Assigning a value to a string

Hi Friends,
How to assign a value to a string. Coz I need to compare the strings with the user entered string and process the logic.
Example : p_pass TYPE string p_pass = 'APPLE'.

    Try like this.
parameters : p_pass TYPE string value  'APPLE'.
at selection-screen on p_pass.
If p_pass co 'APPLE'.

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    All I'm trying to do is
    String[] appName = null;
    appName[0] = "all";
    This is throwing a Null Pointer Exception!

    Of course it is. You have to init. the object. Ex:
    String[] appName = null;
    appName = new String[1];
    appName[0] = "all";
    or even better:
    String[] appName = new String[1];
    appName[0] = "all";

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    2. Also how do I assign same value to multiple variables?
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    var_two NUMBER := 0;
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    MichaelS wrote:
    Not always: Beware of CHAR's:
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is NOT null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> alter session set events '10932 trace name context forever, level 16384';
    Session altered.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

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    public enum Names { BOB, FRED, JIM, SAM }
    String name = "FRED";   // This is the data retuned from the xml file.
    Names n =              // I want to assign n the value of Names.FREDI know I could do an "if" statement. However, this is a contrived example with only a few enum values. In the real world, this enum list could be quite large.
    I have looked into reflection, but I don't know whether there is an easier way to achieve my objective?
    Thank you for your time,
    Harold Clements

    dcminter wrote:
    But for looking up "how do I do X with a subclass of type Y", I think the API documentation should be able to answer that.I think I disagree when it's a language feature.That's definitely a point worth observing.
    By that reasoning you'd expect to populate the API docs with definitions for class (and this and super) all over the place.I think you're exaggerate, and you know it ;-)
    If those were to be mentioned in the JavaDoc, they should obviously go into the documentation of java.lang.Object only.
    I suppose you could have a "synthetics" section to the docs in much the same way that the inherited methods and fields are defined but it doesn't seem very useful.It's not useful if it's just clutter that's the same everywhere, of course.
    But in this particular case a simple "note that enum classes have a syntetic valueOf() method that does foo bar baz" in the body of the class documentation would have been a nice guesture (especially since that part is pretty small here anyway).
    And yes, I also think that the length field of arrays should find some mention in the JavaDoc. I don't know how and where, 'though.

  • Assigning a value to a parameter.

    Hi all,
    I am using CR XI, developping a report built upon a query in BW (using SAP Kit). The query in BW has a parameter PARAM1 of type string that comes automatically into my report but the type or the parameter is greyed. I can't change it.
    In reality, I am expecting a date to be entered. It would be more user friendly to offer the user the calendar interface to select a value rather than the textbox for a string.
    I can create a second parameter PARAM2 of type Date in CR, transform the input value to string but I do not know how to assign the result to PARAM1.
    I have tried an assignment in a formula using beforereadingreports but no luck.
    Does anybody know how to do this or if this is even possible ?

    Thanks Graham - sorry it took me so long.
    That is an interesting suggestion that I did not think of. I tried but for some reason the parameter for the report against BW does not show up in the link part of the subreport definition. I created a "fake" main report with a date type parameter, a formula to translate it to a string but no way to "assign" its value to the parameter in the original report.
    Queries against SAP seem to have "specificities"...
    In other words, i am still stuck !

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    Hi Guys I am getting error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small as it said i thought it would be issue with length of feild but i tried to change is nothihg work i am posing code here if any one can please help me on this
    p_rpt_from_dt in varchar2,
    p_rpt_to_dt in varchar2,
    p_apvr_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL,
    p_rpt_type in varchar2 default NULL,
    p_backto_pg in varchar2 default NULL
    v_rpt_from_dt date := var_to_date(p_rpt_from_dt);
    v_rpt_to_dt date := var_to_date(p_rpt_to_dt);
    v_time_str varchar2(15);
    cursor period_cur
    cp_from_dt date,
    cp_to_dt date
    select beg_dt, end_dt
    from jmcs_wk_tprd
    where beg_dt <= cp_to_dt -- report end date
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt -- report start date
    if sys_security('tcsys', 'tc_reports') != 'GRANTED' then
    end if;
    if lg_debug_fl then
    v_time_str := to_char(lg_sysdate, 'hh:mi:ss a.m.');
    v_time_str := tc_time(lg_sysdate);
    end if;
    /* get the time card time periods applicable to the report */
    lga_tc_strt_dt := lga_null_date;
    for recs in period_cur(v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt) loop
    lga_tc_strt_dt(lga_tc_strt_dt.count+1) := recs.beg_dt;
    lga_tc_end_dt(lga_tc_end_dt.count+1) := recs.end_dt;
    end loop;
    --if p_apvr_id is NULL then
    if p_rpt_type != 'D' then
    'Time Card Status Report',
    'for '||dd_mon_yyyy(v_rpt_from_dt)||' through '||dd_mon_yyyy(v_rpt_to_dt)||'<BR>'||
    'Report Date: '||dd_mon_yyyy(lg_sysdate)||' Time: '||v_time_str,
    'javascript:window.close()', /* Backto */
    'alert(''Reminder! Click on logo when you are ready to return to previous page'')'
    end if;
    if p_apvr_id is NULL then
    sub_STATUS_BD_ALPHA (v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt, TRUE, p_rpt_type, p_apvr_id);
    htp.p('<!-- Selected Approver ('||p_apvr_id||') -->');
    sub_STATUS_BD_APVR (v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt, p_rpt_type, p_apvr_id);
    end if;
    error_proc(SQLERRM, SQLCODE, owa_util.get_cgi_env('PATH_INFO'));
    htp.p('Error Code is :'||SQLERRM);
    This package in trun call other procedure like below
    p_rpt_from_dt in date,
    p_rpt_to_dt in date,
    p_display_hdr in boolean,
    p_rpt_type in varchar2 default 'B',
    p_apvr_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL,
    p_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL
    v_time_str varchar2(15);
    v_apvr_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 0;
    v_a_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type; -- approver tcs_user_id
    v_cnt integer := 0;
    v_people_cnt integer := 0;
    v_stat_cd varchar2(2000);
    v_display_fl boolean := FALSE;
    cursor people_cur
    cp_from_dt in date,
    cp_to_dt in date
    d_full_nm_lfm as name,
    tc_row_id as tcs_user_id,
    tcw_typ as pay_typ,
    tcw_id as pay_id,
    sys_strt_date as sys_strt_dt,
    from tc_wkr
    where sys_strt_date <= cp_to_dt
    and nvl(sys_end_dt, cp_to_dt) >= cp_from_dt
    order by upper(d_full_nm_lfm);
    /* find the current or the most recent (if no current) approver */
    cursor apvr_cur
    cp_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type
    a.f_tc_apvr_id as fk_tcs_apvr_id,
    w.d_full_nm_lfm as apvr_name,
    w.tcw_typ as apvr_pay_typ,
    w.tcw_id as apvr_pay_id,
    from tc_wkr w, tc_ap_asmt a
    where a.f_tc_wkr_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    and w.tc_row_id = a.f_tc_apvr_id
    order by a.strt_dt desc;
    /* list of existing time cards UNION required time cards */
    cursor tc_cur
    cp_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type, /* who's time cards */
    cp_from_dt in date, /* report period from date */
    cp_to_dt in date /* report period to date */
    from tc
    where strt_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and fk_tc_wkrtcw_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    'Required' as stat_cd,
    beg_dt as strt_dt,
    from jmcs_wk_tprd
    where beg_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and beg_dt not in (
    select strt_dt
    from tc
    where strt_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and fk_tc_wkrtcw_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    order by strt_dt;
    if lg_debug_fl then
    v_time_str := to_char(lg_sysdate, 'hh:mi:ss a.m.');
    v_time_str := tc_time(lg_sysdate);
    end if;
    if p_apvr_id > 0 then
    lga_report_out := lga_report_out_null;
    v_apvr_id := p_apvr_id;
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null;
    from tc_wkr
    where tc_row_id = v_apvr_id;
    if lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ != 'S' then
    select decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    into lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ
    from empl
    where empl_id = lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_id;
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_display_hdr then
    if lga_tc_strt_dt.count > 6 then /* more than 6 time periods (1 month) */
    lga_width(1) := to_char(.15 * lg_page_width_standard);
    lga_width(2) := to_char(.08 * lg_page_width_standard);
    for i in 1..lga_tc_strt_dt.count loop
    lga_width(lga_width.count+1) := to_char(.09 * lg_page_width_standard);
    end loop;
    lg_page_width_standard := to_number(lga_width(1)) + to_number(lga_width(2));
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    lg_page_width_standard := lg_page_width_standard * 2;
    end if;
    htp.p('<!-- page width = '||lg_page_width_standard||'-->');
    for i in 3..lga_width.count loop
    lg_page_width_standard := lg_page_width_standard + to_number(lga_width(i));
    htp.p('<!-- page width = '||lg_page_width_standard||'-->');
    end loop;
    lg_page_width := to_char(lg_page_width_standard);
    lga_width(1) := '15%';
    lga_width(2) := '8%';
    lga_width(3) := '9%';
    lga_width(4) := '9%';
    lga_width(5) := '9%';
    lga_width(6) := '9%';
    lga_width(7) := '9%';
    lga_width(8) := '9%';
    end if;
    end if;
    /* cursor loop */
    for p in people_cur(p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) loop
    /* is/was this person assigned to the selected approver for the report period */
    v_display_fl := FALSE;
    if nvl(p_tcs_user_id, 0) > 0 then
    if p_tcs_user_id = p.tcs_user_id then
    htp.p('<br>Selected User');
    v_display_fl := TRUE;
    end if;
    elsif nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    v_display_fl := TRUE;
    elsif p_apvr_id > 0 or p_apvr_id = -1 then
    v_display_fl := fct_ASSIGNED_APVR(p.tcs_user_id, p_apvr_id, p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt);
    end if;
    if v_display_fl then
    v_people_cnt := v_people_cnt + 1;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.USER_ID := p.tcs_user_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_ID := p.pay_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_TYPE := p.pay_typ;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.SYS_STRT_DT := p.sys_strt_dt;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.TERM_DT := p.sys_end_dt;
    if p.pay_typ = 'S' then
    select wrk_hire_dt
    into lg_tcs_owner_info.hire_dt
    from subcntr
    where sub_id = p.pay_id;
    when no_data_found then
    decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    from empl
    where empl_id = lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_ID;
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<table border="1" cellpadding="3" width="'||lg_page_width||'">';
    end if;
    if mod(v_people_cnt,2) = 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<tr bgcolor="'||lg_odd_bgcolor||'">');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<tr bgcolor="'||lg_even_bgcolor||'">');
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>'||||'</font></td >');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>'||p.pay_typ||'-'||lpad(p.pay_id,4,'0')||'</font></td >');
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) > 0 then /* Single Approver */
    /* need approver ID for time card "status" */
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null; /* clear the approver id array */
    lga_apvr(1).apvr_tcs_id := p_apvr_id;
    elsif nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then /* ALL Approvers */
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null; /* clear the approver id array */
    v_cnt := 0;
    for ap in apvr_cur (p.tcs_user_id) loop
    if v_cnt = 0 then
    /* most recent approver may not be the applicable approver */
    v_cnt := 1;
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_name := ap.apvr_name; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_tcs_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_id := ap.apvr_pay_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    v_apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    if ap.apvr_pay_typ = 'S' then
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_typ := ap.apvr_pay_typ; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    select decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    into lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ
    from empl
    where empl_id = lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_id;
    end if;
    end if;
    if ap.strt_dt <= p_rpt_to_dt and nvl(ap.end_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) >= p_rpt_from_dt then
    /* approver record */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_ID := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_STRT_DT := ap.strt_dt;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_END_DT := ap.end_dt;
    don't enter same approver name multiple times
    when same approver has been assigned more than once
    Example: approver1, approver_2, approver_1 (change back to approver 1)
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    v_apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    if lga_apvr(i).apvr_tcs_id = ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id then
    /* don't add again */
    v_apvr_id := NULL;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if v_apvr_id is not NULL then
    v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_name := ap.apvr_name; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_tcs_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_id := ap.apvr_pay_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_typ := ap.apvr_pay_typ; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    /* list approver pay IDs */
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    if lga_apvr.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := 'Approver Unassigned';
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    if i > 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<br>';
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (lga_apvr(i).apvr_name);
    end loop;
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    if lga_apvr.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := 'N/A';
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    if i > 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<br>';
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (lga_apvr(i).apvr_pay_typ)||'-'||lpad(lga_apvr(i).apvr_pay_id,4,'0');
    end loop;
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    end if;
    for t in tc_cur(p.tcs_user_id, p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) loop
    htp.p('<! '||t.strt_dt||', '||t.end_dt||', '||t.stat_cd||' -->');
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (t.stat_cd);
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    /* has the selected approver has completed processing */
    if p_apvr_id > 0
    and v_apvr_id = p_apvr_id
    and v_a_user_id != p_apvr_id
    end if;
    for ap in apvr_cur (p.tcs_user_id) loop
    if apvr_cur%rowcount = 1 then
    /* most recent approver assigned */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    end if;
    if ap.strt_dt <= t.end_dt and nvl(ap.end_dt, t.end_dt) >= t.strt_dt then
    /* approver assigned during time card period */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    end if;
    end loop;
    lg_tc_status.strt_dt := t.strt_dt;
    lg_tc_status.end_dt := t.end_dt;
    lg_tc_status.stat_cd := t.stat_cd;
    v_stat_cd := fct_TC_STATUS(nvl(p_apvr_id, 0));
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="'||lg_tc_status.bg_color||'">');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<font size=-2 color='||lg_tc_status.font_color||'>');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := v_stat_cd;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    end loop;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '</tr>';
    end if; /* v_display_fl */
    end loop;
    if p_rpt_type in ('B', 'S') then
    lg_page_cnt := lg_page_cnt + 1;
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count > 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '</table>';
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count > 0 then
    if p_rpt_type = 'B' or p_apvr_id > 0 then
    if p_display_hdr then
    if lg_page_cnt > 0 then
    if p_apvr_id > 0 then /* selected individual approver */
    end if;
    htp.p('<br style="page-break-after:always">');
                        htp.p('<!-- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -->');
                        htp.p('<!-- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -->');
    end if;
    lg_page_cnt := lg_page_cnt + 1;
    'Time Card Status Report',
    'for '||dd_mon_yyyy(p_rpt_from_dt)||' through '||dd_mon_yyyy(p_rpt_to_dt)||'<BR>'||
    'Report Date: '||dd_mon_yyyy(lg_sysdate)||' Time: '||v_time_str,
    NULL, -- p_backto_pg, /* Backto */
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_rpt_type in ('B', 'D') then
    for i in 1..lga_report_out.count loop
    end loop;
    end if;
    end if;
    Some veriable
    type report_tc_rec is record
    tc_owner_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    o_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    o_pay_id varchar2(10),
    o_sys_strt_dt date,
    o_sys_end_dt date,
    tc_apvr_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    a_pay_id varchar2(10),
    a_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    tc_strt_dt date,
    tc_end_dt date,
    tc_stat_cd varchar2(50),
    ap_strt_dt date,
    ap_end_dt date
    /* time card owner information */
    TYPE tcs_owner_info_rec IS RECORD
    USER_ID tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    PAY_ID tc_wkr.tcw_id%type,
    PAY_TYPE tc_wkr.tcw_typ%type,
    HIRE_DT date,
    SYS_STRT_DT date,
    TERM_DT date,
    APVR_ID tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    APVR_STRT_DT date,
    APVR_END_DT date
    /* status code determines report cell font and background colors */
    TYPE tc_status_rec IS RECORD
    STRT_DT date,
    END_DT date,
    STAT_CD tc.stat_cd%type,
    FONT_COLOR varchar2(16),
    BG_COLOR varchar2(16)
    /* count of all time card status for report summary */
    TYPE tc_status_summary_rec IS RECORD
    APPROVED_CNT integer := 0,
    REJECTED_CNT integer := 0,
    SUBMITTED_CNT integer := 0,
    POSTED_CNT integer := 0,
    VERIFIED_CNT integer := 0,
    OPEN_CNT integer := 0,
    NEW_CNT integer := 0,
    REQUIRED_CNT integer := 0,
    TOTAL_CNT integer := 0
    /* determine multiple approvers for individual for selected report period */
    TYPE apvr_rec IS RECORD
    apvr_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    apvr_tcs_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    apvr_pay_id tc_wkr.tcw_id%type,
    apvr_pay_typ tc_wkr.tcw_typ%type
    TYPE apvr_id_array_table IS TABLE OF apvr_rec
    index by binary_integer;
    type output_array is table of varchar2(1000)
    index by binary_integer;
    type date_array is table of date
    index by binary_integer;
    type status_array is table of varchar2(1000)
    index by binary_integer;
    type apvr_array is table of number(8)
    index by binary_integer;
    lga_report_out output_array; /* array of HTML code to be output to browser */
    lga_report_out_null output_array; /* null array of HTML code */
    lga_tc_status status_array;
    lga_null_status status_array;
    lga_tc_strt_dt date_array;
    lga_tc_end_dt date_array;
    lga_tc_disp date_array; /* start dates of displayed TC for selected user */
    lga_null_date date_array; /* null array used to clear other date arrays */
    lg_tcs_owner_info tcs_owner_info_rec; /* time card owner information */
    lg_tc_status tc_status_rec; /* time card status information */
    lg_tc_status_summary tc_status_summary_rec; /* time card count by status */
    lg_tc_rec report_tc_rec; /* time card */
    lga_apvr apvr_id_array_table; /* array of approver Names and Payroll IDs */
    lga_apvr_null apvr_id_array_table; /* clear the lga_apvr array for each user */
    lg_sysdate date := sysdate;
    lg_debug_fl boolean := FALSE;
    lg_debug_owner_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 9905;
    lg_debug_apvr_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 1000;
    The chnages i have done its in bold
    Please Advice
    Edited by: Purvik on Aug 25, 2009 11:59 AM

    There is not a chance in the world, especially not knowing column definitions that I, and I suspect most anyone else, is going to wade through this much unformated code looking for an error you couldn't bother to copy in full.
    Either tell us, specifically, the line on which the error is occurring or, better yet, start whacking stuff out of your code until you find the offending definition. That is certainly what I would do. Commenting out sections is a marvelous way to quickly find an issue.
    Before you post again please read the FAQ. It will explain to you how to properly post and use the tags.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Assigning return value of a javascript function to a variable

    I have a javascript function which returns string.
    I wanna assing return value of that function to variable.
    for example:
    funtion writeMe()
    var ex;
    return ex;
    Then in body of JSP page. I wanna do something like:
    <% String st;%>
    Now I wanna assign the value that returned from writeMe function ("try") to st
    <%st= writeMe();%>. but of course it doesn't work. how can I do that?

    thnx. but actually what I want to do is sending some values produced by javascript to a barchart object. is it impossible too?
    I mean my script function returns something like "100, 200, 300". I wanna pass that values to barchart. when I want to add aplet tag to jsp code instead of writing:
    <param name="s1_value" value="100,200,300">
    I want to write somethin like:
    <param name="s1_value" value="myscriptfunction()">
    is it possible in JSP? I saw an example like this in asp. it was like:
    <param name="sampleLabels" value="<%call func1()>">. but in JSP it seems like call tag doesn't work. Is it possible in JSP?

  • Jsp:useBean and assigning a value to that bean

    I have a type called Country and I have declared a bean using the "jsp:useBean" syntax.
    I then try to assign a value to that bean in a scriptlet. Eventually I try to retrieve the values using "jsp:getProperty". The problem is that it appears to null.
    Here is the code of the jsp
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import="com.parispano.latinamericaguide.*" %>
    /* We retrieve the Countries object from the servlet context. */
    ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
    Countries cs = (Countries)sc.getAttribute("countries");
    <jsp:useBean id="country" class="com.parispano.latinamericaguide.Country"/>
    /* If the request contains a country id, then we set the variable. */
    country = cs.getCountryFromId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("countryID")));
    <title>Country details</title>
    <tr><td>Name</td><td><jsp:getProperty name="country" property="name"/><!-- This is not working--></td></tr>
    out.println(country.getName());//This is working
    </html>This is the code for the bean
    package com.parispano.latinamericaguide;
    * @author Julien Martin
    * Represents a country.
    public class Country implements Comparable {
         private int id;
         private String name;
         private int landArea;
         private String capital;
         private String currency;
         private String flag;
         private String internet_domain;
         private String dialling_code;
         private float literacy;
         private float male_life_expectancy;
         private float female_life_expectancy;
         private String map;
         private int population;
         private int population_year;
         private float birth_rate;
         private int birth_rate_year;
         private float death_rate;
         private int death_rate_year;
         private int gdp;
         private int gdp_per_head;
         private int gdp_year;
         private float unemployment_rate;
         private int unemployment_rate_year;
         public Country() {
         public Country(
              int id,
              String name,
              int landArea,
              String capital,
              String currency,
              String flag,
              String internet_domain,
              String dialling_code,
              float literacy,
              float male_life_expectancy,
              float female_life_expectancy,
              String map,
              int population,
              int population_year,
              float birth_rate,
              int birth_rate_year,
              float death_rate,
              int death_year_rate,
              int gdp,
              int gdp_year,
              float unemployment_rate,
              int unemployment_rate_year) {
     = id;
     = name;
              this.landArea = landArea;
     = capital;
              this.currency = currency;
              this.flag = flag;
              this.internet_domain = internet_domain;
              this.dialling_code = dialling_code;
              this.literacy = literacy;
              this.male_life_expectancy = male_life_expectancy;
              this.female_life_expectancy = female_life_expectancy;
     = map;
              this.population = population;
              this.population_year = population_year;
              this.birth_rate = birth_rate;
              this.birth_rate_year = birth_rate_year;
              this.death_rate = death_rate;
              this.death_rate_year = death_year_rate;
              this.gdp = gdp;
              this.gdp_year = gdp_year;
              this.unemployment_rate = unemployment_rate;
              this.unemployment_rate_year = unemployment_rate_year;
         public float getBirth_rate() {
              return birth_rate;
         public int getBirth_rate_year() {
              return birth_rate_year;
         public String getCapital() {
              return capital;
         public String getCurrency() {
              return currency;
         public float getDeath_rate() {
              return death_rate;
         public int getDeath_rate_year() {
              return death_rate_year;
         public String getDialling_code() {
              return dialling_code;
         public float getFemale_life_expectancy() {
              return female_life_expectancy;
         public String getFlag() {
              return flag;
         public int getGdp() {
              return gdp;
         public int getGdp_per_head() {
              return gdp / population;
         public int getGdp_year() {
              return gdp_year;
         public int getId() {
              return id;
         public String getInternet_domain() {
              return internet_domain;
         public float getLiteracy() {
              return literacy;
         public float getMale_life_expectancy() {
              return male_life_expectancy;
         public String getMap() {
              return map;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public int getPopulation() {
              return population;
         public int getPopulation_year() {
              return population_year;
         public int getLandArea() {
              return landArea;
         public float getUnemployment_rate() {
              return unemployment_rate;
         public int getUnemployment_rate_year() {
              return unemployment_rate_year;
         public void setBirth_rate(float f) {
              birth_rate = f;
         public void setBirth_rate_year(int i) {
              birth_rate_year = i;
         public void setCapital(String string) {
              capital = string;
         public void setCurrency(String string) {
              currency = string;
         public void setDeath_rate(float f) {
              death_rate = f;
         public void setDeath_rate_year(int i) {
              death_rate_year = i;
         public void setDialling_code(String string) {
              dialling_code = string;
         public void setFemale_life_expectancy(float f) {
              female_life_expectancy = f;
         public void setFlag(String string) {
              flag = string;
         public void setGdp(int i) {
              gdp = i;
         public void setGdp_per_head(int i) {
              gdp_per_head = gdp/population;
         public void setGdp_year(int i) {
              gdp_year = i;
         public void setId(int i) {
              id = i;
         public void setInternet_domain(String string) {
              internet_domain = string;
         public void setLiteracy(float f) {
              literacy = f;
         public void setMale_life_expectancy(float f) {
              male_life_expectancy = f;
         public void setMap(String string) {
              map = string;
         public void setName(String string) {
              name = string;
         public void setPopulation(int i) {
              population = i;
         public void setPopulation_year(int i) {
              population_year = i;
         public void setlandArea(int i) {
              landArea = i;
         public void setUnemployement_rate(float f) {
              unemployment_rate = f;
         public void setUnemployment_rate_year(int i) {
              unemployment_rate_year = i;
         public String toString() {
              return name;
         public int compareTo(Object o) {
              Country c = (Country)o;
              int cmp = name.compareTo(;
              return cmp;
    }Can anyone please help?
    Thanks in advance,

    I have added scope="application". It still show "null" indicating that the bean is not initialized with the properties. I would like a quicker way to initialize a bean property than invoking the setProperty tag for each property.
    Here is a simple example that demonstrates the problem:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import="com.tests.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="monBean" class="com.tests.MonBean" scope="application"/>
    MonBean mb = new MonBean();
    monBean= mb;
    <title>Lomboz JSP</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <jsp:getProperty name="monBean" property="name"/>
    </html>And the bean
    package com.tests;
    public class MonBean {
    private String name;
    public String getName() {
         return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    }This show "null".
    Any other idea why this is not working?

  • How do you assign a value to the APEX field APP_USER

    Application Express
    Is there a special function/procedure to assign a value to the APP_USER field
    or a simple APP_USER := :P1_LOGIN_NAME would do

    Hello Zac,
    >> or a simple APP_USER := :P1_LOGIN_NAME would do
    The APEX engine is already doing it for you after a successful login – setting the value of APP_USER as the user login name. You can use it as a substitution string or with the bind variable notation (:APP_USER).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Error assigning varchar2 value to an output varchar2 parameter

    I do not understand why is the procedure erroring out while assigning value to an output parameter.
    It gives ORA -06502 ; numeric or value error
    character string buffer too small
    Procedure is doing something like this
    Procedure Test ( logs_tats out varchar2,
    log_num out number,
    check_num in number) as
    v_stats varchar2(400);
    if (check_num = 0) then
    v_stats := 'Check something and check something else';
    end if;
    if( check_num +3 <10) then
    v_stats := v_stats || chr(13) || 'Check something and check something else';
    end if;
    if (check_num +5 <15) then
    v_stats := v_stats || chr(13) || 'Check something and check something else';
    end if;
    log_stats := v_stats; -- gives error at this line
    check_num :=0;
    when others
    --raise_application_error()  statement
    end Test;
    I also tried with removing all 'chr(13)' that I am using and it still gives an error at very that line,
    i tried doing a dbms_output to check the length of v_stats just before error and it is 287.
    Is there any upper limit on the size of output varchar2 ?
    thank you

    How about you try posting the actual code and actual attempt to call it (SQL Plus is great for doing this).
    Procedure Test ( logs_tats out varchar2,and then later
    log_stats := v_stats; -- gives error at this lineYou misspelled the out parameter in the procedure declaration.
    Some notes
    1) use the code tags so your code stays readable
    2) give us complete details including an oracle version
    3) use some naming standard for your variables
       pi_ --> parameter in
       po_ -->parameter out
       l_  --> local
    ... etc
    Makes life easier (pick any standard you find useful and easy to understand).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Assign a value to class variable

    I want to define a class variable in class. And I want all subclasses of that class ot have a different value for that class variable. How can I do that?
    public class BaseClass {
      public static String tableName = "";
    }Now if I have a ClassA and I want to assign a value like this :
    public class ClassA extends BaseClass {
      tableName = "location";
    } I got an error message.
    I can move it in a static initializer block but then it will only work when the class is loaded. In my case its possible i want to get this value without loading the class.
    Ditto if i move it to constructor.
    Any input? Thanks

    Are you saying that if i have 2 classes ClassA and
    ClassB inherited from BaseClass, then both are
    sharing the same copy of 'tableName' staticvariable?
    If yes then I should go with an instance variable.No, I am saying that you can easily declare a
    tablName in A and another tableName in B.
    A.tableName will be shared between all the instances
    s of A. B.tableName will be shared between all the
    instances of B. And BaseClass.tableName is
    irelevant. I think you try to use
    BaseClass.tableName as some kind of template for
    sub-classes, but this does not happen: you need to
    declare tableName again and again in each subclass.
    IThanks for clarifying. Each class needs to have a variable "tableName" and it needs to have one copy of this variable for all of that class's objects. 2 classes will not have the same value of this tableName variable.
    Thats why I was defining it as static variable. And I define it in BaseClass so that I dont have to define it again in each subclass.
    Is there any better way? Thanks

  • Assign hexadecimal value to an Integer variable preceding with zero

    i need to pass an hexadecimal value, preceding with zero (0).
    like 0775
    the above hexadecimal value should be assigned to an integer variable. While i am trying to assign it, the output could be truncate the preceding zero value. Is it possible to do my requirement without truncating the preceding zero.?
    Edited by: sasi on Jul 23, 2012 7:09 PM

    I agree on that, this can not be carried out the way you explained.
    Either you store the hexadecimal value as a string, and convert it before arithmetic operations:
    int number = Integer.parseInt("0775", 16);
    Or you store it as an integer (no leading zero) and convert it to string as you display it:
    int number = 0x0775;
    System.out.printf("%1$04x", number);

  • Assigning variable value to another variable

    I want to assign value from one variable with type DATETIME to another variable which has type STRING.
    E.G: I need to convert this variable P_CreatedDate of type DATETIME to STRING variable CreatedDate.
    Can someone help me in C# script. Im using SSIS script task.
    Thanks in advance.

    I have a requirement where I need to convert following datetime variable value into the string vaiable format.
    Here is the example: 
    7/23/2014 11:24 PM
    I need above datetime to be converted into following string format
    2014-01-01 03:15:01.470
    yyyyMMdd HHmmssFFF
    Thanks in advance.

  • 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type

    I created a webservice based on sql server 2005 with several methods successfully.
    I am having headach now just trying to do some simple tests with Flex :-(
    I used the "Import WebService", it created some code "generated webservices".
    My test method p_SEARCH_NAME_SOUNDEX is based on a sql procedure wich take a varchar (128) as a parameter => NAL_NOM.
    I am just trying to debug this function (error at line in red)
           public function searchEntry(name:String):void
                // Register the event listener for the findEntry operation.
                // Call the operation if we have a valid name.
                if(name!= null && name.length > 0)
    I got this error message:
    067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type generated.webservices:NAL_NOM_type1.
    FLEX has creaetd a type called NAL_NOM_type1 for my class:
    * This file was auto-generated from WSDL by the Apache Axis2 generator modified by Adobe
    * Any change made to this file will be overwritten when the code is re-generated.
    package generated.webservices
        import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        import mx.rpc.soap.types.*;
         * Wrapper class for a operation required type
        public class NAL_NOM_type1
             * Constructor, initializes the type class
            public function NAL_NOM_type1() {}
            public var varchar:String;public function toString():String
                return varchar.toString();
    I tried to do myWS.p_SEARCH_NAME_SOUNDEX(NAL_NOM_type1(name));
    and also declared "name" as NAL_NOM_type1... but i still get this error.
    This is how it declared my webservice method:
            public function p_SEARCH_NAME_SOUNDEX(nAL_NOM:NAL_NOM_type1):AsyncToken
                 var _internal_token:AsyncToken = _baseService.p_SEARCH_NAME_SOUNDEX(nAL_NOM);
                return _internal_token;
    I am even not on the level of assigning the data to my grid... i just want to see how it gets the data first in debug.
    Thanks in advance for you help.

    Thanks _Natasha_
    I tried this:
    var t = new NAL_NOM_type1();
    t.varchar = name;
    It passes the 1st step :-) but I get another error now :-/
    I think it try to get back NAL_NOM_type1 from the server of course on the WSDL side it know only NAL_NOM
    Error: Cannot find definition for type 'http://NABSQL64DEV/::NAL_NOM_type1'
        at mx.rpc.xml::XMLEncoder/encodeType()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc \xml\]
    I guess I have to change my constructor type... i am not used to these stuff :-s
    is this generating method the best way to access your data with webservices?
    the turorials I saw are xml file or array based... is there any link similar to my issue so I can learn better?

  • Trying to Assign Return Value from DB Adapter that calls a Database Functio

    We have a BPEL process in which we have set up a DB Adapter to call a function in the Database and return the value (the actual value being returned is Workers=14 Hours=36 Vehicles=2). When we try to assign that returned value to a string value which will show in our task list , the below seems to assign the follwing -<crewsize xmlns:xsi="">
    <GCS_LAB_VEH_CNT_FUNC xmlns="">Workers=14 Hours=36 Vehicles=2
    </crewsize>, and then whe it shows in the task, crewsize is blank.. What are we doing wrong??
    Bonnie and Rox
    [2008/01/31 09:37:10] Updated variable "Invoke_gcs_veh_hrs_get_gcs_veh_hrs_InputVariable"less
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="InputParameters">
    -<InputParameters xmlns="">
    [2008/01/31 09:37:10] Updated variable "Invoke_gcs_veh_hrs_get_gcs_veh_hrs_InputVariable" More...
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="InputParameters">
    -<InputParameters xmlns="">
    [2008/01/31 09:37:10] Updated variable "Invoke_gcs_veh_hrs_get_gcs_veh_hrs_InputVariable"less
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="InputParameters">
    -<InputParameters xmlns="">
    [2008/01/31 09:37:13] Invoked 2-way operation "get_gcs_veh_hrs" on partner "get_gcs_veh_hrs".less
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="InputParameters">
    -<InputParameters xmlns="">
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="OutputParameters">
    -<db:OutputParameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:db="">
    <GCS_LAB_VEH_CNT_FUNC>Workers=14 Hours=36 Vehicles=2
    <part xmlns:xsi="" name="response-headers">[]
    [2008/01/31 09:37:13] Updated variable "outputVariable"less
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="payload">
    -<BranchCritChg1ProcessResponse xmlns="">
    -<crewsize xmlns:xsi="">
    <GCS_LAB_VEH_CNT_FUNC xmlns="">Workers=14 Hours=36 Vehicles=2
    <request1>Start Time: 03/31/2007 02:25 PM

    Hello Rajesh,
    I do not know if this is the problem in your case, but I would look at the source XML:
    <db:OutputParameters xmlns:...
    As you can see, the namespace for the db:OutputParameters is db, while you are referring to ns11:OutputParameters in your xpath expression;
    So I would try to change ns11:OutputParameters to db:OutputParameters, and see if you get lucky?

Maybe you are looking for

  • SSO from SAPJ2EE to Non-SAP Java Applications

    Hello, does anybody know, if there is a newer version of MySapSsoSupport-0.5.tar.gz This enables Single Sign-On from SAP J2EE Engine/EP to Non-SAP Java Applications. Thanks in advance. Guenter

  • Using Filters in PS

    I have a problem using filters( e.g. oil painting or blur), they are greyed out. I'm using Win8 64 bit and a geforce 650M. The drivers are new (updated today to 320.49) and opengl and opencl are running. Here are my system infos, maybe they are helpf

  • RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress.

    Hi, When loading a rather big flat file (350MB) using SQLLDR, we receive following error message in the processflow or mapping output: RECOVERY RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress. After this error, the PF restarts loading the flat fil

  • OWSM: Where to put additional jars for a custom step

    I'm in the process of creating a custom step for OWSM. The step relies on some additional libraries that are not found on the server at the moment. Where do I put them so that my custom step will find them? I'd like to avoid packaging them into the s

  • Interfaces bloat in JMS

    There are 43 interfaces in JMS api as of j2ee 1.4beta. That seems to be awful lot of interfaces to do messaging. The "domain unification of the interfaces" in jms 1.1 is a welcome improvement, but still it's huge. Any thoughts ?