Audible, random "glips"

I have read the threads about skipping and while my problem is similar it is not that. My iTunes has random, high-pitched squeaks or "glips" as I like to call them. They are not always in the same place. I have run activity monitor and have not noticed any correlating spikes. Another interesting point is that the glitch seems to be in only one channel or the other. I have tried changing all kinds of midi settings, preference settings, trashing preference files, running the system off line, as well as many of the suggestions offered for skipping tracks. The problem also occurs when playing files directly in QuickTime. Also, there is no problem playing the same files from my 17 inch notebook running 10.3
If anyone has any ideas I would be most appreciative.

This isn't much help or even an idea, but I've noticed the same thing happen to me. Not very often, but happens a lot on my iPod (mini, 4gb). The 'glips' aren't in the same place twice, so I've elminated any importing glitches. It's nothing to do with moving the ipod around either, as I've it happens motionless and occasionally on my PB. The only interesting thing is that it happened on a couple of albums and occurs on several tracks on those albums...

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    Hi Denis,
    I managed to fix a similar issue on Mac OS X:
    "I am running 10.5.8 on an iMac 27 with a 2.66GHz i5 processor and got the same side-effects after I moved up to iTunes 10.5. Th e problem also continued when I downgraded to 10.4.1 as well, straight afterwards. However, I managed to resolve it fairly quickly in this way:
    Opened the  Activity Monitor, and looked at the processes taking most resources.
    The one that leapt out at the top, if ordered by % CPU, was "ShockWave Flash (Chrome Plug-in Host)".
    So, I closed down Chrome and noted that it was still there. Thus, I sent a force quit to it and waited for it to die. I then re-opened iTunes and the annoying stuttering had gone. I've now got Chrome and this plug-in open and it has not returned. I suspect the issue may frequently be caused by a plug-in like this causing resource contention, but I can't say for sure as I've only seen this once.
    My advice would be to close down, one by one,  as many apps as you can and constantly review activity ordered by CPU in Activity Monitor. If you think you can safely quit the process then do so and retry iTunes. If you're not sure, then gracefully shutdown and look again. Bear in mind, the problem may be launching at startup. Before shutting down, review your Login Items in System Prefs->Accounts->"My Account"->Login Items. Remove anything you can live without. You can always add them back in. If you manage to spot conflicting software then you can look for a patch or upgrade, but at least be aware that it does not play well with iTunes and thus quickly fix your issue."
    May be you can follow a similar process on Windows? I would target your suspicions towards Adobe and Google components :-) !!!
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi there. I signed up for the discussion board to reply to your question. I've just signed up for Audible with an iPhone and am having the same problems. Either the file starts, then stops at a random point. Or it returns to the main menu instead of playing. When I can get the files to play, the sound is distorted. I've tried downloading file formats 3 and 4 without success. I've combed all discussion boards and this is the only place where I found anyone with a similar experience. Are we alone on this, I wonder?If you've solved your problem in the meantime, perhaps you could let me know what you did?

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    I would think that any of Apple's stores would look at the product. For example, I bought my Macbook from, and I brought it in to an Apple Store to look at. They said they would repair the problem if needed, but if I needed a replacement, to go to However, they did look at it and did offer a repair.
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    I don't know if that policy is standard even across countries, but it would make sense. I would setup an appointment with a Genius in an Apple Store to minimize the wait.
    I figure it couldn't hurt to go to your local Apple store or perhaps give them a call and ask. I would be surprised if they give you any hassle, but if they do you can then go to the store you bought it from.
    Good luck and let us know how it works out.

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    Make sure these apps are allowed in "Background Tasks"
    And also, make sure you are connected to a fast WiFi network.
    Best Regards,
    If this post has helped you in any way, you can show some appreciation by clicking the star below

  • Vist Basic & XFI, random loss of sound and World of Warcraft Hardware enabling iss

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    Not sure why your sound is cutting out... but as for WoW, it needs ALchemy installed to run with hardware audio enabled under Vista. I dont believe its in the list of titles included with ALchemy just yet, but adding it manually with the default options works just fine. Without doing this I believe the new sound core used in WoW will automatically detect that it cannot do hardware audio and simply uncheck the box whenever you try, where-as before it would work but still give you Software rendered sound (only instead of WoWs audio engine doing it, it was Vistas - not exactly an improvement). Incidentally, this not only improves performance but vastly improves the sound quality - especially when excessive numbers of sounds are being played. (eg Mass AoE effects on larger numbers of mobs, such as two Warlocks Hellfiring along with a Hurricane and Consecration while pulling the Ballroom - 9 mobs per group - near Moroes in Karazhan) Its possible doing this may also correct your cut-out issue, but its possible it wont. Ive been running WoW alongside Vent for months now under Vista w/ALchemy and an X-Fi and never had such a problem, but then I do also run Vent off the onboard audio so I can use a small earpiece and have voices clearly audible through game sound.

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    Timothy I'd recommend reposting in the Boot Camp forum as that seems to be where the issue is occurring.
    It also seems like you might be having issues with Skype too, are you using that in Windows or OS X? Again if the issue is occurring in Windows the Boot Camp forum is probably where you want to start or even in forums that are specific to Skype.
    Boot Camp's forum is locate at:

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    I have this happen too! 42mm Stainless Steel.
    I thought at first it was just the strap or strap connectors clicking when raising my wrist to view the screen, but today I isolated it to the speaker on the device. It doesn't happen every time, but enough that it's a mildly annoying quirk.
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  • Random Audio Levels Change Exporting STP to Aiff Master

    I've been mixing a feature film scene by scene (STP can't seem to handle a full feature mix at once due to memory problems) and generally pleased. However, I've noticed on two out of 10 scenes mixed so far, when I exported the aiff file as a master mix, audio levels on various clips (not all) drop considerably in the mixed file. Even clips in the same track lose audio level in places in the mix, seemingly randomly. It's very weird. Then, when I listen again in STP the levels have been mysteriously dropped as well. NOT the volume slider bar. It stays the same. No change in gain. All LOOKS as it was before exporting but the drops are there. It's as if the exporting process has done something to the STP timeline levels without visually changing anything. If I change the layout screens or play around with the submix locations, all returns to normal in STP. But after I tried exporting again, the same problem happens.
    I couldn't find any other forum help with this. Some people suggested 'Render to Action' or 'Flatten Audible Actions' for a similar problem someone else posted, but those options are ghosted out on my multi-track project.
    I tried deleting all .plist files related to audio, soundtrack and final cut studio (not easy to find, may have missed something). And this problem doesn't exist on some other scenes using the same process which worked fine.... so it's extremely odd.
    I am using minimum filtration, just a limiter with -4.5db and 3db of gain on one track. All dialogue going to a submix and all fx to another. There are only 4 tracks of audio in the mix in question.
    I 'analysed' and 'fixed' all phase issues in clips.  No change. 
    The original recordings are .wav files from a Zoom H4N set at 44.1 hz, but that's the same in all scenes, so not sure why only two would make a problem.  (the project itself is set to 48hz)  
    I'm fairly experienced in FCP Studio but getting a bit loony over this one, so hope you can offer some help. Please don't suggest using other software like Pro Tools for this mix. It has been working fine and I'm happy with 8 scenes. There must be something simple going on with the 2 odd ones.
    Thanks, Ken STP 3.0.1   Snow Leopard,  Intel Quad MacPro
    'It's not a question of becoming. It's a question of uncovering what you really are, of letting everything that is not yourself fall away'. - Journey to Ladakh
    I think this applies to editing as well....
    Ken Barnes, Producer, Director, Editor

    I may have found a clue, but still don't know how to fix it. The file from FCP to STP was a stereo file with mic A on left and mic B on right (used a Zoom H4N). I split the file in STP into two mono files and separated the tracks. So actor A is on track 1 and Actor B on 2. All levels fine. I checkerboarded the tracks so there wasn't a lot of overlap. So far so good. Somehow, STP seems to be reading only Track 1 when it does the export; the level drop I'm hearing seems to be Actor B appearing on Actor A's lavalier, even though that data has (supposedly?) been chopped for the checkerboarding. Is this clear? IOW, even though the timeline shows clearly distinct and clearly audible separate mono tracks 1 and 2, the export mix isn't reading it that way and ignores my separation of stereo to 2 mono tracks, preferring to read from only one of the stereo tracks (or possibly only Track 1, but not throughout the track, only where the checkerboarding has occured). And then it somehow 'remembers' the export when it re-opens the project until I make almost any adjustment in STP and it magically returns to normal. Help!!

  • Sudden extremely loud low-pitch buzz lasts for a second - happened randomly

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    In some older iMacs, and others, a power surge could make noise;
    and by this 'surge' I also mean some internal power component
    could have a problem and supplying occasionally higher power.
    Does this computer run warm or hot? Not sure if there is an
    audible alert of some kind built into it; but a temperature widget
    could be helpful to see how warm it gets. iStat Pro is good.
    There may likely be a hardware cause behind this odd noise; so
    I suggest you make an external backup of your work and files
    just in case something else goes wrong; so you won't lose stuff.
    Some kinds of backup include saving what you can to an off-
    computer archive (DVD or CD media) to include using a bootable
    externally enclosed FireWire hard disk drive; properly prepared,
    and use it to make a complete computer drive 'clone' of everything.
    A clone utility, such as Bombich's Carbon Copy Cloner, is good;
    since it gives you some options and also the web page allows
    you to get the utility and run it, the product is donationware and
    is a good product. Also, in the header of the home page, you can
    mouse-over the menu icons and see additional information.
    In some older Macs with a loud buzz sound, there were some
    significant hardware issues behind it. If your computer no longer
    has any AppleCare protection plan left, this may be costly to fix.
    Or you may luck out and the problem may be a loose wire, etc.
    But to backup the files and stuff (and figure out how, in the case
    of making only copies of iTunes libraries or iPhoto libraries) is
    about the best immediate advice. The computer probably should
    see a real qualified technician; not just five-minute duration 'genius.'
    With a known pattern or set of events in which the computer will
    make a loud and unnatural noise, a technician should be able to
    duplicate it. And take notes to keep a small log of what all you do
    when the computer makes this noise; so it may be duplicated in
    the presence of a troubleshooting technician.
    There may be some other cause of the 'buzz' such as a failing
    optical drive or some circuit; and there also is a chance the
    hard disk drive may be the source of odd sounds if it is failing.
    (How loud are the fans in this computer? - Do they run alot?)
    Not sure what else to say; but if the computer contents are
    backed up, and the unit goes into the shop, you will at least
    have a complete copy (bootable is best, on a FireWire drive)
    in the form of a clone; that also could be used to troubleshoot
    the computer or be useful in routine home/tech maintenance.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Audible Artwork Not Syncing Properly on iPod

    When I Sync With iTunes, the Artwork from My Audible Books is replaced With random artwork From Apple's Genius Mixes.  (Which I find totally bizarre).  I have tried removing the music from my iPod, re-syncing with no music, then re-syncing to add the music again, and it only made the matter worse.  Before, only a few audible books had this problem, now they all have Genuius Mixes as their artwork.  In iTunes, the artwork is perfect.  When I look at the info on the Audible Books, the artwork is perfect.  Seems be some syncing voodoo.  Anyone have any ideas?

    If you are using iTunes from version 7 onwards, then when you connect the iPod the summary screen should automatically open.
    If you click on the 'music' tab, you will see the option to:
    "display album artwork on your iPod".
    Is this checked?

  • HP Touchsmart 300 random black screen

    What would cause an HP Touchsmart 300-1223 to randomly display a pure black screen, no audible beeps or other error indicators. It could be anywhere from hours of usage to ten minutes of usage for this to happen. Whenever the screen randomly goes black the keyboard and mouse "lose-power" as in when they are connected you can visibly see the light under the mouse and on the keyboard, but when the screen goes black the lights go out and everything is unresponsive. Possibly an overheating issue that could be fixed by applying new thermal paste? However, the PC doesn't seem to be overheating at all, it's actually running at  a fairly low temperature.  I don't see how it could be bad drivers or anything of that sort, as I'm running a clean fresh install of Windows 7. I've updated the bios, graphics, and touchscren drivers on the HP touchsmart 300-1223 driver page in case those were the cause and this is still happening An extemely easy way to duplicate this happening is to simply run a virtual machince (virtualbox, etc) and when trying to load the virtual machine it will cause the black screen. In case these are at all related.

    Hello MikkiM,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that one of your Windows profiles as lost its desktop icons, pictures and documents, and I would be happy to guide you towards a resolution! To begin, I will need to ask you a few questions: 
    What is the Product and Model Number of your desktop computer?
    What version of Windows do you have installed on your computer?
    Has your computer completed all of its important Windows Updates?
    Have you updated your HP drivers using the HP Support Assistant?
    Is this an on-going, or recent issue?
    In the meantime, I recommend following this document on how to Fix a corrupted user profile. This should help repair the user profile that has lost its data. 
    Please re-post with the results of your troubleshooting, as well as the requested information above. I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Random "clicking" sound when 16GB iPod touch docked with speakers

    Hi all,
    My friend recently got a 16GB iPod touch. It works fine with headphones but whenever she docks it into her speakers or my own a random clicking sound can be heard. It doesn't matter if the thing is actually playing a track or not, so long as it's docked on the speakers the sound is heard. It also happens with the wi-fi switched off.
    She recently paid the £12.99 for the update that adds Google maps etc. so I was thinking maybe that would update the firmware and fix the problem but it hasn't. I'm suspecting a fault with her iPod, has anyone else encountered this issue and knows of a fix short of returning it to Apple for a working one?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks very much, that seems to have fixed it!
    Must admit I was a little skeptical but on my speakers (Altec Lansing ones) it's silent when not playing music and no distortions or clicks are audible when it is. On my friend's own speakers (some fairly anonymous brand) there is a little hissing and clicking but I think they do that with my own 1st generation Nano plugged in. She's getting some new Logitech ones, a set for her living room and another for her bedroom so hopefully that's it sorted.
    Cheers again!

  • Music randomly stops playing (same problem in multiple apps)

    Since a few days, my Z1C will randomly stop playing sound, while I'm listening music. It will do this up to multiple times per minute, seems somewhat like a online game lagging really badly, after which it will just pause.
    It does this on multiple apps (I tried it on the following
    - Spotify
    - Walkman (or whatever the music app is called now)
    - Audible (audiobooks)
    The issue happens both when I listen through my bluetooth headphones (Jaybird bluebuds x) as well as on speaker.
    I have had the phone for somewhat more than a year now, I recon. The headphone jack is broken because of my own rough handling, but that wasn't a big deal so far because I use bluetooth anyway.
    Anyone know what to do about this? 

    Hi Bmot,
    Welcome to the community.
    You could try booting the device in to safemode, at least this way you can find out if software is the suspect or if it is more likely hardware.
    Safemode instructions
    let us know how you get on.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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