An e-book on Perspective Drawing in Illustrator
"Adobe Illustrator CS5 brings to users a hitherto new paradigm of vector  drawing - perspective or “3D-like” drawing. The scores of questions  asked by pre-release testers of Illustrator CS5 due to lack of  acquaintance with the terminology of perspective motivated the  authors—members of the Illustrator development team— to write this book ..."
"The book begins with describing the way perspective works in the real  world. Then the perspective drawing features in Illustrator CS5 are  introduced, beginning with working in Perspective View, followed by  lessons in drawing and creating and transforming shapes in perspective.  More advanced topics like moving objects in 3D and working with text and  symbols are covered next, and finally the authors walk the reader  through the construction of a simple scene. A Glossary and Appendices  (dealing with scripting) round out the book."

"Adobe Illustrator CS5 brings to users a hitherto new paradigm of vector  drawing - perspective or “3D-like” drawing.
Baloney. This is not a "new paradigm." AICS5's Perspective Grid feature is an almost direct replication of the FreeHand Perspective Grid which appeared in FreeHand years before Adobe's acquisition of Macromedia.
Which is fine--alot more stuff from FreeHand needs to be copied. I just hate it when AI devotees try to re-write history.

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    You need to keep the cursor over the anchor point with Perspective Selection tool selected.
    Then click the Shift key once and the Right plane will move to the selected anchor point. Do make sure that Right plane is selected before you click Shift key.
    As, you can see in the image above, the mouse is over the anchor point of the rectangle and the Right plane is selected.

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    (Source: 00.html#WSab9730d8188f358647fa82031252f42d47f-7ffe)
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    a note in the document linked above
    Note: The keyboard shortcut 5 for perpendicular movement and the keyboard shortcuts 1,2, and 3 for plane switching while drawing or moving objects, work only from the main keyboard and not from the extended numeric keypad.

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    This error message can occur if you have a mismatch of Adobe Draw and Illustrator CC. Double-check that you have the latest version of both. The latest version of Draw is 1.0.1, and the latest version of Illustrator is v18.1.1.
    Hope that helps,
    Draw Engineering

  • Draw to illustrator

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    The Send-to-Illustrator button should appear on the share menu (which appears when you tap on the share icon in the top right of the sketch view) if you have a subscription to Illustrator CC.
    If you tap and don't see the file open up in Illustrator on your desktop, try double-checking the following:
    1) Make sure you have the latest version of Illustrator (v18.1.1) installed.
    2) Make sure your "Creative Cloud" app is running on your desktop. If it is, you should see the Creative Cloud icon in your menu bar on the mac and in your taskbar on windows. This is the app that listens for the notifications from the Creative Cloud server and launches Illustrator in response.
    3) Make sure that both the Creative Cloud app on your desktop and the Draw app on your iPad are both signed into the same Adobe ID.
    4) Make sure that the time on your iPad is in sync with the time on your desktop. The notification from the iPad to the desktop is designed to expire in 24 hours, so if the times vary by more than that, the notification may not come through.
    5) Try restarting the Creative Cloud app on your desktop.
    6) Try signing out of the Draw app on the iPad and then signing back in. (You can sign out by tapping your Adobe ID in the settings panel.)
    Hope that helps,
    Draw Engineering

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    Good guess what they actually are are symbols and they did make the art them selves or purchased them somewhere.
    they save them as a symbols library and gave it the name windows.
    Vector symbols can be applied t the grid.
    However you can make these symbols your self and save them as a library i the symbols library folder.
    What you do is one window then make it a symbol now you can repeat it as many times as you wish.

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    Hi there,
    There are a multitude of things you can do to foster your artistic intuition.
    1) Google. If you do a quick search for the "principles of design" you should come up with explanations and examples of just that. Here are a few links I came up with:
    - GD Basics gives you a brief rundown on design principles and elements as well as exercise prompts you can use to practice and apply what you've learned.
    - Learn the Basics is not nearly as elegant as the site above, but gives you real-world examples to show how art and design principles are applied.
    2) Take a class. I'm not sure if this is something that could possibly fit into your schedule, but you can take a basic art class at a community college or similar organization and it will help you tremendously. Being in a class will not only force you to practice and learn but you will have the support of your peers, which are generally at all skill levels.
    3) Find art and design you like, and take inspiration. I don't mean copy, but if you find an image where you appreciate the line weight, or the contrast of colors, or what have you, save it to an inspiration folder on your desktop. Figuring out what is effective and tasteful is something that takes time and lots of exposure to outside sources.
    Please let me know if I can help any further!

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    It is simple math.
    If you desire an image's width to take up, for instance, 6 lineal inches in AI, the math is:
    A 300 dpi image needs to be 1800 pixels in width: 300 x 6 = 1800
    A 72 dpi image needs to be only 432 pixels in width: 72 x 6 = 432
    the blue top image is 1800 px in width @ 300 dpi
    the green lower image is 432 px in width @ 72 dpi
    Both were placed at 100% in size.
    Take care, Mike

  • Problem inserting graphics from line and draw to illustrator

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    I had just installed Draw and Line (mobile apps) to my iPad and they both work fine, except when I am trying to insert projects toillustrator... Mind you that there is no problem with photoshop or saving in creativecloud.
    I am getting an error that reads "The file "Project - Drawing.line" is an unknown file format and cannot be opened." I get the same messagewith drawwith the only difference that the.linebecomes.draw.
    I have found this thread:
    Illustrator CC 2014 can't open files sent from Draw.
    But does not help me at all as I suspect they are referring to iOS as my version is also 18.0 and I just updated everything and there is nothing new for illustrator. The only matter I could address would be to remove my old version of CS but I would prefer not to yet, as I see that sometimes there are bugs to newer versions and I do not want to be left without a working solution.
    I am running windows 7 64bit and any help would be really appreciated.
    Kindest regards,

    Dear Larry,
    Thank you very much! That fixed both my problems. I would have never though about it.
    Note for others, by logging out and in again I got like 9 updates that previous were not there, although I have updated everything like 3 hours ago.
    Thanks once more Larry have a perfect evening!
    Kindest regards,

  • Perspective tool in Illustrator CS5

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    Larry, Mylenium and Monika thanks for your quick responses - all very informative.  I should have realised I was trying to mix vectors and pixels but I was more intent on the result rather than the method - a lesson learned.

  • Adobe draw to Illustrator

    Hi , would like to know , why my illustrator do not want to import my adobe draw files , he shows that infor that he dont know the format .draw
    Thanks for help

    I believe you need to send it to yourself as an email and open it.
    You can read more here, illustrator&loc=en_US&self=1&lr=en_US&site=illustratordraw_all&product=illustratordraw
    or ask more here,
    Adobe Illustrator Draw

  • Perspective Grid in Illustrator

    I accidentally clicked on the Perspective Grid and now I cannot get it off my workspace. How do I get rid of it? What is this feature anyhow?!
    Thanks, Ben

    Funny how you find someone who is giving you good advice as scoldig you. Certainly if you did not have access to the help fles on lne and ou tried that and you usually use the help files I would have thought you would have mentioned it in your first post..
    Perhaps it was too much trouble.
    I am glad you were able to figure it out..
    BTW if the help files do not work nex time you can try doin a search on google.
    I find it hard to believe that a user that has been using Illustrator since 2007 does not one know wha the prespective grid is and two does not know to do a google search if the files fail. It really is hard to believe.
    This just a part of what a googke search will give you I would suggest that you ive it a try so you can get use to the idea thatthere are other users that have gone through a lot of trouble to post this information and it is a shame that there ae are many user IMO who let it go to waste because…well I don't know why.
    I know a fair amount about Illustratro and the other Adobe apps and when I need help I do like most users I use the help files and or do a search the user to user forum is best used for issues that might not be available that way or for a user who has tried but just missed something and needs to be pointed in the right direction.
    But I am glad youy were able to figure it out.\
    I will give you som information about the hiding and showing the perspective grid there is a keyboard shortcut/toggle for this as well. Itis easuily found out.

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