ATTN: CS5.5 Introduced

In case you didn't know...

Iain71 wrote:
I've just seen this too.
The thing that really caught my eye in DW 5.5, as someone who is hopefully pretty decent by now at building websites, but not from a coding background were:
jQuery Mobile Integration and PhoneGap, here:
In my time I have worked through some iOS development tutorial books - the Apres Learn Objective C and Learn iOS development books - but because I don't come from a coding background, did find it a bit of a struggle.
But from looking at the above, it kinda looked as though you could design and build apps in from within DW - am I getting that right?
Now obviously there's a lot more to it, and like a lot of this stuff a clear advantage if you do come from a coding background, but I'd certainly be interested in having a look at it again in an environment I'm a lot more comfortable and familiar with.
While I agree with your comments about PhoneGap that does have some interest, the JQuery additions put into question the future of Spry.  Is Adobe making the investment in JQuery and retiring Spry?  To be honest, I do prefer JQuery's animation tools, but for data handling I have grown accustomed to Spry since CS3.  But when it comes to iOS development I currently have a choice between XCode which is free for $99/year with an Apple Developer Membership or $4.99 without in the App Store vs $399 for a suite from Adobe.  Unfortunately the Mac tool on the Mac development wins out.
And the programs in the Design Suite that seemed to have been upgraded by 5.5 were:
Flash Pro
Flash Catalyst
Device Central
What happened to all the beta HTML5 tools that were in Illustrator?  What about Fireworks?  And while the InDesign looks very interesting and tempting, it still scares me to read this:
Articles panel
Control the sequence of text, images, and graphics when you export to EPUB or HTML without changing your InDesign layout. Organize your content by dragging it into the new Articles panel to define the export order. n_sl_new+since+cs5.html
Haven't we learned anything from Word exporting HTML, then Photoshop exporting HTML and now we want to give InDesign a try.....Why????

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    Hey all,
    Can anyone confirm these problems?  Some of this stuff went from working perfect in CS5 and seeming to be way bugged in CS5.5, for me.
    - first, moving keyframes around with the CTRL modifier is bugged.. instead of moving around slower than normal, it bugs out and moves around randomly and can only be increased.  If I try to move a keyframe down with CTRL pressed, it the keyframe moves up instead.
    - something serious is wrong with submixes.  At times it forgets what I did and appears to undo itself without me noticing. When I was working a couple nights ago, I had to redo the same spot of audio keyframing a certain part of a submix like 5 times.  I'd fix it, playback okay good.  Move on and keep working, and later when I go to playback, that part was screwed up again and I'd have to build it again.  |  Next, it likes to just make a bunch of keyframes on it's own at times, adding a bunch of points at random levels and times.  I could often just undo them, but it's still doing something crazy and all by itself.  |  Last, complicating both of these issues, the redraw isn't refreshing properly.. a lot of the time when I noticed the two above issues by playing back, everything looked fine in the timeline, and then zooming or scrubbing over the area, the submix track draws itself and updates what's really there.
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    Thanks.. let me know if anyone has some suggestions or ideas, will submit to bug report as needed.  I can say the last 2 have been issues for a long time and I've seen them over multiple systems and installations; however I can't say the same for first two, which are CS5.5 introduced.
    - wb

    You might start at
    Tools to Convert to DV-AVI
    Convert SD (Standard Definition) files to DV-AVI Type II with 48KHz 16-bit Audio
    As well as the links just above, use Google to find conversion software
    I have NOT used the products below, I only forward due to other mentions... so YMMV and all the usual disclaimers... check the links and read to find out if one of the products listed below will rip or convert the files you have to something you need for editing plus $5 Ship Digital Media Converter Multi-Converter <-- supposed to be very good

  • Current supported xcode with PS CS5 SDK

    Hi all,
    I'm looking for some prescriptive guidance pertaining to building Cocoa plug-ins for PS CS5 using the latest xcode. In building various samples, I'm finding numerous issues. I did get the dissolve filter to build agains OS X 10.6, but no dice against 10.7.  I'm further running into various random issues that have been documented elsewhere, such as Adobe Unit Types errors.
    All that to say, what's the latest xcode and OS version that we can reasonably expect to target with the CS5 SDK (and samples)?
    Bonus points...are there backward compatibility issues if we build against the CS5 SDK and want to target CS3 and CS4 with our plugins?

    Thanks Chris.  And no arguments there, Apple has created quite a mess in that you can't even install Xcode 3 on Lion/10.7.  (Well, turns out you can hack it but it's non-trivial.)  I suspect my new dev system that came with Lion will need to be downgraded.  And speaking of, we're seeing some rather odd behavior with our plug-in on Lion.  Silly things like no longer being able to resize windows, so it seemed useful to investigate refreshing the PS SDK we're building against and/or Xcode.  Two last questions...
    First, can you hazard a guess as to when we might expect an updated SDK, and what Xcode it might be built against?
    Second, will targeting the CS5 SDK introduce any backwards compatibility issues on older versions of Photoshop (back to CS3)?
    Thanks again,

  • Want to upgrade from CS3 [Design Premium] to CS5

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    Can you help,

    What do you mean, there is a difference between upgrading from CS3 and CS4? An upgrade is an upgrade, there is only one price for an upgrade.
    In CS4 (and CS5) Adobe introduced tiered upgrade pricing for suites only.
    What is Adobe's tiered upgrade pricing policy?
    Adobe's tiered upgrade pricing policy offers customers who upgrade at every release a lower upgrade price relative to customers who upgrade less frequently. This means that customers upgrading to Creative Suite 5 from Creative Suite 4 will pay a lower upgrade price compared to customers upgrading from an earlier version of Creative Suite.
    Why does Adobe offer tiered upgrade pricing?
    Customers who upgrade regularly have long requested better pricing compared to those who upgrade infrequently. Adobe introduced tiered upgrade pricing in 2008, with the launch of Creative Suite 4, to reward these customers.
    Does tiered pricing also apply to individual Creative Suite components?
    No. The tiered upgrade policy applies only to editions of Adobe Creative Suite and not to upgrades to individual components, such as After Effects, Flash Professional, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and so on. Customers can upgrade to the CS5 version of individual CS components from up to three versions back. The only exception is Adobe Premiere Pro; customers can upgrade to Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 from any earlier version of Adobe Premiere.

  • Acrobat 9.0 Pro and Office 2008 updates download but won't install

    I hope I'm not alone experiencing the following difficulties installing third party patches and updates and that someone who reads this may recognize the problem…and its solution. I've run Adobe Updater (6?) for CS4 Design Standard which includes Acrobat 9.0 Professional, and subsequently, Microsoft Autoupdate for Office 2008 v12.0.1, but find that neither will install the downloaded updates which disappear immediately after an (unsuccessful) installation attempt.
    Disk space is not a problem (500GB HD) nor is memory (4GB RAM); I'm using OS 10.6.4 (10F569) which is the most current set of OS updates I can locate. I had successfully been running CS4 with Adobe's most recent patches (e.g. P'Shop 11.0.2 and Acrobat 9.3.3) until the 9.3.4 patch failed to install with the message that +"Safari and Acrobat apps must be closed in order to proceed"+—they were closed as was everything else that wasn't essential according to a check of the Acitivity Window. A grab of the alert panel reads:
    +"AcroProUPd934_all Update Failed: The Patch has failed because the application has been modified since it was originally installed (for example, plug-ins may have been disabled). Please go to the Adobe support website for more information regarding how to re-enable disabled components prior to installing the patch, or you can uninstall and reinstall the application, and then reinstall the patch."+
    Of course, uninstalling CS4 and reinstalling the entire suite of apps reverts all of them to their original versions, now none of them will accept an update…whether manually downloaded and fed to it or by using Adobe's most recent AutoUpdater. The most consistent message is an alert panel stating that in order to continue, Safari and Acrobat applications must be closed—which they are.
    Not surprisingly, after nearly 8 hours on a cell phone with Adobe Tech Support in Delhi, 5 different techs and a manager, the case remains open a week later; it seems +"no one has ever seen or heard of this problem before"+ and an overly apologetic manager could only repeat +"it's [Adobe] policy to remove all copies of CS4 from existence once CS5 is introduced."+ While we waited for 500MB of updates to download more than once, a helpful tech suggested I'd have more luck finding a used copy of CS4 on the net than getting a link to another download from Adobe.
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    +"There is a problem with the Office database. Office might be unable to access the data base or the database file might be damaged. Without the database, you might be unable to use the Address Book, Scrapbook, and other features that store your personal information. To rebuild the database, Open Microsoft Office 2008/Office, and then open the Microsoft Database Utility. For more information, open the Database Utility application, and on the Help menu, click Database Utility Help."+
    All attempts to rebuild the database fail, noting…
    +ERROR: Failed to open database [Head]+
    +ERROR: Corruption opening database [16003:""]+
    +Scan Ended+
    Two hours on the phone with a relentlessly pleasant Nova Scotian tech for Microsoft revealed little but the suggestion that +"the app doesn't seem to be able to recognize your hard drive. I've never seen this problem before."+
    With luck, perhaps someone reading this far recognizes the issue and can offer a solution? It will be gratefully received! Thanks,

    Disk space is not a problem (500GB HD)
    How much space is available out of the 500GB?
    Have you tried any of the following:
    Disconnect all peripherals from your computer. Boot from your install disc & run _*Repair Disk*_ from the utility menu. To use the Install Mac OS X disc, insert the disc, and restart your computer while holding down the C key as it starts up.
    Select your language.
    Once on the desktop, select Utility in the menu bar.
    Select *Disk Utility.*
    Select the disk or volume in the list of disks and volumes, and then click *First Aid.*
    Click _*Repair Disk.*_
    Restart your computer when done.
    Repair permissions after you reach the desktop- and try the installations again.

  • Upgrading previously upgraded versions of Photoshop to CS4?

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    About the only limitation that I could see would if you have used your PS license to upgrade/migrate to something like Adobe Production Studio.
    Now, the version #'s allowed to upgrade have shortened in recent years, but I went from PS 2.5 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to CS to CS2. Original license was for 2.5. At CS2, I did step over to Production Studio, and now I have to upgrade along that path, which will happen soon. Other than that, I could continue straight to CS4 and then to CS5, when introduced. In the old days, you could skip versions. Now, I think it's limited in the allowable upgrade from previos to about 3 total versions. In your case, that would not be an issue until about CS6, unless things change again.
    If you have any questions, Adobe Sales will help you out. I'd call, rather than their "live chat" feature, as you will likely get someone, who actually knows.
    Good luck,

  • An e-book on Perspective Drawing in Illustrator
    "Adobe Illustrator CS5 brings to users a hitherto new paradigm of vector  drawing - perspective or “3D-like” drawing. The scores of questions  asked by pre-release testers of Illustrator CS5 due to lack of  acquaintance with the terminology of perspective motivated the  authors—members of the Illustrator development team— to write this book ..."
    "The book begins with describing the way perspective works in the real  world. Then the perspective drawing features in Illustrator CS5 are  introduced, beginning with working in Perspective View, followed by  lessons in drawing and creating and transforming shapes in perspective.  More advanced topics like moving objects in 3D and working with text and  symbols are covered next, and finally the authors walk the reader  through the construction of a simple scene. A Glossary and Appendices  (dealing with scripting) round out the book."

    "Adobe Illustrator CS5 brings to users a hitherto new paradigm of vector  drawing - perspective or “3D-like” drawing.
    Baloney. This is not a "new paradigm." AICS5's Perspective Grid feature is an almost direct replication of the FreeHand Perspective Grid which appeared in FreeHand years before Adobe's acquisition of Macromedia.
    Which is fine--alot more stuff from FreeHand needs to be copied. I just hate it when AI devotees try to re-write history.

  • Lesson 8 of Adobe DW CS5 from the source - attn David Powers

    I've run into a problem, and can't figure out where I've gone wrong.  Putting in the reCAPTCHA on page 270 to  272 - When I go to test as on page 271, I get an error telling me the keys are not valid.  Actual errir showing is: Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid.
    Has there been some change to the Zend library to cause this?  I've copied the data exactly and it still throws the error.  Even opening the Completed files, and trying from there give me the same error!
    Eugene Humbert

    Never mind.  It helps when you get the keys and actually use them instead of the text on those pages!

  • I am getting a permissions error when trying to install an extension for CS5. How do I resolve this?

    After entering this: "/Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CS5/Adobe Extension Manager Extension Manager CS5"in the terminal this is the message I get with still no luck on being able to update the extension...
    Mar 17 23:12:02 Pascale-Gadboiss-iMac-63.local Adobe Extension Manager CS5[1427] <Error>: The function `CGContextSetFontRenderingMode' is obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming update. Unfortunately, this application, or a library it uses, is using this obsolete function, and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system performance. Please use `CGContextSetFontRenderingStyle' instead.
    Please help.

    The message has nothing to do with permission. Privilege escalation feature is introduced in CS5.5. To install extensions which require admin permission, you have to use sudo command. Input the following in Terminal:
    sudo "/Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CS5/Adobe Extension Manager Extension Manager CS5"
    When being prompted, input admin password.

  • Reverse path direction in Illustrator CS5

    I have started to use Illustrator CS5 for outline drawing this year. I purchased the license time ago, but I always preferred to use FreeHand for outline drawing (I design lettering and typefaces).
    Now that FreeHand is unfortunately become a bit too obsolete for the new operating systems architectures, I have familiarized myself with Illustrator and was going decently, but I have been unable to find a solution to this problem yet:
    Whenever I need to reverse the direction of a path (for various reasons), I can’t seem to find a way to do so, unless of course it’s a composed path (from two closed paths). I need to perform this operation. At work, I use InDesign CS6 and I have seen Adobe has introduced it in its palette, but I can’t find it in Illustrator CS5 or CS6.
    Many thanks in advance to all those who could help me…

    You can temporarily make the simple path into a Compound Path (same thing as a FreeHand Composite Path) and then the reverse direction buttons in the Attributes palette will work. But like most everything in Illustrator, it's needlessly cumbersome:
    Select the single path (Object>Compound Path>Make).
    Select a portion of it with the white pointer. (Deselect, then click a segment or an anchor; don't altClick it to select the whole path, because Illustrator doesn't know the difference between a path's being selected as an object, as opposed to merely having all its anchors selected.)
    Click the Reverse Direction button in the Attributes palette.
    Deselect. Then select the whole path (sigh).
    Object>Compound Path>Release.
    Ridiculous, isn't it?
    The scripting object model provides for a path direction setting (polarity), but interface doesn't provide access to it on normal paths. This simple script will reverse the polarity of currently selected paths:
    //Begin Script
    Of course, while drawing glyphs, you'll soon run into the lack of other FreeHand no-nonsense features, such as extend/retract individual handles. And there's nothing you can do about the lack of Connector Points which ensure tangency between straight and curved segments.
    What font program are you using? FreeHand's progenitor, Fontographer, from which its path drawing interface was derived (and which pre-dated Illustrator), is now owned and sold by FontLab. I would (and do) use that.

  • How to Package Photoshop Extension for cs4/cs5 with manifest.xml

    tl;dr: How can I package my extension for both cs4 and cs5 in a way that respects the extension's window geometry?
    I have a panel that specifies window geometry in it's manifest.xml. When the panel is installed into Photoshop's panels/ folder, the geometry gets ignored, so I'm trying to package the panel as an extension to be installed via the Extension Manager. I have run into different problems for each CS version. I've read quite a few pdfs about the Extension Manager, UCF command line packaging, etc, and have not been able to find a solution that works for both platforms.
    My understaning
    My trial and error research has lead me to understand that the extension's files must eventually end up in the (mac) /Library/Application Support/Adobe/<CSversion>ServiceManager/extensions/ directory. In CS5, if the extension's folder contains a manifest.xml file (ex: /extensions/GuideGuide/CSXS/manifest.xml) that specifies window geometry, Photoshop will respect that window geometry when the panel opens. However, in CS4, this is not enough. From my tests, Photoshop CS4 doesn't seem to do anything with the manifest.xml file. Instead, I had to modify /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS4ServiceManager/ServiceManifest.xml and add my extension to it's contents. Once I did this, Photoshop CS4 launches my panel and respects it's window geometry.
    The problem with this is that it's a manual installation. I can't ask my users to dig around in their system files to install my panel. In addition, since it's unsigned using this method, it won't work if they're not flagged for debugging. I've started exploring using the Extension Manager, but I have run into problems that I cannot find ansers in the few pdfs about packaging that I've been able to find.
    CS5 Problems
    If I use the UCF command line tool, I can package and sign my file. It installs fine and does what I want. However, using this method, I haven't been able to find a way to specify the author and description that shows up in the Extension Manager.
    CS4 Problems
    The UCF command line tool doesn't appear to make packages that can be installed by CS4, and I haven't been able to find one that is compatable. I've had to result to using the Extension Manager to package my extension based on a .mxi file. The problem I have here is that installing files this way limits me to putting them in the /panels directory, which then causes the panel to ignore the indow geometry. Is there a way with an .mxi file to install in the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/<CSversion>ServiceManager/extensions/ directory and modify the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS4ServiceManager/ServiceManifest.xml file?
    There must be, because Kuler and other extensions are installed there.
    Thank you SO much for any help you might provide. I've spent weeks trying to get this to work and have run into nothing but dead ends and wild goose chases.

    Your extension is a CSXS extension. For CSXS extension it's introduced in Extension Manager 2.1. (You can download Extension manager 2.1 from
    In Extension Manager CS2.1 only MXP package is supported. In Extension Manager CS5 CSXS extension must be packaged by ZXP format. So you have to generate two packages for CS4(mxp) and CS5(zxp)
    For CS5, you can use ucf.jar to generate the zxp package.
    For CS4, you have to create an MXI file and package it by Extension Manager 2.1 to mxp package. Here is a sample CSXS mxi file:
              <author name="Macromedia" />
                        <product name="Dreamweaver" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Fireworks" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Flash" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="" version="11" familyname="Photoshop" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Illustrator" version="14" primary="true" />
                        <product name="CSXS" version="1" />
              CSXS extension sample.
              Extension Name: kuler
                        <file source="test_extension" destination="" />

  • What's up with these things in CS5?

    Since upgrading to Photoshop CS5, I'm coming across a number of things that don't work like they worked.....I'll even go as far as to say "as well as they worked," in previous versions, and I'm wondering if these are bugs, functionality changes, errors, or something else that I'm somehow a preference that I could turn on or off. I'll list them below. Any feedback from Adobe or otherwise greatly appreciated.
    1. When using the type tool, it used to show up with a box around it, then when it was hovering over existing text, the box would go away, and it would just be the type tool up and down line with its little serif things...that way I could tell when I was going to click into an existing type layer or whether clicking was going to generate a new layer. Now however, the bounding box never appears, so I don't know if I'm going to be clicking to select an existing layer or create a new layer? Bug or by design?
    2. When I have a vector layer selected, and that vector path preview thing is showing around the object to show me that my vector object is indeed selected, then I select one of the layer effects on that layer to edit, I used to be able to hit Apple+H to hide the vector path outline thing while the layer effects window was when I hit Apple+H, the "View" menu icon flashes but nothing happens. Bug?
    3. This is a really weird specific one that I will be amazed if I am not the only weirdo other words, I'll be amazed if someone else has come across this same thing. I like to create layer actions for all kinds of things. One of the things is creating a layer action to duplicate the current layer. In previous versions of Photoshop, I could click a little box next to the "Duplicate Current Layer" command in the actions panel, and that would force a little dialogue to come up whenever that action got triggered....the dialogue being the layer name dialogue....before the action would complete. This was handy because when I called up that action, it would duplicate the current layer while providing me with a handy dialogue at the same time to name that new layer. This is no longer an option in CS5 because that little dialogue no longer shows up next to the "Duplicate Current Layer" command. WTF!?
    4. I'm sure this is a by design feature, and maybe I'm the only one that finds this incredibly annoying... I used to be able to be working in full screen mode, then open another file, and have that new file not open in full screen mode. This was handy if say I was working in full screen mode, and opened another file because there was something in that file that I wanted to drag into the file I was already working in.. Nope! Now if I'm working in full screen mode, everything else that I open then opens in full screen mode... Do I just have a bassackwards way of working, or does this throw anyone else off as well? Maybe I'm just weird, but I really enjoyed being able to work with a bunch of documents in different screen modes... Could this one be a preference that I can turn off somewhere?
    5. Again, this may be something where I'm the only person in the world that used this feature. If I had say the direct-selection arrow tool selected, and I wanted to select a different layer, I used to be able to do this handy shortcut/combination of keys to select that new layer...I would hold down Control Option Command, and click, and the layer I clicked on would be auto-selected. Brilliant! Now, doing that key combination and clicking brings up a weird color-picker thing that I don't understand, and that I probably have to read some documentation to figure out what it even is. This one seems to be by design, but annoying when a keyboard shortcut that is practically stored as a grove in my brain now does something else. I literally need to change the physical form of my brain before I will stop trying to make that shorcut work! It just doesn't work. As many times as I might try it and hope that the Photoshop Elves have changed it back to what it used to do, it's fate seems to be sealed in a new direction... Unless...?
    These things frustrate me every time I use Photoshop, and I really hate to be frustrated by Photoshop!!! I wish we could just be friends like we used to when a new release was amazing, like "Wow, this new version of Photoshop has LAYERS! Amazing!" or, "Wow, Photoshop now has a thing called History! Incredible!" Those were the days! Now I sometimes feel like things just change from one release to the Photoshop hit a peak at a certain point, and...I know it sounds harsh...but now they just keep finding reasons to create new versions that are no longer about creating a better application, but more about making money. Can't we all just go back to CS4!!?? Ah OK, I'll stop ranting...
    Save me the light! Enlighten me! What has my life come to? Surely there's better things to worry about!

    ad 3) Try recording command-alt-J instead of command-J, that should provide the »Toggle dialog on/off«-field in the Actions Panel.
    ad 4) I think that has been changed since CS4 at least.
    I also preferred the old behaviour, but I doubt it will be re-introduced anytime soon.
    ad 5) I seldom use those combinations, but with the Direct Selection Tool doesn’t command-clicking suffice?

  • [CS5.5/CS6] what causes a kImportAndPlaceCmdBoss to throw an exception with broken links?

    I have a problem in both CS5.5 and CS6 on MacOS X.
    During a drag operation onto an InDesign document, I import and place some images onto a page. This normally works without issue except in one case. The problem case is when I'm trying to import an image that is the same file path as a broken link on the document. This will crash InDesign everytime.
    Let me provide some details.
    First, I create an InDesign document, drag some images from the Finder and place them on the page and save the InDesign document to file. Now I go to the Finder and delete the images (or just move them to a different Folder). I then go back to InDesign and look at the Links panel where the red stop signs now appear near the images to show that the links are broken.
    Next I go to a panel that I'm working on where I can drag an item from the panel and onto the InDesign document page. In this I have a ProcessDragDropCommand method that over rides the method in the CDragDropTargetFlavorHelper class, and during that method it copies the images that I just deleted back into their original locations on the file system.
    After copying the files, the process then tries to import one of the images into a new frame using the PlaceFileInFrame method from the InDesign SDK file SDKLayoutHelper.cpp. This method creates a kImportAndPlaceCmdBoss and when executing the line:
    if (CmdUtils::ProcessCommand(importAndPlaceCmd) != kSuccess) {
    causes an exception that appears in the crash report as:
    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILUE at 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
    with a stack trace that points to the CmdUtils::ProcessCommand() line mentioned above.
    I've tried relinking the images before the import and place, but that still doesn't work. If I break the process up so that in one drag event I copy the missing files back into place and relink them, then in a second drag event I then do an import and place it all works okay. It's just when I try the full task of copy images into place in the file system, relink the images on the InDesign document and then import and place an image in a new frame on the InDesign page that the exception is appearing.
    Instead of the kImportAndPlaceCmdBoss I've also tried the kImportAndLoadPlaceGunCmdBoss with the same problem.
    Interestingly, in the SDKLayoutHelper method PlaceFileInFrame that I'm using, there's a pragma message:
    #pragma message("LINKREWORK: Temporary, fix this up later!")
    // TODO: LINKREWORK fix.
    From the wording I'm wondering if this is related to the problem that I'm seeing. In which case does anyone know what this fix might entail?
    I've tried tried relinking using ReinitResource and UpdateLinks methods that are a part of the ILkniFacade but that doesn't seem to help stop the crash.
    Oddly, I can generate a strange and maybe related error (that doesn't use my plugins and just the raw InDesign functionality) if I do something like:
    In InDesign, create an InDesign document.
    From the Finder, drag some images onto the InDesign document page.
    In InDesign, save the document.
    In the Finder, rename the folder containing the images.
    In InDesign, check that the links really are broken with the red stop signs appearing.
    In the Finder, rename the folder containing the images back to what it was before.
    (Extra Step)
    In the Finder, redrag the same images that you did before onto the InDesign page.
    This will cause InDesign to throw up the following error message:
    Either the file does not exist, you do not have permission, or the file may be in use by another application
    Of course, if in the above you introduce an Extra Step where you just go back to InDesign and do nothing. InDesign will relink the once missing images, so that when you go back to the Finder to drag the images there's now no problem.
    This is almost like InDesign needs a few IdleTasks in order to sort out its perception of the file system. If that's the case then I'm a bit stuck as I'm trying to do everything during a single drag operation and there's no chance of any IdleTasks occuring.
    Any ideas?

    I have checked the Tomcat log, which does not give
    much information:
    ----- Root Cause -----
    tion: Error executing SQL in
    Perform( has more than one log file. The servlet's System.out messages must be going to a different file if this is all you are seeing. Either look in the other log files or change the lines
             throw new MessageDAOSysException("Error executing SQL in ThreadHandler.createThread.");  // line 54 where the problem occurredto simply read:
            throw se;and the actual Exception you want to investigate will go in to the file where you found the above. This will be less useful in the long run as you'll have the same problem when you want to query the SQLException further with System.out.println(se.getSQLState()); etc.
    You could add a logging configuration to your servlets context in server.xml so you can define where such messages get logged.
    Alternatively you could use a logging API like log4j.

  • Scroll wheel zoom no longer works with Lasso in CS5

    I've been scouring the forums and found that this issue was raised almost a year ago, but it seems it still hasn't been dealt with. How can this be? Why would an "upgrade" remove funcionality that existed in previous versions of the software? Have since upgraded to CS5.5 and still no solution. Has anyone found a way to restore this functionality?

    Seriously, no one has anything on this? I know I'm not the only person who misses this. How is it there is still no solution here? Was the functionality actively removed because people complained that it worked too well? Is the plan to re introduce it in CS6, and call it new? I went from CS3 to CS5.5 and the only difference i've noticed is this step backwards. Oh and the rediculously useless default tab setting. Maybe I'll just re-install CS3? Is that my only option?

  • Illustrator CS5 Error on Windows 7 64 bit, Uninstalled Illustrator CS5, Tried Re-Installing Illustrator CS5 on same pc new error

    I have been using the Adobe Creative Suite CS5 for a few years and haven't had a problem.
    Recently, illustrator just would not open would get to initializing illustrator.exe and stay there. I tried uninstalling illustrator in the hopes it would fix it with a reinstall.
    I got the download file and when I tried to open in to reinstall, I get this error "The file archive part of Adobe Illustrator CS5 is missing. You need all parts in the same folder in order to extract Adobe Illustrator CS5. Please download all parts." I then tried to download the whole Creative Suite and same error message occurred. I am not sure what to do or if I should just uninstall the whole creative suite and start fresh (would rather not because I don't want to lose my preferences and presets).
    I am on Windows 7 64bit.
    If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

    Uninstalls do not affect user-defined prefs and other custom files, but of course it may be a good idea to back everything up. A reinstall may be the only way to fix this. The error occurs because something else has introduced a flaky entry in the installer database and it goes looking for some file from a source that no longer is available. run the cleaner tool and reinstall everything after you have secured your prefs.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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