ASCII in a String to Integer

I have a String in my programm witch is containing numbers an mathematical operators in ASCII-Code. I read the numbers and operators from the Keyboard before. How can I convert the ASCII-code back into numbers to do arithmetic operations with them?

That isn` t what I am looking for. The value in the String is an ASCII-Code of a number like "1" or "2". I would like to convert this ASCII-Code back to the numbers or symbols or something, so that i can work with the richt numbers.

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    package onjava;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.apache.soap.*;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class CalcClient extends HttpServlet {
      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"");
    out.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">");
    out.println("<title>Substraction using SOAP</title>");
        URL url = new URL ("http://localhost/soap/servlet/rpcrouter");
    Integer p1=request.getParameter("param1");
    Integer p2=request.getParameter("param2");
    In the above statement i have to convert the string to integer because that has to be passed in my program as an argument to a function so please let me know how to do that
        // Build the call.
        Call call = new Call();
        Vector params = new Vector();
        params.addElement(new Parameter("p1", Integer.class, p1, null));
        params.addElement(new Parameter("p2", Integer.class, p2, null));
        call.setParams (params);
        // make the call: note that the action URI is empty because the
        // XML-SOAP rpc router does not need this. This may change in the
        // future.
        Response resp = call.invoke(url, "" );
        // Check the response.
        if ( resp.generatedFault() ) {
          Fault fault = resp.getFault ();
         out.println("The call failed: ");
         out.println("Fault Code   = " + fault.getFaultCode());
         out.println("Fault String = " + fault.getFaultString());
        else {
          Parameter result = resp.getReturnValue();

    Two possibilities: Try either java.lang.Integer.valueOf() or java.text.NumberFormat and its parse method.
    Either one will do what you want. I think Integer will be the simpler of the two.
    The code you have is obviously not correct, because getParameter returns a String:
    Integer p1=request.getParameter("param1");Do it like this:
    Integer p1=Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("param1"));%

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    sabre150 wrote:
    Skotty wrote:
    Without debating the logic of doing such a thing...
    Concatenate them as Strings, then convert that String back to an Integer.Your are on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower and a man is trying to climb over the safety netting but having trouble climbing the netting. You ask him why he is doing this and he says he has to get down to the ground as soon as possible but he has an irrational fear of lifts. Do you help him climb the safety netting or do you advise him that this is not a good idea and try to stop him?I get him to use my camera to take my picture.

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        public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
         return parseInt(s,10);
        public static int parseInt(String s, int radix)
              throws NumberFormatException
            if (s == null) {
                throw new NumberFormatException("null");
         if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
             throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
                                 " less than Character.MIN_RADIX");
         if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
             throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
                                 " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
         int result = 0;
         boolean negative = false;
         int i = 0, max = s.length();
         int limit;
         int multmin;
         int digit;
         if (max > 0) {
             if (s.charAt(0) == '-') {
              negative = true;
              limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
             } else {
              limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
             multmin = limit / radix;
             if (i < max) {
              digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
              if (digit < 0) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              } else {
                  result = -digit;
             while (i < max) {
              // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
              digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
              if (digit < 0) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              if (result < multmin) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              result *= radix;
              if (result < limit + digit) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              result -= digit;
         } else {
             throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
         if (negative) {
             if (i > 1) {
              return result;
             } else {     /* Only got "-" */
              throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
         } else {
             return -result;
        }Now where is the missing "logic".

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    That's because the value returned from the
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    to an int, like this:int width =
    /code]oh so simple thanks

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    int ammount1= Integer.parseInt(ammount).toString();
    good to put try block too..
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    catch(NumberFormatException e)

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      int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
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    Thanks in advance....

    The decompiled version parseInt() from Integer class
         * Parses the string argument as a signed decimal integer. The
         * characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except that
         * the first character may be an ASCII minus sign <code>'-'</code>
         * (<code>'&#92;u002D'</code>) to indicate a negative value. The resulting
         * integer value is returned, exactly as if the argument and the radix
         * 10 were given as arguments to the
         * {@link #parseInt(java.lang.String, int)} method.
         * @param s        a <code>String</code> containing the <code>int</code>
         *             representation to be parsed
         * @return     the integer value represented by the argument in decimal.
         * @exception  NumberFormatException  if the string does not contain a
         *               parsable integer.
        public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
         return parseInt(s,10);
         * Parses the string argument as a signed integer in the radix
         * specified by the second argument. The characters in the string
         * must all be digits of the specified radix (as determined by
         * whether {@link java.lang.Character#digit(char, int)} returns a
         * nonnegative value), except that the first character may be an
         * ASCII minus sign <code>'-'</code> (<code>'&#92;u002D'</code>) to
         * indicate a negative value. The resulting integer value is returned.
         * <p>
         * An exception of type <code>NumberFormatException</code> is
         * thrown if any of the following situations occurs:
         * <ul>
         * <li>The first argument is <code>null</code> or is a string of
         * length zero.
         * <li>The radix is either smaller than
         * {@link java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or
         * larger than {@link java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
         * <li>Any character of the string is not a digit of the specified
         * radix, except that the first character may be a minus sign
         * <code>'-'</code> (<code>'&#92;u002D'</code>) provided that the
         * string is longer than length 1.
         * <li>The value represented by the string is not a value of type
         * <code>int</code>.
         * </ul><p>
         * Examples:
         * <blockquote><pre>
         * parseInt("0", 10) returns 0
         * parseInt("473", 10) returns 473
         * parseInt("-0", 10) returns 0
         * parseInt("-FF", 16) returns -255
         * parseInt("1100110", 2) returns 102
         * parseInt("2147483647", 10) returns 2147483647
         * parseInt("-2147483648", 10) returns -2147483648
         * parseInt("2147483648", 10) throws a NumberFormatException
         * parseInt("99", 8) throws a NumberFormatException
         * parseInt("Kona", 10) throws a NumberFormatException
         * parseInt("Kona", 27) returns 411787
         * </pre></blockquote>
         * @param      s   the <code>String</code> containing the integer
         *                representation to be parsed
         * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing <code>s</code>.
         * @return     the integer represented by the string argument in the
         *             specified radix.
         * @exception  NumberFormatException if the <code>String</code>
         *              does not contain a parsable <code>int</code>.
        public static int parseInt(String s, int radix)
              throws NumberFormatException
            if (s == null) {
                throw new NumberFormatException("null");
         if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
             throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
                                 " less than Character.MIN_RADIX");
         if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
             throw new NumberFormatException("radix " + radix +
                                 " greater than Character.MAX_RADIX");
         int result = 0;
         boolean negative = false;
         int i = 0, max = s.length();
         int limit;
         int multmin;
         int digit;
         if (max > 0) {
             if (s.charAt(0) == '-') {
              negative = true;
              limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
             } else {
              limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
             multmin = limit / radix;
             if (i < max) {
              digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
              if (digit < 0) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              } else {
                  result = -digit;
             while (i < max) {
              // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
              digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),radix);
              if (digit < 0) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              if (result < multmin) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              result *= radix;
              if (result < limit + digit) {
                  throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
              result -= digit;
         } else {
             throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
         if (negative) {
             if (i > 1) {
              return result;
             } else {     /* Only got "-" */
              throw NumberFormatException.forInputString(s);
         } else {
             return -result;

  • Converting String to integer?

    I looked on the sun forums and only found a lot of things that convert integers to Strings. Nothing to do the opposite.
    Does anyone know how I can convert a String to an int?

    coopkev2 wrote:
    an "A" from a "B"?? I don't understand what you are saying... I want to convert "100" to 100.
    Edit-- I'll be back soon.Read "A" as "Integer" and "B" as "String".
    In this case: read the [java.lang.Integer API|] if there is a method which takes a String and returns an Integer or int.

  • Question about reading a string or integer at the command line.

    Now I know java doesn't have something like scanf/readln buillt into it, but I was wondering what's the easiest, and what's the most robust way to add this functionality? (This may require two separate answers, sorry).
    The reason I ask is because I've been learning java via self study for the SCJA, and last night was the first time I ever attempted to do this and it was just hellish. I was trying to make a simple guessing game at the command line, I didn't realize there wasn't a command read keyboard input.
    After fighting with the code for an hour trying to figure it out, I finally got it to read the line via a buffered reader and InputStreamReader(, and ran a try block that threw an exception. Then I just used parseInt to get the integer value for the guess.
    Another question: To take command line input, do you have to throw an exception? And is there an easier way to make this work? It seems awfully complicated to take user input without a jframe and calling swing.
    Edited by: JGannon on Nov 1, 2007 2:09 PM

    1. Does scanner still work in JDK1.6?Try it and see. (Hint: the 1.6 documentation for the class says "Since: 1.5")
    If you get behaviour that doesn't fit with what you expect it to do, post your code and a description of our expectations.
    2. Are scanner and console essentially the same thing?No.
    Scanner is a class that provides methods to break up its input into pieces and return them as strings and primitive values. The input can be a variety of things: File InputStream, String etc (see the Scanner constructor documentation). The emphasis is on the scanning methods, not the input source.
    Console, on the other hand, is for working with ... the console. What the "console" is (and whether it is anything) depends on the JVM. It doesn't provide a lot of functionality (although the "masked" password input can't be obtained easily any other way). In terms of your task it will provide a reader associated with the console from which you can create a BufferedReader and proceed as you are at the moment. The emphasis with this class is the particular input source (and output destination), not the scanning.

  • How to compare a string with integer in jsp

    I have a field in database called as enddate
    i m trying to split the entire date and get date,month and year
    once i store the date in a variable called as fmdate which is string,
    i need to compare it with another integer.
    how can i compare it..heres my code
    and this is where i want to compare the value of j to fmday...
    <td class="btext" valign="center">Day<select name="fmday">
    for(int j=1;j<=31;j++)
    String s;
    if (fmdate.equals(s))
    <option value="<%=j%>"><%=j%></option>
    <% } else { %>
    <option value="<%=j%>"><%=j%></option>
    } %>
    pl help me...
    Thanks Srini

    j is an int, so you're just adding 0, not concatenating. Perhaps something like this would work.
      for(int j=1;j<=31;j++)
         String date = String.valueOf(j);
         if(j <= 9) {
            date = 0 + date;
         if (fmdate.equals(date)) {
      <option value="<%=date%>"><%=date%></option>
         } else {
      <option value="<%=date%>"><%=date%></option>
    %>Uhm, I assume there should be a 'selected' or something in one of the option tags?

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    specified end ( by user ) I just want 4 digits **** to indicate
    military time. And unfortuanly i'm stuck with labview 5.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I believe the diagram I have attached may have been possible in LV 5.1.
    Try to wire this up and see if it works.
    The icons may have changed a little between LV 5.1 and 6.1.
    Message Edited by Ben on 10-15-2005 02:49 PM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction
    Mitary Time.JPG ‏19 KB

  • Replacing non-ascii characters in String

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    are copying and pasting from Word. Unfortunately in this situation,
    changing that process isn't an option.
    Currently, this is the only character that is causing me
    I would just like to replace the non-ascii characters with a
    space when I read them from the database. Something like:
    #Replace(result.column, '\xffa0', ' ')#
    However, I believe that code looks for the string "\xffa0",
    not the character \xffa0.
    Is there anyway to do this?

    Originally posted by:
    Originally posted by:
    Dan Bracuk
    rereplace might work.
    Can you give an example of how to pass a non-ascii character
    to REReplace?
    Regular expressions are not my strength, but the approach I
    was considering was, "if it's not an ascii character, make it a
    space". Then you pass the entire string at once.

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    i am stucked in this crictical problem and i don't know how to cater this. I sometimes receive this String ����&#9658;&#9787;&#9786; and sometimes these are non US-ASCII characters. These ����&#9658;&#9787;&#9786; characters are replaced by ????? and is represented as it is. I sometime receive this character �� too. These characters are in ANSI list but i want to receive only US-ASCII. Please help me out that how to identify these characters in the string.

    Basically i am getting that string from the user in an sms. The text of the sms is saved in the database.I get that sms from database in string form. now i want to parse the string to identify the non us-ascii characters in the string. This parsing is important because when i try to post data on the url i get the http response code 400 which creates an exception and i get stucked in an infinite while loop.
    HttpURLConnection urlcon =null;
    String postingdata="&message="+ URLEncoder.encode(ob.getmessage(),"UTF-8")
    URL url = new URL("http://someurl");
    urlcon = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
    OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWrite(urlcon.getOutputStream());
    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlcon.getInputStream()));

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