Assert failed in tincan/server/TCMsgHandler.cpp line 70

Assert failed in tincan/server/TCMsgHandler.cpp line 70
Can anyone describe this error?
its happening almost every second

Which is your client?? It seems "connection" parameters are not correctly amf encoded. This happen if one of the connection parameters like "nearNonce", "farNouce", "ip", "protocolVersion" etc has a value whose type is not undentifiable (ie. whether this is string, number etc etc).

Similar Messages

  • Assert failed in tincan/server/rtmfp/rtmfpcoresession.cpp line 1696

    sometimes I have this error from the core.00.log with FMS 4.5.1 Linux
    so the instance shutdown and the log says that the script itself shutdown.
    Any clue ?

    This assert might show up in case the current keyframe has time less than or equal to previous keyframe. Is there a case where it at your end? also, could you please send me full FMS logs @ :[email protected]

  • AMS 5 - Assert failed

    I am running AMS 5 on Amazon and I`m facing some troubles.
    I am running CentOS 5.5 on my server and when I run the command TOP I don`t the process amscore, but, my server is running.
    When i run the command
    ./amscore, I get the following error:
    Adobe Adobe Media Server (Core)Console mode.
    FMS detected IPv6 protocol stack!
    FMS config <NetworkingIPv6 enable=false>
    FMS running in IPv4 protocol stack mode!
    Host: ip-10-252-24-80 IPv4:
    Assert failed in tincan/util/TCIpcQueue.cpp line 48
    Server aborted.
    Segmentation fault
    When I run the command netstat -nap, I get this:
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State            PID/Program name  
    tcp        0      0             *                   LISTEN           2166/amsadmin      
    tcp        0      0                  *                   LISTEN           1446/amsedge    
    tcp        0      0             *                   LISTEN           1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                   *                   LISTEN           2166/amsadmin
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      2166/amsadmin      
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      2393/amscore       
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      2166/amsadmin      
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      2104/httpd         
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      2104/httpd         
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      2104/httpd         
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      2104/httpd         
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      1727/amscore       
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED      1446/amsedge       
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      1727/amscore       
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED      1727/amscore       
    tcp        0      0                ESTABLISHED      2393/amscore       
    tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED    2166/amsadmin      
    tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED      1727/amscore       
    tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED      1727/amscore       
    tcp        0      1         LAST_ACK    -                  
    tcp        0      0 :::8134                     :::*                        LISTEN      1441/httpd         
    tcp        0      0 :::80                       :::*                        LISTEN      1441/httpd         
    tcp        0      0 :::22                       :::*                        LISTEN      1345/sshd          
    tcp        0   3632 ::ffff:      ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 2851/2             
    tcp        0      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 2831/1             
    tcp        0      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 2352/0             
    udp        0      0 *                               1446/amsedge       
    udp        0      0    *                               1446/amsedge       
    udp        0      0*                               1446/amsedge       
    udp        0      0   *                               1446/amsedge       
    udp        0      0*                               1727/amscore       
    udp        0      0   *                               1727/amscore       
    udp        0      0*                               2393/amscore       
    udp        0      0   *                               2393/amscore       
    udp        0      0        *                               1223/dhclient

    In the core log I see this:
    System memory load (91) is high.
    System memory load (90) is now below the maximum threshold.
    System memory load (91) is high.
    System memory load (90) is now below the maximum threshold.
    System memory load (91) is high.
    System memory load (90) is now below the maximum threshold.
    Nothing on Master, the time was around the time it crashed, the problem is that it crashes when I have 100+ clients connected and crashes when I have 30 clients connects.
    It`s like this. The server start with very low memory usage, around 30%, then, with the same number of clients it goes to 50 ~ 60%, then I have more clients (70 ~ 90) and the memory usage goes to 100%, and the memory usage never goes down, no matter what. Sometimes I have 100 clients and my memory usage is in 100%, then my clients disconect and I get 30 and my memory usage is still at 100%.
    Seems like the server increases the memory usage and even on 100% tries to increase even more and crashes.

  • Assert failed in error

    I'm using FMS3.5 2 on Windows2008 server(8core i7xeon, 12G ram, 2Gbps internet connection/ 1000 concurrent users).
    but sometimes my fms server encounter the   "assert failed in" error. and hung up --;
    so I have to reboot my server.
    how can i solve this problem?
    thank you!
    #Version: 1.0
    #Start-Date: 2009-07-28 00:31:55
    #Software: Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5.2 r654
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 00:31:55 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:31:55 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:31:55 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:31:55 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:42 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:42 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:42 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:42 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:32:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:33:24 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:33:24 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:33:24 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 00:33:24 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:57:59 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:57:59 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:57:59 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:57:59 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:32 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:48 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:48 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:48 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:58:48 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:15 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:15 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:15 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:15 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:36 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:36 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:36 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 02:59:36 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 03:05:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 03:05:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 03:05:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 03:05:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:12:37 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:12:37 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:12:37 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:12:37 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:13:22 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:13:22 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:13:23 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:13:23 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:14:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:14:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:14:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 06:14:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:30:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:30:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:30:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:30:43 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:38:03 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:38:03 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:38:03 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:38:03 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:40:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:40:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:40:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:40:53 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:41:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:41:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:41:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 07:41:51 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:01:50 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:01:50 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:01:50 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:01:50 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:22:46 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:22:47 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:22:47 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:22:47 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:07 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:07 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:07 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:07 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:28 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:28 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:28 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 08:23:28 4212 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 65 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:23 4220 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\core\flvcursor.cpp line 98 -
    2009-07-28 11:02:27 4212 (i)2581247 Core (4212) disconnected from edge. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:02:27 2192 (i)2581247 Core (2192) disconnected from edge. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:02:27 4204 (i)2581247 Core (4204) disconnected from edge. -
    2009-07-28 11:02:30 4212 (i)2581233 Core (4212) disconnecting from admin: 200. -
    2009-07-28 11:02:30 4204 (i)2581233 Core (4204) disconnecting from admin: 200. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3876 (i)2581237 Starting admin app on core (3876). -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3876 (i)2581238 Core (3876) connecting to admin. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3876 (i)2581231 Core (3876) connected to admin. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3868 (i)2581237 Starting admin app on core (3868). -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3868 (i)2581238 Core (3868) connecting to admin. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3868 (i)2581231 Core (3868) connected to admin. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3868 (i)2581246 Core (3868) sending register cmd to edge. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:39 3876 (i)2581246 Core (3876) sending register cmd to edge. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:40 3876 (i)2581234 Core (3876) connection to admin accepted. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:40 3868 (i)2581234 Core (3868) connection to admin accepted. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:09:41 6536 (i)2581237 Starting admin app on core (6536). -
    2009-07-28 11:09:41 6536 (i)2581238 Core (6536) connecting to admin. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:41 6536 (i)2581231 Core (6536) connected to admin. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:41 6536 (i)2581234 Core (6536) connection to admin accepted. -
    2009-07-28 11:09:41 6536 (i)2581246 Core (6536) sending register cmd to edge. -
    #Date: 2009-07-28
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2009-07-28 11:09:38 2192 (i)2581246 Core (2192) sending register cmd to edge. -
    2009-07-28 13:29:57 3868 (w)2611372 The FLV segment cache is full. -
    2009-07-28 14:25:20 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:25:20 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:25:21 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:25:21 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:44:37 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:44:37 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:44:37 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -
    2009-07-28 14:44:37 6536 (e)2581279 Assert failed in .\FMSSyncFileIo.cpp line 434 -

    Update from dev on this issue:
    Looked at the assert, it's because the two versions connecting don't speak quite the same connect message and the newer one has three properties that the old won't send it.  However, there's no indication that it will do anything to the client because of the absence of these as they're only used for RTMFP and the asserts are hamless though annoying.
    I am unable to see any client disconnects or playback issues when the assert happens. Are you sure you got them consistently ? As long as there are no client disconnects, I think we are good with the current behavior (except for few extra lines in the logs )
    Thank you !

  • OSB Admin console-Assertion Failed Error!

    Hi Team -
    After creation of DB Data source and after creation of JNDI under Deployment in OSB admin console.(DS -Test connection was succesful.JNDI creation was successful).
    When we try to update DB adapter from OSB ADmin console >Deployment throws below exception,credential used is admin credential -Can anyone assist on this?
    Error opening /com/bea/console/actions/app/update/Flow.jpf.
    The source of this error is:
    com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ActionLookupFailedException: weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****
         at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ScopedContentCommonSupport.executeAction(
         at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ScopedContentCommonSupport.renderInternal(
         at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.PageFlowStubImpl.render(
         at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.NetuiContent.preRender(
         at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.runLifecycle(
         at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.doPost(
         at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.service(
         at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.SingleFileServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.bea.console.utils.MBeanUtilsInitSingleFileServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.AsyncInitServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****
         at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getStateRemote(
         at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getState(
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor563.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.invoke(
         at Method)
         at Method)
         at Method)
         at Method)
         at Method)
         at Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
         at Source)
         at $Proxy154.getCurrentState(Unknown Source)
         at com.bea.console.utils.DeploymentUtils.isDeploymentActive(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController.invokeActionMethod(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController.getActionMethodForward(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController.internalExecute(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowController.internalExecute(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController.execute(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.FlowControllerAction.execute(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.access$201(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor$ActionRunner.execute(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.internal.ActionInterceptors$WrapActionInterceptorChain.continueChain(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.ActionInterceptor.wrapAction(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.internal.ActionInterceptors$WrapActionInterceptorChain.invoke(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.internal.ActionInterceptors$WrapActionInterceptorChain.continueChain(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.internal.ActionInterceptors.wrapAction(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at com.bea.console.internal.ConsolePageFlowRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.processInternal(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.AutoRegisterActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowActionServlet.process(
         at com.bea.console.internal.ConsoleActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
         at com.bea.console.internal.ConsoleActionServlet.doGet(
         at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(
         at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ScopedContentCommonSupport.executeAction(
         ... 55 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: [Security:090398]Invalid Subject: principals=[weblogic, Administrators, IntegrationAdministrators, AdminChannelUsers]
         at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.server.RemoteLifeCycleOperationsImpl_1033_WLStub.getState(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getStateRemote(
         ... 130 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: [Security:090398]Invalid Subject: principals=[weblogic, Administrators, IntegrationAdministrators, AdminChannelUsers]
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevInputStream.getSubject(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.acceptRequest(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.dispatchRequest(
         at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManagerServer.handleRJVM(
         at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManager.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevJVMConnection.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.t3.MuxableSocketT3.dispatch(
         at weblogic.socket.BaseAbstractMuxableSocket.dispatch(
         at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.readReadySocketOnce(
         at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.readReadySocket(
         at weblogic.socket.PosixSocketMuxer.processSockets(
         at weblogic.socket.SocketReaderRequest.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

    Hi Anitha,
    I am facing the same issue.
    Have you found the solution to this problem?
    Please respond.

  • E)2581279      Assert failed in /modules/streams/flv/TCFLVData.cpp line 1202

    In an application where I do a recording from webcam to fms,
    sometimes I obtain this error in core.XX.log:
    (e)2581279 Assert failed in
    /modules/streams/flv/TCFLVData.cpp line 1202 -
    when it happens the effect client side is that I try to play
    a stream just recorded, and I see a stream of 0 seconds, with the
    command:, 0, -1, true);
    often when I obtain this error the durantion of the stream
    from the media server is very different form the real one recorded.
    How could I resolve this situation or work around it?
    thanks for your time and all of your suggestions and helps

    thanks patrick for your interest.
    we're using the 2.0.3.
    this error code was never traced in the log file of the 2.0.2

  • Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729

    I have looked everywhere for an answer to this problem and have had no luck. When I start FMS2 this error continues to scroll. What is the cause of this and how can I fix it?
    #Version: 1.0
    #Start-Date: 2011-07-21 00:09:42 
    #Software: Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 r1145 
    #Date: 2011-07-21 
    #Fields: date   time    x-pid   x-status        x-ctx   x-comment 
    2011-07-21      00:09:42        11907   (w)2581201      No primary license key found. Switching to Developer Edition.   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:42        11907   (i)2581246      Core (11907) sending register cmd to edge.      - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:44        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:45        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:46        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:47        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:48        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:49        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:50        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:51        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:52        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    2011-07-21      00:09:53        11907   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /util/TCSysUtil.cpp line 729   - 
    Linux 2.6.18-238.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu Jan 13 17:10:20 EST 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    CentOS release 5.6 (Final)

    I looked through this and it seems there is a problem in parsing /proc/meminfo.
    Can you please see to it that the file has appropriate permissions and if that is Ok, it would help if you can do a 'cat /proc/meminfo' and post it here.

  • SQL Server Assertion: File: "logmgr.cpp" , line=5512

    Hi All,
    We are using Sql Server 2005 Express , 
    we got the below exception of Sql Server Assertion
    2014-11-17 00:26:12.59 spid51      Error: 17066, Severity: 16, State: 1.
    2014-11-17 00:26:12.59 spid51      SQL Server Assertion: File: <"logmgr.cpp">, line=5512 Failed Assertion = '!(minLSN.m_fSeqNo < lfcb->lfcb_fSeqNo)'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning
    the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
    2014-11-17 00:26:12.61 spid51      Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
    2014-11-17 00:26:12.61 spid51      A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused by a software bug or data corruption. To check for database corruption, consider running
    DBCC CHECKDB. If you agreed to send dumps to Microsoft during setup, a mini dump will be sent to Microsoft. An update might be available from Microsoft in the latest Service Pack or in a QFE from Technical Support. 
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      ***Unable to get thread context - no pss
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      * *******************************************************************************
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      *
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      *   11/17/14 00:27:34 spid 0
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      *
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      * Non-yielding Scheduler
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      *
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      * *******************************************************************************
    2014-11-17 00:27:34.81 Server      Stack Signature for the dump is 0x000003E6
    2014-11-17 00:27:35.75 Server      External dump process return code 0x20000001.
    External dump process returned no errors.
    2014-11-17 00:27:35.75 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    99%. Interval: 75000 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:28:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 135953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:29:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 195953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:30:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 255953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:31:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 315953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:32:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 375953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:33:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 435953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:34:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 495953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:35:05.77 Server      The time stamp counter of CPU on scheduler id 1 is not synchronized with other CPUs.
    2014-11-17 00:35:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 555953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:36:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    97%. Interval: 615953 ms.
    2014-11-17 00:37:35.77 Server      Process 51:0:0 (0x1574) Worker 0x20AA00E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 13059477540625. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle
    98%. Interval: 675953 ms.

    Assertion error are usually some corruption in SQL Server database. And non yielding scheduler seems like bug what is output of
    select @@Version
    Did you tried running dbcc checkdb on SQL Server 2005 database
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

  • Assert failed in /server/admin/FCSAdminServer.cpp

    one of our FMS 2.0.3 from some days is writing every minute
    in the admin.XX.log the error:
    2007-01-17 10:20:19 1129 (e)2581279 Assert failed in
    /server/admin/FCSAdminServer.cpp line 361 -
    2007-01-17 10:21:20 1129 (e)2581279 Assert failed in
    /server/admin/FCSAdminServer.cpp line 361 -
    2007-01-17 10:22:20 1129 (e)2581279 Assert failed in
    /server/admin/FCSAdminServer.cpp line 361 -
    but we don't touch the server and the applications on it.
    any kind of help or suggestions about this behaviour
    thanks in advantage for your time

    sorry, but we have not solved the problem

  • Good morning, I have the following problem. I can not start Adobe Muse on my computer because I get a box Assertion Failed in file "... \ src \ ape \ DOMFontProvider.cpp" at line 482: numFontadded = = 1  Doregisterfont fail to add font. Check museapp \ he

    Good morning, I have the following problem. I can not start Adobe Muse on my computer because I get a box Assertion Failed in file "... \ src \ ape \ DOMFontProvider.cpp" at line 482: numFontadded = = 1
    Doregisterfont fail to add font. Check museapp \ hello \ resources for missing files

    Are you still facing the same issue ? if yes then please post the screenshot of exact error and few details such as if you are getting this error while opening a specific file or on double click on Muse itself ?

  • Assert failed in /modules/streams/flv/TCFLVData.cpp

    We're running FMS 3.5.2 r654 on RHEL 5.2 and we're getting tons of errors like this:
    "2009-08-31      10:47:43        11394   (e)2581279      Assert failed in /modules/streams/flv/TCFLVData.cpp line 2033   -"
    Always the same line number.
    Can we safely ignore this error? What does it mean?
    We're only getting this since 3.5.2. We were running FMS 3.5.1 before, and weren't getting this error, but upgraded to get rid of the occasional "core experienced [x] failures"-crashes.
    Kind regards,
    Pieter Barrezeele

    thanks patrick for your interest.
    we're using the 2.0.3.
    this error code was never traced in the log file of the 2.0.2

  • MDIS assertion log: A2iMultiThread.cpp" line="254" !m_hasLock

    Hi MDM Gurus,
    Issue: MDIS services need to be restarted once a week for the automatic import to occur
    The assrtion log on our MDIS server keeps logging this message:
    <Open ts-long="14:39:46 GMT, Tuesday, April 12, 2011" ts="2011/04/12 14:39:46.703 GMT" pid="***" host="*****" compile-type="WIN32_RELEASE">
              <Assert ts="2011/04/12 14:39:46.703 GMT" tid="3084" entry-no="127015" file="..\..\..\GenericLibs\Base\*A2iMultiThread.cpp" line="254">!m_hasLock*</Assert>
    has anyone come across this? we applied Note 1321795 - MDM 5.5 SP06 Patch05 Release Note after we were advised by a previouss OSS note raised, but now its still occurring albeit less frequently of restarting the services every day as it would not import the data automatically

    this surely seems to a bug !
    if this is happening in the Production server - plz raise a high prio OSS with SAP
    btw : is the MDM server / MDIS running in a cluster ?? or single SID ?

  • Assert failed in \server\core\../core/../TCFLVCacheMgr.h

    Im running fms on windows server 2003 sp1
    My fmscore.exe keeps crashing every few hours. all users are
    disconnected and fms needs to be restarted.
    Im getting the following error in the core.log:
    Assert failed in \server\core\../core/../TCFLVCacheMgr.h line
    anyone knows what this means or how to fix it?

    hi all,
    im sure someone here knows something about this problem.
    please try to help.
    Is this error the result of the cache configuration going
    above 1gig? What is the workaround, or which setting.xml file
    contains is the setting for the cache configuration?
    rhall , im not sure this has something todo with the server
    RAM, my server has 2GB and the used memory level never goes over
    btw , do your fmscore.exe crash or the application inside the
    server itself crashs?
    i have both of them crashing , sometimes the whole
    fmscore.exe crash sometimes its just the application.

  • **** ASSERTION FAILED **** Error while starting WebLogic Server 7.0

    I am getting following error while starting WebLogic Server 7.0 for the first
    time. Can anybody help me it this?
    Error is:
    Enter username to boot WebLogic server:system
    Enter password to boot WebLogic server:
    Starting WebLogic Server...
    <May 9, 2003 4:27:47 PM IST> <Notice> <Management> <140005> <Loading configurati
    on C:\bea\user_projects\mydomain\.\config.xml>
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:04 PM IST> <Notice> <Security> <090082> <Security initializing
    using realm myrealm.>
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:04 PM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000327> <Starting WebLogic
    Admin Server "myserver" for domain "m
    weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot intialize
    Resource Manager Connection Factory resour
    ces because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    Exception: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    at weblogic.j2ee.RMCFactoryDeployer.<init>(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:14 PM IST> <Emergency> <WebLogicServer> <000342> <Unable to
    initialize the server: Fatal initializatio
    n exception
    Throwable: weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot
    intialize Resource Manager Connection Fac
    tory resources because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    UnknownHostException: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot intialize
    Resource Manager Connection Factory resour
    ces because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    Exception: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    at weblogic.j2ee.RMCFactoryDeployer.<init>(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(

    I don't know what could cause this error.
    I would suggest you take this upto [email protected]
    Ajay Jadhav wrote:
    I am getting following error while starting WebLogic Server 7.0 for the first
    time. Can anybody help me it this?
    Error is:
    Enter username to boot WebLogic server:system
    Enter password to boot WebLogic server:
    Starting WebLogic Server...
    <May 9, 2003 4:27:47 PM IST> <Notice> <Management> <140005> <Loading configurati
    on C:\bea\user_projects\mydomain\.\config.xml>
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:04 PM IST> <Notice> <Security> <090082> <Security initializing
    using realm myrealm.>
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:04 PM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000327> <Starting WebLogic
    Admin Server "myserver" for domain "m
    weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot intialize
    Resource Manager Connection Factory resour
    ces because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    Exception: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    at weblogic.j2ee.RMCFactoryDeployer.<init>(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    <May 9, 2003 4:28:14 PM IST> <Emergency> <WebLogicServer> <000342> <Unable to
    initialize the server: Fatal initializatio
    n exception
    Throwable: weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot
    intialize Resource Manager Connection Fac
    tory resources because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    UnknownHostException: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Cannot intialize
    Resource Manager Connection Factory resour
    ces because could not get JNDI context: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
    [Root exception is
    Exception: Unknown protocol: 'JNP'] ]
    at weblogic.j2ee.RMCFactoryDeployer.<init>(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.initialize(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(

  • Assertion failed: 0, file ../lnk/, line 425 Abort (core dumped)

    I have a JNI native library that calls a custom C++ shared library with a number of number of dependencies. At runtime, in the process of loading the custom C++ library, I got the folloing message.
    Assertion failed: 0, file ../lnk/, line 425
    Abort (core dumped)
    If I did mdb on core dump, the following is the result.
    mdb java.29922
    mdb: core file data for mapping at ffb7a000 not saved: Bad address
    Loading modules: [ ]
    $Cffbf7c90`_lwp_kill+8(6, 0, ff2f2e10, ff2a8bd0, ffffffff, 6)
    ffbf7cf0`abort+0x110(ffbf7de0, 1, 0, ad314, ff2f12d8, 0)
    ffbf7d80`_assert+0x64(ff1d9358, ff1d935a, 1a9, ff1ea810, ad030, ff1d418c)
    ffbf7fe0`__1cG__CrunMex_rethrow_q6F_v_+0xf0(0, fffb, 0, 14c14, 2, 0)
    ffbf8040`__1cDstdNbasic_istream4Ccn0ALchar_traits4Cc___2t6Mn0AIios_baseJEmptyCtor__v_+0xb8(eef09710, 0,
    eef0df94, eef0a088, eef09730, eef09748)
    ffbf80a0`__SLIP.INIT_A+0x20(0, ff2f3700, acb18, ff2bb774, f0bd4840, f0bd4880)
    ffbf8100`__1cU__STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR6F_v_+4(ee774a48, ff2f3700, acb18, ff1d6e50, f0bd3b40, f0bd3b80)
    ffbf8160`_init+0x110(ff3f40fc, ff3f5a50, 2b414, 0, ff3f4910, 821)
    ffbf81c0`call_init+0x16c(c10081, 1, fe9d0f60, ee7c5eb4, ff3f4910, ffdfffff)
    ffbf8228`dlmopen_intn+0x164(ff3f40fc, 10000, c01, 24, 3b, ff161f30)
    ffbf8288`dlmopen_check+0x160(ff3f40fc, 10c5c8, c01, ff3914f8, ffbf834c, 0)
    ffbf82e8`dlopen+0x30(10c5c8, 1, 1, ff185fac, 57c0, ff185fa8)
    ffbf8350`__1cCosIdll_load6Fpkcpci_pv_+0x20(10c5c8, ffbf8858, 400, 0, 12eed4, 5400)
    ffbf83f0`JVM_LoadLibrary+0x15c(10c5c8, 64fc, 38810, ff18696c, ff185fac, 2)
    ffbf8c58`Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_load+0xe8(388cc, ffbf8f2c, ffbf8f28, 0, 10c5c8, 0)
    ffbf8dc0 0xf900bc20(11, ffbf8f2c, ffbf8ea8, ffffff80, 64fc, 0)
    ffbf8e40 0xf900bbc4(f0c303c0, b6, 0, 8, 1ffc, ffbf8ec0)
    ffbf8ec0 0xf9005764(f0c30080, b8, f0c09478, f9014760, f0c374a8, ffbf8f90)
    ffbf8f58 0xf90057a8(0, b8, ffbf911c, f9014a20, 110, ffbf9028)
    ffbf9018 0xf9005764(f0c08de8, b6, ffbf919c, f9014a68, 57c0, ffbf90c0)
    ffbf90b8 0xf9005764(339b8, 0, 64fc, f9014760, ff185fac, ffbf9140)
    ffbf9140 0xf9005764(c000, 2, 4c00, f9014a70, ff17fca0, ffbf91b8)
    ffbf91b8 0xf9000218(ffbf92a0, ffbf9380, a, f4d5f2f8, f900a7e0, ffbf9390)
    ffbf9378, 38810, ffbf938c, ffbf92b0, 38eb8, 0)
    ffbf92e0`__1cNinstanceKlassPinitialize_impl6FnTinstanceKlassHandle_pnGThread__v_+0x68c(ffbf9524, 38810, f4d5f330,
    391cc, 38eb8, 38eb4)
    ffbf94c0`__1cNinstanceKlassKinitialize6MpnGThread__v_+0x80(38e20, 38810, fecd7a8c, f4d5f330, 38810, ff181fbc)
    388cc, 1, 1, 38e18, f4d5f330, 1)
    ffbf95b0`jni_FindClass+0x720(388cc, 0, 0, ff18696c, 391cc, 0)
    ffbf9640 main+0xe3c(6, 388cc, ff182ba0, 39348, 0, 1)
    ffbf9ed0 _start+0x108(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Any help/assistance on this issue would be highly appriciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    I ran into this exact same problem (on Solaris, JVM 1.4.1). Although I don't know the exact cause, I can tell you what I did to fix it..
    Of course, this happens when you try to load a native library (a .so in this case). I ldd'd that .so, and found that it in turn was linked to two other libraries in my control, and some other OS libraries.
    When I statically linked either one of my libraries, such that only one of the libraries under my control was still linked dynamically, leaving the OS libaries untouched, then the problem went away. Note that it didn't matter which one I linked statically- as long as one (or both) were static there was no problem.
    My guess was that there were some sort of cyclic dependencies with these libraries, but right now I'm happy enough that it works, so I'm not going to try and pursue this further..

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