Article code - Multiple MC

Hi all
Iam facing an issue with same article codes but different MC for the same article. Will explain detail. Ours is a group company where the parent company sells their products to different companies including my company which is a sister company of the main company . Now they created their article code through external number with their description and their merchandise hierarchies. Ours is reatil company which cannot use external numbering as well as their description and though  their hierarchies. Initailly we planned for creating different article code with same international bar code of theirs , but system wouldnt accept multilple bar codes for the same article. We thought of using inhouse bar codes for these items, but that woudl be a cumbersome process I need a solution for the following
1. If we use international bar code and have different article codes , can the system allow multiple bar codes for the same item. If that is the case, whenever we do a GR or Transfers, which article code would the system take?
2. Can we have internal numbering and external numbering for the same client
3. Can we define different merchandise categories for the same item. If not can we create some alternate hierachies to match with our requirements. Curently the parent company and our company ahs different hierarchies for the same items
Would really appreciate your help

this is happening because the material number range is buffered.
The buffer is set to 10 in standard.
So if you do MM01 you get one number assigned, but other 9 numbers are in the buffer.
When you leave MM01 without saving, and without creating 9 other materials, then these 10 numbers are lost.
You can change the buffer in transaction SNUM for object MATERIALNR

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    SAP permits to have multiple lines with same article number in the PO because these may be from different Purchase requistions. You may validate the duplicates in function EXIT_SAPMM06E_012. In this exit, we will get all the PO lines.

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    Best Regards

    One suggestion. You can buy it in UOM bottle, minimum qty: 6 bottle. Multiples: Your vendor that decide the package size. When you do the GR then set the UOM of the size package, set a lot size calculation (each 6 units) or rounding profile.

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    All you have to di is put all of the parameters for each run into a cluster array. Surround your main program with a for loop and wire the cluster array through the for loop. A for loop will autoindex an input array so inside the for loop you just have to unbundle the cluster to get the parameters for each run.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 07-13-2006 07:50 AM
    Cluster Array.JPG ‏9 KB

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    Thanks !

    I would start afresh. I would also use Dreamweaver's template system to make thing a lot easier. Have a look at the following, copy and paste into a new document and view in your favourite browser.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    .hline {
        background: url(;
        height: 10px;
        margin-top: 10px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    <div class="container">
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  • Barcode Same as Article code or Material Number

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    Can anyone help me to comeout from the issue.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Krishna Murthy M

    Dear Tej,
    I checked the transaction code as told. OMSL is not helpfull. I need to restrict the user to give the material number atleast 18 character....
    In OMS2 following description is available in MM:
    External Number Assignment Without Validation
    In the case of external number assignment, this indicator tells the system not to check the material number entered on the screen against the number range. In this case, the material number assigned must contain at least one letter, and not consist only of figures.
    If I check the system will not check the external number assigned with the number range in the system MMNR transaction code

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    Can this problem be remedied by using a redirection policy DLL for the GAC in the deployment environment (to make Oracle.DataAccess.dll use OraOps11w.dll instead of the non-existing OraOps10.dll)?
    No. OraOps*.dll files are unmanaged files. They do not understand any .NET policies you specify, only traditional Windows Path policies, one of which Oracle provides through the DllPath setting. Using DllPath is described in Chapter 2 of the ODP.NET doc. It was first supported started with ODP.NET
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  • Going thru code multiple times.

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    A menu Class named Menu invokes a class named Jobs which in turn Invokes a class named KeyPhrases.
    The KeyPhrases class tests which buttons are pressed to decide what to do. For some reason this logic is gone thru the number of times the class Jobs is selected from the class Menu.
    Menu code
    ( Class.forName(sceenButtonClassNames[buttonNumber]).newInstance()).startup( args);Jobs Code
    public class Jobs
         public String startup( Args theArgs)
            if (ujPresent)
                 uj = new Jobs(true);
         ujPresent = true;
        private void        c400_processExistingJob()
              KeyPhrases.main(job, null,null, DSNPrefix, "Change");
    public class KeyPhrases extends JPanel implements ActionListener, PersonalDataConstants, FileAndClassNames
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         Object source = e.getSource();
         String paramString =  e.paramString();
         if (b300_NewTransation(paramString))     
    private void b400_ProcessButtons(Object theSource)
         Object source = theSource;
         if (source == buttonAdd)
        else if (source == buttonDelete)
       else if (source == buttonDone)
        }the b400_.... code is what is gone thru multiple times depending upon the number of times Jobs is chosen from Menu
    Feel free to insult my knowledge of Java but please leave some suggestions.

    Here is my first attempt at the SSCCE.
    1. All the code is in a package named menu.
    2. The code consists of;
    a. An Interface named DontKnow.
    b. A class named MenuButton.
    c. A class named Menu containing a main method. This class also contains 13 subclasses which Menu transfers to.
    d. These subclasses may have to be standalone classes to get a real test.
    3. To stop the test click the red button ( This was written on a Mac.)
    package menu;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class Menu  extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        static JDialog jDialog = null;
        static int frameHeight = 650;
        static int frameWidth = 550;
        static int numOfButtons;
        static MenuButton[] buttons;
        static JLabel[] buttonLabel;
        static String[] buttonNames =
           {"Input/Update Job To Apply For",
              "Construct Resume",     
              "The List of Resumes Constructed",
              "Update Personal Data"         ,
              "Update Education Data"      ,
              "Update Work History"          ,
              "Update Professional Profile",
              "Update Skills"                       ,
              "Update PARs"                ,
              "Update References"                  ,
              "Update Verbs",
              "Update 'Ignore Key Phrase' List",
              "Restore, Initialize",
             "Exit Program"
            final String [] sceenButtonClassNames =
                 "menu.Controller"  ,
                 "menu.ResumeList"        ,
                 "menu.WorkHistory" ,
                 "menu.Skills"      ,
                 "menu.References"  ,
                 "menu.Words"              ,
         public Menu()
             numOfButtons  = buttonNames.length;
             buttons = new MenuButton[numOfButtons];
            buttonLabel = new JLabel[numOfButtons];
            int verticalGap = 8;
            int horizontalGap = 1;
            JPanel menuPanel = new JPanel();
            menuPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(frameWidth - 10,frameHeight - 50));
            menuPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1,horizontalGap,verticalGap));
         int[] indexes = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
             for (final int buttonNumber : indexes )
                  buttons[buttonNumber] = new MenuButton(  )
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                 public void run() 
                       ((DontKnow) Class.forName(sceenButtonClassNames[buttonNumber]).newInstance()).startup( );
                   } catch (Exception e)
                         jDialog.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(frameWidth, frameHeight));
                  buttonLabel[buttonNumber] = new JLabel(buttonNames[buttonNumber]);
            public final void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                 Object source = e.getSource();
                 MenuButton menuButton =  (MenuButton)source;
                 if (source instanceof MenuButton)
         public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Starting Menu");
             jDialog  = new JDialog(jDialog, ", Testing of Menu");
            jDialog.setContentPane(new Menu());
            jDialog.setLocation(500, 50);  // Position of box on screen
            jDialog.setSize( frameWidth, frameHeight);
    final class Jobs  implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class Controller implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class ResumeList implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class PersonalData implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class EducationData implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class WorkHistory implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class PersonalProfile implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class Skills implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class PARs implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class References implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class Words implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    final class BackupEtc implements DontKnow
         public String startup()
              return "";
    }Thank you very much.

  • One Vendor Code - Multiple Addresses

    Hi Experts ,
      We have One Vendor But he has two different Plants and we need to create PO with Ref. to Both the Plants. Do we need to create Two Separate Vendor codes in SAP with Different Addresses  or we can utilize same Vendor Code for both Addresses.
    SAP Version we are Using : SAP R/3 ECC 6.0
    Kindly Guide.

    it is possible to assign only one vendor to a supplying plant. If you have multiple supplying plants then you can
    create multiple vendors and assign each of them to a plant. You do not need to reorganize your purchasing organization for this. Once you make the plant assignment to the vendor you can then use this vendor for raising the stock transport order for this plant. Treat this vendor similar to any other vendor for the receiving plant.
    Plants that are involved in company-internal business transactions can be described in terms of a business partner (such as a vendor or customer). Such a company-internal transaction might involve a stock transport order followed by a delivery and possibly an invoice, for example. What is important to bear in mind is that the business partner
    you assign to the plant for this purpose is a theoretical business partner which describes the plant and not an actual external business partner with which your company has business relations.

  • applet code multiple classes help :(

    Ok, i made an applet which have 2 .class files one is AppTs.class and other is MyPot.class, what I need to write to lets say index.html
    to make that applet viewable in browser. Thx.
    I try this but it say Applet failed to load...
    <APPLET CODE=AppTs.class WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100>
    <APPLET CODE=MyPot.class WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100>

    Are you sure, could be because, I am using Pirc bot Framework, which isn't in standard Java libraries, is maybe that causing problem, because, applet works perfectly when i run it from Eclipse IDE.
    And that your HTML code that you write, it makes 2 applets, but i need only one because GUI is only in AppTs, why is that happening neither?
    Edited by: systat on Mar 28, 2008 11:35 AM

  • SEPA file – how to create one file for multiple company codes

    Dear experts,
    My company has multiple company codes and they process automatic payments (F110) for multiple company codes in the same run.
    The company wants to generate one SEPA file for all company codes.
    In OBPM1  for SEPA format in the section ``Payment medium output devided by level of detail`` I unchecked everything (attached).
    OBPM4 for SEPA format is showing `` No separation of payment medium output``.
    Unfortunately, when I run automatic payments (F110) for multiple codes, multiple files for each company code are created.
    Can anyone let me know how it is possible to create one SEPA file that will contain payments for multiple company codes?
    Thank you

    Hi Zara,
    Please check in transaction DMEE your format tree (eg. SEPA_CT), 'DMEE tree: properties' - tab 'Sort/key field'. Is the Sort/key field 'ZBUKR' defined there with Level 1?
    Please follow the recommendation of note

  • LSMW change article master data

    Dear All,
    As I am new in Retail, i need to know detail steps how to perform LSWM (IDOC method) to change material master (MM42)
    providing that needed fields are article code - vendor - purchase organization .. and the field to be changed is tax code located in purchasing view.
    Or there is another method to mass change for these materials.
    Appreciating your quick response,

    You have multiple options of how to create an LSMW project to maintain Article Master data within SAP.
    You can use the IDOC method using message type ARTMAS Basic Type ARTMAS05, you can use standard input or direct input with object 020 Article Master Method 0000 - program RMDATIND and even BAPI with BUS1001001  Retail article
    What you will need to do is work through each of the process steps within after defining the object attributes which include defining the source structure and fields (i.e. you flag file structure) and mapping the source structure fields to the target structure (I.E. IDoc fields) and then specifying the location of the flat file.
    If you need more specific details you might want to check out SAP - website and search for the book Migrating Your SAP Data.
    there are websites that have some high level details but each project is unique you might not be able to get the exact layout of what you need but they can provide you with some starting places.

  • How to prevent multiple submit (replay attack)?

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    r0ckytay89 wrote:
    Hi there, I have managed to submit the form to the server side. However, is there any way to prevent the client side from keep submitting the form? I have heard of using random number, but I don't know what javascript code to place in the web page. Can anybody help, because I am stuck in the problem for quite a long time.
    Rocky.Well there are two ways of implementing this.
    1).Javascript Solutions (and mind you never always try disabling the submit button )
    2).Maintaining state of the form on server side and using a token for preventing mutiple submits.
    try to go through the solutions recommended in the below articles
    [] (In struts)
    Or a more generalized solution is given in the article below
    Hope that might help :)

  • Chango worm javascript code insertion

    I am a web developer creating multiple sites on the Joomla2.5 platform on a dedicated server. On one of my computers and only one) when editing code in html view using Firefox 14.0, toggling between text and html mode, the following scipt is automatically added to the end of the article code:
    <script id="__changoScript" type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
    var __chd__ = {'aid':11079,'chaid':'www_objectify_ca'};(function() { var c = document.createElement('script'); c.type = 'text/javascript'; c.async = true;c.src = ( 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://z': 'http://p') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(c, s);})();
    // ]]></script>
    This happens on any of my sites, when edited on this one computer. It doesn't happen on this computer with Safari or Chrome.
    I have removed Firefox and reinstalled - same problem. I ran found and deleted the following:
    Registry Keys Detected: 6
    HKCR\CLSID\{7d9e1adc-7db1-4eaf-b6c7-7e062074e6be} (PUP.BlekkoSearchBar) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\vfd-adk (Rootkit.Agent) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\SETUP.EXE (PUP.Bundle.Installer.OI) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    HKCR\bho_project.bho_object (Trojan.BHO) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    HKCR\bho_project.bho_object.1 (Trojan.BHO) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\kincjchfokkeneeofpeefomkikfkiedl (PUP.FCTPlugin) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
    But the problem remains...anyone seen something like this or got any suggestions?

    If your computer has a rootkit agent, you probably should do a deep cleaning with anti-rootkit software.
    Chango says it offers "search retargeting" services to advertisers. Perhaps this has been incorporated into one of your add-ons unique to this installation of Firefox? Try disabling all non-essential extensions here:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Add-ons > Extensions category

  • Unable to load multiple files to Essbase using MaxL and wildcards

    I have multiple data files to load:
    According to the following link, Essbase is able to load multiple files to BSO databases via MaxL by using wildcards:
    However, when I try to run the following I receive the following error:
    import database MyApp.DB data from server text data_file "../../MyApp/Filename*.txt" using server rules_file "L_MyRule" on error append to "\\Server\Folder\L_MyRule.err";
    ERROR - 1003027 - Unable to open file [DB01/oracleEPM/user_projects/epmsystem2/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/MyApp/DB/../../Filename*.txt].
    ERROR - 1241101 - Unexpected Essbase error 1003027.
    I can run the following fine without any problem, but this only deals with the first of several files, and I’d rather not hard-code multiple files since the number might vary in the future:
    import database MyApp.DB data from server text data_file "../../MyApp/Filename.txt" using server rules_file "L_MyRule" on error append to "\\Server\Folder\L_MyRule.err";
    Any ideas? And how about ASO databases?

    JamesD wrote:
    According to the following link, Essbase is able to load multiple files to BSO databases via MaxL by using wildcards:
    That is the tech ref for, are you on
    Import Data - -

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