Assign sysdate into a string variable ?

How to assign a sysdate into a string variable.
Pleae help me...

Basically impossible, since the two things can reasonably be described as a "sysdate" -- either a long or a Date object -- aren't Strings.
Also I suppose you could reformat them as a String. But there are a lot of ways you could do that (a String representation of the long, in decimal or hex or octal or any arbitrary base, or a Date formatted in any arbitrary way, etc.).
What exactly do you want to do, and why?

Similar Messages

  • How to assign a " into a string variable??

    say, String s="i am a 'cat'", what if i want to replace the ' with " ??
    thanks !

    Use the backslash escape character before the QUOTE.
    String s = "i am a \"cat\"";

  • How do I pass single quotes into a string variable?

    Thanks for any help?
    Select xdat, yday
    from foo
    xdat = to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
    How do I pass the single quoted stuff above into a string variable?

    Thank you but that is not the same thing. I am building a dynamic sql statement and need to pass the quoted material into a statement that is quoted Is that not what my example above shows?
    My example above has a quoted string inside a string. I think this is exactly what you were asking for.

  • How can I put all output error message into a String Variable ??

    Dear Sir:
    I have following code, When I run it and I press overflow radio button, It outputs following message:
    Caught RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at ExceptionHandling.ExceptTest.actionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
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         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
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         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
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         at hope to catch all these error message into a String Variable such as StrErrorMsg, then I can use System.out.println(StrErrorMsg) to print it out or store somewhere, not only display at runtime,
    How can I do this??
    Thanks a lot,
    See code below.
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
    public class ExceptTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        private double[] a;
      private JRadioButton divideByZeroButton;
      private JRadioButton badCastButton;
      private JRadioButton arrayBoundsButton;
      private JRadioButton nullPointerButton;
      private JRadioButton negSqrtButton;
      private JRadioButton overflowButton;
      private JRadioButton noSuchFileButton;
      private JRadioButton throwUnknownButton;
      public ExceptTest() {
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup();
        p.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 1));
        divideByZeroButton = addRadioButton("Divide by zero", g, p);
        badCastButton = addRadioButton("Bad cast", g, p);
        arrayBoundsButton = addRadioButton("Array bounds", g, p);
        nullPointerButton = addRadioButton("Null pointer", g, p);
        negSqrtButton = addRadioButton("sqrt(-1)", g, p);
        overflowButton = addRadioButton("Overflow", g, p);
        noSuchFileButton = addRadioButton("No such file", g, p);
        throwUnknownButton = addRadioButton("Throw unknown", g, p);
      private JRadioButton addRadioButton(String s, ButtonGroup g, JPanel p) {
        JRadioButton button = new JRadioButton(s, false);
        return button;
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        try {
          Object source = evt.getSource();
          if (source == divideByZeroButton) {
            a[1] = a[1] / a[1] - a[1];
          } else if (source == badCastButton) {
            Frame f = (Frame) evt.getSource();
          } else if (source == arrayBoundsButton) {
            a[1] = a[10];
          } else if (source == nullPointerButton) {
            Frame f = null;
            f.setSize(200, 200);
          } else if (source == negSqrtButton) {
            a[1] = Math.sqrt(-1);
          } else if (source == overflowButton) {
            a[1] = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
            int n = (int) a[1];
          } else if (source == noSuchFileButton) {
            FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("Java Source and Support");
          } else if (source == throwUnknownButton) {
            throw new UnknownError();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          System.out.println("Caught RuntimeException: " + e);
          System.out.println("Caught RuntimeException: " + e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new ExceptTest();
        frame.setSize(150, 200);
        frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    yes, I update as follows,
    but not looks good.
    public class UncaughtLogger implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
        private File file;
        private static String errorMessage;
        public UncaughtLogger(File file) {
            this.file = file;
        public UncaughtLogger(String str) {
            this.errorMessage = str;
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e){
            try {
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                System.err.println("error in logging:");
        private void log(Throwable e) throws IOException {
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
            try {
            } finally {
        private static UncaughtLogger logger = new UncaughtLogger(new File("C:/temp/log.txt"));
        private static UncaughtLogger logger2 = new UncaughtLogger(errorMessage);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                String s1 = "Hello World!";
                s1 = null;
                String s2 = s1.getClass().getName();
                System.out.println("errorMessage =" + errorMessage);

  • How to catch exception into a String variable ?

    I have a code
    catch(Exception e)
                logger.error("\n Exception in method Process"+e.getMessage());
            }when i open log i find
    Exception in method Process null.
    But i get a long error message in the server console !! I think thats coming from e.printStackTrace().
    can i get the error message from e.printStackTrace() into a String variable ?
    I want the first line of that big stacktrace in a String variable.
    How ?

    A trick is to issue e.printStackTrace() against a memory-based output object.
    void      printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
             // Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
    void      printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
    //          Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.Edited by: BIJ001 on Oct 5, 2007 8:54 AM

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    char letter1 = 'a', letter2 = 'b', letter3 = 'c';
    String letters;
    then how can i do to make letters = "abc" from using letter1,2,3?
    I am just a beginner of Java, if anyone can help me, i will appreciate that very much!!!

    String letters=""+leter1+letter2+letter3;is fine and dandy. What it actually compiles to is
    String letters = new StringBuffer().append(letter1).append(letter2).append(letter3).toString();Which ofcourse is much more code to write, but still good to know.
    So do see the API for java.lang.StringBuffer.

  • I want to read the content of a text file dropped in a watched folder into a string variable

    I have a workbench process with 2 variable.
    inDoc (DataType=Document/input/required)
    outStr (DataType = String/output)
    The document being passed to the workflow is a text file with 4 lines of text in it.  when the text file is dropped into the watched folder, it will be assigned to the inDoc parameter in the workflow.
    My workflow needs to extract the 4 lines of text and write it into a string (outStr).
    Id like to use the FileUtilsService.ReadString service but i can't since its input parameter is the file path.  When i do, i get the following error...
    Caused by: ALC-FUT-001-011: File rO0ABXNyABZjb20uYWRvYmUuaWRwLkRvY3VtZW50yAEFUxsO+CEDACNJAAtfY2FsbGJhY2tJZFoADV9kZXNlcmlhb Gl6ZWRJABBfZGlzcG9zYWxUaW1lb3V0WgAJX2Rpc3Bvc2VkWgAZX2lzRGlzcG9zYWxUaW1lb3V0RGVmYXVsdFoAE19 pc1RyYW5zYWN0aW9uQm91bmRKAAdfbGVuZ3RoSQAOX21heElubGluZVNpemVaAAhfb3duRmlsZVoAC19wYXNzaXZhd GVkWgALX3BlcnNpc3RlbnRJABFfc2VuZGVyQ2FsbGJhY2tJZFoAEV9zZW5kZXJQYXNzaXZhdGVkWgARX3NlbmRlclB lcnNpc3RlbnRJAA5fc2VuZGVyVmVyc2lvbkkABl9zdGF0ZUwAC19hdHRyaWJ1dGVzdAATTGphdmEvdXRpbC9IYXNoT WFwO0wACF9jYWNoZUlkdAAfTGNvbS9hZG9iZS9pZHAvRG9jdW1lbnRDYWNoZUlEO0wADF9jYWxsYmFja1JlZnQAIUx jb20vYWRvYmUvaWRwL0lEb2N1bWVudENhbGxiYWNrO0wADF9jb250ZW50VHlwZXQAEkxqYXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nO 0wAC19kYXRhQnVmZmVydAAeTGNvbS9hZG9iZS9zZXJ2aWNlL0RhdGFCdWZmZXI7TAAPX2V4cGlyYXRpb25UaW1ldAA QTGphdmEvbGFuZy9Mb25nO0wABV9maWxldAAOTGphdmEvaW8vRmlsZTtMABBfZ2xvYmFsQmFja2VuZElkdAAhTGNvb S9hZG9iZS9pZHAvRG9jdW1lbnRCYWNrZW5kSUQ7WwAHX2lubGluZXQAAltCTAAMX2lucHV0U3RyZWFtdAAVTGphdmE vaW8vSW5wdXRTdHJlYW07TAAPX2xvY2FsQmFja2VuZElkcQB+AAhMAAxfcHVsbFNlcnZhbnR0ACRMY29tL2Fkb2JlL 2lkcC9JRG9jdW1lbnRQdWxsU2VydmFudDtMABFfcmFuZG9tQWNjZXNzRmlsZXQAGkxqYXZhL2lvL1JhbmRvbUFjY2V zc0ZpbGU7TAAVX3NlbmRlckNhbGxiYWNrUmVmSU9ScQB+AARMABZfc2VuZGVyR2xvYmFsQmFja2VuZElkcQB+AAhMA A1fc2VuZGVySG9zdElkcQB+AARMABVfc2VuZGVyTG9jYWxCYWNrZW5kSWRxAH4ACEwAGl9zZW5kZXJQdWxsU2VydmF udEpuZGlOYW1lcQB+AARMAARfdXJsdAAOTGphdmEvbmV0L1VSTDt4cHcGAAAAAwAAcHd1AHMwOjA6MDowOjA6MDowO jEvMTI3LjAuMC4xLy8vLy8vLy8vZmU4MDowOjA6MDo3NDMyOmU0OWQ6NmUzMToxNTU0JTEwLzEwLjI0LjIzOS4xMjY vZmU4MDowOjA6MDowOjVlZmU6YTE4OmVmN2UlMTEvLy8vdXIAAltCrPMX+AYIVOACAAB4cAAAAcRJTU01MjU3XzAxL TIwMTFfMXwwMXx8YXx8fHxGZW1hbGV8MjAwMHw2fDh8Y3wyNTZ8MjU2fDkxMnwwMXx8fHx8fHx8Tnx8fHx8fHx8fHx 8fHx8fHx8fHxZfHx8fHx8fHx8fDAyfHx8fHx8TnwyMDEyfDJ8MTR8DQpJTU01MjU3XzAxLTIwMTFfMnx8fHx8fHx8f Hxhc2RmfDI1NnwyMDEyfDAyfDAxfDIwMTJ8MDN8MDJ8fHx8YXxhfDI1Mnx8fHxZfHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8DQpJTU0 1MjU3XzAxLTIwMTFfM3xOfHx8fHx8fHx8fDIwMDB8Nnx8fGFzZGZ8YXNkZnxhc2RmfDI1Nnx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f Hx8fHx8DQpJTU01MjU3XzAxLTIwMTFfNHxOfE58fE58TnxOfHxOfE58fE58TnxOfA0KSU1NNTI1N18wMS0yMDExXzV 8U2luZ2xlfDAxfHwyMDEyfDAyfDE4fDIwMTJ8MDN8MDN8MjM0fGFzZGZ8fGFzZGZhc3x8fHxFeGNoYW5nZS1Qcm8uO S40MDEuRnVsbC5XSU4uZW5fQ0EuRU5VLTEwLTIwMTF8DQoNCnBwdwYAAAAAAAB0AAp0ZXh0L3BsYWlucHNyABFqYXZ hLnV0aWwuSGFzaE1hcAUH2sHDFmDRAwACRgAKbG9hZEZhY3RvckkACXRocmVzaG9sZHhwP0AAAAAAAAx3CAAAABAAA AADdAAKd3NmaWxlbmFtZXQAJ0M6XFVzZXJzXENodWxseS5QYXJrXERlc2t0b3BcaGRzY2FuLnR4dHQACGJhc2VuYW1 ldAAKaGRzY2FuLnR4dHQABGZpbGVxAH4AFXh3NwAtYWRvYmUvaWRwL0RvY3VtZW50UHVsbFNlcnZhbnQvYWRvYmVqY l9MQ19ERVYx//////////94 does not exist.
    at com.adobe.livecycle.fileutils.FileUtilsService.readDocument(
    which is what i expected...
    I've also tried with the Script.executeScript to call some java code but im not too strong in java and in all the examples i find, the file pointer requires a file path.
    FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(patExecContext.getProcessDataValue("/process_data/inDoc"));
    File f = new File(patExecContext.getProcessDataValue("/process_data/inDoc"));
    File f = patExecContext.getProcessDataValue("/process_data/inDoc");
    Any clue how to resolve my problem?

    Try the following code snippet to read the String content from the file recieved through watched folder endpoint.
    com.adobe.idp.Document inputDoc = patExecContext.getProcessDataDocumentValue("/process_data/inDoc"); inStream = inputDoc.getInputStream();
    byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[inStream.available()];;
    String strData = new String(dataBuffer);
    The code is not tested, hence if you find any mistakes, correct and test the functionality.

  • How to compare numbers in a string variable?

    I have a powershell script that is grabbing the output of a website and storing it into a string variable. What I would like to do is check a line in the output which contains two numbers - the number of emails sent out of the total number of emails.
    I have not come up with a way to do this that works. I was thinking of maybe using a regex, but there are other numbers I don't care about that keep getting caught.
    Here is a sample of what is contained in the string variable:
    Email ID: 46862270 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.0924511
    Email ID: 46862272 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.0493887
    -- Sent 250 of 250 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:08.1406995
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.4611053
    Here is another sample:
    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 17 of 17 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
    So if I have the above contained in a variable called $httpResponse how can I find only the line that starts with -- Sent
    and then subtract the first number from the second number?
    So for example if I have this:
    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 207 of 217 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
    I would want the check to return 10. Is this even possible?
    Any help is appreciated!

    $String = @'
    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 207 of 217 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
    if ( $string -match 'Sent (\d+) of (\d+) emails .+' )
    { $FailedEmailCount = [int]$matches[2] - $matches[1] }
    Each set of parens will designate a capture group, and those can be referenced from $Matches after a successful -match.
    Just remember that they will all be strings, and to do a math operation you have to cast at least the one on the LH side to a numeric type first.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • Reading a binary file to string variable does not populate correctly

    Hi, I am new to Adobe Air/Flex and I'm trying to read a
    binary file which also contains text in "cleartext". The problem
    I'm having is that when I call FileStream.readUTFBytes method, only
    the first 6 characters are showing up in my string variable
    "contents" when I debug it in FlexBuilder or use a trace command
    and debug it. I have also tried with other types of files but I
    have a similar problem unless it's a non-binary file.
    Am I doing something incorrectly or should I be reading a
    binary file differently than the way I'm reading it currently?
    The source code is shown below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    private function readFiles():void{
    var feedFile:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath( "Local
    Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Feeds/AppScout~.feed-ms" );
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); feedFile, FileMode.READ );
    var contents:String =
    <mx:Button x="121" y="66" label="Button"
    click="readFiles()" />

    It's difficult to tell what it is, it looks like a binary
    pipe symbol but I can copy it from TextPad for example. Some of the
    characters following it cannot be copied from TextPad which I
    assume is because it's null. I can read the whole file in C#/.Net
    and assign it to a string variable without any problems but perhaps
    Air is somewhat limited to binary content.

  • Can I preserve carriage returns in a string variable from SQL Server?

    I have an OLE data source that pulls data from sql server via a SELECT query.  One of the fields is an NVARCHAR(max) which goes into a string variable which is later used in an expression.  I am noticing that in the expression, carriage returns
    / line breaks in this field are being lost.  Does anyone know how I can preserve these in the expression?

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  I am certain there are both \r and \n in the database as when I print the field and then copy/paste to textedit to show the hidden characters, I can see both the CR and LF's.  
    I have implemented a workaround that is by no means elegant, but it gets the job done.
    I found that \r and \n will evaluate in an expression but if they are part of another string variable, SSIS escapes them. My workaround was to change my OLE_DB select statement (which fetches the custom SQL query) to explicitly change the hidden characters
    to '\r' and '\n' respectively:
    SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE([CUSTOM_SQL],char(13),'\r'),char(10),'\n')
    Then, in my SSIS expression, I de-escaped these characters:
    Now when the expression is executed, the SQL is formatted correctly and oddly placed comments in the query no longer break the query.  

  • Stupid question: getting sysdate into repository variable (11g)

    Hi, I'm having a complete brain fade and can't figure out how to select current sysdate into a dynamic repository variable. I've done the following:
    1. Created init block
    2. Set data source to the connection pool from one of my Oracle databases
    3. Set the default database string to "select trunc(sysdate) from dual"
    4. Created a dynamic variable STP_TODAY with default initializer of DATE '1900-01-01'
    5. Check in and save the RPD
    When I go into answers, I can see the variable, but it's always getting the 1900-01-01 date. Obviously I'm doing something dumb - can someone help?

    This is related to presentation server Cache.
    Bypass the Presentation server Cache with the following steps:
    1. In Answers go to Advanced tab and select the "Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache" box for the report.
    2. At the lower end of the page, you have a box name "prefix", add the below text in it,
    3. Save the report.
    Check now, this hopefully should help..

  • How to check empty string and null? Assign same value to multiple variables

    How do I check for empty string and null?
    in_value IN VARCHAR2
    2. Also how do I assign same value to multiple variables?
    var_one NUMBER := 0;
    var_two NUMBER := 0;
    var_one := var_two := 0; --- Gives an error

    MichaelS wrote:
    Not always: Beware of CHAR's:
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is NOT null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> alter session set events '10932 trace name context forever, level 16384';
    Session altered.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

  • How to load a text file (ASCII) into a TS string variable?

    I need to load a ASCII file into a TS string variable for subsequent processing. I tried the SecuenceBuilder DLL (in the examples directory) but it seems that this DLL has a bug. Some text files are not loaded properly. I have also tried the kernel32 functions (openfile, createfile, readfile ... ) handling them as a C program, but with no success. The property loader feature of TS is not the suitable solution for me, because I would have to modify all my text files to include some specific fields (step name, variables, starmarker ...). Doy you know an alternative procedure to load text files or any DLL that implements what I look for ? Any help would be grateful. Cesar ([email protected])

    Hi Cesar,
    I don't know if you have found a solution, but attached is a DLL built in VC that will read the text out of a file into a TestStand variable. The attached sequence file \SequenceFile1.seq contains a step type that is set to call the DLL responsible for reading the file. It reads the file specified under Step.FilePath and stores the data in Step.ReadData. Please let me know if this works for you. I have attached the source as well.
    Attachments: ‏3628 KB

  • Doubt about  a null value assigned to a String variable

    I have a doubt about a behavior when assigning a null value to a string variable and then seeing the output, the code is the next one:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            String total = null;
            total = total+"one";
    }the doubt comes when i see the output, the output i get is this:
    nulloneA variable with null value means it does not contains a reference to an object in memory, so the question is why the null is printed when i concatenate the total variable which has a null value with the string "one".
    Is the null value converted to string ??
    Please clarify
    Regards and thanks!

    null is a keyword to inform compiler that the reference contain nothingNo. 'null' is not a keyword, it is a literal. Beyond that the compiler doesn't care. It has a runtime value as well.
    total contains null value means it does not have memory,No, it means it refers to nothing, as opposed to referring to an object.
    for representation purpose it contain "null"No. println(String) has special behaviour if the argument is null. This is documented and has already been described above. Your handwaving about 'for representation purpose' is meaningless. The compiler and the JVM don't know the purpose of the code.
    e.g. this keyword shows a hash value instead of memory addressNo it doesn't: it depends entirely on the actual class of the object referred to by 'this', and specifically what its toString() method does.
    similarly "total" maps null as a literal.Completely meaningless. "total" doesn't 'map' anything, it is just a literal. The behaviour you describe is a property of the string concatenation operator, not of string literals.
    I hope you can understand this.Nobody could understand it. It is compete nonsense. The correct answer has already been given. Please read the thread before you contribute.

  • How to read a string from file & assign the val to a variable in batch file

    How to read a string from a file and assign the value to a variable then return the value to the screen in windows batch file?
    Any suggestions?

    Unless this is a homework question then I don't see the purpose of doing this, but....
    You should be looking a the supplied package utl_file to get the string out of the file, dbms_output to display the string and then google windows batch/command files calling sqlplus to execute your program.

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