Audio mixing different sources

I'm working on a compilation of movie scenes with a song playing over them so you don't hear any of the original audio. 
One of the clips I want to inlude the dialogue.  I want to know the best way to balance the audio of the clip with the song.  It's a scene from Gladiator where Maximus asks a crowd in the arena "are you not entertained?"  The source audio has a fairly loud crowd noise in the background and I was wondering if its possible in Adobe Premiere to lower the volume of the crowd?  Or do I need a separate audio mixing program?

You might be able to EQ / filter some of the crowd noise out,
but basically you are using a mix and are stuck with what's there.
I don't know your context, but I would be initially inclined
to not try and hide the crowd noise... just use it.
Maybe sneak in a bit of 'crowd noise only' right before the dialog,
then mix it out after the line to keep it from being a jarring audio cut.
Audition has more refined audio tools than Premiere.

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    I have my waveforms back! Thank you SO MUCH! I looked everywhere and just couldn't find a setting for this.
    As for the sync, I guess that's OK - it's no worse than what I had before (and with the waveforms back, less of an issue to do manually). Would be nice if they'd add the ability to offset the audio track in the Modify Clip screen at some point (and it would open up the multi-cam sync feature to more users), but I can cope without for now.
    Thanks again for your help.

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    Yes, you can play the GarageBand on a Mac over Airplay. It is as simple as plug-and-play
    For example, use an AppleTV (activate AirPlay in the Preferences) and hook it up to an amp.
    Now on the Mac, when you open the "Audio MIDi Setup" utility app, you can see "AirPlay" as output device. That device will show up in the GarageBand X Preferences ➤ Audio/MIDI page. Just select AirPlay and the audio output of GarageBand will stream via AirPlay over WiFi to the AppleTV.
    You can have the student switch the Output Device Preferences from System Settings to AirPlay whenever he or she is ready to share it with the classroom. You could also configure the "Multi-Output" (kind of an Aggregate Device) to send to System Settings and AirPlay so GarageBand sends its audio output signal to both.
    However, there seems to be one restriction. The receiving device (AppleTV) allows only one receiving stream at a time. For example, If I have GarageBand on the Mac set to AirPlay output, I cannot stream from my iPad until I change the output setting. It looks like there is a "first come, first serve" principle. Whoever connects first has the stream. If you want to let two students jam over the speaker system, yo might have to install two (or more) AppleTVs and hook them up to a mixer.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

  • Mixing audio from different clips: levels dropping automatically?

    I have a few clips containing audio. Then add 1 song to the timeline too, and I want to hear audio from both the song and the clips.
    When I mute the audio of the clips, I hear the song at a certain volume. See video+song here: music only - YouTube
    But when I also enable the clips audio, the volume of the song gets a lot lower automatically. See video + song + clip audio here: music mixed - YouTube
    I realise that adding the audio on top of each other will result in peaks that are too high, but I don't really care if these peaks get clipped. Most parts of the clip audio have a fairly low volume, but even on those parts the volume of the song stays very very low.
    When I decrease the audio levels of the song and the clips to keep the master levels from going into the red zones, the same thing happens. Only the overall audio mix has a lower volume (but still the song volume goes down when played together with the clip audio).
    Is there any reason for this to happen? Does this depend on some settings, can it be my audio hardware that causes this?
    Thanks for any help.
    ps: I come from editing in vegas, and never experienced the same problem there

    I have my waveforms back! Thank you SO MUCH! I looked everywhere and just couldn't find a setting for this.
    As for the sync, I guess that's OK - it's no worse than what I had before (and with the waveforms back, less of an issue to do manually). Would be nice if they'd add the ability to offset the audio track in the Modify Clip screen at some point (and it would open up the multi-cam sync feature to more users), but I can cope without for now.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Audio levels on the timeline & Audio Mixer

    I'm confused why when you change the audio levels on a clip using the Audio Mixer it changes the levels for everything on the track?
    I'm from an FCP & Avid background where you can adjust each clip using the Audio Mixer, is there a way I can do this? I find using the yellow sliders in each clip is very unaccurate and having to open each audio clip in the viewer is such a time waster.
    Thanks, Andy

    Audio in Premiere Pro is different--but quite a lot, in many circumstances. I'd recommend going through the help file's audio section to get a better idea of what some of the main controls are: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 & CS5.5 * Editing Audio
    But to answer your question more directly: the Audio Mixer controls track volume, not clip volume. By default, the Audio Mixer isn't set to drop keyframes, so it will affect the level of a track as a whole; check out Recording audio mixes to get more background on setting up the Audio Mixer for automation, so that you can record level changes.
    The rubberbands (the yellow lines you're referring to) can be more finitely controlled by holding down the Ctrl/Cmd key as you drag; the values will move in smaller increments, then.
    You don't have to load a clip into the Source Monitor to adjust the levels, if you want to adjust by the numbers. Just single click a clip in the sequence, and if the Effects Controls panel is forward, you'll be able to adjust the volume with the standard effects sliders/dials. Note that keyframing is enabled by default for the Level property, so if all you want to do is adjust the total level of a clip, it might be faster to do it in the sequence.
    Audio mixing in Premiere Pro is pretty capable and the feature set is pretty deep, but I'll grant you it's a little overwhelming coming from a different NLE. I don't know if any of the previous helps you, but post back with any specific questions and we'll try to figure out a way to approach this in a fashion that makes sense to you.

  • Audio Mixer

    I am using PE4 and would like to know if there's a simple way to eliminate the audio that is recorded with video which shows up as Audio 1 in the mixer. When I have added a sound track and am editing in the sceneline I have to decrease the Audio 1 level for each added clip. I would like to turn off the Audio 1 and only mix the added soundtrack. Mute turns the Audio 1 off but doesn't keep it off when going back to review the video. Thanks, John P.

    Open Audio Mixer, set Mute and then keep Audio Mixer opened. You can drag a corner to minimize the size and drag it to a position, where it will not be in the way, if you need the screen real estate. If you exit from Audio Mixer, it defaults back to playing all Audio Tracks.
    This works differently, than in Pro. There, I keep my Audio Mixer docked into the Panel with Effects and Source Monitor and just Tab between those individual Panels. I do not know what sort of Workspace changes might be in PE7, but this is a little problem for me, as well. Still, with the Audio Mixer made quite small, it's not in my way. Since my PE4 is on my 17" laptop (and I do most of my editing on a dual 21" CRT workstation), I've had to learn about Workspaces in a new way (for me, at least). In Pro, one can also just Mute an entire Track in the Timeline, without even using Audio Mixer. It also has little features, like "locking" a Track (Audio or Video), which I love. However, the interface in PE4 was re-designed to simplify general editing for the user-base. It also costs about US$600 less, than Pro, so one must be prepared to give up a few features.

  • Re: Weird noise coming through USB using Audio Mixer on Satellite C870-1EX

    So, my sister has Satellite C870-1EX and she's using new Audio Mixer with intergrated sound card that sends sound through USB cable to the computer (computer recognizes it as external sound card/device). This is the device: .
    Few weeks ago she started noticing a very weird noise, sort of high-pitched hissing noise, like very fast electronic beeping. Something similar to what good old internet modems did when they were connecting to the phone line, just not that loud and a bit faster.
    Firstly, obviously, we tested every single setting on the Audio Mixer.
    Then, we got new USB cable and swapped it.
    After that we also took down the whole equipment, checked all cables, untangle them if needed, swapped power source, checked different recording software, even tried some other USB recording devices etc etc.
    None of that helped. Drivers are all there as well.
    Here's the catch. I used the same equipment with same settings on my computer and ... no hissing noise at all. The thing is, any setting we tried, that hissing noise stays the same, nothing changes.
    Even if you pre-apply some sound FX that should either boost or reduce any kind of noise in the signal that is sent to the USB port of the computer, that hissing noise stays the same.
    What worries me is that something is wrong with the hardware of my sister's laptop.
    The noise does not appear if we use, for example, microphone that uses 3,5mm jack or laptop's built-in mic while recording stuff in the same recording session with same software and similar settings (considering some must be different due to different input).
    However, the noise appears if we use any external USB recording device on any of her ports.
    Windows on her laptop were reinstalled some time ago (now she's on Windows 7), but the problem appeared few weeks later.
    As I said before, drivers are all there and up-to-date as well.
    So, I'm hoping one of you will come up with a (simple) software sollution ... and hopefully we won't need to take her computer back to the shop.
    However, as far as it seems now, the latest is more likely to happen.
    Please, tell me I'm wrong :)

    A friend of mine has had an similar issue using an DJ Controller : Traktor Kontrol S4
    It was not a noise but he noticed some stutter and audio drop-outs.
    The problem was the background processes which were running while using the controller.
    In order to solve this it was needed to disable all possible devices in device manager like WLan, LAN, Bluetooth, etc
    Additionally he had to disable the Antivirus software and firewall which was running in the background.
    I dont know if it helps you but I think its worth a try
    One further idea: try to reduce the CPU performance. This can be done in Win 7 power management.
    How to handle the power managment features of Windows 7
    The option Processor power management contain the option called Maximum processor state
    Here you can set it to 90%-80%

  • Weird noise coming through USB using Audio Mixer on Satellite C870-1EX

    So, my sister has Satellite C870-1EX and she's using new Audio Mixer with intergrated sound card that sends sound through USB cable to the computer (computer recognizes it as external sound card/device). This is the device: .
    Few weeks ago she started noticing a very weird noise (listen to the file attached bellow, I'm talking about that very annoying hissing noise). Firstly, obviously, we tested every single setting on the Audio Mixer. Then, we got new USB cable and swapped it. After that we also took down the whole equipment, checked all cables, untangle them if needed, swapped power source, checked different recording software etc etc. None of that helped. Here's the catch. I used the same equipment with same settings on my computer and ... no hissing noise at all. 
    Drivers are all there as well.
    What worries me is that something is wrong with the hardware of my sister's laptop. The noise does not appear if we use microphone that uses 3,5mm jack or laptop's built-in mic.
    Windows on her laptop were reinstalled some time ago (now she's on Windows 7), but the problem appeared few weeks later.
    So, I'm hoping one of you will come up with a (simple) software sollution ... and hopefully we won't need to take her computer back to the shop. However, as far as it seems now, the latest is more likely to happen. Please, tell me I'm wrong
    Track ‏999 KB

    That doesn't appear to be a US model, and this is the forums for Toshiba USA. You may want to contact Toshiba in your region. If it's a European model, you could check the Toshiba Europe forums.
    - Peter

  • Unable to perform multi audio tracks mixing with Audio Mixer

    How do you get a simple multi track mix with the Premier Pro 1.5 Audio Mixer?
    I got 2 audio clips, each sitting at the start of its own separate track (Audio 1 and Audio 2). I just want to mix them into the Master track.  Simple enough.
    So I go to the Audio Mixer. Position the CTI at the start of the tracks and hit the red RECORD button. The red spot starts blinking. Then I hit the START/STOP button expecting the tracks to start mixing into the Master track. Instead, I get this error message
         "PLAYER ERROR: You cannot record without enabling at least one track for recording."  
    I get the same problem if I try the mix onto a submix track.
    What am I missing? I combed through the Premiere Pro User Guide and J. Rosenberg's Premiere Pro Studio Techniques but to no avail.
    Thanks for any help.

    Jacques, I havn't seen 1.5 for a while, so I need to stress that what I'm about to say is more of an educated guess linked to a rough memory.
    Each audio track in the mixer has a small chip (tickbox in 1.5??) that you click in order to enable that track for recording. In CS3 it's a little microphone.
    Having said that, I DON'T think that's going to give you what you want, as the intention of the recording functionality in PP is to record audio FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE (like a microphone) straight to an audio track, say, when doing a Voice Over for some video.
    You can't "mix down" to the master, as the master is not a track per se. It's just a "final" level control. The master will always be the sum of the active tracks, and THAT'S what will be rendered in the final output.
    You can still "live mix" your audio with the faders, it's just that those movements get recorded as keyframes on each of the tracks you modify (including, BTW, the Master).
    The advantage to this workflow is that every fader move you make is infinitley editable... a small error when riding the faders can easily be fixed by dragging keyframes.

  • Satellite L50-A-19N can't play audio from multiple sources

    I can't play audio from multiple sources. This is very annoying when I have 2 youtube videos playing, if I start playing something on the media player, there is no sound on media player, it's the same when I have 2 media players open and 1 youtube video playing, youtube video doesn't have sound..
    It goes away when I plug out my headphones..
    I already have all the latest drivers, last DTS driver update was in 2014, sound update this year's february..
    DTS Studio Sound
    DTS Inc.
    Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit
    I don't know if this makes sense, but I got newer DTS sound driver which I found, It's not my laptop model, but they all seem to be the same - v1.1.88.0
    I uninstalled DTS software and still had the same problem, so it's not affecting sound driver in any way..
    Sound Driver
    Integrated Device Technology Inc.
    Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit
    IDT audio driver has newer release date, but the driver version is the same as the 2013 one..
    Why are toshiba releaseing old driver as 'NEW' ?
    2nd is my speakers advanced settings, nothing changed when I disabled "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device"

    I see that the option called “give exclusive mode applications priority” has been checked.
    Usually different applications and programs can access the sound card simultaneously.
    For example: you can hear the sound in game, while you can run your own music via an external player.
    This is prevented with these options “give exclusive mode applications priority”.
    Maybe you should disable (uncheck) this option to prevent the different applications for using this exclusive mode stream.
    I did it for my DAC. I set the DAC for exclusive mode. Once my audio playback software starts to play music, no other software is able to share the DAC.
    However, I use Win 7 and Realtek sound driver… It’s another configuration.
    So it’s not known to me if your issue is related Win 8.1 system or maybe limitation of sound driver… it could be also possible that one of your sound applications don’t allow multiple sound streaming.

  • How do I get my old Surround Mixer recording sources back?

    I recently had my computer repaired where I basically had a complete overhaul. In the process they installed a second soundcard (the one that went with the new motherboard) alongside my original Creative Sound Blaster Audigy card (Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum eX). Before, when I would record audio into my computer, I opened the Surround Mixer software and in the record pulldown menu it showed all of the inputs as they relate to my Audigy interface (SPDIF, Aux In 2, Line In 2, etc.). Now when I open the Surround Mixer software, I only get generic options such as Analog Mix, CD Digital, Microphone, etc. and therefore I can't get any outside audio into my computer.
    I figured the computer?was defaulting to the?new sound card so I disabled the onboard audio in my BIOS and then installed the Creative Sound Blaster Series 2 Driver. I clicked on the driver and it said that it needed to uninstall another driver that was already there. The install went a little funny and it got hung up a couple of times. Then, I couldn't get Surround Mixer to work at all so I went to the Creative website and installed Software Auto Update. I downloaded and installed all the critical components?but that also went a little funny. It took about three tries and it didn't seem like it actually finished installing, but when I checked on Auto Update again, it said that I was up to date and that everything had installed. I noticed at the beginning that it installed a new version of Surround Mixer but when I opened it later, it still had those same generic options, not the the ones that match my external interface.
    What do I need to do to get my original settings back?
    Message Edited by audiodrome on 04-30-2009 06:46 PMMessage Edited by audiodrome on 04-30-2009 07:32 [email protected]

    >Re: How do I get my old Surround Mixer recording sources back?p audiodrome,
    Is the external Audigy Dri've properly connected? Does the Plat Ex have the rear jacks? If so, can you record from the rear LineIn or mic jack and play sound files through headphones or speakers? What happens when you run the Creative Diagnostic? What does Device Manager show? Otherwise, yes, uninstall and reinstall the Creative software. If your install CD has a repair option, try that first. However, you may find you need to remove the Audigy from your PC, reboot without it, and then reinstall everything. Some Soundblaster cards don't play well with some integrated soundcards, so you may also want to disable the integrated soundcard in BIOS.
    Message Edited by Katman on 05-04-2009 :00 AM

  • Audio mixing questions

    Since starting with Final Cut, I've set levels in the timeline. Problem is, when I set my first keyframe, whose level I don't want to change, most of the time I inadvertently lower the level by a few decibels. Not a huge deal, but a time waster that adds up and minor embarrassment when the client is sitting next to me. Any way to avoid this?
    On the other hand, I've tried switching to the audio mixer, and I don't like that you can only set keyframes when the play head is moving. Is there a way to, using the audio mixer, set a keyframe when the playhead isn't moving, scroll to the desired location of the next keyframe, set a keyframe and adjust it's level, all while the playhead isn't moving?
    Seems to me that this process is easier in Avid...but maybe there's an FCP feature I'm overlooking or misunderstanding.
    Also, is it possible to gang tracks in FCP's audio mixer? I can't seem to figure that out.
    Thanks in advance for help.

    For me I have a completely different method when working with audio.  Others might think this way is crazy but it works for me.   I rarely use "rubberbanding" or keyframes when working with audio.   I treat my audio clips the same as video...using edits.  I will make an edit where I want the audio level to change and then add an audio cross dissolve between the clips.  The only time I will add keyframes is if there is a random peak that I can't knock out using the Compressor/Limiter filter.  Like I said though, I rarely need to. Not sure if this is the type of answer you're looking for as it changes the workflow, but I hated the finickyness of the audio keyframes so I just avoid using them.  

  • 5.1 Audio Mixer window

    Can anyone tell me what the order of the meters are in a 5.1 project with a 5.1 audio master?  The meters appear to be L, R, Ls, Rs, C, Lfe while the surcode plugin is looking for L,R,C,Lfe,Ls,Rs.
    Is there any way to change the order of the audio mixer meter to ensure  it matches with the surcode plugin?
    Also, is there any way to send audio exclusively to the Lfe instead of to L,R,Ls,Rs and Lfe?

    There are several questions and considerations here.
    1. the order of the VU meters is predicated on the Audio Tracks (AT) in PrPro. At this stage of things, you place source material on the various AT's and then position them spatially. Effects (say a filter on an AT that you want to go to the LFE channel) also can play a role, but you make the decisions.
    2. the "standard order of channels in say a WMA file, with the individual tracks set for stripping to discreet mono WAV elements, is as per below:
    Track Number
    Track Name
    Left (front)
    Right (front)
    Center (front)
    Left Surround (rear)
    Right Surround (rear)
    Now, with the SurCode DD 5.1 SS encoding, things change a bit. This does come into play if you go to a program, like Audition:
    Track Number
    Track Name
    Left (front)
    Center (front)
    Right (front)
    Left Surround (rear)
    Right Surround (rear)
    Hope that this helps. If you are Importing and placing "standard" discreet SS files onto AT's, use the first table. [I also rename each AT to reflect exactly what is going to be one it.] If you are Exporting, via SurCode to then plan on using table #2, when dealing with the discrete mono files.

  • Audio mixing (track not clip) .Precise level entry for KF levels?

    Ive done a lot of tutorials on setting and mixing audio levels, both clip and track in PrP 5.5 . I want to know the best way to add a keyframe on the timeline (in track audio mode) and enter a precise db setting. Dragging up and down is pretty random and not accurate, especially when setting levels for 2 mono tracks for stereo.
    I am not interested in using the track mixer in live mode because again it is to inaccurate and needs cleaning up. I tried right clicking on the keyframes and got everything EXCEPT the ability for numeric entry. A real basic function for audio mixing.

    Well, upon further inspections its the CLIP volume key frames that are displayed in the Audio Effects area. When you are trying to do TRACK key frames on the timeline, its necessary to click on the SHOW KEY FRAMES icon at the start of the TL audio track. When you switch to SHOW TRACK  KEY FRAMES suddenly the clip cannot be loaded in the SOURCE window (which kind of makes sense) and so the TRACK key frames are not visible for numeric entry.
    So the problem with no ability for numeric entry assigning key frames a db still exists.

  • Keeping the album songs order, when importing songs from different sources

    I imported lots of songs into my itunes library from various sources (itunes store, CD's, and audio files converted from my vinyl records) This way, songs from a specific artist, and sometimes from a specific album, could come from different sources.
    Now, I hope to arrange all the songs from a specific album to appear in the appropriate order, but I just can't find a way of doing this! The songs just appear in the way iTunes sorts them, without any relation to the original order of the album. Even more, in the iPod itself, the order changes once again with no appearant reason! (Interestingly enough, when I import all the songs of a specific album from one source, the order is kept)
    I tried changing the names on the files in itunes to include serial numbers (01, 02 and so on, at the names of the songs). but then again, for some reason, no order is kept.
    How can I sort the songs in the album according to the proper order? I don't want to use a special playlist for each album.
    Thank you in advance for your replies
      Windows XP  
      Windows XP  

    iTunes sorts things in thew following way (based on having the correct ID3 tag info)
    Album > Disc number > Track Number
    if you sort things by Album
    iTunes does NOT take anything from the file name unless no ID3 tag info is present in the file, then you will see the file name appear as the track name and all other fields blank. ID3 tags are the way most meta-data is handled noawadays.
    Hope that helps.

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