Art Work on iPod

I hope this hasn't already been asked and answered, I did read and didn't see it. I spent hours and hours getting all the artwork for my music set up. I do NOT want it on my iPod. With this update it suddenly appeared and I do not see an option to turn it off anywhere. Does anyone know a work around other than delete all the artwork in iTunes? I haven't even bothered to see if it is working properly on my iPod because it annoys me so to see it sliding back and forth on there all the time which is why I turned that option off in the first place.
Every time they come out with a major release it is so full of bugs it makes me wonder why I bother to install it.

Won't that delete all of the songs on the ipod?

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    I had the same problem all you have to do is connect your ipod then click the options for your ipod then un tick the show album art then update your ipod, disconnect it then re connect it and click the options again then tick the album artwork box unpdate again and viola everything works smooth from then on mine has been perfect since i did it last week

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    Won't that delete all of the songs on the ipod?

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
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    That's odd. Ok IF everything is in your iTunes that is on the iPod (e.g. you do not have stuff on the iPod that is not backed up elsewhere) I would attempt a restore on the iPod (which erases/reformats the ipod and puts it back to factory default state) and allow your library to resync back to it and see if that clears it up.

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    You have to add the artwork yourself.
    Here are a couple of methods.
    First off, make sure you have "show album art" enabled in iPod options.

Go to Google Image Search and type in the artist/album name and click on search images. 

Double click on a picture you like, then at the top of that page click on "see full size image". 

When you get that image, simply copy/paste it into the space for album artwork in iTunes. 

Make sure you select the album in the browser of iTunes before you copy/paste. 

You'd be surprised what Google Images can bring up. There are literally millions, and even obscure album artwork can be found.
    In the unlikely event that Google can’t find an image, you can also get artwork from Amazon.
    If you’re happy using images from Amazon, and don’t want to copy/paste, then iTunes Art Importer is a nice free program to do it for you.

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    Dang You Autocorrect.
    You don't saw what size and resolution the embedded artwork is. This could be part of the issue. Artwork on movies you purchase from the iTunes Store is 667x1000 at 72 DPI so if yours is larger than this is could be causing the delay.

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    Try unchecking "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod.
    Then check "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when youd iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod again.
    This should resync the album artwork to the iPod.
    If this does not work, you might need to restore the iPod and reload the songs in order to correct this error.
    See: How to restore the iPod to factory settings.

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    Make sure your windows userid has full control and ownership over the entire music folder. Check the box to apply this to subcontainers (aka subfolders)
    This webpage has directions mputer/P2/
    You need to restart itunes to read hte new permission settings.

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    *Why is artwork not showing on my iPod when it's there in iTunes?*
    iTunes will display a cover in many of it's views provided at least one track from the album has embedded artwork. The iPod appears to load only the artwork from track one to create the cover flow and album views which means that it can sometimes fail to display art for albums even when you can see the art in iTunes. Further, when tracks are played on the iPod, artwork is displayed if and only if it exists in the currently playing track, so track one may show art while track two does not.
    *How to find tracks without artwork*
    To find all the tracks without artwork so that you can update them you can try for Windows or for Macs. Use Google, Amazon, Discogs etc. to locate relevant jpeg images. Ideally these should be square, 320x320 pixels or above and borderless to give the best results in the various menus. If you have artwork for some tracks of an album, but not others, find the album in the main music folder, select a track with artwork, right-click (Option-Click for Macs) on the art & click copy, then select all the tracks of the album, use CTRL-I or Command-I to *Get Info* and then paste the image into the artwork box.
    I say 320x320 because I believe (from using TouchCopy) that it's the size used in the iPod cache so if you're going to crop or resize you might as well work to that size. Otherwise 200x200 is probably good enough.

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    Alright, I figured out something you can do to fix it. For whatever reason, I couldn't restore old folders of it as well. But, I COULD rename them. I just added a number to the folders, and the installer went through and replaced the old folders with new was all very odd. Time for a deep scan I guess.

  • ITunes 11.1.5 Album Art Work Does Not Display in Vehicle

    Since iTunes 11.1.5, none of my album art work displays in my vehicle (Honda Civic 2013).  I'm fairly certain the fault is with iTunes, since I tried a new iPod Classic AND an iPhone 4 in my vehicle, with the same results.
    Is anyone else having this problem?  Has anyone found a fix?  Or do I need to wait for an iTunes update? 
    Last question:  Apple Support seems like a ridiculously LONG, convoluted process.  Is there a "bug" link where I can easily report?

    I somehow doubt Apple would even see technical support for playing their devices in third party players as their purview and you first step would be to go to Honda for this kind of issue.
    You can't delete a post but if you mark it as "solved" people will tend to skip it in the listing unless they are looking for an answer to a similar question.

  • *** How to get Album Art on your iPod Nano: ANSWERED!

    I'll start by saying that my iPod Nano would not display ANY album art at all, even though it did in iTunes. I just added 180 albums to my iPod, and they all showed up, perfectly. Here's how I did it:
    1) Move all the songs you want on your iPod into the iTunes music library. (Open iTunes, and drag the files over the "LIBRARY" catagory)
    2) Click Music, under the LIBRARY heading.
    3) Add the artwork to each song/album. I used "iTunes Art Importer". It's a great program, and is really easy to use/download.
    4) Connect your iPod to your computer.
    5) Remove any songs you have on the iPod.
    6) Go to the Music tab, in the iPod control panel.
    7) Sync all music files/playlists from your iTunes library.
    If you did this correctly, all the album art you added in your iTunes library should display on your iPod. Be sure to have "Display Album Art on this iPod" checked off.

    I have 2.0 USB on my laptop and pc and it still does not work. Just ot really worried about artwork ecause I don't look at it while it is playing.......

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    I am also noticing that many of my newly ripped CDs are exhibiting the same problem.  Album art on the MacBook Pro, but no art on iCloud.
    Hopefully this is something that gets fixed, soon.  Very frustrating...
    - Ken

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