Array of File[] objects

This may be a silly question, but I'm trying to obtain the length of an array of type File[]. The .length() method doesn't seem to work. Can someone please tell me how I can go about determining the length of my File[] array?

File [] is an array. So u can get it by using its length public member.
So check out this code snippet.
File []listOfFiles = .....;
int len = listOfFiles.length;
I think u can now do whatever u want with this

Similar Messages

  • Create Class objects from an Array of File Objects

    Hi There,
    I'm having extreme difficulty in trying to convert an array of file objects to Class objects. My problem is as follows: I'm using Jfilechooser to select a directory and get an array of files of which are all .class files. I want to create Class objects from these .class files. Therefore, i can extract all the constructor, method and field information. I eventually want this class information to display in a JTree. Very similar to the explorer used in Netbeans. I've already created some code below, but it seems to be throwing a NoSuchMethodError exception. Can anyone please help??
    Thanks in advance,
    /* the following is the class im using */
    class FileClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private File file;
    public FileClassLoader (File ff) {
    this.file = ff;
    protected synchronized Class loadClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
    Class c = null;
    try {
    // Get size of class file
    int size = (int)file.length();
    // Reserve space to read
    byte buff[] = new byte[size];
    // Get stream to read from
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream (fis);
    // Read in data
    dis.readFully (buff);
    // close stream
    // get class name and remove ".class"
    String classname = null;
    String filename = file.getName();
    int i = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
    if(i>0 && i<filename.length()-1) {
    classname = filename.substring(0,i);
    // create class object from bytes
    c = defineClass (classname, buff, 0, buff.length);
    resolveClass (c);
    } catch ( e) {
    return c;
    } // end of method loadClass
    } // end of class FileClassLoader
    /* The above class is used in the following button action in my gui */
    /* At the moment im trying to output the data to standard output */
    private void SelectPackage_but2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    final JFileChooser f = new JFileChooser();
    int rVal = f.showOpenDialog(Remedy.this);
    // selects directory
    File dir = f.getSelectedFile();
    // gets a list of files within the directory
    File[] allfiles = dir.listFiles();
    // for loop to filter out all the .class files
    for (int k=0; k < allfiles.length; k++) {
    if (allfiles[k].getName().endsWith(".class")) {
    try {
    System.out.println("File name: " + allfiles[k].getName()); // used for debugging
    FileClassLoader loader = new FileClassLoader(allfiles[k]);
    Class cl = loader.loadClass();
    //Class cl = null;
    Class[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
    java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods = cl.getDeclaredMethods();
    java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = cl.getDeclaredFields();
    System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());
    //print out methods
    for (int m=0; m < methods.length; m++) {
    System.out.println("Method: " + methods[m].getName());
    // print out fields
    for (int fld=0; fld < fields.length; fld++) {
    System.out.println("Field: " + fields[fld].getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // end of if loop
    } // end of for loop

    It's throwing the exeption on the line:
    FileClassLoader loader = new FileClassLoader(allfiles[k]);
    I'm sure its something to do with the extended class i've created. but i cant seem to figure it out..
    Thanks if you can figure it out

  • Creating File objects from all files in a folder.

    Hi, I'm not too brilliant of a programmer, so this may be an obvious one that I could find in the API.
    My goal is to compare files for similarities and then give some output, that's not too important.
    My question is: How do I create an array of File objects from a folder of *.txt files, without creating each individually? Is there a way to simply get all the files from the folder?
    File I/O is still pretty new to me. If I didn't give a good enough explanation, please say so.
    Thank you very much!

    Note by the way that a File represents an abstract pathname, the idea of a file as a location. It doesn't specify the file's contents, nor does it require that the file it represents actually exists. A better name might be "theoretical file" or "directory listing entry".
    So getting a whole bunch of File objects is itself perhaps not necessary (although it could be useful).
    To expand on reply #1, look for File methods whose names start with "list".

  • How to convert bytes[] into File object

    how to convert byte array into File object
    pls.. help me

    rrrr007 wrote:
    How to convert bytes[] into multipage File object?? ]There's no such thing as a "multipage File object." You ought to re-read this thread closely, and read the [API docs for File|] to clear up your confusion about what a File object is.
    I used the to concatenate two input streams (basically .pdf files) into a single input stream. I need to create a single multipage pdf file using this input stream. Then you need a pdf API, like iText or fop. You can't just concatenate pdf files, word docs, excel sheets, etc., like you can text files. Google for java pdf api.

  • I can't seem to get individual elements when comparing 2 arrays using Compare-Object

    My backup software keeps track of servers with issues using a 30 day rolling log, which it emails to me once a week in CSV format. What I want to do is create a master list of servers, then compare that master list against the new weekly lists to identify
    servers that are not in the master list, and vice versa. That way I know what servers are new problem and which ones are pre-existing and which ones dropped off the master list. At the bottom is the entire code for the project. I know it's a bit much
    but I want to provide all the information, hopefully making it easier for you to help me :)
    Right now the part I am working on is in the Compare-NewAgainstMaster function, beginning on line 93. After putting one more (fake) server in the master file, the output I get looks like this
    Total entries (arrMasterServers): 245
    Total entries (arrNewServers): 244
    Comparing new against master
    There are 1 differences.
    InputObject SideIndicator
    @{Agent= Virtual Server in vCenterServer; Backupse... <=
    What I am trying to get is just the name of the server, which should be $arrDifferent[0] or possibly $arrDifferent.Client. Once I have the name(s) of the servers that are different, then I can do stuff with that. So either I am not accessing the array
    right, building the array right, or using Compare-Object correctly.
    Thank you!
    Sample opening lines from the report
    " CommCells > myComCellServer (Reports) >"
    " myComCellServer -"
    " 30 day SLA"
    CommCell Details
    " Client"," Agent"," Instance"," Backupset"," Subclient"," Reason"," Last Job Id"," Last Job End"," Last Job Status"
    " myServerA"," vCenterServer"," VMware"," defaultBackupSet"," default"," No Job within SLA Period"," 496223"," Nov 17, 2014"," Killed"
    " myServerB"," Oracle Database"," myDataBase"," default"," default"," No Job within SLA Period"," 0"," N/A"," N/A"
    Entire script
    # things to add
    # what date was server entered in list
    # how many days has server been on list
    # add temp.status = pre-existing, new, removed from list
    # copy sla_master before making changes. Copy to archive folder, automate rolling 90 days?
    ## 20150114 Created script ##
    #declare global variables
    $global:arrNewServers = @()
    $global:arrMasterServers = @()
    $global:countNewServers = 1
    function Get-NewServers
    Write-Host "Since we're skipping the 1st 6 lines, create test to check for opening lines of report from CommVault."
    write-host "If not original report, break out of script"
    Write-Host ""
    #skip 5 to include headers, 6 for no headers
    (Get-Content -path $path | Select-Object -Skip 6) | Set-Content $path
    $sourceNewServers = get-content -path $path
    $global:countNewServers = 1
    foreach ($line in $sourceNewServers)
    #declare array to hold object temporarily
    $temp = @{}
    $tempLine = $line.Split(",")
    #get and assign values
    $temp.Client = $tempLine[0].Substring(2, $tempLine[0].Length-3)
    $temp.Agent = $tempLine[1].Substring(2, $tempLine[1].Length-3)
    $temp.Backupset = $tempLine[3].Substring(2, $tempLine[3].Length-3)
    $temp.Reason = $tempLine[5].Substring(2, $tempLine[5].Length-3)
    #write temp object to array
    $global:arrNewServers += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $temp
    #increment counter
    $global:countNewServers ++
    Write-Host ""
    $exportYN = Read-Host "Do you want to export new servers to new master list?"
    $exportYN = $exportYN.ToUpper()
    if ($exportYN -eq "Y")
    $exportPath = Read-Host "Enter full path to export to"
    Write-Host "Exporting to $($exportPath)"
    foreach ($server in $arrNewServers)
    $newtext = $Server.Client + ", " + $Server.Agent + ", " + $Server.Backupset + ", " + $Server.Reason
    Add-Content -Path $exportPath -Value $newtext
    function Get-MasterServers
    $sourceMaster = get-content -path $path
    $global:countMasterServers = 1
    foreach ($line in $sourceMaster)
    #declare array to hold object temporarily
    $temp = @{}
    $tempLine = $line.Split(",")
    #get and assign values
    $temp.Client = $tempLine[0]
    $temp.Agent = $tempLine[1]
    $temp.Backupset = $tempLine[2]
    $temp.Reason = $tempLine[3]
    #write temp object to array
    $global:arrMasterServers += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $temp
    #increment counter
    $global:countMasterServers ++
    function Compare-NewAgainstMaster
    Write-Host "Total entries (arrMasterServers): $($countMasterServers)"
    Write-Host "Total entries (arrNewServers): $($countNewServers)"
    Write-Host "Comparing new against master"
    #Compare-Object $arrMasterServers $arrNewServers
    $arrDifferent = @(Compare-Object $arrMasterServers $arrNewServers)
    Write-Host "There are $($arrDifferent.Count) differences."
    foreach ($item in $arrDifferent)
    ## BEGIN CODE ##
    $getMasterServersYN = Read-Host "Do you want to get master servers?"
    $getMasterServersYN = $getMasterServersYN.ToUpper()
    if ($getMasterServersYN -eq "Y")
    $filePathMaster = Read-Host "Enter full path and file name to master server list"
    $temp = Test-Path $filePathMaster
    if ($temp -eq $false)
    Read-Host "File not found ($($filePathMaster)), press any key to exit script"
    Get-MasterServers -path $filePathMaster
    $getNewServersYN = Read-Host "Do you want to get new servers?"
    $getNewServersYN = $getNewServersYN.ToUpper()
    if ($getNewServersYN -eq "Y")
    $filePathNewServers = Read-Host "Enter full path and file name to new server list"
    $temp = Test-Path $filePathNewServers
    if ($temp -eq $false)
    Read-Host "File not found ($($filePath)), press any key to exit script"
    Get-NewServers -path $filePathNewServers
    #$global:arrNewServers | format-table client, agent, backupset, reason -AutoSize
    #Write-Host ""
    #Write-Host "Total entries (arrNewServers): $($countNewServers)"
    #Write-Host ""
    #$global:arrMasterServers | format-table client, agent, backupset, reason -AutoSize
    #Write-Host ""
    #Write-Host "Total entries (arrMasterServers): $($countMasterServers)"
    #Write-Host ""

    do not do this:
    $arrDifferent = @(Compare-Object $arrMasterServers $arrNewServers)
    Try this:
    $arrDifferent = Compare-Object $arrMasterServers $arrNewServers -PassThru
    This is what made the difference. I guess you don't have to declare arrDifferent as an array, it is automatically created as an array when Compare-Object runs and fills it with the results of the compare operation. I'll look at that "pass thru" option
    in a little more detail. Thank you very much!
    Yes - this is the way PowerShell works.  You do not need to write so much code once you understand what PS can and is doing.

  • Access file object from flex web app

    Hi all,
    I want to access file object from flex web app. What should i do?
    I have to take array from my XML. In XML there will be only dir path. So for taking file name from dir i have to access it and have to perform for loop on that dir.
    What should I do?
    Any Ideas?

    Hi Michael
    My question is that I dont want to give name of images in XML file.
    In XML file there will be only path of image directory. So I need to find all image name from that image directory.
    Thats why I want to access file object.
    Any ideas?    

  • Create a File object from a file in a .jar

    i looked for 2 hours...
    i tired this:
    URL url =  MyClass.class.getResource("filename.dat");
    File file = new File(url.getFile());i give up.

    The problem is that the file inside a Jar file is not
    a file. The jar file just contains a stream of bytes
    in the format needed to make the Jar file. Jar files
    are not folders like in the directory. So to get at
    the contents of the Jar file you need to read the Jar.
    The getResource method returns the URL which is a
    file URL, but this only works because Java has
    handlers that deal with getting the contents from a
    Jar file based on this type of URL. A URL cannot
    just be made into a file. I'm not sure that the File
    object can handle this type of file URL (I guess not
    or we wouldn't be having this discussion). So really
    it just depends what you want do. If you want to
    extract the file, just read the data in from the
    inputstream gotten from the URL, or better just call
    getResourceAsStream(), and read the bytes into an
    array. After this, you can do whatever, write it as
    a file to the hard drive, convert to a string, get
    the size based on the array length. makes sense, but how could i get an InputStream into an array, dont i need the size of the array first? and i dont think i can use InputStream.available()to figure it out... i tired downcasting to a FileInputStream yet no avail.

  • Array of cfc object help

    I just picked up coldfusion about a month ago, so my
    coldfusion lingo sucks. I have been programming in C++ for over 5
    years now and will be using a lot of C++ terminology to help avoid
    any confusion. I am writing a cfc function that preforms web
    servicing. This function needs to return an object/class that is
    defined in another coldfusion function. I can do this without a
    problem if I only need to return one instance of this object.
    However, I cannot seem to return an array of this object (I need to
    return multiple instances of this object, kind of like a query, but
    for programming purposes it needs to stay as an object).
    It seems that the webservicing function hates my return type.
    If I try to make an array of the object, it does not like array or
    the object as the return type. However, when I take this function
    out of the cfc, and make it a cfm, it gets the array of objects
    just fine. So, I think I am having issues with the return type on
    the <cffunction> tag. So I came up with the idea of creating
    another object which will hold an array of the first object and
    using the second object as the return type. Here is some psuedo
    code of the function I am working on:
    <cffunction name="SelectGames" access="remote"
    returntype="ArrayOfGames" output="false">
    <!-- arguments --->
    <!--- query --->
    <cfobject component = "myArray" name>
    <cfobject component="games" name="test">
    <cfset counter = 0>
    <cfloop query="getevents">
    <cfset counter = counter + 1>
    <cfset test.Game_id = event_id>
    <cfset test.gameDate = eventdate>
    <cfset test.Starttime = starttime>
    <cfset test.Place = place>
    <cfset test.Level = level>
    <cfset test.Sport = sport>
    <cfset test.Gender = division>
    <cfset test.Opponent = opponent_id>
    <cfset test.Type = type>
    <cfset test.Link = spec_name>
    <cfset myArray.gamesArray[counter] = test>
    <cfreturn myArray>
    It keeps telling me that it does not recognize the return
    Here are examples of the two objects I am using from the 2
    dif. cfc files:
    <cfproperty name="gamesArray" type="array">
    <cfproperty name="Game_id" type="numeric">
    <cfproperty name="gameDate" type="date">
    <cfproperty name="Starttime" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Place" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Level" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Sport" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Gender" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Opponent" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Type" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Link" type="string">
    Feel free to post any questions to clear anything up, I know
    this is confusing and I probably did a poor job of explaining my
    problem. Also, if I throw this code into a cfm and try to make an
    array of games, it works, this is the code I got it to work with:
    <cfset myArray = newArray(1)>
    <cfloop query="getevents">
    <cfset counter = counter + 1>
    <cfset test.Game_id = event_id>
    <cfset test.gameDate = eventdate>
    <cfset test.Starttime = starttime>
    <cfset test.Place = place>
    <cfset test.Level = level>
    <cfset test.Sport = sport>
    <cfset test.Gender = division>
    <cfset test.Opponent = opponent_id>
    <cfset test.Type = type>
    <cfset test.Link = spec_name>
    <cfset myArray[counter] = test>
    I guess my problem is I do not know how to specify a type for
    an array.

    The return type of this FUNCTION would be returnType="array".
    No matter
    what kind of data the array contained.
    That's what I get for fast proofing.
    Ian Skinner wrote:
    > I would have to play with your code more if this does
    not clear it up
    > for you, but lets start with this simple concept first.
    > You mentioned "typing the array" several times.
    ColdFusion is typeless,
    > you don't type an array, it is just array. An array of
    strings is the
    > same as an array of integers which is the same as an
    array of objects.
    > So if you had a function something like this.
    > <cffunction returnType="array" ...>
    > <cfset theArray = arrayNew()>
    > <cfloop ...>
    > <cfset arrayAppend(theArray, newObject)>
    > </cfloop>
    > <cfreturn theArray>
    > </cffunction>
    > The return type of this function would be
    returnType="array". No matter what
    > kind of data the array contained.
    > mwiley63 wrote:
    >> I just picked up coldfusion about a month ago, so my
    coldfusion lingo
    >> sucks. I have been programming in C++ for over 5
    years now and will
    >> be using a lot of C++ terminology to help avoid any
    confusion. I am
    >> writing a cfc function that preforms web servicing.
    This function
    >> needs to return an object/class that is defined in
    another coldfusion
    >> function. I can do this without a problem if I only
    need to return
    >> one instance of this object. However, I cannot seem
    to return an
    >> array of this object (I need to return multiple
    instances of this
    >> object, kind of like a query, but for programming
    purposes it needs to
    >> stay as an object).
    >> It seems that the webservicing function hates my
    return type. If I
    >> try to make an array of the object, it does not like
    array or the
    >> object as the return type. However, when I take this
    function out of
    >> the cfc, and make it a cfm, it gets the array of
    objects just fine.
    >> So, I think I am having issues with the return type
    on the
    >> <cffunction> tag. So I came up with the idea
    of creating another
    >> object which will hold an array of the first object
    and using the
    >> second object as the return type. Here is some
    psuedo code of the
    >> function I am working on:
    >> <cffunction name="SelectGames" access="remote"
    >> returntype="ArrayOfGames" output="false">
    >> <!-- arguments --->
    >> <!--- query --->
    >> <cfobject component = "myArray" name>
    >> <cfobject component="games" name="test">
    >> <cfset counter = 0>
    >> <cfloop query="getevents">
    >> <cfset counter = counter + 1>
    >> <cfset test.Game_id = event_id>
    >> <cfset test.gameDate = eventdate>
    >> <cfset test.Starttime = starttime>
    >> <cfset test.Place = place>
    >> <cfset test.Level = level>
    >> <cfset test.Sport = sport>
    >> <cfset test.Gender = division>
    >> <cfset test.Opponent = opponent_id>
    >> <cfset test.Type = type>
    >> <cfset test.Link = spec_name>
    >> <cfset myArray.gamesArray[counter] = test>
    >> </cfloop>
    >> <cfreturn myArray>
    >> </cffunction>
    >> It keeps telling me that it does not recognize the
    return type.
    >> Here are examples of the two objects I am using from
    the 2 dif. cfc
    >> files:
    >> <cfcomponent>
    >> <cfproperty name="gamesArray" type="array">
    >> </cfcomponent>
    >> <cfcomponent>
    >> <cfproperty name="Game_id" type="numeric">
    >> <cfproperty name="gameDate" type="date">
    >> <cfproperty name="Starttime" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Place" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Level" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Sport" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Gender" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Opponent" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Type" type="string">
    >> <cfproperty name="Link" type="string">
    >> </cfcomponent>
    >> Feel free to post any questions to clear anything
    up, I know this is
    >> confusing and I probably did a poor job of
    explaining my problem.
    >> Also, if I throw this code into a cfm and try to
    make an array of
    >> games, it works, this is the code I got it to work
    >> <cfset myArray = newArray(1)>
    >> <cfloop query="getevents">
    >> <cfset counter = counter + 1>
    >> <cfset test.Game_id = event_id>
    >> <cfset test.gameDate = eventdate>
    >> <cfset test.Starttime = starttime>
    >> <cfset test.Place = place>
    >> <cfset test.Level = level>
    >> <cfset test.Sport = sport>
    >> <cfset test.Gender = division>
    >> <cfset test.Opponent = opponent_id>
    >> <cfset test.Type = type>
    >> <cfset test.Link = spec_name>
    >> <cfset myArray[counter] = test>
    >> </cfloop>
    >> I guess my problem is I do not know how to specify a
    type for an array.

  • Traversing all directories and listing all file objects

    I am wondering if someone can help me out.
    In IFS, I would like to traverse recursively down all directories starting from a particular directory to be set by me, and collect all objects that are file objects, say in an Array of PublicObjects. However the listing should exclude folder objects. Obviously the folder objects would be used to traverse further down the directory tree and collect more (file) PublicObjects.
    I have tried a few things but I can't seem to distinguish between folder and file objects. If someone could provide me with a code example to get me started that would be tremendously appreciated.
    Thanks very much.

    Can you not just test for an instance of Folder?

  • Help, store an array of cd objects

    im doing a java project on creating a music cd database, i need to store an array of cd objects, each entry in the array will be a single object for a cd.
    The objects are: Artist, Album, No of tracks
    I need some help with this, thanks
    here's the code ive done so far:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class Cd1
         public static void main (String[] args)
              int menu_choice;
              CdRecord one = new CdRecord();
              one.artist_name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter artist name.");
              one.album_name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter album name.");
              one.no_of_tracks =Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the number of tracks on the album"));
    class CdRecord
         public String artist_name;
         public String album_name;
         public int no_of_tracks;
    public CdRecord (String artist, String album, int tracks, int year)
         artist_name = artist;
         album_name = album;
         no_of_tracks = tracks;
    public CdRecord()
    artist_name = "A";
    album_name = "B";
    no_of_tracks = 0;
    public void printCdRecord ()
    String o = "Artist Name: " + artist_name + "\nAlbum Name: " album_name"\nNo. Of Tracks: " + no_of_tracks;;

    where should i put this in my code?this part would normally be a class field, accessible from many parts of the class
    java.util.List<CdRecord> records;to it may look something like this
    class Cd1
      private java.util.List<CdRecord> records;//and use constructor to create
      private java.util.List<CdRecord> records = new java.util.ArrayList<CdRecord>(); is, the above will cause you a problem because you have most of your code in main() which is static.
    before you go much further, rethink your program design:
    - your class name is Cd1, which would indicate a single CD, but you're doing a CD database so call it CdInventory, CdCollection, etc
    - the only code you want in main() is to start the program, so that would be new CdInventory(), nothing more (unless creating a GUI)
    - how are you going to get new records - a GUI with buttons add/edit/delete, or the console.
    - are you going to save new/edited records to a file (the database), and read existing data back into the program at startup
    - basically how you go about the above determines what you have in the constructor of the program (and do not use main() for this)

  • Writing an array of custom objects to CSV

    I am brand new to PS. I have been reading many, many forums and am stuck on something I think you all will find very easy.
    Essentially all I want to do is use the test-path method to determine if a file and track yes or no. Repeat for several products. And finally export to a CSV.  So far I have cobbled together the If statement that will return a Yes Or No with the product name. 
    Able to put it into an array of custom objects so I can export-csv without just getting the just the name lengths.  The problem is that I only get the last value of the custom objects over and over again.  Here's my simple code:
    $hostname = hostname
    $Products = @()
    $myobj = "" | select COTS_Product, PassFail
    If(test-Path -Path C:\"Program Files"\Java\jre7\THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt)
    $myobj.COTS_Product = "JRE 7 on Host?"
    $myobj.PassFail = "YES"
    $Products += $myobj
    $myobj.COTS_Product = "JRE 7 on Host?"
    $myobj.PassFail = "NO"
    $Products += $myobj
    ##Product 2
    If(test-Path -Path H:\Smileys\6.gif)
    $myobj.COTS_Product = "Smileys 6 on Host?"
    $myobj.PassFail = "YES"
    $Products += $myobj
    $myobj.COTS_Product = "Smileys 6 on Host?"
    $myobj.PassFail = "NO"
    $Products += $myobj
    $Products | Export-Csv H:\$hostname.csv -NoTypeInformation
    Here's my output:
    Smileys 6 on Host?
    Smileys 6 on Host?
    SHould Be:
    JRE 7 on Host?
    Smileys 6 on Host?
    Please Help.

    You have been  reading a lot of very old and very faulty misleading forums.  Start by actually sitting downa nd trying to learnPowerSHell.  You cannot guess your way through any relatively sophisticated technology.
    Here is a little example of a way to do this in PowerShell.
    function Test-Product{
    New-Object PsObject -Property @{
    PassFail=Test-Path $path
    'JRE 7'='C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt'
    'JSmileys 6'='h:\Smileys\6.gif'
    $products=foreach($key in $test_products.keys){
    Test-Product $key $test_products[$key]
    $Products | Export-Csv H:\$hostname.csv -NoTypeInformation
    This can be expanded in any way needed without issues.  It uses the design of PowerShell to set up the objects so they are manageable.  Until you learn about objects and formal programming logic and some elements of design you will have some difficulty
    in figuring out how to do these things.  Once you learn the basics they will seem very simple.  You cannot learn the basics from reading forum posts.

  • Using the array of file names from File.list()

    I'm having trouble with my code, similar to this:
    File temp=new File(path); //where 'path' is a String containing the directory path
    String [ ] arr = temp.list();
    Then when trying to use arr, I come up with NullPointerExceptions.
    The Java API says that the File.list() method returns a Stirng array.
    But then how do I use/get this array in a nice usable form?
    (eg. to be able to loop through the list of {returned} Files)

    Yes I have referred closely to the documentation.
    The method list() for my File object is definitely not returning null;
    it seems that as soon as the code inside the loop tries to access the next element of the returned array [the one after the last existing element] - which is actually non-existent (ie overstepped the bounds of the array's index) - the program comes up with an Exception*. So the method list() does not return null...
    I have managed a workaround similar to this:
            File temp = new File (path);
            String[] list = new String [temp.list ().length + 1];
                for (int i = 0 ; temp.list () != null ; i++)
    list [i] = temp.list () [i];
    catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException iobe)
    * The program is not coming up with NullPointerExceptions anymore; only an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if I comment out the try and catch coding.... (?)
    Thanks for your suggestion about posting this at the Java Programming Forum.
    My workaround works, but is there a way to do this without catching an exception?

  • Can I create a File object without writing it to the disk?

    I need construct a mechanism where I can "write" instructions to a file and then FTP this file to a remote system. It is basically a Telnet-like integration for a system that does not support Telnet. Once the file is on the remote device, it knows how to read the file and process its instructions.
    I would like to logically create this File object, by that I mean that I would like to use a FileWriter object to write the text instructions to the File, then use the Jakarta Commons NET API to FTP the file to the remote system. My question: can I create this File object without the file actually being written to the file system? Can the File just be memory resident for this creation and FTP?
    There could be tens of thousands of these transactions per day and I would like to just avoid any kind of deletion strategy, if I can. Thanks.

    Apart from the questionable decision to try and mess with the File object, I think the answer to (my guess at) your original question is "Yes".
    Jakarta Commons/Net FTP can upload to a server from any input stream you like. It doesn't have to be a FileInputStream. In particular it could be a ByteArrayInputStream, which reads from a byte array in memory.

  • Sending File object via  UDP

    i have 2 applications...a server and a client..i want to send a file object or any self declared object from the server to the client application.How can i accomplish this.Do i still have to use byte arrays. Can u help me with this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Bear in mind that the File object - I'm assuming you mean an instance of here - isn't "the file", it's just a handle to the file. Sending that itself is pointless, since it describes a file on your local machine, which will mean nothing to another machine. You need to read in the actual bytes of that file and send them

  • How to call a file object into LinkedList?

    Hey all,
    I know LinkedList uses a String to be identified like: List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>;I was wondering if there was a way to convert a file object so that the LinkedList can use the file as a basis of sorting? I tried link.set(inputFile), but that doesn't work, as usual I tried List(file) list = new LinkedList(file); but that doesn't work either. I would use an array, but I heard people say not to use array or container when working with a large database?
    Right now, my only code to sort looks like:
         public boolean isAscending(File iFile) throws IOException
              List list = new LinkedList();
              ListIterator li = list.listIterator();
              if(li.hasNext() && iFile != null){
                   return true;
                    return false;
         }}I know it's incorrect, but I need to call a .txt file into LinkedList, but as I said before, the methods that I know how to work with doesn't work with it?

    Sorry guys, I made a big mistake!
    Sorry for wasting your time, I got it fixed by myself!

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