Audio Scrubbing at 2x speed

I think I know the answer but I am hoping someone knows a trick.
When I play through a sequence at 2x speed (hitting "L" twice... is that 2x?), Final Cut Pro scrubs the audio. FCP doesn't raise the pitch of the audio (chipmunks style), but it instead chops up the audio. Does anyone know if there is a way to change it so that FCP DOES raise the pitch of the audio instead of making it choppy? I'm going through about 8 hours of footage and would love to be able to speed this up, but the chopped up audio makes it so that I can't understand a thing.

My experience is that if the disks are fast or the codec is a low bitrate, then I can still understand what is said in an interview with even 3 or 4 times speed.(3xL)
With high bitrate video, or slower disks or both, this performance decreases so that even 2 x L is not even good anymore.
So the question is: What codec are you using and on what disks it sits...

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    Using FCP 7.0.3, lates OSX

    Shift + S  or  View > Audio Scrubbing (checked)

  • Audio Scrubbing Analogue & Digital

    I am about to be a new user of CS5 Production Premium.  New Certified system on order (Z800).  I have been to a demo of CS5 and spent sometime looking around this forum etc. and could not find the answer I wanted.  My question is:
    Duringthe demo audio scrubbing was demonstarted and the the audio was a digital output of sound (resulting jerky audio).  I asked if it was possible to switch the scrubbed sound to analougue for a smooth rendition of the timeline track. The demonstrator did not know if thiswas a feture in CS5.
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    Thanks in Anticipation.

    But, soft! what light through yonder browser breaks? It is the answer, and JKL Play is the sun.
    (Sorry... had to...)
    Gavin (and Craig),
    You can achieve what you're looking for by holding down the "K" key (pause) and alternatively pressing and holding "J" (reverse) or "L" (forward) to playback audio in a slow, analog, reel-to-reel fashion. Instead of individual time segment samples, you'll a slower and lower pitched audio playback that is continuous, versus the usual "step" playback you get when navigating with the arrow keys. You can also get the analog-style playback using the Shuttle slider in the Source or Program Monitors (found just under the transport controls). Where the JKL Play is limited to one speed, you can achieve variable playback, both slower and faster, using the Shuttle slider. The Jog wheel behaves like the arrow key "frame-by-frame" movement though, so it won't work for what you're after.
    Hope that helps.

  • Experiencing issues with audio scrubbing in Premiere cc 2014

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    Some of the time it won't scrub at all (silence) when I know that scrubbing option is turned on. Other times it will scrub the wrong section of the timeline, I'll hear dialogue from a different point in a clip.
    Much of the time I experience this I'm working with multicam clips in sequences.
    Working on iMac 2013, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA 780
    thank you.

    Hi IP,
    Intensity pro wrote:
    ...Adobe are you listening?
    Yes, but it's Saturday. And I'm on vacation. You know??
    Sorry that we do not have 24-7 support. The best time to catch us is 7AM-7PM PST, Monday to Friday.
    Intensity pro wrote:
    Currently using / testing a 30 day trial of CC 2014 (CS5 user for years with no issues) and all was fine yesterday when editing. Turned on today and had no way to scrub audio. Also had no Intensity Pro external monitor which worked fine the day before. Restarted PC and still nothing so starting poking around with the playback settings in preferences by choosing Adobe Desktop audio in the audio device section choosing OK then selecting back to Blackmagic audio then hit Ok. All of a sudden there was my external monitor and was able to scrub audio again. It's like it's sleeping knowing it should work until you poke it a few times to wake it up. How my Intensity Pro external monitor and scrubbing audio being related in any way is perplexing. Or am I being obtuse?
    I would contact Blackmagic Design to make sure your drivers are current. Can you try that?

  • Audio scrubbing just moves audio clip

    Hello; I'm a new iMovie user and I'm just finding my way around in the program. I have an old G4 with iMovie 4.01 and I can't seem to get the audio scrubbing to work. According to the Pogue book on iLife 04, "In iMovie 04, for the first time, you can scrub by Option-dragging your mouse back and forth across an audio clip. iMovie plays the sound under your cursor." [p. 361]
    So far everything I've tried has just ended up moving the audio clip from side to side, Option key or not. What am I not doing right here?

    Bit unstable ..but Apple warns that it still is; "use at own risk", etc.
    I wanted to see if current (version 6.0.3) iMovie HD, etc, works OK with the new system. So far, no problems.
    Safari looks a little different - different typeface, and these buttons at the bottom of each post ("Did this topic solve your issue? Yes No") appear odd ..but maybe that's because it's still in the process of being tweaked and refined. There's a handy "make an Widget" button in Safari, letting me draw around, say, the topmost 10 posts on this page, and then I can call that back as a Widget overlay on top of anything else which is on the screen ..making it easy to pop in and out of Discussions..
    Just downloaded a newer version yesterday, but have yet to install it (today).

  • Java Audio Metronome | Timing and Speed Problems

    Hi all,
    I’m starting to work on a music/metronome application in Java and I’m running into some problems with the timing and speed.
    For testing purposes I’m trying to play two sine wave tones at the same time at regular intervals, but instead they play in sync for a few beats and then slightly out of sync for a few beats and then back in sync again for a few beats.
    From researching good metronome programming, I found that Thread.sleep() is horrible for timing, so I completely avoided that and went with checking System.nanoTime() to determine when the sounds should play.
    I’m using AudioSystem’s SourceDataLine for my audio player and I’m using a thread for each tone that constantly polls System.nanoTime() in order to determine when the sound should play. I create a new SourceDataLine and delete the previous one each time a sound plays, because the volume fluctuates if I leave the line open and keep playing sounds on the same line. I create the player before polling nanoTime() so that the player is already created and all it has to do is play the sound when it is time.
    In theory this seemed like a good method for getting each sound to play on time, but it’s not working correctly.
    At the moment this is just a simple test in Java, but my goal is to create my app on mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc)...however my current method isn’t even keeping perfect time on a PC, so I’m worried that certain mobile devices with limited resources will have even more timing problems. I will also be adding more sounds to it to create more complex rhythms, so it needs to be able to handle multiple sounds going simultaneously without sounds lagging.
    Another problem I’m having is that the max tempo is controlled by the length of the tone since the tones don’t overlap each other. I tried adding additional threads so that every tone that played would get its own thread...but that really screwed up the timing, so I took it out. I would like to have a way to overlap the previous sound to allow for much higher tempos.
    I posted this question on StackOverflow where I got one reply and my response back explains why I went this direction instead of preloading a larger buffer (which is what they recommended). In short, I did try the buffer method first, but I want to also update a “beat counter” visual display and there was no way to know when the hardware was actually playing the sounds from the buffer. I mentioned that on StackOverflow and I also asked a couple more questions regarding the buffer method, but I haven’t received any more responses.
    Any help getting these timing and speed issues straightened out would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
    Here is my code...
    import java.awt.*; 
    import java.awt.event.*; 
    import javax.swing.*; 
    import javax.swing.event.*; 
    import javax.sound.sampled.*; 
    public class SoundTest implements ActionListener { 
        static SoundTest soundTest; 
        boolean playSound1  = true; 
        boolean playSound2  = true; 
        JFrame mainFrame; 
        JPanel mainContent; 
        JPanel center; 
        JButton buttonPlay; 
        int sampleRate = 44100; 
        long startTime;  
        SourceDataLine line = null;  
        int tickLength; 
        boolean playing = false; 
        SoundElement sound01; 
        SoundElement sound02; 
        public static void main (String[] args) {        
            soundTest = new SoundTest(); 
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { 
        public void gui_CreateAndShow() { 
        public void gui_FrameAndContentPanel() { 
            mainContent = new JPanel(); 
            mainContent.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
            mainContent.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500)); 
            mainFrame = new JFrame("Sound Test");                
        public void gui_AddContent() { 
            JPanel center = new JPanel(); 
            buttonPlay = new JButton("PLAY / STOP"); 
            buttonPlay.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 50)); 
            mainContent.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
            if (!playing) { 
                playing = true; 
                if (playSound1) 
                    sound01 = new SoundElement(this, "Sound1", 800, 1); 
                if (playSound2) 
                    sound02 = new SoundElement(this, "Sound2", 1200, 1); 
                startTime = System.nanoTime(); 
                if (playSound1) 
                    new Thread(sound01).start(); 
                if (playSound2) 
                    new Thread(sound02).start(); 
            else { 
                playing = false;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*; 
    public class SoundElement implements Runnable { 
        SoundTest soundTest; 
        // TEMPO CHANGE 
        // 750000000=80bpm | 300000000=200bpm | 200000000=300bpm 
        long nsDelay = 750000000; 
        long before; 
        long after; 
        long diff; 
        String name=""; 
        int clickLength = 4100;  
        byte[] audioFile; 
        double clickFrequency; 
        double subdivision; 
        SourceDataLine line = null; 
        long audioFilePlay; 
        public SoundElement(SoundTest soundTestIn, String nameIn, double clickFrequencyIn, double subdivisionIn){ 
            soundTest = soundTestIn; 
            name = nameIn; 
            clickFrequency = clickFrequencyIn; 
            subdivision = subdivisionIn; 
        public void generateAudioFile(){ 
            audioFile = new byte[clickLength * 2]; 
            double temp; 
            short maxSample; 
            int p=0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < audioFile.length;){ 
                temp = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * p++ / (soundTest.sampleRate/clickFrequency)); 
                maxSample = (short) (temp * Short.MAX_VALUE); 
                audioFile[i++] = (byte) (maxSample & 0x00ff);            
                audioFile[i++] = (byte) ((maxSample & 0xff00) >>> 8); 
        public void run() { 
            audioFilePlay = soundTest.startTime + nsDelay; 
            while (soundTest.playing){ 
                if (System.nanoTime() >= audioFilePlay){ 
                    audioFilePlay += nsDelay; 
            try { destroyPlayer(); } catch (Exception e) { } 
        public void createPlayer(){ 
            AudioFormat af = new AudioFormat(soundTest.sampleRate, 16, 1, true, false); 
            try { 
                line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(af); 
            catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } 
        public void play(){ 
            line.write(audioFile, 0, audioFile.length); 
        public void destroyPlayer(){ 

    Thanks but you have never posted reply s0lutions before ?? And F 4 is definitely not 10 times faster as stated before I upgraded !!

  • Audio scrubbing in Encore CS4?

    It would be very helpful to have audio scrubbing, as I am trying to adjust subtle timing issues for subtitles.  Is there any way to get audio scrubbing in Encore CS4?

    Thank you for your comment and for the link.  I eventually figured out
    exactly the "work around" that you suggest, and it gets the job done, but as
    you say, audio scrub would be the ideal feature for what I am doing.  Thanks
    Dr. Karl
    From: "the_wine_snob" <[email protected]>
    To: "Karl Lehman" <[email protected]>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4:32 PM
    Subject: Audio scrubbing in Encore CS4?
    There is no scrubbing of Audio, that I know of. The closest would be to
    horizontally expand the Timeline and use a drag-back, Spacebar (to Play), on
    that Timeline.
    At first, I could not see the use for this feature, but kept re-reading your
    comment on Subtitles and all of a sudden it hit me. Sounds like a useful
    feature for how you intend to use it.
    Here is the
    Good luck,

  • Can't listen to iTunesU audio podcasts at 2x speed

    After upgrading to 3.1.1, the iTunesU audio podcasts were separated out of my other podcasts. I've now lost the ability to play those audio podcasts at 2x speed. I upgraded to 3.0 because of the 2x speed option, so this is very frustrating. Is there any way to reactivate that option or move my iTunesU stuff back in with the rest of my audio podcasts?

    ah, you've come across 3.1s most irritating bug (in my opinion).
    podcasts are now listed in random order. if you look through the forums there are several posts about this.
    have played around with this quite a lot, only way i can seem to get around it is to create playlists (just playlists, not smart playlists - they also seem to be broken).
    please drop apple a line and let them know - the more people that do this obviously the more chance of us getting a fix sometime soon:

  • Audio Scrubbing shortcut...Shift + S

    Shift + S does not do anything. I always have to go to Preferences to turn on/off audio scrubbing.

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like how your audio is configured, kind of audio file used, timeline settings and screenshot of the waveform and Preview panel and so on.

  • Audio Scrubbing Patch

    Dear Adobe staff, I'm an animation artist and  I've been a loyal customer of your products for more than five years. I just recently acquired an add-on that allows me to animate more efficiently in Photoshop. Unfortunately, when I tried to animate with audio I was unable to scrub through it. I know you've said in the past that you don't have an audio scrubbing feature in any version of photoshop, but do you plan on making a patch or update for it in the future? If so, than that would be very helpful. Thank you for your time.

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like how your audio is configured, kind of audio file used, timeline settings and screenshot of the waveform and Preview panel and so on.

  • Audio scrubbing

    Is there any way to scrub audio in the timline in PS CC?    I cant see the point of making animation and video editing possible when something so basic an neccessary as audio scrubbing is not supported??    However I have ssen some amazing animations apparently made in PS but I dont understand how anyone can animate a talking character without the ability to scrub for lip syncing etc?   Can someone please explain?

    Traditional 2D animation requires software that enables you to paint frame by frame.  After effects is not very good for that at all, its way too limited. and Premiere Pro is video editing not animation software.
    What Im trying to understand is how this is done?  How does one paint a frame by frame animation with a character speaking and know what they are supposed to be painting or even know the timing of  certain things that might happen with sound?   You need to be able to scrub for this to be accurate. Actually how did they do this before computers also??
    I understand after effects has great motion tweening and puppetry abilities but this is not the same as hand drawn animation.
    If they are not using photoshop then what are they using?   
    Apparently this animation I have linked to below was made  in photoshop.

  • Inaccurate audio scrubbing

    I have a simple voice track recorded inside CS6 and am hearing that audio scrubbing doesn't match up with the waveform. It is early by about 3 frames.
    So at first I wondered which one to trust, but from dragging a selection and playing that, the waveform is correct and scrubbing is wrong.

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like how your audio is configured, kind of audio file used, timeline settings and screenshot of the waveform and Preview panel and so on.

  • Missing audio scrubbing with CC2014 & BM Decklink Extreme

    After the upgrading to CC2014 I cannot hear anything during audio scrubbing.
    It works if I use the internal speaker of the MacPro but not with BM.
    That's crazy, every time you do a major upgrade tons of audio problems appear.
    Any advice?

    Thanks for your quick reply, Rob.
    Under that same suspicion, I had also checked BlackMagic's website and discovered that it is, in fact, supported by Core Audio, as you can see here on the right:
    Further, the card works perfectly when running Soundtrack Pro, which is why I'm curious what is happening within Logic that creates this problem..

  • Is STP audio 'scrub stutter' a known issue?

    Greetings...I just installed Soundtrack Pro 1.03 on a Dual 1.25 G4. I get the audio stuttering problem some have reported when using HD video, but I'm not using video at all. It happens with my RME card or Apple System Audio, both in Waveform & Multitrack mode. It does not happen in Digital Performer or any other music app I use with all the same settings.
    Anyone else having this STP audio scrubbing problem in 10.4.4?
    Apple, is this a known issue with a fix on the way? (A reply would be appreciated).
    a.Scrub audio by dragging the SPL, or hitting Control after Play, and audio constantly rapid fires fast repeats. If I hold the mouse still, audio constantly repeats while the audio track is stationary, until I click away.
    Also the SPL won't move when dragging the green triangle in the Waveform Editor. It does drag on my Panther partition, but the audio stutters there also when trying to scrub.
    Thanks in advance for any replies or communicating a known fix.

    Thanks for your reply - I've been editing audio since those dinosaurs where around, and still find scrubbing useful when I'm cleaning up guitar parts or vocal tracks. So it's disappointing to not have a clean sound when scrubbing in STP.
    So does my description match what you hear on your system if you scrub? Do you hear the 'rapid fire' playback when your audio is 'looping' when you scrub?
    If yes, then I'd call that a known issue. It would be nice to hear a confimation from Apple if that's the case. If anyone there is monitoring this, please reply.
    (To update my original post, I've reinstalled 10.4.4 on a fresh partition and I can now drag the green playback rectangle in the ruler area. STP still stutters, however, when scrubbing audio, and that's using Apple system audio, no 3rd party drivers.)

  • How can I audio scrub in Photoshop CC?

    So I am making a lip sync animation and I need to be able to hear the audio as I scrub it. But so far I can only hear the audio when I play the clip. Is there a way to switch it to stream the audio as I scrub it?

    You can write in arabic in Illustrator CC and ALL Adobe CC Products.
    I've tested it with Adobe, Illustrator, and Indesign,

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