Attendance Report in matrix form

Hello Guys,
Here is my table
data gets into the table via form, now i need to generate week attendance report, for example if the user selects date 20/11/2012, then it must generate in the following format
     11/19/2012     11/20/2012     11/21/2012     11/22/2012     11/23/2012
Emp Id 1     Present     Absent     Leave     Present     Present
Emp Id 2     Present     Present     Present     Present     Present
Emp Id 3     Present     Present     Present     Present     Present
Any ideas

Please check the forum for prior posts before starting a new thread.. This has been asked and answered in the past..
(Google is your friend)
Thank you,
Tony Miller
Ruckersville, VA

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  • Plz help display in  matrix  form

    Hi sir..
    i want to get this report in matrix form...plz i don't have any idea about matrix form...
    Right now iam getting like Below format::
    emp_name cat_name     type_name      theme_name                levels_skilllevel
    rubin      FE MODELLING SKILLS      A2-Assembly - connectors      N
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Assembly - welding                N
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Batch meshing                I
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-CFD meshing                     None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-I order Hex meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-I order Tet meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-II order Hex meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-II order Tet meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Macros                     None     
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Mid-plane shell meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Moldflow meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Morphing                     B
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           SKILL2                          None
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO-36                N
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO-6                     B
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO3                     I
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      TERMINAL                P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Assembly - welding                B
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Batch meshing                P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Macros                     P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Morphing                     I
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-15                          None
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-41                          B
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-42                          I
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-45                          P
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-47                          N
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-57                          None
    -->     .....check the below one...
    -->Example:see emp_name rubin->cat_name     -> type_name ->theme_name->levels_skilllevel is 'N'
         see emp_name freddy->cat_name-> type_name ->theme_name->levels_skilllevel is 'B'
    cat_name     type_name           theme_name                rubin      freddy
    FE MODELLING      SKILLS      A2-Assembly - connectors      N     B     
    I have written the below query To get it as Above::
    SELECT ae.emp_name, am.cat_name, am.type_name, am.theme_name, am.levels_skilllevel
    FROM alt_employee ae, (
    SELECT *
    FROM alt_category ac, alt_type at, alt_theme atm, alt_levels al, alt_employee ae
    WHERE ac.cat_id
    IN (
    SELECT cat_id
    FROM alt_category
    ) AND ac.cat_id = atm.theme_catid
    AND atm.theme_typeid = at.type_id
    AND atm.theme_id = al.levels_theme_id
    AND al.levels_skilllevel
    IN ('B', 'N', 'I', 'P', 'None')
    GROUP BY cat_name, type_name, theme_name, levels_skilllevel
    WHERE ae.emp_id = am.levels_employee_id

    My solution was a pivot function.
    Using that function will give you something like:
    SQL> select * from table( pivot(
      2  'select cat.cat_name
      3       , type.type_name
      4       , theme.theme_name
      5       , emp.emp_name
      6       , levels.levels_skilllevel
      7  from alt_theme theme
      8     , alt_category cat
      9     , alt_type type
    10     , alt_levels levels
    11     , alt_employee emp
    12  where cat.cat_id (+) = theme.theme_catid
    13  and   type.type_id = theme.theme_typeid
    14  and   levels.levels_theme_id = theme.theme_id
    15  and   emp.emp_id = levels.levels_employee_id
    16  '
    17   ) );
    CAT_NAME TYPE_NAME       THEME_NAME                freddy    ruby
    FE       MODELLING       A2-Assembly - welding     B         B
    FE       MODELLING       A2-Assembly - connectors            N
             THERMAL SKILLS  SKILL-41                  B         I
             THERMAL SKILLS  SKILL-42                  N         P
    SQL> Anton
    create or replace type PivotImpl as object
      ret_type anytype,      -- The return type of the table function
      stmt varchar2(32767),
      cur integer,
      static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
      return number,
      member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
      return number
    create or replace type body PivotImpl
      static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        atyp anytype;
        cur integer;
        numcols number;
        desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
        rc sys_refcursor;
        t_c2 varchar2(32767);
        cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
        anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, atyp );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
          atyp.addattr( desc_tab( i ).col_name
                      , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                          when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                          when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                          when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                          when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
                          when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                          when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                          when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                          when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                          when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                          when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_precision
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_scale
                      , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                          when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                          else desc_tab( i ).col_max_len
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetid
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetform
        end loop;
        open rc for 'select distinct ' || desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name || '
                              from( ' || p_stmt || ' )
                              order by 1';
          fetch rc into t_c2;
          exit when rc%notfound;
          atyp.addattr( t_c2
                      , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                          when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                          when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                          when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                          when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
                          when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                          when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                          when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                          when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                          when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                          when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_precision
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_scale
                      , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                          when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                          else desc_tab( numcols ).col_max_len
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetid
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetform
        end loop;
        close rc;
        anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_table, rtype );
        rtype.SetInfo( null, null, null, null, null, atyp, dbms_types.typecode_object, 0 );
        return odciconst.success;
        when others then
          return odciconst.error;
      static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        prec     pls_integer;
        scale    pls_integer;
        len      pls_integer;
        csid     pls_integer;
        csfrm    pls_integer;
        elem_typ anytype;
        aname    varchar2(30);
        tc       pls_integer;
        tc := ti.RetType.GetAttrElemInfo( 1, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, elem_typ, aname );
        sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, null );
        return odciconst.success;
      static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        cur         integer;
        numcols     number;
        desc_tab    dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
        t_stmt      varchar2(32767);
        t_stmt_end  varchar2(32767);
        type_code   pls_integer;
        prec        pls_integer;
        scale       pls_integer;
        len         pls_integer;
        csid        pls_integer;
        csfrm       pls_integer;
        schema_name varchar2(30);
        type_name   varchar2(30);
        version     varchar2(30);
        attr_count  pls_integer;
        attr_type   anytype;
        attr_name   varchar2(100);
        dummy2      integer;
        cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
          t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
        end loop;
        t_stmt := substr( t_stmt, 2 );
        t_stmt_end := t_stmt;
        type_code := sctx.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                          , scale
                                          , len
                                          , csid
                                          , csfrm
                                          , schema_name
                                          , type_name
                                          , version
                                          , attr_count
        for i in numcols - 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                     , prec
                                                     , scale
                                                     , len
                                                     , csid
                                                     , csfrm
                                                     , attr_type
                                                     , attr_name
          t_stmt := t_stmt || ', ' || p_agg || '( decode( ' || desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name || ', ''' || attr_name || ''', ' || desc_tab( numcols ).col_name || ' ) )';
        end loop;
        t_stmt := 'select' || t_stmt || ' from ( ' || sctx.stmt || ' ) group by' || t_stmt_end;
        sctx.cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( sctx.cur, t_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        for i in 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                    , prec
                                                    , scale
                                                    , len
                                                    , csid
                                                    , csfrm
                                                    , attr_type
                                                    , attr_name
          case type_code
            when dbms_types.typecode_char          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
            when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2      then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
            when dbms_types.typecode_number        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as number ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_date          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as date ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_urowid        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as urowid ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp     then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz  then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with time zone ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with local time zone ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval year to month ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval day to second ) );
          end case;
        end loop;
        dummy2 := dbms_sql.execute( sctx.cur );
        return odciconst.success;
      member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
      return number
        c1_col_type pls_integer;
        type_code   pls_integer;
        prec        pls_integer;
        scale       pls_integer;
        len         pls_integer;
        csid        pls_integer;
        csfrm       pls_integer;
        schema_name varchar2(30);
        type_name   varchar2(30);
        version     varchar2(30);
        attr_count  pls_integer;
        attr_type   anytype;
        attr_name   varchar2(100);
        v1     varchar2(32767);
        n1     number;
        d1     date;
        ur1    urowid;
        ids1   interval day to second;
        iym1   interval year to month;
        ts1    timestamp;
        tstz1  timestamp with time zone;
        tsltz1 timestamp with local time zone;
        outset := null;
        if nrows < 1
    -- is this possible???
          return odciconst.success;
        end if;
        if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( self.cur ) = 0
          return odciconst.success;
        end if;
        type_code := self.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                          , scale
                                          , len
                                          , csid
                                          , csfrm
                                          , schema_name
                                          , type_name
                                          , version
                                          , attr_count
        anydataset.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, self.ret_type, outset );
        for i in 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := self.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                     , prec
                                                     , scale
                                                     , len
                                                     , csid
                                                     , csfrm
                                                     , attr_type
                                                     , attr_name
            case type_code
              when dbms_types.typecode_char then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
                outset.setchar( v1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
                outset.setvarchar2( v1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_number then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, n1 );
                outset.setnumber( n1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_date then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, d1 );
                outset.setdate( d1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_urowid then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ur1 );
                outset.seturowid( ur1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ids1 );
                outset.setintervalds( ids1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, iym1 );
                outset.setintervalym( iym1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ts1 );
                outset.settimestamp( ts1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tstz1 );
                outset.settimestamptz( tstz1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tsltz1 );
                outset.settimestampltz( tsltz1 );
            end case;
        end loop;
        return odciconst.success;
      member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
      return number
        c integer;
        t_id user_objects.object_id%type;
        c := self.cur;
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( c );
        select object_id
        into t_id
        from user_objects
        where object_name = 'PIVOTIMPL'
        and   object_type = 'TYPE BODY';
    -- invalidating of the type body forces that ODCITableDescribe is executed for every call to the pivot function
    -- and we do need that to make sure that any new columns are picked up (= new values for the pivoting column)
        dbms_utility.invalidate( t_id );
        return odciconst.success;
    create or replace
    function pivot( p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
    return anydataset pipelined using PivotImpl;

  • Report Called from FORMS having Printing Problem

    Hi all
    Guys i have a report problem in reports 6i.
    I am calling a report from my FORM 6i directly to printer (a dot matrix printer).
    I have set
    The report is actually a confirmation report and i have given its layout height equal to 3.7 . But when i send it to printer it ejects the paper equal to 11 (equal to height of a portarait report).
    How can manage this ejection from Form or Report Side.
    NOTE : This problem occurs even if print the report from report preview(means not printed directlty from FORM).
    Kindly help me with this if any.
    I need it urgent.

    Hello All
    The furthur detail to my previous problem is given as follows:
    I am getting problem
    with the Oracle reports. I have a dot matrix printer (Epson LQ-300, which is a
    tractor feed printer). While printing a report which is always not more than half a
    page, the printer does not stop after printing the report(the half page). It stops at
    the end of the page. I mean that half the page is printed and the rest half is blank.
    I want that the printer should print only at half a page. On the blank half it should
    print another copy of same report.
    Qaiser Qayyum Malik.

  • Dynamic Matrix Form

    Dear Experts,
    Oracle Developer = 6i
    Oracle Database = 10g
    I want to make a *"Dynamic Matrix Form"*
    I have developed it already but it was not dynamic I have to fix no. of columns in it and give name of series to these columns like col1, col2, col3 etc...
    Now I have new task that have dynamic columns from 1 to 100.
    Is there any way to display it dynamic on forms builder?

    Dear François,
    Thanks for help, But it display only tabular wise data.
    I want to display my data like Matrix report Rows and columns wise.
    All data are depends on these rows and columns join conditions that same like Matrix report.

  • **How to call a report from a form by passing a specfic value?????

    Hi Expert,
    I want to call a report from a form.My problem scenario like, a user is login to his account and there is a option called ADMIT CARD(Push Button).Now when he pressed the button a report will generate.I want that when he pressed the button the user id of the user will passed to the report and the report will generate corresponding to his details which was stored in the database.This scenario is like any online admit card.
    Suppose I want a details report of employee whose employee_id=100.How could I pass this value(employee id) to report which will generate a report details.
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for replying.
    Actually I am a beginner.I think that I have to use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT built-in.But I cannot understand the parameterlist.Can u plz give me any example or code then I am very thankful.
    Suppose I want a details report of employee whose employee_id=100.How could I pass this value(employee id) to report which will generate a report details.

  • Report 9i parameter form problem, is it a bug?

    Hi all,
    I am using Dev 9i IDS, rel. 9.0.2, running in windows 2000. I've been converting my forms and reports from previous versions to 9i, and I came across an issue with the report's parameter form.
    First, I thought it could be a problem during the conversion , but to make sure I developed a new form and a new report straight in the 9i IDS suite, using Scott's DEPT table. The new form is simple having a button to call the new report which is based on the DEPT table and accepts an user's input for a dept. no.
    The same problem occurs:
    - in the form, if I set PARAMFORM=HTML then it could not open the report parameter form, hence the report could not run.
    - if I set PARAMFORM=YES, then the report parameter form is displayed, then I can enter a value for the department number. BUT, when I clicked the Submit Query button the report failed, and I received the following error:
    REP-52007: Parameter form format error.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response is already committed!
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.setContentType(
         at javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper.setContentType(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWReportRunner.setContentType(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWReportRunner.getMainFile(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.CommandManager.handleCmdGetjob(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.CommandManager.handleWebCommand(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.handleWebCommand(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.processRequest(
         at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE]
         at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE]
    I have no problem integrating others reports that don't have parameter form using run_report_object. And, I've checked and tried different ways of manipulating the parameter value using to_number in the report's where clause etc., it never worked.
    I guess the only workaround is to create the parameter form in Forms builder. Is there other ways of doing it , or is it a bug of the 9i IDS suites that needs to be fixed?
    - Thanks

    Hi Frank,
    There's a note published on Metalink, note 139546.1, showing a workaround to thi problem. but
    - it is rather lengthy and confusing, may not be practical .
    - it only applies to Forms and Reports 6i.
    However, it shows that the problem comes from 2 items in the source code of the parameter form which is produced by the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT built-in:
    1. <form method=post action=""> where action contains an empty string, it needs to have a valid entry, e.g.
    <form method=post action="http://hostname:port/cgi/rwci60.exe?">
    2. <input name="hidden_run_parameters" type=hidden value=""> where hidden value is also empty. It should contains all parameter values passed to the report parameter form, e.g.
    <input name="hidden_run_parameters" type=hidden value="report%3test+destype%3Dcache+userid%Dscott.....">
    And that is what I found, but I am reluctant to try it in 9i IDS, hoping Oracle has a better solution than that.

  • Calling Report from a Form

    Hi All,
    I tried to call a report from a form (using this form as a parameter form)but unfortunately it is not working out for me. I used the run_product built in.
    Could someone examine my code and tell me what is wrong?
    pl_id ParamList;
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('OPEN');
    IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    END IF;
    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('OPEN');
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_BUNIT',TEXT_PARAMETER, :BLOCK3.BUNIT);
    FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);

    Your code looks good, and it should work.
    Maybe you should check your report to make sure it is under oralce report path, user-defined parameters in the report are same name, type,lengh as in the form parameters, and correct system parameters.
    good luck.

  • How to make a link in a report open a Form in a different region of the same page ?

    I developped a report and a form for the same table. I also created a link and used it in my report so that when I click on the link of one record, the form is opened and display this record.
    My problem is that when I include my report as a portlet and I click on a link, the form is opened in full screen mode by replacing the page containing my report.
    What should I do in order to open this form in another region of the same page ?
    Thanks a lot

    I presume that the two regions are working fine with their individual buttons and your issue is how to make them both save with one button.
    Here is how
    a. You will have 2 ApplyMRU and 1 ApplyMRD processes for each of the regions. Right? Lets say you have 2 "Save" (i.e. label=Save) buttons, one has name SUBMIT and the other SAVE ( SUBMIT and SAVE being the requests that will be sent when they are clicked , respectively)
    b. Make the Display condition on one of the buttons 'Never'. Now it won't show when you run the page. Lets say you made SAVE's conditional Display 'Never'
    c. Go and change the condition on all ApplyMRU and ApplyMRD processes from "When Button Pressed" to "Request is contains in Expression1". In Expression1 enter SUBMIT,SAVERegards

  • How to run a report from a form?

    i created a report from reports 6i. now i want to design an interface in oracle forms and want to call all information from report according to paramaters which i designed in oracle forms.
    i found some information that i can do that using Procedure Run_Report or Run_report_object but i could not achieved it.
    Can anyone explain me that step by step? Or anybody made an example before so a connection from form to report and send to me as a muster. probably i can find a solution for me too..thanks a lot..

    Abdetu thanks for your quickly reply but i have to say that i could not understand it very clearly because i don't have any experience about Forms and Reports. Therefore i am trying to ask my question again with examples.
    I made a report and now i am trying to connect this report to my forms. My forms has 2 search item. Account_no and Date and i have a Run button.
    If i write date "Oct" and push button "Run" i want to see whole list of Oct from Report. Therefore i made a trigger "When-Button-Pressed" and i wrote this and now my question about the parameters.
    In Forms under menu parameters should i create 2 parameters parameter01 and parameter02. and now my questions:
    1) After i create parameters should i write as a Parameter Initial Value
    2) Should i extra add paramters to reports too?
    v_Report_Id Varchar2(20) := 'RAPOR_NAME';
    v_Parameter_List Varchar2(15) := 'FormParameter';
    v_Parameter_List_Id Paramlist;
    v_Return_Code Number;
    v_Parameter_List_Id := Get_Parameter_List(v_Parameter_List);
    If Not id_null(v_Parameter_List_Id) Then
    End If;
    v_Parameter_List_Id := Create_Parameter_List(v_Parameter_List);
    Add_parameter(v_Parameter_List_Id, 'PAR_01', TEXT_PARAMETER,:Parameter01);
    Add_parameter(v_Parameter_List_Id, 'PAR_02', TEXT_PARAMETER,:Parameter02);
    Add_parameter(v_Parameter_List_Id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER,'NO');
    Add_parameter(v_Parameter_List_Id, 'DESTYPE', TEXT_PARAMETER,'SCREEN');

  • Calling Report from Oracle form 11g

    I am new to Forms 11g, trying to call report from Oracle forms 11g .
    I want to call report from oracle forms, but its giving error.
    Below is the code
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
    repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('empreport'); -- report node in forms builder
    set_report_object_property ( repid, report_filename, 'empreport.rdf' ); -- report name
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid,REPORT_SERVER,'RptSvr'); -- report server name
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status = 'FINISHED'
    message ( 'error while running reports-object ' || error_text );
    message ( ' ' );
    end if;
    Above code giving following error :
    Unable to connect to report server RptSvr
    I think my report servername is wrong
    Where to find report server name in 11g.
    I am Using weblogic server, so can i give weblogic server name
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: parapr on Aug 17, 2012 1:52 AM
    Edited by: parapr on Aug 17, 2012 3:21 AM

    You have to have the report server
    a. Installed and configured
    b. Running.
    If you are using rwservlet then you will find the name from the Configuration file referred to in the last link.

  • Calling report from a form with user input parameters

    I am new to Oracle reports. I have an application coded in 6i. I am currently running the application in Oracle Forms Builder 9i. There are also few reports which are called from the forms. Since the application was developed in 6i, the report was called using Run_Product. The forms pass a set of user parameters to the report using the parameter list pl_id. The syntax used was Run_Product(REPORTS, 'D:\Report\sales.rdf', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME,FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
    I learnt that the Run_product doesnt work in 9i and we need to use run_report_object. I have changed the code to use run_report_object and using web.show_document () i am able to run the report from the form. There are 2 parameters that need to be passed from forms to reports. The parameters are from_date and to_date which the user will be prompted to enter on running the form. In the report, the initial values for these parametes are defined. So, the report runs fine for the initial value always. But when i try to change the user inputs for the form_date and to_date, the report output doesnt seem to take the new values, instead the old report with the initial values(defined in the report) runs again.
    Can someone give me the code to pass the user defined parameters to the report from the forms? I have defined a report object in the forms node as REPTEST and defined a parameter list pl_id and added form_date and to_date to pl_id and used the following coding:
    vrep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT (vrepid,pl_id);
    But this doesnt work.
    Also, Should the parameters defined in the forms and reports have the same name?

    Thanks for the quick response Denis.
    I had referred to the document link before and tried using the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT_PROC procedure and ENCODE functions as given in the doc and added the following SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY in the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT_PROC :
    But this also dint work. Please help me understand what difference does setting paramform=no OR paramform=yes make?
    In the report, i have defined the user parameters as FROM_DATE and TO_DATE respectively so that they match the form datablock BLK_INPUT items FROM_DATE and TO_DATE.
    My WHEN_BUTTON_PRESSED trigger is as below:
    report_id report_object;
    vrep VARCHAR2 (100);
    v_show_document VARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
    v_connect VARCHAR2 (30) := '&userid=scott/tiger@oracle';
    v_report_server VARCHAR2 (30) := 'repserver90';
    report_id:= find_report_object('REPTEST');
    -- Call the generic PL/SQL procedure to run the Reports
    RUN_REPORT_OBJECT_PROC( report_id,'repserver90','PDF',CACHE,'D:\Report\sales.rdf','paramform=no','/reports/rwservlet');
    ... and the SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY code in the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT_PROC procedure is as:
    report_id REPORT_OBJECT,
    report_server_name VARCHAR2,
    report_format VARCHAR2,
    report_destype_name NUMBER,
    report_file_name VARCHAR2,
    report_otherparam VARCHAR2,
    reports_servlet VARCHAR2) IS
    report_message VARCHAR2(100) :='';
    rep_status VARCHAR2(100) :='';
    vjob_id VARCHAR2(4000) :='';
    hidden_action VARCHAR2(2000) :='';
    v_report_other VARCHAR2(4000) :='';
    i number (5);
    c char;
    c_old char;
    c_new char;
    hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&report='||GET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_FILENAME);
    hidden_action := hidden_action||'&destype='||GET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_DESTYPE);
    hidden_action := hidden_action||'&desformat='||GET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY (report_id,REPORT_DESFORMAT);
    hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&userid='||get_application_property(username)||'/'||get_application_property(password)||'@'||get_application_property(connect_string);
    c_old :='@';
    FOR i IN 1..LENGTH(report_otherparam) LOOP
    c_new:= substr(report_otherparam,i,1);
    IF (c_new =' ') THEN
    c:= c_new;
    END IF;
    -- eliminate multiple blanks
    IF (c_old =' ' and c_new = ' ') THEN
    v_report_other := v_report_other||c;
    END IF;
    c_old := c_new;
    hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&'|| v_report_other;
    hidden_action := reports_servlet||'?_hidden_server='||report_server_name|| encode(hidden_action);
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_OTHER,'pfaction='||hidden_action||' '||report_otherparam);
    -- run Reports
    report_message := run_report_object(report_id);
    rep_status := report_object_status(report_message);
    IF rep_status='FINISHED' THEN
    vjob_id :=substr(report_message,length(report_server_name)+2,length(report_message));
    message('job id is'||vjob_id);pause;
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(reports_servlet||'/getjobid'||vjob_id||'?server='||report_server_name,' _blank');
    --handle errors
    END IF;
    In the code - " hidden_action := hidden_action ||'&'|| v_report_other; " in the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT_PROC procedure above, how do i make sure that the v_report_other variable reflects the user input parameters FROM_DATE and TO_DATE ??? v_report_other is initialised as v_report_other VARCHAR2(4000) :=''; in the procedure. Will ensuring that the v_report_other contains the user input parameters FROM_DATE and TO_DATE ensure that my report will run fine for the input parameters?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user10713842 on Apr 7, 2009 6:05 AM

  • How to convert oracle report in html form into excel form?

    Hi friends !! I m trying to convert oracle 10g report into excel form.Its coming in excel form but not with all formats.How to solve the problem?

    Please give us more information what kind of report(s). Sample example etc.,

  • Calling a Report from a Form

    I have uploaded my form to the app server and compiled to Linux. I have copied my RDF file to the reports_path/demo directory. I can run the report via a link from our portal using the URL as follows:
    /reports/rwservlet?report=IndRpt.rdf&desformat=pdf&destype=cache&userid=' target="_blank"
    That opens the report in a separate window, which is what we want. So far, so good.
    I can run the form via a link from our portal as well using the URL as follows:
    The config section hides all the form parameters very nicely.
    In the portal, I created a Report Server Access portlet, REP_OMHAST2_MIDTIER, and use the following set_report_object calls in my form:
    repid := find_report_object('IndRep');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    /*Display report in the browser*/
    substr(v_rep,instr(v_rep,'_',-1)+1)||'?'||'server=rep_omhast2_midtier ','_blank');
    All that comes right out of the white paper.
    Now here's the weird part, I have never seen this before. When I click my "Show Report" button in my form, the report seems to be running, but then I get a very strange dark grey, square icon superimposed over my mouse pointer. The icon has a small yellow "starburst" pattern with a tiny red exclamation point inside. The report does not appear on screen.
    Incidentally, all of this works correctly when I run the same scenario on my workstation using the call to rwserver as: rwserver server=rep_omhast2_midtier. But when we port it to the app server, it does not run. I think it has to be in the way the form calls the report because the report will run as a stand-alone object.
    Anything apparent to anyone out there?

    Well, it looks like I stumped the band. And with good reason. Sorry for the error. The problem was that the user running the form and the report had a pop-up blocker that was blocking the report. The form and the report ran from another machine. I allowed pop-ups from the report's URL and that enabled the report to appear.
    So, here we have another example of how to call a report from a form. Again, I am sorry for any angst this may have caused.

  • Calling a report from oracle form 10g

    how to call a report from oracle form 10g

    Please see the link:

  • Calling a report from a form and outputting to the screen.

    Hi all, I created a report from the Report node in Forms called Monthly_rep. It points to a .rdf file on the server that produces a monthly usage report. When run from Reports Builder both the web and paper version are fine.
    I have a button on a form using the When-Mouse-Click trigger, here is the code:
         report_id     Report_Object;
         report_job_id     VARCHAR2(100);
         report_id:= find_report_object('monthly_rep');
    When run, when the button is clicked, I get some disk activity and then nothing happens. If I change the "SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_DESTYPE" attribute to screen I get a FRM-41214 unable to run report message displayed.
    I am not fussed if the report runs as a web style or paper style, I just want to get it to work ... for now LOL.
    Do the "SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY" settings in the trigger override the settings in the report node ?
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    You can use WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT. See
    There you'll find a complete example of RUN_REPORT_OBJECT with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT.

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