Attempting to Install Citrix Receiver - fails

I have tried two version of the Citrix Receiver SW and both have filaed part way theough
Anyone dealt with this and found a way around the issue?

If you are on windows computer, Open Task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys
Locate and end all Adobe related processes, like Creative Cloud, Core sync, AAM update notifier, Acrobat updater, AdobeArm, Acrotray, Adobe installer.
Then try

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    Process:         Citrix Viewer [3172]
    Path:            /Applications/Citrix Viewer
    Identifier:      com.citrix.XenAppViewer
    Version:         11.6.0 (213727)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
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    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000000acc01000
    VM Regions Near 0xacc01000:
        __OBJC                 00000000acc00000-00000000acc01000 [    4K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    --> Submap                 00000000acc01000-00000000acc02000          r-x/rwx process-only submap
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    I had a similar issue and I was only able to connect after a downgrade to Citrix Online PlugIn 11.2.
    Today I uninstalled 11.2 (using the Citrix dmg file) and re-installed Mountain Lion 10.8.1.
    Then i installed Citrix Receiver 11.6 again. It took me several hours, but it is working fine now.

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  • Windows 2008 R2, install Citrix Receiver?

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    Jan Hoedt

    are all the connections contained within a LAN or would this involve WAN traffic?
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    Once finished, I checked the program, good.  I then shut down and restarted, but logged onto my original Admin user account.  CS6x64 is there and fully functional, and plug in Silver Efex Pro 2 was added no problem. 
    So I am pleased I got the install working and I can fully use the program as intended, I still have questions about the issues that would not allow me to install normally.
    Thank you all for looking, and thank you Curt for your responces.  I think I will still call Adobe and run this by them.
    Install Error Not resolved, but worked around.
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    You can check here:  to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS. You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications (including Safari) first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.
    After installing Flash Player, reboot your Mac and relaunch Safari, then in Safari Preferences/Security enable ‘Allow Plugins’. If you are running 10.6.8 or later:
    When you have installed the latest version of Flash, relaunch Safari and test.
    If you're getting a "blocked plug-in" error, then in System Preferences… ▹ Flash Player ▹ Advanced
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    This may be a long shot, but I notice your signature says you are on OS10.5.1 - is that still correct?
    Maybe you could try to upgrade that first using Software Update. That might either get you to a version that will upgrade to SL, or reveal a problem with your present setup.

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    It seems Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package is corrupt,
    Please download it from:
    Then try re-installing Ps after restarting your system.

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    Hello Pat,
    The following article provides troublehsooting steps and information that can help get iTunes burning discs again.
    Can't burn a CD in iTunes for Windows

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    Can you describe what “the operation is failing” means?  What is happening and how is it different than what you expect?
    Also, what product are you trying to update manually, and do you have a link to the page of instructions, so we know what your attempting to do?

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    Hello everybody.
    I can't get citrix receiver (the actual version, don't know how to check for its version) installed on my Mountain Lion 10.8.2
    It always gets until the end of the install process and tells me that "something went wrong", no clear indications at all. Any help will be appreciated!
    Kind regards,

    Try Citrix support - - and make sure that you have the latest version.

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