Assign hexadecimal value to an Integer variable preceding with zero

i need to pass an hexadecimal value, preceding with zero (0).
like 0775
the above hexadecimal value should be assigned to an integer variable. While i am trying to assign it, the output could be truncate the preceding zero value. Is it possible to do my requirement without truncating the preceding zero.?
Edited by: sasi on Jul 23, 2012 7:09 PM

I agree on that, this can not be carried out the way you explained.
Either you store the hexadecimal value as a string, and convert it before arithmetic operations:
int number = Integer.parseInt("0775", 16);
Or you store it as an integer (no leading zero) and convert it to string as you display it:
int number = 0x0775;
System.out.printf("%1$04x", number);

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    Message was edited by:

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    cannot be done.Friend try to understand concepts properly Javascript is always excuted by the browser @clientside where as JSPCode is executed Websever(ServletContainer) @serverside.Through you are combining JSP Code blocks(Tags,Expressions,scriptlets...) & javascript under a single page webserver can only identify what is their under JSP Code blocks.
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    Java != JSP.
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    You should do is:
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    we use this for saving the login time of the user. There are few therads about creating a custom login module (for example: [Custom Login Module - how to go on |]).
    We have created a login module which extends AbstractLoginModule, in login() method :
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    Object option = g_sharedState.get("");
    if (option != null && !option.equals(""))  {
      String l_userID = (String)option;
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    about login modules and login stacks start here: [|]
    Hope this helps,

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    it depends if your input is already parsed and how you want to set the time (hours, etc.).
    Two sample ways :
            String s = "09/22/2006";
            SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
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            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
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    Hi Christian,
    from my point of view, you are perfectly right.
    One should try not to use "reserved ABAP words" at all(even if ABAP doesn't have "reserved words" in a technical sense9. And to be perfectly sure to do so, one must follow some naming conventions because you can never be sure that a unprefixed word, that is not an ABAP word today, will not become an ABAP word in a future release.
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    DATA i TYPE i.
    this can be okay (different namespaces for types and data objects). But other declarations that lead to  syntactically correct statements like
    should of course be avoided, even if you do not have to use the escape symbol!
    So, it is the developers own responsibility to keep his or her source code readable. Naming conventions can be a great help, but are no necessity. But in fact there should never be a situation, where you use names that force you to use the escape symbol (introducing ! into above READ TABLE statment is not mandatory but would make it more readable).

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    I don't know how to do this.
    Pls any one help me to get of this pblm
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi thanks for ur reply,
    You r telling while forwarding a request from one
    servlet to another servlet, we can't add query
    string(requestparameters). But then how come this
    code is working?
    rdis.forward(req,res);Well I owe an apology here - I was not completely correct. I have tested and found that you can indeed add parameters that way. The catch is that these parameters are nested to that forwarded /included resource. It is not available in the original jsp or to some other resource included from the original jsp unless ofcourse you add the parameter again.
    please give me a solution.
    Like this i have to forward my request (with
    querystring) to a html page.
    That htmlpage should receive parameters and assign
    the values to a javascript variables.
    how can i achieve this.
    thanks in advance.My original reply stands.
    You cannot do that in a html page. You have to have a jsp that generates the html.

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    IF #Counter=1
    End if;
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    X_app_user_id NUMBER DEFAULT -1;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Schema1.spms_security_pkg
    FUNCTION user_id
    -- RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'USER ID'||'*'||X_app_user_id);
    RETURN NVL (x_app_user_id, -1);
    -- RETURN NVL (sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'), -1);
    RETURN -1;
    And Here is the Trigger Code:
    :NEW.created_by := spms_security_pkg.user_id;
    :NEW.created_date := SYSDATE;
    :NEW.updated_by := SPMS_SECURITY_PKG.X_app_user_id;--spms_security_pkg.user_id;
    :NEW.updated_date := SYSDATE;
    END IF;
    But I always get -1 in the both in the table after the DMLs.

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    empty variable/expression result.
    xpath variable/expression expression "/ns3:OutputParameters/ns3:TEST_FUNCTION" is empty at line 124, when attempting reading/copying it.
    Please make sure the variable/expression result "/ns3:OutputParameters/ns3:TEST_FUNCTION" is not empty.
    Even though in the console when I check the Invoke Output Parameter it does shows me a valid value being retuned by a Function but when I am trying to Assgn this value to some variable using Assign Activity I get the above error.
    Even though all goes fine but looks like I am not able to read or assign the value returned from the Function.
    So just wondering if this even works as to me I have a very simple example and that seems not to work. Function is called successfully and is returning the value as I can see it in the BPEL console but when tryin to read or assign that value to some other variable I get the above error.
    Any ideas?

    This issue has come up a lot. The problem is with a mismatch between the version of JDeveloper and SOA. You'll encounter namespace issues if you use in combination with (or You MUST synchronize both JDev and SOA to or (mixing and is OK). We changed when going to by adding elementFormDefault="qualified" to the generated XSD. We used the default "unqualified" in So you'll encounter namespace issues unless you're using or higher JDev AND SOA. The fact that I see &lt;*db:*...&gt; tells me that you're using JDeveloper. The correct solution is to upgrade your components.

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    Hi All,
    I have created a report using CJE1 (Report painter). When I execute the report, it only shows WBS that have values. How do I display WBS elements that do NOT have values? i.e. display items with zero values. I'm certain there is a setting either within report painter or forms...
    Help appreciated.

    Menu>Formatting>Report Layout and then tab Rows. Check if setting under 'Treatment of zero rows' helps.

  • Error while assigning a character value to a numeric variable.

    I fire a sql statement and check the number of rows returned by the sql.
    I check this result with the application logs.
    The application logs keeps the sqls fired by the application and the no of rows returned, in the example below the sql returned 8454 rows.
    My script compares the two results.
    ***********Application Log***********
    4/14/2008 11:15:01 AM: 0059 SQL SELECT "CLUSTER_CD",
    4/14/2008 11:15:01 AM: 0060 "PRODUCT_DESC",
    4/14/2008 11:15:01 AM: 0061 "TEAM_CD"
    4/14/2008 11:15:01 AM: 0062 FROM "OPS$TMS"."MAP_CLUSTER_TEAM_PROD"
    4/14/2008 11:15:01 AM:      3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD, 8,454 lines fetched
    ***********Application Log***********
    My script:
    typeset -i resA
    typeset -i resB
    opstms_conn_string="abc/[email protected]"
    set `sqlplus -s $opstms_conn_string << EOF
    set pages 0
    SELECT count(*)
    resA=$1 ##returns 8454
    resB=`grep '3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD,' BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log | awk '{print $10}'`
    ##resB returns 8,454
    ## here i get syntax error
    if [ $resA -eq $resB ]; then
    echo "QA passed for sql1"
    echo "QA failed for sql1"
    The problem is as resB is integer variable it does not accept character value: 8,454 so returns a syntax error:
    How do I change the value assigned to resB into a numeric variable?
    + grep 3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD, BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log
    run.ksh[52]: 8,454: syntax error

    resB=`grep '3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD,' BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log | awk '{print $10}'`
    to this:
    resB=`grep '3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD,' BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log | awk '{print $10}' | tr -d ,`
    to drop the comma. Or you could do it in awk(1):
    resB=`grep '3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD,' BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log | awk '{ gsub( /,/, "", $10 ); print $10}'`
    Or you could to it all in awk(1):
    resB=`awk '
    /3 fields found: CLUSTER_CD, PRODUCT_DESC, TEAM_CD/ {
    gsub( /,/, "", $10 )
    print $10
    ' BCVP_Main_Loader.qvw.log`
    (This example was not tested, it's just for a model.)
    Someone more of an SQL guru than I can probably tell you how to change your numeric locale to avoid presenting those commas in the first place and avoid the problem.

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