Arrowhead adds to line length?

Ai 10.0.3
OSX 10.3.4
I am trying to dimension some signage for a set of architectural plans. Previously I had always used 'Filter > Stylize > Add Arrowheads...' to do this. Recently I've found that arrowheads are also available under 'Effect > Stylize > Add Arrowheads...'. I really enjoy all the live effects and the ability to edit them after the fact as well as preview when first creating them. I particularly enjoy the live arrows from the standpoint that when I move the line endpoint, the arrowhead automatically reorients to the correct angle.
That's all good, but on to the problem. Both types of arrowheads do NOT fall within the original line endpoints. It boggles my mind why someone would design arrowheads to behave this way? It obviously makes dimensioning very difficult and time consuming. Instead of snapping to the endpoints of some artwork or using the transform palette to numerically enter a distance, compensations have to constantly be made for the length of the arrow.
I've always had to do this with the 'filter arrows'. It was a pain, but since the arrow was actually artwork, I could get info about it concerning how much length it added. The 'live arrows' do not even provide this level of workaround because being 'live', they are not selectable as artwork without expanding their appearance, which removes their 'live' characteristics.
Question? My question is this - does anyone know of a method whereby the arrowhead (live or filter) does NOT add to the overall line length? Has anyone come across another, more efficient workaround to what I've been trying.
I know of one fairly elegant solution in plugin form - HotDoor CadTools. I would love to be able to use that for a number of reasons, but have not been able to get management approval for purchase. So in the meantime, any help would be greatly appreciated.

> How is it possible to add your own symbol to the start and end of a path...
I have long argued that anything you define as a Symbol (in the Symbols Palette) should be made available for application as Arrowheads. Meanwhile, try this to get a basic principle down:
1. Rectangle Tool: ClickShiftDrag to draw a small square.
2. DoubleClick the rotate tool to rotate the square 45 degrees.
3. Press the minus key to get the Remove Point Tool. Click the leftmost point to delete it. You now have a right-pointing triangle. Give it a fill of none, solid stroke.
4. Drag the triangle and drop it into the Brushes Palette. In the resulting dialog, choose Pattern Brush.
5. Drag the new Pattern Brush from the Brushes Palette onto the page.
6. Note that the bounding box of the triangle is rectangular. This is a Group which contains two objects: The triangle you drew, and an unfilled, unstroked rectangle, which is under the triangle in the stacking order. This invisible rectangle is what determines the "tile size" of the artwork when it is used in the Brush.
7. With the DirectSelect Pointer, press Alt and drag across where you know there is an edge of the invisible rectangle, without dragging across the triangle. This "directSelects" the whole rectangular path.
8. Transform Palette: Click one of the right points of the 9-point proxy icon. Then set the Width to some small value, like 1 pt. (but not to zero).
9. Deselect. Then normal-select the whole group. Press Alt. Drag and drop the group onto the End Tile of your Pattern Brush.
10. The Group is still on the page. DoubleClick the Rotate tool and rotate it 180 degrees. AltDrag and drop this onto the Start Tile of your Pattern Brush.
11. Rectangle Tool: Draw a small square. Fill of none. Stroke of none. AltDrag and drop this onto the Side Tile of your Pattern Brush (the tile where the very first triangle originally appeared when you first defined the Brush. This replaces the Side Tile of the Brush with, effectively, nothing.
Now try it out:
12. Line Tool: Draw a line. Apply the Brush. Note that the "arrowheads" are positioned very near the ends of the path, instead of protruding out beyond them as do AI's normal Arrowheads.
13. DirectSelect one endpoint of the path. Drag it nearer and nearer the other end. Note that even when it gets very near, the triangles retain their shape. Drag even closer until the two triangles actually overlap. Still they retain their proportion (within a very small variance--it's a function of how narrow you made the invisible box. If, however, you had given the width of the invisible box a value of zero, the end tiles would distort when the path is very short.)
14. Now draw another line or curvey path. Apply the Brush. Expand Appearance. Ungroup. Note that the invisible box you used to define the Side Tiles did not result in a bunch of invisible boxes along the length of the path. (This is a good thing.)
15. So now you have custom arrowheads. But the length of the path is invisible. Appearance Palette: Add New Stroke. Make the new stroke whatever color, width you want. Drag the whole path to the Graphic Styles Palette to define a Style which you can apply to other paths with one click.
All this convoluted bother is
almost like a custom arrowheads feature common in som many other drawing programs. But it is not perfect. If the path is tightly curved at either of its endpoints, the End and Start Tiles artwork will still deform in an attempt to bend around the curve. In most cases, you can circumvent this by placing a short straight segment beyond the curvepoint.
Again: Illustrator need these improvements:
The existing Arrowheads Effect dialog needs to be changed to simply include popup menus showing the currently defined Symbols, and a little preview frame that lets you position the Symbol in relation to the endpoint of the path.
The Brush Options dialog for Pattern Brushes needs to be given a checkbox which disallows distortion of end tiles.

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    Terminal Statistics From: 30-MAR-2008 15:39:00 To: 06-JUN-2008 16:59:00
    Containers Examined
    Export: 2
    Import: 30
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    Terminal Statistics From: 30-MAR-2008 15:39:00 To: 06-JUN-2008 16:59:00 Containers Examined Export: 2 Import: 30
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    1. utl_tcp.CRLF
    2. chr(130) || chr(10)
    3. chr(10)
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    PROCEDURE send_html_email(
    p_module_name in varchar2,
    p_subject in varchar2,
    p_text in varchar2 default null,
    p_html in varchar2 default null
    l_boundary varchar2(32767) default 'a1b2c3d4e3f2g1';
    l_connection utl_smtp.connection;
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    l_offset number;
    l_ammount number;
    l_temp varchar2(32767) default null;
    l_to varchar2(100);
    l_cc varchar2(100);
    l_bcc varchar2(100);
    t_v_stpt Number:=0;
    t_v_endpt Number:=0;
    c_v_stpt Number:=0;
    c_v_endpt Number:=0;
    b_v_stpt Number:=0;
    b_v_endpt Number:=0;
    l_subject varchar2(255);
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    utl_smtp.mail( l_connection, pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') );
    l_temp := l_temp || 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || chr(13) || chr(10);
    t_v_stpt := t_v_stpt + 1;
    t_v_endpt := INSTR (l_to, ',', t_v_stpt, 1);
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    ELSIF t_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_to, t_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_to, t_v_stpt, t_v_endpt -t_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    t_v_stpt := t_v_endpt;
    c_v_stpt := c_v_stpt + 1;
    c_v_endpt := INSTR (l_cc, ',', c_v_stpt, 1);
    IF l_cc is null then
    ELSIF c_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_cc, c_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_cc, c_v_stpt, c_v_endpt -c_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    c_v_stpt := c_v_endpt;
    b_v_stpt := b_v_stpt + 1;
    b_v_endpt := INSTR (l_bcc, ',', b_v_stpt, 1);
    IF l_bcc is null then
    ELSIF b_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_bcc, b_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_bcc, b_v_stpt, b_v_endpt -b_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    b_v_stpt := b_v_endpt;
    /*Header creation for email.*/
    IF l_to is not null or l_cc is not null or l_bcc is not null THEN
    l_temp := l_temp || 'To: ' || l_to || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'CC: ' || l_cc || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'BCC: ' || l_bcc || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'From: ' || pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Subject: ' || p_subject || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Reply-To: ' || pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=' ||
    chr(34) || l_boundary || chr(34) || chr(13) ||
    -- Write the headers
    dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_body_html, false, 10 );
    -- Write the text boundary
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    l_temp := '--' || l_boundary || chr(13)||chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii' ||
    chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10);
    -- Write the plain text portion of the email
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the HTML boundary
    l_temp := chr(13)||chr(10)||chr(13)||chr(10)||'--' || l_boundary ||
    chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/html;' ||
    chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the HTML portion of the message
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the final html boundary
    l_temp := chr(13) || chr(10) || '--' || l_boundary || '--' || chr(13);
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Send the email in 1900 byte chunks to UTL_SMTP
    l_offset := 1;
    l_ammount := 32767;
    while l_offset < dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) loop
    utl_smtp.write_data(l_connection, dbms_lob.substr(l_body_html,l_ammount,l_offset));
    l_offset := l_offset + l_ammount ;
    l_ammount := least(32767,dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) - l_ammount);
    end loop;
    utl_smtp.quit( l_connection );
    END IF;
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    PROCEDURE generate_statistics
    l_minutes NUMBER:=0;
    l_sub_type cg_ref_codes.rv_meaning%type;
    l_gate_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_ves_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_exm_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_email_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_gate_tot NUMBER:=0;
    l_load_tot NUMBER:=0;
    l_discharge NUMBER:=0;
    l_exm_tot NUMBER:=0;
    /*Declare Cursor to get Examined Containers Summary*/
    CURSOR cur_examined_ctrs IS
    SELECT decode(eu.category,'I','Import','E','Export') Category, count(*) Total
    FROM service_events se, equipment_uses eu
    WHERE se.performed BETWEEN round(sysdate-l_minutes/1440,'mi')
    AND round(sysdate,'mi')
    AND se.tserv_id IN ('EXM')
    AND eu.gkey = se.equse_gkey
    AND eu.category IN ('I','E')
    GROUP BY eu.category;
    /*Retrieve parameterized minutes*/
    l_minutes := nvl(pk_parameter.setting('STATSGMI'),0);
    /*Assign Values to generate email*/
    l_email_text := 'Terminal Statistics From: '||
    to_char(round(sysdate-l_minutes/1440,'mi'),'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS')||
    ' To: '||to_char(round(sysdate,'mi'),'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS')||
    chr(13) || chr(10)||chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_exm_text := 'Containers Examined'||utl_tcp.CRLF;
    FOR rec_examined_ctrs IN cur_examined_ctrs LOOP
    /*Generate Text for email - Vessel Activity Crane Wise Starts*/
    l_exm_text := l_exm_text ||rec_examined_ctrs.category ||': '||||utl_tcp.CRLF;
    l_exm_tot := l_exm_tot +;
    l_email_text := l_email_text||l_exm_text;
    pk_kictl_email.send_html_email('TERM STATISTICS',
    'Terminal Statistics Report',
    I have been searching the reason and solution on net since last 2 days but hasn't find it yet.
    would anybody plz help me regarding this.

    I checked your suggestions after week end today and found that
    the suggestion of Nalla did not provide the result in my required format
    rewrite it as l_email_text := l_email_text||CHR(10)||l_exm_text;
    Peter & Krithika:
    I used html tag <BR> when and where needed and its gave me result in my required format
    e.g.: l_exm_text := l_exm_text ||'<br>'||rec_examined_ctrs.category ||': '||;
    Now I want to know if there any html tag thru which I can define the column number so that my text will start from there.
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class WordAnalyser extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JMenuItem jmiAc, jmiSil, jmiCikis, jmiAnaliz, jmiHakkinda, jmiKullanim;
    private JTextArea jta1, jta2;
    private JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    File hafizada;
    File aktarilan = new File("Sonuc.txt");
    // Main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
    WordAnalyser frame = new WordAnalyser(); /* Ana ekran olusturulur */
    frame.setSize(400, 300); /* Degerleri belirlenir */
    frame.setVisible(true); /* Gorunebilirligi ayarlanir */
    public WordAnalyser()
    setTitle("Serkan Ozgen Dosya Inceleme Programina Hos Geldiniz");
    JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("Dosya");
    JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Degerlendirme");
    JMenu kullanimMenu = new JMenu("Kullanim Kilavuzu");
    fileMenu.add(jmiAc = new JMenuItem("Ac", 'A'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiSil = new JMenuItem("Sil", 'S'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiCikis = new JMenuItem("Cikis", 'C'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiAnaliz = new JMenuItem("Analiz", 'D'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiHakkinda = new JMenuItem("Hakkinda", 'H'));
    kullanimMenu.add(jmiKullanim = new JMenuItem("Kullanim"));     
    getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(jta1 = new JTextArea()), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(jta2 = new JTextArea(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
    if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem)
    if ("Ac".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Sil".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Cikis".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Analiz".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Hakkinda".equals(actionCommand))
    "!!!! Bu program text analizi gerceklestirir. Her hakki saklidir SERKAN OZGEN!!!!",
    "Bu program hakkinda",
    else if ("Kullanim".equals(actionCommand))
         " Ilk once dosya menusunden Ac i tiklayarak analiz etmek istediginiz Dosyayi seciniz (Lutfen uzantisi *.txt \nveya *.log olsun). Daha sonra Degerlendirme menusunden analizi tiklarsaniz dosyanizda kac adet rakam, harf, \ncumle ve kelime oldugunu gorebilirsiniz. Simdiden kolay gelsin",
         "Programin kullanim detaylari",
    private void Ac()
    if (jFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    hafizada = jFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
    // Acilan Dosyayi ana ekranda gostermeye yariyan bir method
    private void Ac(File file)
    // Acilan dosyayi okuma ve ana ekranda gosterme
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta1.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    // Temizle tusunun hangi ekranlara etki edecegini secme
    private void Sil()
    private void sayim()
    int buff;
    int sayac = 0;
    int Cumleler = 0;
    int Kelimeler = 0;
    int Karakterler = 0;
    int Satirlar = 0;
    int Rakamlar = 0;     
    boolean start = true;
    int linenum = 0;     
    FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(hafizada);
    FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(aktarilan);
         BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(hafizada)));
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outstream);
         out.println("---Kelime Avcisinin Sonuclari---");
         String line = infile.readLine();
         while (line != null){
         int len = line.length();
         line = infile.readLine();
         out.println("Line Length :"     + linenum + "\t" +len);
    while (( != -1)
    case '?': case '.': case '!': /* Eger "?", "." veya "!" gorurse program cumleleri ve kelimeleri arttirir*/
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
    case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case ';': case ':': case'\"': case'\'': /* Eger /t,;:\ ve \" bu isarteleri goruruse program kelimeleri arttirir */
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
              case 'n': case '\n': /* Eger \n gorurse satirlari arttirir */
              if (start == false)
                   start = true;
    if (((char)buff >= 'a' && (char)buff<='z')|| /*a-z, A-Z veya - degerlerini gorurse karakterler arttirilir */
    ((char)buff >= 'A' && (char)buff<='Z')||
    ((char)buff == '-'))
    if ((Kelimeler % 50) == 49)
    if (start == true)
    out.print((Kelimeler+1) + " ");
    start = false;
              if ((char)buff >='0' && (char)buff <='9') {  /* 0-9 gorurse rakamlari arttiri */
                   Rakamlar++; }
    }// switch
    out.println("Karakter sayisi: " + Karakterler);
         out.println("Kelime sayisi: " + Kelimeler);
    out.println("Cumle sayisi: " + Cumleler);
         out.println("Satir sayisi: "+ Satirlar);
         out.println("Rakam sayisi: "+ Rakamlar);
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(aktarilan));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta2.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    catch (Exception e)

    Why is it that you're not interested in IOExceptions?
    catch (IOException ex)
    } Empty catch blocks is a hallmark of foolish Java code. At least print out the stack trace.

  • Set line length

    I belong to a travel discussion group and they request that all e-mails are received in plain text and with a 60 character per line limit. How do I set the line length to a maximum of 60 characters?

    Dear Diana,
    This seems really antiquated. I can't think of any discussion groups I belong to that ask you to set the line length of my contributions.
    Whatever. Since no one has replied to you, I offer a completely clunky way of doing this. I can't see where Mail has this capability/preference setting.
    Anyway, go to barebones software's web site and download the free application TextWrangler. It's just a text editing program. BBedit will do the job too but I'm assuming you don't have that.
    In TextWrangler, set up a document with a 60 character width (open a new document, go to Edit-->Text Options... and check "Soft Wrap Text" and under the "to character width" option put "60" in the box).
    You can save this document with a silly name so you don't have to create it every time you want to format a mail.
    Next, either compose a mail in the document or paste your text into it.
    It will be 60 characters wide at this point, but the breaks will be "soft"; you need to go to Text-->Add Line Breaks. Now you can copy your text and paste it into an email.
    This sounds like a lot of steps but it is easy. You could probably Applescript it.
    Anyway, there is probably a much better answer to your question, but I didn't want to leave you hanging longer. Once your problem leaves the front page it gets less and less attention.
    Also, note that in Mail preferences you can find the option to compose and send mails as plain text rather than rich text.
    G4 933 mhz Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Wacom Intuos 2 tablet; Epson 2400 Photo; HP Deskjet 6840; LaCie 80gb D2 FWDV

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    It's been a while but I think you hold SHIFT while typing a page break (RETURN) to make a new line without shifting to another cell.
    However, as Excel isn't an Apple product, I am sure you will get a faster and more current answer by using Microsoft's Office:Mac forums here:
    Office for Mac forums
    They are very good.

  • How to add header line in a file from XI system using file adapters

    Hi All,
    I need to add header line (Column names) in a file coming from XI system.
    I am using file adapters.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Gaurav Mittal

    The Receiver File Adapter is configured, using the following settings:
    1) Choose File Content Conversion as the Message Protocol.
    2) You give the ‘addHeaderLine’ parameter as 1
    3) For the ‘fieldSeparator’ parameter you need to give field separator for both list and substructure (referring to the data type above). For eg: it may be a ‘,’ (comma) for substructure in a comma separated file.
    4) The ‘endSeparator’ parameter needs to given for substructure only. For eg: it may be a ‘nl’ (new line)
    5) Give the file name, the directory and the Construction mode. Activate all the settings. Receiver File Adapter with F.C.C. is configured.
    please visit the blog.

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    i am able to update locaotr in Transact move order.
    But i want to add two locators for the same line.
    I tried to insert one more record in data base, but getting error unique index error.
    so how can we add new line in transact move order line .
    please help to slove this isse.
    Thanks In Advance

    the fact that your question is posted in Order Management section, does the move order automatically generated by OM?
    nevertheless, i don't think you should (or allowed, in this case) to add a new line in transact move order. Transact move order only queries (not create records) the move order lines eligible to allocate and transact.
    So, I don't see why you need to add a new line in transact move order.
    You can, however, add a new line in the allocation of the lines, where for instance, you need to have half of the line allocated to one locator, and the other half to another locator

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    My stock keyboard in Lenovo S890 doesn't have enter key, is this normal ? How to add new line ?
    However this happened only in messages, while using whatsapp the enter key present.

    the fact that your question is posted in Order Management section, does the move order automatically generated by OM?
    nevertheless, i don't think you should (or allowed, in this case) to add a new line in transact move order. Transact move order only queries (not create records) the move order lines eligible to allocate and transact.
    So, I don't see why you need to add a new line in transact move order.
    You can, however, add a new line in the allocation of the lines, where for instance, you need to have half of the line allocated to one locator, and the other half to another locator

  • Add a line question

    Alright, I know this is a question about how to go around the system, but I gotta ask.  I recently got a Palm Pre Plus due to issues I had with my Droid Eris.  Needless to say, I am just not very pleased with the Pre Plus either.  No useful apps, the keyboard tends to leave letters out while typing, it is choppy. Anyway, my question is, since I am not eligible to upgrade, and can't afford to buy a new phone right now, is there a way I could add a line to get a discounted price, then cancel the phone I have now.  I know there would be some sort of termination fee, but it would be cheaper than getting a new phone.  I don't want a used one, and I have bought phones from ebay before, I just would like to have a new one.  Along with that, when I add the line, I would need to have my phone number attached to the new phone so  I could get rid of the phone I currently have. So, my question is, is it possible to add a new line and have my number go to that phone, then terminate the phone I have and go back to just having two lines on the account?

    i think you have 30 days to return the phone, if your in that window, try that
    if not the only way to get the new phone on your number with the add a line would be
    1. add the new line with new number and new phone
    2. change your phone to the new line
    3. change the new phone to your old line
    4. terminate the line with the full etf
    this is expensive, 350 for a smart phone, 175 for a reg phone -  iirc
    keeping the second line would only be 9.99 a month, maybe give it to a family member?

  • BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE add new line and conditions with a condition value

    I am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE to add new lines to a credit memo. All works fine except that I can not seem to put a condition value on the new lines. The condition is created but with a value of 0. I can popluate the condition amount field, KBETR but not KWERT. BAPICONDX seems to only have the COND_VALUE field in it and not CONDVALUE as in BAPICOND. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? In the code below I just want to change the material on the first line of the credit memo and not add the condition. Then add new lines with the the condition.
    lw_order_header_inx-updateflag  = 'U'.
      LOOP AT i_accru INTO wa_accru.
        lv_count = lv_count + 1.
        lv_posnr = lv_count * 10.
    * Order Items
        lw_order_item_inx-itm_number = lv_posnr.
        lw_order_item_inx-material   = 'X'.
        IF lv_count = 1.
          lw_order_item_inx-updateflag    = 'U'.
          lw_order_item_inx-updateflag    = 'I'.
        APPEND lw_order_item_inx TO lt_order_item_inx.
        lw_order_item_in-itm_number = lv_posnr.
        lw_order_item_in-material   = wa_accru-vakey.
        APPEND lw_order_item_in TO lt_order_item_in.
    * Conditions
        IF lv_count <> 1.
          lw_conditions_inx-itm_number = lv_posnr.
          lw_conditions_inx-cond_st_no = '905'.
          lw_conditions_inx-cond_count = '01'.
          lw_conditions_inx-cond_type  = 'ZHIE'.
          lw_conditions_inx-currency   = 'X'.
          lw_conditions_inx-updateflag = 'I'.
          APPEND lw_conditions_inx TO lt_conditions_inx.
          lw_conditions_in-itm_number = lv_posnr.
          lw_conditions_in-cond_st_no = '905' .
          lw_conditions_in-cond_count = '01'.
          lw_conditions_in-cond_type  = 'ZHIE'.
          lw_conditions_in-condvalue  = wa_accru-accru.
          lw_conditions_in-currency   = 'GBP'.
          APPEND lw_conditions_in TO lt_conditions_in.
    * Change the credit memo
          salesdocument               = lv_vbeln
          order_header_in             = lw_order_header_in
          order_header_inx            = lw_order_header_inx
    *   SIMULATION                  =
    *   BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR           = ' '
    *   INT_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT       = ' '
    *   LOGIC_SWITCH                =
    *   NO_STATUS_BUF_INIT          = ' '
          return                      = lt_return
          order_item_in               = lt_order_item_in
          order_item_inx              = lt_order_item_inx
    *   PARTNERS                    =
    *   PARTNERCHANGES              =
    *   PARTNERADDRESSES            =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_REF              =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_INST             =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_PART_OF          =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_VALUE            =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_BLOB             =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_VK               =
    *   ORDER_CFGS_REFINST          =
    *   SCHEDULE_LINES              =
    *   SCHEDULE_LINESX             =
    *   ORDER_TEXT                  =
    *   ORDER_KEYS                  =
         conditions_in               = lt_conditions_in
         conditions_inx              = lt_conditions_inx
    *   EXTENSIONIN                 =
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *   WAIT          =
    *   RETURN        =

    Hi Rob,
    Have you managed to solve this issue. If so, could you please share the solution.
    I am also facing similar problem.
    Thanks for your help.

  • How to add 100 line item in sales order at one time

    Hello Guru's
    My requirement is to add 100 line items in sales order at once.
    what can be good approach to overcome this situation.Is there some kind of tool which can be useful?
    Let me know your suggestions
    Thanks a lot in Advance

    do configuration for Proposal Items tab - like -
    then create sales order using with Propose items button - VA01 - then system will accept more than 50 line of materials at a time
    Please Use BAPI -- creation of Sales order
    Thanking you

  • What user exit can add / delete lines on a sales order?

    Hi experts -
    We are going to be using a 3rd party to give us pricing, so we need to make a call for each line item to get prices.  This may give us free goods, so we will need to add / remove lines from a sales order.
    Any ideas what exit will allow us to do this?

    Try BAPI:
    Gilberto Li

  • Add new line item in VA02 by copying same Order line details

    Hi All,
    I've a requirement where i need to add new line items in the Sales Order (T Code VA02) with reference to the same Order lines . For e.g an Order 80000100 which has 2 line items and the requirement is to create a new line i.e. line item 0030 by copying the details from the existing line item 0010 of the same order .
    I've checked the BAPI - BAPI_SALESDOCUMENT_COPY which is for Order Creation T Code VA01 . I'm looking out for Sales Order Change BAPI where i can give the reference as Order no and Order line item which will create a new line item in the same Order with the same details of the reference Order line item .
    Do let me know your thoughts !!!!

    Hi -
    Atul Mohanty

  • How can I add a line item to delivery?

    Hi all,
    How can I add a line item in a delivery without using BDC?

    I have tried
    and this only allows you to change existing lines not add lines.
    Since its outboud delivery that I'm interested in I will not look at the inbound that you suggested.
    Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

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