completely fresh File > New, rebuilt again.
    I tested after every single change. I finally built it up to the
    point where I first tested the original, and it worked. So, then I
    added a couple more things tested again, and got the error again.
    Ahh, so I removed EXACTLY what I had just added. Tested again. SAME
    ERROR -- now it won't go away no matter what I remove!
    Crazier yet is that I can still load in my other test SWF
    files and they have actions in them, and they're set up the exact
    same way -- but they work...
    The whole site is new, so every SWF is CS3/AS3. I'm not even
    doing anything crazy, so I'm getting pretty frustrated trying to
    build an all AS3 site and I can't even do basic stuff....
    I can upload/email the FLA files in question if anyone has
    time to look...

    Well, when I test the loaded SWF within the Flash environment
    (by itself), it plays just fine.
    Then, I try to play the root containing movie (both within
    Flash and on the web server) and as soon as that section loads, is
    when the error occurs.
    I've tried tracing everything. even down to putting trace()
    actions between every layer. Can't determine what causes it...
    One thing I noticed (but I assume is a naming convention that
    Flash uses), is in the error above you see "test_fla", well, lets
    say I have these files:
    I don't have a test_fla, but the error code refers to it

  • Setting External Loaded SWF dimension

    hi guys...,
    i'll be straight to point,well i'm now working on a project using action  script 3 now what i'm trying to make is a Main SWF that load whatever  other swf into it the tricky thing is that i used 1 xml document read  the external swf source and it's setting(such as it's x,y position and  it's width and height) and i'm having problem setting the loaded swf width and  height btw it's an desktop application and not a website application.,
    here is my code:
    //variable list
    var swfList:XMLList; //hold all the zone list from the xml
    var totalZone:uint; //total of zone there is in the xml
    var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var swf:Movie Clip;//hold the loaded swf
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();//loader instance used to load the external swf
    var myCounter:uint = 0;
    //load the xml file
    myURLLoader.load(new URLRequest('myXMLFile.xml'));
    myURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML, false, 0, true);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
        XML.ignoreWhitespace= true;
        var myXML:XML = new XML(;
        swfList = myXML.SWF;
        totalSWF = myXML.SWF.length();
    function loadSWF():void
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, swfSetting);
        swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(swfList[myCounter].@source));
    function swfSetting(e:Event):void
        //making new instance of sprite to hold the new loaded swf
        swf = new MovieClip();
        //casting the loader content into a movieclip
        swf =;
        swf.x = swfList[myCounter].@left;
        swf.y = swfList[myCounter].@top;
        swf.width= swfList[myCounter].@width;
        swf.height= swfList[myCounter].@height;
        if(myCounter < totalSWF)
            trace('myCounter: ' + myCounter );
    and here is what the result ( it make the width and height of the loaded swf to 0):
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 320
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 240
    module: MyVideo/flvplayer.swf
    x container:0
    y container:0
    xml width:550
    width container:0
    xml height:400
    height container:0
    myCounter: 1
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 550
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 400
    module: AnalogueClock.swf
    x container:50
    y container:0
    xml width:250
    width container:250
    xml height:200
    height container:200
    myCounter: 2
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 800
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 30
    module: MyNewsticker/newsticker.swf
    x container:0
    y container:0
    xml width:300
    width container:0
    xml height:50
    height container:0
    most of my loaded swf beside the analouge clock is full action script code and in case of the analouge clock it is a swf that has a movie clip on it's stage (the other are fully created from action script 3.0)
    please do help me..,
    cause i'm already really desperate and going crazy by this problem..,

    sorry i copied the code from the other swf i used to do try and error test..,
    basically the container is the same as swf varibale
    here the code so you would'nt get confused:
    //variable list
    var swfList:XMLList; //hold all the zone list from the xml
    var totalZone:uint; //total of zone there is in the xml
    var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var swf:Movie Clip;//hold the loaded swf
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();//loader instance used to load the external swf
    var myCounter:uint = 0;
    //load the xml file
    myURLLoader.load(new URLRequest('myXMLFile.xml'));
    myURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML, false, 0, true);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
        XML.ignoreWhitespace= true;
        var myXML:XML = new XML(;
        swfList = myXML.SWF;
        totalSWF = myXML.SWF.length();
    function loadSWF():void
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfSetting);
        swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(swfList[myCounter].@source));
    function swfSetting(e:Event):void
        //making new instance of sprite to hold the new loaded swf
        swf = new MovieClip();
        //casting the loader content into a movieclip
        swf =;
        swf.x = swfList[myCounter].@left;
        swf.y = swfList[myCounter].@top;
        swf.width= swfList[myCounter].@width;
        swf.height= swfList[myCounter].@height;
        if(myCounter < totalSWF)
            trace('myCounter: ' + myCounter );
    well in my code i did cast the loader into a movie clip and then set it's width and heigt,right???
    wouldn't it just give me the same result??
    if it's not can u describe what u mean in more detail??
    some example about accessing the loader content would be really appreciated

  • (MX04) Pausing a loaded swf with sound objects within it

    I'm working on a PowerPoint-esque presentation where a user
    watches and listens to a loaded swf in the main movie, clicks the
    next button (which unloads the swf, advances to the next frame and
    loads the next swf), and watches the next one. Lather, rinse,
    repeat. Some of the sections are rather long, and I'd like to give
    the user the ability to pause and play by button click.
    I know how to stop and start the container MC, but that
    doesn't stop the sound object (and the embedded MCs). I also know
    how to pause and start a sound object using the object's instance
    name. Is there a way to pause everything from the main timeline,
    and keep the AS general enough so that any sound object pauses when
    Any help is most appreciated! MX04 and AS2.0.

    I tried your code and ran into some problems with stopping
    the mc's, as the embedded mc's within the loaded swf need to stop
    as well. I found the attached code to stop the mc's, but now am
    having trouble with the sound objects.
    Here's the issue, I used this:
    this.soundPosition = currentMovie.loop1.position/1000;
    ... for the sound object stop commands and listed a new one
    for each loop I was using. On the play button I started them back
    up again. This all works, but when I start them up again they all
    play, not just the one that is currently paused. Do you mind giving
    me some guidance with the for (obj in mc) loop? My loop experience
    is nil. What I want to do is have the code cycle through all of the
    loops to see which one is playing, then store that information in a
    variable, then pause and play the variable. Does that sound right?
    Thanks again for the help!

  • Load swf into movieclip // play pause buttons

    I am going out of my mind trying to get this to work. I can do it in AS2 without a hitch - but not AS3.
    I just need to load an external swf file into an empty movieclip. Then I have 2 buttons play and pause that need to be on the top layer of the new movie and they need to play and pause the loaded swf file.
    I have tried a number of things and nothing is working. Please help.
    Thank you in advance.

    you can use:
    var ldr:Loader=new Loader();
    ldr.load(new URLRequest("yourswfthatyouwanttoload.swf"));
    function playF(e:Event){
    function pauseF(e:Event){

  • Load SWF on stage with button

    Hallo everybody,
    I am a new Flash user so please forgive me if my question is
    a bit "simple". I want to obtain a flash button that can load SWF
    file on stage in a precise position without taking tha button
    place. As example please click . I have read about
    loadMovie e loadMovieNum but I do not not if I am in the right
    place. Thank you

    To do that you need to design the whole website using the
    keyframes and some tweening technics, you dont really need much
    complicated actionscript/loadmovie etc. Get to know alittle more
    about tweening and using the keyframes plus imagination.
    Good luck.

  • Controling a loaded swf with another loaded swf

    I have a blank stage with only AS that loads an swf
    addChildAt(0) and a second one addChildAt(1). This works. When the
    user interacts with (1) it calls another addChild (not indexed) and
    possibly that one loads another, depending on the choices made by
    the user. How can I get any of these to control that very first
    child that was loaded at (0)? I have run out of ideas.
    Some of the code:
    (on the main swf, nothing on the stage, only code that loads
    the next two)
    addChildAt(pHolder, 0);
    and for the second:
    addChildAt(mHolder, 1);
    On the child of childAt(1), I have:
    function replaceSWF(e:MouseEvent):void
    pLoader = new Loader();
    pLoader.load(new URLRequest("p.swf"));
    function placeNewClip(e:Event):void
    addChildAt(, 0);
    If I use this exact same code from that very first swf, the
    one that loads the first two external swfs, it works, but once I
    put it on one of hte other loadeds and sub loaded swfs, I can't get
    it to work. In the current state (0) it just makes everything on
    the stage disappear, so I figured then using the index of (1) would
    do it, but that or any other number results in absoluly nothing.
    Help! I am really out of ideas here.
    (the stacking looks like this) ---
    sub second loaded SWF <==== needs to tell first loaded SWF
    to unload then load a new swf at same index
    second loaded SWF <==== loads the next one above
    first loaded SWF <=== needs to be removed and another swf
    loaded at the same index
    mainSWF (loads two others) <=== code placed here works for
    first loaded SWF

    I tried your code and ran into some problems with stopping
    the mc's, as the embedded mc's within the loaded swf need to stop
    as well. I found the attached code to stop the mc's, but now am
    having trouble with the sound objects.
    Here's the issue, I used this:
    this.soundPosition = currentMovie.loop1.position/1000;
    ... for the sound object stop commands and listed a new one
    for each loop I was using. On the play button I started them back
    up again. This all works, but when I start them up again they all
    play, not just the one that is currently paused. Do you mind giving
    me some guidance with the for (obj in mc) loop? My loop experience
    is nil. What I want to do is have the code cycle through all of the
    loops to see which one is playing, then store that information in a
    variable, then pause and play the variable. Does that sound right?
    Thanks again for the help!

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