AS3 looping help

This can't be too difficult but I can't seem to figure it out. Could someone please tell me how to loop this motion.
I have added some action script to horizontally animate a strip of text... now I need that to loop so it's continuous.
this is my code
countries_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally);
function fl_AnimateHorizontally(event:Event)
    countries_mc.x -= 2;

It does work and I have tweeked it a bit but the loop doesn't work when you make it go in the opposite direction.
Here's the code
Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally); 
//moving _mc from right to left-this works perfectly
function fl_AnimateHorizontally(event:Event)
    countries_mc.x+= 5;
     if (countries_mc.x > stage.stageWidth){               countries_mc.x=-520;      }
} //moving movie clip from left to right?-i cant get this part to work
text_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally2);
 function fl_AnimateHorizontally2(event:Event)
    text_mc.x+=-5;      if (text_mc.x > stage.stageWidth){               text_mc.x=0;      }

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    There are at least two things you're doing wrong. You can't go to a frame where something exists for the first time, and immediately do something to it. Like in your playunit functios for example:
    unit1_mc.alpha = 1
    unit1_mc hasn't yet drawn itself on stage to have its alpha set, and so there's an error. That is something that was improved in Flash 10, so if you had set the Flash to publish for Flash 10 and not Flash 9, then the floor plans and the back buttons appears ok. It would sometimes work with double clicks because by the second time you clicked, the movieclip now existed. You might be able to do what you want by having all of the room units on frame 1 of the siteplan_mc, and then set their visible to true or false as you need them, instead of doing the gotoAndStop().
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    if you want to output a long string in a smartform putting it as &name& in a text will not help you. For printing such an information you use temp include texts you create an delete on the fly while processing the SF.
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    Best Regards
    Roman Weise

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    + exit_code=0
    + pkgInst=
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    + dryrunFailure=
    + ReqArrCount=0
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    response.1250.1 -R / -d . SUNWcsr SUNWcsu
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    Make sure the patch doesn't exists in the system.

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    If you can't get your iPhone into DFU or recovery mode, there is a major problem. You can make an appointment at an Apple store if there is one nearby.
    This is a user to user help forum only, so doubtful if any fellow users will lose any sleep over your threat not to purchase an iPad or the next generation iPhone when released if this problem cannot be resolved. If not, more than likely there is a hardware problem or failure. If a problem arises with your PC that you cannot resolve, are you not going to purchase another PC either?

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    A2 has an input range of 1 - 5
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    altenbach wrote:
    Dravi99 wrote:
    The Problem is that I want to plot the division result vs. the # of array out elements and i am unsuccessful at it. May be i am missing on the waveform graph properties.
    You should make the current values default before saving so we have some typical data to play with.
    Currently, your code makes very little sense, because the inner loop has no purpose.
    If you plot the division result versus array index (I assume that's what you want, I don't understand what you mean by "the # of array out elements "), you only have one plot. What should be on the other plots???
    Please explain or even attach an image of the desired output. Thanks!
    Thanks Altenbach for the inputs.
    I have made the values default. Srry for the previous one.
    Now the inner loop was placed so that i can create a 2D array.
    I need to plot the division result vs. the value of the element in the arry out. i.e. currently my array out has 0.0...,0.3 I want that to be the X axis.
     The graph plotted   is for 1st value of "in", this value will change like from 4.5 to 4.7 to 4.9, not necesarily in steps.
    Thus my one graph should have multiple plots of "in" which has the above mentioned axis.
    Hope this time i was clear in my msg. I have attached the modified VI.
    Attachments: ‏17 KB

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         The loop in bpm is a while loop. The loop is executed till the specified condiotion is true.
    To use the loop, use the contained object to define a counter variable and increment the counter using container operation --.assign value to element. Use this counter variable to check if the condition is true, i.e, in the loop step, check if the value of the container variable exceed some specified value.

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    Select-Object FullName ))
    if($file.size -gt 10KB)
    Write-Host $file
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    Let me be more explicit.  Whatou posted is not a loop.
    Always start with HELP when you are learning.  Ask your teacher to explain to you how to use HELP.
    help foreach.
    A ForEach loop cannot solve your issue here. You need to filter the results of a recursive search. In PowerShell this is almost never done with a loop. If your teacher tries to tell you otherwise you need to fire the teacher or take your money to a different
    Of course it may be more likly that you just didn't pay attention in class and are now asking us to do your homework for you.
    Sorry.  We don't do homework for children. This is a site for technicians who use scripting professionally. If you want to be a professional you need to do your homework No cheating. We are watching.

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    Figured I'd start recording the errors I get in the Installer Log:
    localhost : BomFatalError - cpio read error: bad file format
    localhost : Install failed: some files for GarageBandinstrumentsTiger may not have been written correctly.
    localhost : BomFileError 0: Unknown error: 0 - ./Instrument Library/Sampler/Sampler Files/Grand Piano/054F#2KM56M.wav
    localhost : Install failed: some files for GarageBandinstrumentsTiger may not have been written correctly.
    localhost : BomFatalError - cpio read error: bad file format
    localhost : Install failed: Some files for iDVDThemes_Tiger may not have been written correctly.
    localhost : BomFatalError - cpio read error: bad file format
    localhost : Install failed: Some files for iWeb_App may not have been written correctly.
    localhost : Install failed: Error encountered while writing receipt for iWebtempja.
    localhost : BomFatalError - cpio read error: bad file format
    localhost : Install failed: Some files for iWork Trial may not have been written correctly.

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    Connect it to your computer, and hold both the home and power buttons. When the Apple logo screen re-appears, immediately let go of the power button but continue to hold the home button. iTunes should open and your iPhone should enter recovery mode.

  • Connect by loop help

    I have a table with 4 columns
    parent number,
    parent code varchar2(10),
    child number,
    child code varchar2(10)
    The parent code and child code are catogries and the parent and child are IDs both have to be equal to each other for there to be a link.
    i.e. a child 200 code 'C' with a parent 100 code 'T' only relatest to parent 100 code 'T'. There can be a parent 100 code 'C' and 'P' etc.
    I am after a connect by loop that will give me all the relationships that this table contains.
    Any help please

    So what you want is something like this?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select &id as id, '&code' as code from dual)
      2  --
      3  select 'Child' as type, pcchild as id, pcchildcode as code
      4  from afpc, t
      5  connect by pcparent = prior pcchild and pcparentcode = prior pcchildcode
      6  start with pcparent = id and pcparentcode = code
      7  union all
      8  select 'Parent' as type, pcparent as id, pcparentcode as code
      9  from afpc, t
    10  connect by pcchild = prior pcparent and pcchildcode = prior pcparentcode
    11* start with pcchild = id and pcchildcode = code
    SQL> /
    Enter value for id: 1960
    Enter value for code: ACT
    old   1: with t as (select &id as id, '&code' as code from dual)
    new   1: with t as (select 1960 as id, 'ACT' as code from dual)
    TYPE           ID CODE
    Child        1957 ACT
    Child        1961 ACT
    Parent       2916 CAS
    SQL> insert into afpc values (7, 3000, 'TST', 2916, 'CAS');
    1 row created.
    SQL> with t as (select &id as id, '&code' as code from dual)
      2  --
      3  select 'Child' as type, pcchild as id, pcchildcode as code
      4  from afpc, t
      5  connect by pcparent = prior pcchild and pcparentcode = prior pcchildcode
      6  start with pcparent = id and pcparentcode = code
      7  union all
      8  select 'Parent' as type, pcparent as id, pcparentcode as code
      9  from afpc, t
    10  connect by pcchild = prior pcparent and pcchildcode = prior pcparentcode
    11  start with pcchild = id and pcchildcode = code
    12  /
    Enter value for id: 1960
    Enter value for code: ACT
    old   1: with t as (select &id as id, '&code' as code from dual)
    new   1: with t as (select 1960 as id, 'ACT' as code from dual)
    TYPE           ID CODE
    Child        1957 ACT
    Child        1961 ACT
    Parent       2916 CAS
    Parent       3000 TST

  • Loop Help

    Okay here's the deal. I have a hashcode dictionary which I am reading from through an external file. Now I have everything working perfectly. What's pretty much going on is this: (1)I'm asking the user to enter a item # or ID and (2)the program looks up the item ID (which contains both an item title and item price). From there I pretty much get those values and print them to a sales reciept. Now like I said, this is all working perfectly fine and my problem is not the dictionary or reading from it. What my problem is, is how to allow the user to input multiple items so that they may be printed on the same sales receipt. I know how to ask the user whether they would like to input another but I don't know which or how to use a loop for this. What I pretty much want to happen is after entering the first item ID, the user will be allowed to enter a second item ID, and so on until the user chooses not to enter any more and the calculations are run and printed on the sales receipt. Can anyone help me with this? If you feel that you need more info. to answer this, post what you want me to post and I'll post it. Thanks.

    I would read all the values entered by the user into a data structure, say an array first, then loop thru the array and for each entry in the array lookup the hashcode/dictionary for the relevant data and push them out to sales receipt. Hope this helps!! If not i did not really understand ur prob.

  • AS3: need help solving a function problam

    Hey, I need your help yet again.
    I have a wheel Chair movie clip that I just want to move left and right in a loop, I have this code:
            var wheelChairRightTimer:Timer = new Timer(120,24);
            var wheelChairLeftTimer:Timer = new Timer(120,24);
            wheelChairRightTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveRight);
            wheelChairRightTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, startMoveLeft);
            wheelChairLeftTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveLeft);
            wheelChairLeftTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, startMoveRight);
            function moveRight(event:TimerEvent):void {
                wheelChair.x = wheelChair.x + 20;
            function moveLeft(event:TimerEvent):void {
                wheelChair.x = wheelChair.x - 20;
            function startMoveLeft(event:TimerEvent):void {   
            function startMoveRight(event:TimerEvent):void {   
    The problam is with the last function "startMoveRight". Without this function the wheel chair goes right and left as intended and than just stops. I added the last function to loop the movment, but after the first round of left and right movment (which works well) it seems as all 4 functions are called together so the wheel chair is stack moving 20 px right and 20 px left.
    I know this probably isn't the best way, other ways or just a way to fix this will help alot!

    This should do it:
    // speed
    var vx:Number = 20;
    var chairTimer:Timer = new Timer(120);
    chairTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveChair);
    function moveChair(e:TimerEvent):void {
         wheelChair.x += vx;
         if (chairTimer.currentCount % 24 == 0) {
              // change direction
              vx *= -1;
    Message was edited by: Andrei1

  • Loop - Help pl!

    Am having the following jsp code and my execution is very slow.IAm looping through the resultset as follows.can anybody help pl!Thanks
                                  int pi=0;
                                  int pid=0;
                                  String pnme="";
                                  String pdp="";
                                  String pd="";
                                  int nval=1;
                                  int y=0;
                                  int sbid=0;
                                  String cpnm="";
                                  String getqk="select top 10ct,pgid,pg_name,dept from page_details order by ct desc";
                                  ResultSet rsgetqk=st.executeQuery(getqk);
                                  while (
                                       Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"+dsnname,"sa","");
                                       Statement st1=con1.createStatement();
                                       String linklistz="select main_pgid from sublinks a,page_details b where a.sbg_pgid=b.pgid and a.sbg_pgid="+pid+" and a.sblft_nvg="+nval+"";
                                       ResultSet rssblnlnkz=st1.executeQuery(linklistz);
                                       while (
                                       Connection con3=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"+dsnname,"sa","");
                                       Statement st3=con3.createStatement();
                                       int piid=0;
                                       String linklist="select a.pgid as pgid from page_details a,mainlinks b where a.pgid=b.main_pgid and a.pgid="+pid+"";
                                       ResultSet rssblnlnk=st.executeQuery(linklist);
                                       while (
                                       Connection con2=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"+dsnname,"sa","");
                                       Statement st2=con2.createStatement();
                                       String gtcompx="select comp_name from comp_details where dep_name='"+pdp+"'";
                                       ResultSet rscp=st2.executeQuery(gtcompx);
                                       while (

    Hi ,
    May be can you try with the below code and let me know if anything.
    int pi=0;
    int pid=0;
    String pnme="";
    String pdp="";
    String pd="";
    int nval=1;
    int y=0;
    int sbid=0;
    String cpnm="";
    Statement     st     =     null;
    Statement     st1     =     null;
    Statement     st2     =     null;
    Statement     st3     =     null;
    String getqk="select top 10ct,pgid,pg_name,dept from page_details order by ct desc";
    Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"+dsnname,"sa","");
    st               = con1.createStatement();      
    ResultSet rsgetqk=st.executeQuery(getqk);
    /****Main Exeuction*******************************************************/
    while (
         /****First Exeuction*******************************************************/
         String linklistz="select main_pgid from sublinks a,page_details b where a.sbg_pgid=b.pgid and a.sbg_pgid="+pid+" and a.sblft_nvg="+nval+"";
         ResultSet rssblnlnkz=st1.executeQuery(linklistz);
         while (
         /****Second Exeuction*******************************************************/
         int piid=0;
         String linklist="select a.pgid as pgid from page_details a,mainlinks b where a.pgid=b.main_pgid and a.pgid="+pid+"";
         ResultSet rssblnlnk=st.executeQuery(linklist);
         while (
         /****Third Exeuction*******************************************************/
         String gtcompx="select comp_name from comp_details where dep_name='"+pdp+"'";
         ResultSet rscp=st2.executeQuery(gtcompx);
         while (

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