Array inside getURL not working

I'm trying to put links on multiple images using the titles of the images that I keep inside an array
var imagesTitles = new Array("Image title1", "Image title2", .... ); 
I'm starting a for loop here and after I replace the empty spaces with hyphens and lowercase the image titles I'm trying to attach a link to every instance like this:
getURL(imageLinks[i], "_blank");
If I trace imageLinks it looks like this
The browser opens and I get
What would be the correct way to use getURL with an array?

Here is my code:
String.prototype.replace = function(s, r) {
    return this.split(s).join(r);
for (var i:Number = 0; i < imagesTitles.length; i++) {
imageLink[i] = imageTitles[i];
imageLink[i] = imageLink[i].replace(" ", "-");
imageLink[i] = imageLink[i].toLowerCase();
imageLink[i] = "" +imageLink[i] + "/";
trace (imageLink[i]); // trace here shows a list of valid urls
gallery_mc["image" + i.toString()].onRelease = function(){
trace (imageLink[i]); // trace here shows undefined
getURL(imageLink[i], "_blank");
Must be a scope problem but I just started using AS2, I don't know how to fix it.

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  • Geturl not working of ferris wheel effect

    Thanks to Rob i have managed to get the effect i want and he
    has kindly given me the code to add a geturl to each of the images
    on the ferris wheel effect. The only thing is that when i view it
    it does not work so maybe i am missing somthing, see what you guys
    // create an onRelease function for each of the movieClips in
    //objectsInScene array...
    for (i in objectsInScene) {
    objectsInScene.onRelease = function() {
    // this function will figure out which pane was clicked on
    and execute a
    //getURL for a specific URL...
    //substitute your own urls...
    function useLink(thisOne) {
    switch (thisOne) {
    case theScene.pane :
    getURL("firstURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane1 :
    getURL("secondURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane2 :
    getURL("thirdURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane3 :
    getURL("fourthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane4 :
    getURL("fifthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane5 :
    getURL("sixthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane6 :
    getURL("seventhURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane7 :
    getURL("eighthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane8 :
    getURL("ninthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pan9 :
    getURL("tenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane10 :
    getURL("eleventhURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane11 :
    getURL("twelvthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane12 :
    getURL("thirteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane13 :
    getURL("fourteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane14 :
    getURL("fifteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    default :
    trace ("uh oh");
    Any suggestions please post.

    This is all of my code:
    // create a scene movieclip to contain all 3D elements
    // and center it on the screen.
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("theScene", 1);
    theScene._x = 290;
    theScene._y = 220;
    // now we'r going to create an array to keep track of all the
    // objects in the scene. That way, to position all the
    // you just need to loop through this array.
    objectsInScene = new Array();
    var paneArray:Array = ["pane", "pane1", "pane2", "pane3",
    "pane4", "pane5", "pane6", "pane7", "pane8", "pane9", "pane10",
    "pane11", "pane12", "pane13", "pane14"];
    var paneArray:Array ;
    paneArray[0] = "pane";
    paneArray[1] = "pane1";
    paneArray[2] = "pane2";
    paneArray[3] = "pane3";
    paneArray[4] = "pane4";
    paneArray[5] = "pane5";
    paneArray[6] = "pane6";
    paneArray[7] = "pane7";
    paneArray[8] = "pane8";
    paneArray[9] = "pane9";
    paneArray[10] = "pane10";
    paneArray[11] = "pane11";
    paneArray[12] = "pane12";
    paneArray[13] = "pane13";
    paneArray[14] = "pane14";
    // no camera, but a rotation will be needed to keep track of
    // spinning involved (though its the same as the camera)
    spin = 0;
    // focal length to determine perspective scaling
    focalLength = 250;
    // the function for controling the position of a friend
    displayPane = function(){
    var angle = this.angle - spin;
    var x = Math.cos(angle)*this.radius;
    var z = Math.sin(angle)*this.radius;
    var y = this.y;
    var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + z);
    this._x = x * scaleRatio;
    this._y = y * scaleRatio;
    this._xscale = this._yscale = 40 * scaleRatio;
    // on top of the normal scaling, also squish the
    // _xscale based on where in the rotation the pane is
    // since you would be looking at its side when at a z
    // of 0, it would be at its thinnest which would be
    // 0 since its a completely flat pane. So for that,
    // we can use the trig function of z (sin) to squish the
    // _xscale based on its position in z.
    // attach each pane in a loop and arrange them in a
    // circle based on the circumference of the circle
    // divided into steps
    angleStep = 2*Math.PI/15;
    for (i=0; i<15; i++){
    attachedObj = theScene.attachMovie(paneArray
    , "pane"+i, i);
    attachedObj.angle = angleStep * i;
    attachedObj.radius = 160;
    attachedObj.x = Math.cos(attachedObj.angle) *
    attachedObj.z = Math.sin(attachedObj.angle) *
    attachedObj.y = 30;
    attachedObj.display = displayPane;
    panCamera = function(){
    // rotate camera based on the position of the mouse
    spin += this._xmouse/4000;
    // Now, with the camera spun, you need to perform the
    // of the camera's position to everything else in the scene
    for (var i=0; i<objectsInScene.length; i++){
    // make each figure run backAndForth every frame
    theScene.onEnterFrame = panCamera;
    // create an onRelease function for each of the movieClips in
    //objectsInScene array...
    for (i in objectsInScene) {
    objectsInScene.onRelease = function() {
    // this function will figure out which pane was clicked on
    and execute a
    //getURL for a specific URL...
    //substitute your own urls...
    function useLink(thisOne) {
    switch (thisOne) {
    case theScene.pane :
    case theScene.pane1 :
    getURL("secondURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane2 :
    getURL("thirdURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane3 :
    getURL("fourthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane4 :
    getURL("fifthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane5 :
    getURL("sixthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane6 :
    getURL("seventhURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane7 :
    getURL("eighthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane8 :
    getURL("ninthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pan9 :
    getURL("tenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane10 :
    getURL("eleventhURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane11 :
    getURL("twelvthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane12 :
    getURL("thirteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane13 :
    getURL("fourteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    case theScene.pane14 :
    getURL("fifteenthURL.html", "_blank");
    default :
    trace ("uh oh");

  • Javascript calls via getURL not working anymore

    After upgrading to flash player 9,0,115,0 a simple call like
    getURL("javascript(alert'message')); doesn't work anymore on
    Internet Explorer (it fails without any error in policyfiles.txt,
    but it still work on Firefox). My IE version is 7.
    I can't use ExternalInterface 'cause i need to publish as
    Flash Player 7 AS2.0.
    Any comment or suggestion?

    I have a similar problem. When running a local HTML file,
    using IE7 and FP 9,0,115,0, all the getURL function calls cease to
    If I downgrade to FP8, still using IE7, everything works.
    If I downgrade to IE6, still using FP9.0.115.0, everything
    If I load the HTML via HTTP (instead of local), using IE7 and
    FP9.0.115.0, everything works.
    If I use Firefox, with FP9.0.115.0, everything works.
    So, the function calls fail only when the swf is contained on
    local HTML file, using
    IE7, and
    FP9.0.115.0. The problem is, most of our customers have that
    software profile, and all of them need to load the content locally
    (its very heavy for network transmission).
    All the getURLs are like this:
    We're setting the 'allowScriptAccess' to 'always'.
    Also, if we put the OBJECT tag inside the HTML (instead on an
    external JS file), the function calls still do not work.

  • Array to DataGrid not working. Please help before I lose my mind (and my hair) completely.

    I'm new to the whole flex/as/flash builder, but I'm trying to do a seemingly simple thing and it's not working.
    Flex Mobile project has a button and data grid. When I press the button a 2 dimensional array is build with random numbers. Then I want to show the array on datagrid.
    The array does get build but it's not showing up on data grid.
    Any help would be appreciated as I've spent lots of time on this without any solution.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
      xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
       import mx.collections.ArrayList;  
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       protected function cmdStart1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
       protected function DataGridTest1():void
        var board:Array = [];
        var arrList:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
        var i:int = 1;
        var j:int;
        text.text = "";
        for(i; i<=5; i++)
         board[i] = [];
         j = 1;
         for(j; j<=6; j++)
          board[i][j] = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
        arrList.source = board;
        grid.dataProvider = arrList; 
    <s:Button id="cmdStart1" x="53" y="100" width="394" height="62" label="DataGridTest1 (ArrayList to Grid)"
    <s:TextArea id="text" x="53" y="240" width="394" height="162"/>

    Sorry, the <s:TextArea shouldn't be there, I was using it to debug the array. I removed the  <s:DataGrid> instead of <s:TextArea> by mistake.
    Also, I tried to move arrList out of the function but that didn't work.
    Here's the entire code again:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
      xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
       import mx.collections.ArrayList;  
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       protected function cmdStart1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
       protected function DataGridTest1():void
        var board:Array = [];
        var arrList:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
        var i:int = 1;
        var j:int;
        text.text = "";
        for(i; i<=5; i++)
         board[i] = [];
         j = 1;
         for(j; j<=6; j++)
          board[i][j] = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
        arrList.source = board;
        grid.dataProvider = arrList; 
    <s:Button id="cmdStart1" x="53" y="100" width="394" height="62" label="DataGridTest1 (ArrayList to Grid)"
    <s:DataGrid id="grid" x="500" y="100" width="236" height="226" />

  • GetURL not working in IE 8 or Firefox 3

    I am trying to create a button which links to another website upon clicked. My code is as follows:
    on(release) {
         getURL("", "_blank");
    However, this does not work as the button act as if no event has been triggered. I am using Flash CS4 and my movie was exported for actionscript 2. I have attached the fla for your reference. Thanks in advance.

    I'm going through Classroom in a Book for ActionScript 3.0 and I'm having the same problems.  I beat my brains out trying to figure out why my simple link to the Flash site wouldn't work, only to find out the completed files didn't work either.  They do seem to work in Safari so I'm guessing it's some kind of security setting ?  It lauches the browser but just sits there without opening any URL.
    Anyone got an answer for this ?

  • GetURL not working off CD

    I have this simple code on a button and all seemed to be
    working well until I cut the movie to CD. From the CD I click on
    the button and nothing happens. I am not sure what additional
    information to provide so please ask me for the whatever you may
    need to assist. Thanks in advance.
    on (release){

    Having the same problem here...
    You can't use absolute path because you dont know drive letters, you can't infere CD is grabbing D: letter, or E:
    Relative path is not working for me too, dunno why :/
    i'm working in a CD too, but my animation is having clicks only, so i tried
    on(release) {
      getURL("./33903.htm", "_self");
    my flash file  is in that folder, one level up, not working thought XD

  • HELLLLLLLP! GetURL not working!!!

    Hello All,
    I'm working in CS3. and have created buttons using the
    following code:
    The page is not found when clicked. Here's what it is going
    on in the address bar.; -Water.html/
    Page Not Found
    The page you have requested cannot be found or has been
    removed. Please use the menus provided to navigate this store.
    Seems it is adding a :80 after the .com.
    Any ideas... or am I using the wrong code.
    This worked prior to adding the full link to page:
    Direct links to website work... why is the direct link not
    It used to work the same way a couple versions back.
    Any help is appreiciated.

    It should be like this:
    The "/" shouldnt be in the end of the URL.
    / Pinnennet

  • Button with GetURL not working

    I have made a button symbol (trying to make a skip intro
    button) which is just unselectable text. I have made all 4 states
    including the hit state.
    I have used the either
    on (release) {
    getURL("who.html", "_self");
    getURL("who.html", "_self");
    Nothing works when i click the link,. I know the button works
    because my over state happens.
    I'm sure I'm missing something simple. I have done this all
    the time and I actually have a getURL that works but its not on a
    button, its just at the end of the flash.

    this is a scope issue, unless the swf file is mounted online,
    it wont' be able to open a relative path. If you want to test the
    swf from your local machine, mount the 'who.html' online and then
    use a fully-qualified path as in:
    getURL( ''
    , '_self');
    (if in the root directory folder)

  • GetURL not working without WWW

    Hi there,
    I have created one website
    Problem is I type , links its work
    but I type, all link are not
    please tell me whats problem this

    i don't see a problem.

  • GetURL not working on all computers?

    I have a banner with a link to a site, but it won't activate
    on most browsers. On my computer it works on Firefox or Safari, but
    for most other people, clicking has no effect. Maybe it's a Flash
    setting, or a Flash player setting? How can I change this so that
    when people click they get redirected?
    Thank you

    Hi Jean,
    Actually, we have an issue with scalable HTML content and smartshapes where smartshapes do not work as buttons in scaled mode.
    Please try switching off the "Scalable HTML Content" option in the Publish dialog before publishing. Then it should work.

  • GetURL not working when swf is loaded into another swf

    Ok, I need some help for something relatively simple which
    for some reason I've not been able to find any information on at
    Hopefully it will be something easy to fix.
    Essentially I have the following:
    my main movie "Home.swf"
    another movie "Sub.swf"
    I've loaded "Sub.swf" into "Home.swf" via an empty movieclip.
    Within "Sub.swf" I have some links which when clicked call
    getURL and open a HTML page in the browser.
    But for some reason the getURL isn't working and I believe
    its because the getURL is called from a loaded movie within
    I've tried changing the actionscript to:
    but neither (_root / _parent) seems to work?
    Need help here please.
    Many thanks.
    Kind regards,

    Hi kglad,
    Yes the button is definitely firing ok.
    In the "Sub.swf" movie, on the second frame of the timeline
    (the first frame is some preloader code) there is the following
    imgMC.mascara.onPress = function() {
    //trace('mc[activo] = ' + mc[activo]);
    case _level0.imgMC.MC0:
    trace('0 - ' + mc[activo])
    case _level0.imgMC.MC1:
    trace('1 - ' + mc[activo])
    case _level0.imgMC.MC2:
    trace('2 - ' + mc[activo])
    case _level0.imgMC.MC3:
    trace('3 - ' + mc[activo])
    case _level0.imgMC.MC4:
    trace('4 - ' + mc[activo])
    case _level0.imgMC.MC5:
    trace('5 - ' + mc[activo])
    If I run this movie in Flash (ctrl-enter) then the trace
    works fine.
    But the trace stops working when I run the main "Home.swf"
    movie in Flash (ctrl-enter) when the "Sub.swf" is loaded into an
    empty movie clip.
    And when I change the trace for a getURL and test in a
    browser it still doesn't work?
    What do you reckon?

  • Drag/Drop inside SWFLoader not working

    I've got a Flex application that loads a secondary Flex app via SWFLoader. The secondary app uses drag/drop operations to rearrange components, delete them etc.  The secondary app works perfectly while it is running by itself (eg. not 'embedded' via SWFLoader into the main app).
    Once I load it into the main application using a SWFLoader drag/drop operations no longer work correctly. All other events seems to work fine. It is only drag/drop that don't always work right.
    Is there something I am missing that would cause this issue? I'm thinking there may be a property I need to set on the SWFLoader. Hopefully someone can help.

    Thanks Alex.
    I did as you say, and DragManager is in the report file in several places. Also, Drag/Drop does work inside of SWFLoader for the TileList in the loaded app, and even somtimes as it should as far as the drag/drop operation I am talking about, but not always.
    It seems to work sometimes and not others. When it does work it is not nearly as smooth as when I run the app as a "stand alone" and I never see the drag proxy while dragging inside of SWFLoader.
    Is there anything else that could be causing these issues? 

  • GetURL - not working in IE

    I have a file in the root of a web server and prior to Flash
    Player 9 (I believe this to be the culprit) I was able to simply
    attach the following code to a button and the file would download
    (it will work in Mozilla browsers, just not IE):
    getURL("", _blank);
    Any ideas?

    I removed _blank and it works now.

  • Fscommand inside onSoundComplete not working

    Hi there,
    I'm building a flash movie that needs to run a javascript function afer a particular sound finishes playing.
    Here's the code i'm curently using:
    var som:Sound = new Sound();
    som.onSoundComplete = function(){
          fscommand("animation", "ready");
    I'm publishing the HTML as a template for Flash with FSCommand, and I have the following code on the HTML inside the DoFSCommand javascript function:
    if (command == "animation") {
           alert("This slide is " + args);
    This is placed inside an IIS aplication, so that no security issues prevent the comm between the SWF and the HTML/Javascript
    I've successfully done this on a test SWF, but there, the fscommand was triggered by an onPress event from a button. Is it not possible to trigger it with the onSoundComplete event?

    Have you though about using the ExternalInterface class instead of FSCommand?
    It is the more modern approach to communicating between Flash and the web page.  You should be able to find some helpful info if you search Google.  Here's a link to an article that covers numerous forms of communications including the ExternalInterface approach.
    If going that route doesn't appeal to you, turn your attention away from the problem you thought you had and try to recreate what you say you had working from the html end. 

  • For dynamically allocated double arrays, sizeof() does not work

    For a typical double array, if you need to get the size, you would use
    However, for dynamically allocated double arrays (see here for example) this no longer works.
    For the example above, sizeof(myArray) returns 4, and sizeof(myArray[0]) returns 8.
    Go to Solution.

    That's because sizeof(myArray) is the size of the pointer to the dynamically allocated array.
    sizeof(myArray[0]) is the size of a double (8 bytes).
    If you know the size you malloc'd then just use this instead of the sizeof(myArray) function.
    Array size (for use in bounds checking for example) is a compile-time thing in C89 (though CVI will hack in run-time bounds checking for you in a debug compile).  So even if you cast a malloc'd buffer pointer to an array type, the compiler's out of the picture at run time when the buffer gets established to a (potentially) run-time determined size, so it can't help you.  More modern languages (e.g. Java, C#) all get around this problem.  C99 allows variable length arrays to be declared but I'm not sure NI implemented this in their C99 upgrades.

Maybe you are looking for

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