Audit_id of a process flow

OK, i know this is basic, but I am new to OWB. How do I get the audit_id of a process flow at execution time? I am running OWB The Transformation Guide as well as the User's Guide says that "you can obtain the audit ID at execution time using the pseudo variable audit_id" when using the Control Center Transformations, but all of their examples use hardcoded audit_id's. There doesn't seem to be any other mention of "pseudo variable" in any of the other OWB documentation.
thanks in advance

See the global expression values below, you can use PARENT_AUDIT_ID to get the calling process flows audit id:

Similar Messages

  • Getting an process-flow audit id in the process flow itself

    I am using OWB 11gR2 and want to capture the audit_id of the process flow itself at the process-flow level.
    I want to use this to pass it tru to the mappings in the process flow.
    I know how to get audit_id when you're in the mapping (get_audit_id), but i want the audit_id of the process flow when i am "inside" the process flow.
    When i have this i can let all of my mappings in the flow receive the same id.
    When i setup a parameter at the process flow and specify get_audit_id there it errors on me.
    Does anybody what to specify here ?

    i figured it out myself and answered myself in another thread.
    Basically it goes like this:
    In the master flow you have sub-processflow objects which you want to pass along the audit_id of the master flow.
    So that you can pass along the same audit-id to every mapping in all of the flows.
    But it would be nice to be able to run sub flows independently from the master flows (for testing etc.)but still feed the same id(whatever that is) to the mappings in that process flow.
    And on the lowest level this applies to mappings as well: be able to run a mapping and get a id to store in a field.
    The same applies to feeding a process date to all the mappings in your flows(used for dwh purposes)
    How does this work on the mappings ?
    Create a mapping input parameter, put 2 params in it.
    One date, one number. The date part is easy: just put SYSDATE in it.
    The number part would ideally hold get_audit_id as default value. Unfortunately this generates an error.
    So put default value of 1 here. Create a constant on the mapping with value get_audit_id in it.
    Create expression that tests if input_param has something else than 1 as the value ; if so then there was no audit_id fed into the mapping by a process flow. Make the expression use the constant then. Use the output of the expression in your mapping.
    How does this work in process flows ?
    You'll have two different parts here:
    -feeding from flow to a sub-flow
    -feeding from flow to mapping
    Flow to subflow:
    You can not bind a flowparameter to subprocess paramter so you'll need to create 2 variables.(process date / audit id)
    Create two parameters, one date with sysdate as default, one number with 1 as default.
    Use assign operator to bind audit_id parameter to the audit id variable.
    Use another one to bind to the same variable, but specify parent_audit_id as value instead of binding it to the paramter.
    Use conditonal routing on these two assign operators to have one of these be executed.
    This will ensure that the variabel either gets parent_audit or the value of the input parameter of the flow.
    Use another assign op. to bind the date input to the date variabel.
    Bind the parameters of the sub flows to the variables.
    Flow to mapping:
    Use the same procedure as descibed above. Only difference here is that you can bind a mapping parameter to a parameter.
    This means that you'll don't need the assign stuff for the date parameter since you can bind the date parameter of the mapping to the input parameter of the flow.
    Hope this helps someone ...

  • Mapping audit_id in process flow with parameter

    I have a following request.
    I would like to get AUDIT_EXECUTION_ID for certain Mapping in process flow and pass this ID to next mapping (all this with help of parameters I guess??) to get some data from AUDIT tables. How to do this?
    OWB version
    Thank you Gorazd
    Edited by: gor on May 9, 2011 1:40 PM

    It is a bit complicated and technical.
    Will give you a hint.
    You need to install run_my_owb_stuff as a function, grant access, and create a public synonym.
    Then within you have to add capturing of the execution_id as an additional custom parameter. (see below).
    Once done. Add a Start parameter with same name to each Process Flow, and Bind it to any activity that you want to use the parameter with.
    -- Override Parameters
    dbms_output.put_line('Stage 3: Overriding Parameters');
    -- override_system_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, p_system_params);
    if p_task_type='PROCESS' then
    -- GRI addition
         l_custom_params := p_custom_params || ', p_execution_id=' || l_audit_execution_id;
    override_custom_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, l_custom_params);
         override_custom_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, p_custom_params);
         end if;
    -- override_custom_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, p_custom_params);
    - Jojo

  • Problems with setting up the wait in a process flow

    I have process flow where I need to use a wait function.
    The value of minimum_delay is set to 30
    literal = true
    the value of until_date I've been trying to set to a appropriate date format that is consistent with the default in the database.
    When doing this I get the error message ORA-01841:     (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
    setting the value of until_date to null and literal still true gives me the error ORA-06502:     PL/SQL: numeric or value error. Setting the literal to false also gives me this error.
    Does anyone know how I can set this up correctly? And if its possible, not use the until_date parameter.
    any help is appreciated
    this is on a database, windows 2003 server
    OWB client
    OWB repository:
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for your replies:
    I've tried running the Processflow with different parameters.
    The processflow I am trying to run is in its own Module, with just one processflow, and the wait is the only activity in this.
    Its a nice mix of english and norwegian in the error messages, but I'll try to translate as best I can.
    Minimum_delay: 30
    Literal: true
    Until_date: blank
    Literal: true
    ORA-01867: intervallet er ugyldig (illegal interval)
    ORA-06512: ved "OWB_SYS.WB_RT_CONVERSIONS", line 371
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numerisk feil eller verdifeil: feil under konvertering av tegn til tall(numeric error or valueerror: error under conversion from character to number)
    ORA-06512: ved line 3
    Minimum_delay: 30
    Literal: true
    Until_date: null
    Literal: false/true
    RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    RPE-01038: Failed to evaluate expression declare "$LOOP_DETECT$" NUMBER := 0;function "WAIT_TEST" return VARCHAR2 is "ITEM_TYPE" VARCHAR2(4000) := (wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(77109));"ITEM_KEY" VARCHAR2(4000) := (wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(77111));"EVAL_LOCATION" VARCHAR2(4000) := (wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(77112));function "WAIT" return VARCHAR2 is "WARNING" NUMBER := 2;"RETURN_RESULT_NUMBER" NUMBER := NULL;"NUMBER_OF_ERRORS" NUMBER := 0;"SUCCESS" NUMBER := 1;"ERROR" NUMBER := 3;"OK" NUMBER := 1;"FAILURE" NUMBER := 3;"AUDIT_ID" NUMBER := 77113;"RETURN_CODE" NUMBER := NULL;"NUMBER_OF_WARNINGS" NUMBER := 0;"RETURN_RESULT" VARCHAR(64) := NULL;"PARENT_AUDIT_ID" NUMBER := 77108;"OK_WITH_WARNINGS" NUMBER := 2;begin "$LOOP_DETECT$" := "$LOOP_DETECT$" + 1;if "$LOOP_DETECT$" > 2 then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Loop detected calling "WAIT"');end if;return wb_rt_conversions.from_timestamp_tz(null);end;begin "$LOOP_DETECT$" := "$LOOP_DETECT$" + 1;if "$LOOP_DETECT$" > 2 then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Loop detected calling "WAIT_TEST"');end if;return "WAIT";end;begin :result := "WAIT_TEST";end;. Please modify the expression, redeploy and retry again.
    ORA-06550: linje 1, kolonne 835:
    PLS-00307: for mange deklarasjoner av FROM_TIMESTAMP_TZ stemmer med dette kallet (to many declarations of FROM_TIMESTAMP_TZ matches with this call)
    ORA-06550: linje 1, kolonne 828:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Minimum_delay: 30
    Literal: true
    Until_date: 23-05-2009
    Literal: true
    ORA-01867: intervallet er ugyldig (illegal interval)
    ORA-06512: ved "OWB_SYS.WB_RT_CONVERSIONS", line 371
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numerisk feil eller verdifeil: feil under konvertering av tegn til tall (numeric error or valueerror: error under conversion from character to number)
    ORA-06512: ved line 3
    Minimum_delay: 30
    Literal: true
    Until_date: ’23-05-2009’
    Literal: true
    RPE-02083: Process WAIT_TEST has errored Activities. Dependent objects may not have been deployed. You can use Oracle Workflow Monitor to retry the activities or abort the Process.
    RPE-02075: Oracle Workflow failed to process the execution request for Activity WAIT_TEST:WAIT. This may be because dependent objects have not yet been deployed.
    ORA-01841: (helt) år må være mellom -4713 og +9999, og ikke være 0 ([whole] year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0)
    WB_RT_WORKFLOW_UTIL_10G.Execute_Any_Task(TEST_MOD, WB_IK_20080602_101807_77183, 12489, RUN)
    WB_RT_WORKFLOW_UTIL_10G.Execute_Wait(TEST_MOD, WB_IK_20080602_101807_77183, 12489, RUN)
    Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(WB_RT_WORKFLOW_UTIL_10G.EXECUTE_WAIT, TEST_MOD, WB_IK_20080602_101807_77183, 12489, RUN)
    Minimum_delay: 30
    Literal: true
    Until_date: TO_DATE('23-05-2009','DD-MM-YYYY')
    Literal: false
    ORA-01867: intervallet er ugyldig (illegal interval)
    ORA-06512: ved "OWB_SYS.WB_RT_CONVERSIONS", line 371
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numerisk feil eller verdifeil: feil under konvertering av tegn til tall (numeric error or valueerror: error under conversion from character to number)
    ORA-06512: ved line 3
    So thats basically it.
    What language settings have you been using for this to work?

  • Upg 10gr2 to 11gr2, process flow: RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition...

    I am in a bit of a pickle right now after upgrading OWB from to, and I'm here requesting a sanity check. Due to the need of a database upgrade, OWB also has to be upgraded and the data warehouse that has been functional and stable for a long time on 10g needs to be migrated to 11g. So this is main deal:
    I just want to migrate all mappings and workflows and run them as before. I do not want to redeploy as that will force an enormous effort to regression test everything.
    So the OWB upgrade went seemingly well. Everything runs as before. The problem started when I tested deployment of a mapping and subsequently
    1. Deployment of a mapping goes well.
    2. Deployment of the process flow goes well.
    3. Deployment of a mapping that is run in a process flow however causes problems when the process flow is executed.
    The deployment goes well. However the mapping fails when I run the process flow with the following error:
    RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing: no rows found for select into statement.
    I subsequently sync the mapping in the process flow redeploy the process flow. Now ALL the other mappings in the process flow that have not been redeployed since the upgrade fails with the same error. However the one that failed before is executed correctly. If I redeploy all the other mappings (which can be dozens) it works, but now I'm faced with a serious regression testing period.
    Personally I have a couple of theories that I hope you can debunk or possibly verify.
    1. It might be location oriented. I say that because my locations are a bit... iffy. When I redeploy some mappings in some locations it always insists on redeploying the connector (regardless if I deploy it stand-alone right before), and my location passwords are never "remembered" between sessions.
    2. I do not have specific knowledge about how workflows are generated in the repository, but if it's run by ID, maybe a new ID is generated for the mapping when it is redeployed, and subsequently the process flow gets a new ID when it gets redeployed?
    I hope someone has seen this before and can get me on the right track. Thanks very much.

    Here is a log that also illustrates the problem.
    First workflow which does not have a redeployed workflow goes okay. That is WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020:MAP_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020.
    The second workflow, WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_030:MAP_BOOKED_PRODUCT_030, that is the one that has the redeployed mapping fails.
    2013/05/10-09:23:09-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Initializing execution for auditId= 4358142 parentAuditId= 4358137 topLevelAuditId=4358137 taskName=MAPPER_T_MAIN:WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020
    2013/05/10-09:23:09-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    2013/05/10-09:23:09-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.ProcessFlow'
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Thin driver connection time - 75 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Workflow equivalent DB Java Encoding = ISO-8859-1
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [41D041D][] Explicit garbage collection - requested
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358147: Processing execute request
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=5547904 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=7009408 Used Memory(percent)=56%
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [15261526][] Thin driver connection time - 75 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Initializing execution for auditId= 4358147 parentAuditId= 4358142 topLevelAuditId=4358137 taskName=WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020:MAP_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020
    2013/05/10-09:23:10-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    2013/05/10-09:23:11-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.PLSQL'
    2013/05/10-09:23:11-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] OCI driver connection time - 236 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:11-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] PLSQL callspec: declare "$MAP_ENV$" owbsys.wb_rt_mapaudit.wb_rt_name_values;begin "$MAP_ENV$"(1).param_name := 'OBJECT_ID';"$MAP_ENV$"(1).param_value := 206448;"$MAP_ENV$"(2).param_name := 'AUDIT_ID';"$MAP_ENV$"(2).param_value := 4358147;"$MAP_ENV$"(3).param_name := 'OPERATING_MODE';"$MAP_ENV$"(3).param_value := '0';"$MAP_ENV$"(4).param_name := 'PURGE_GROUP';"$MAP_ENV$"(4).param_value := 'WB';"$MAP_ENV$"(5).param_name := 'MAX_NO_OF_ERRORS';"$MAP_ENV$"(5).param_value := '50';"$MAP_ENV$"(6).param_name := 'COMMIT_FREQUENCY';"$MAP_ENV$"(6).param_value := '1000';"$MAP_ENV$"(7).param_name := 'AUDIT_LEVEL';"$MAP_ENV$"(7).param_value := '2';"$MAP_ENV$"(8).param_name := 'BULK_SIZE';"$MAP_ENV$"(8).param_value := '1000';"$MAP_ENV$"(9).param_name := 'CHUNK_PARALLEL_LEVEL';"$MAP_ENV$"(9).param_value := '0';"$MAP_ENV$"(10).param_name := 'CHUNK_EXECUTE_RESUME_TASK';"$MAP_ENV$"(10).param_value := 'false';"$MAP_ENV$"(11).param_name := 'CHUNK_FORCE_RESUME';"$MAP_ENV$"(11).param_value := 'false';"$MAP_ENV$"(12).param_name := 'CHUNKNUM_TIMES_TO_RETRY';"$MAP_ENV$"(12).param_value := '2'; ? := "STG_MAPPER"."MAP_BOOKED_PRODUCT_020"."MAIN"(p_env=>"$MAP_ENV$");end;
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] PLSQL Mapping completed auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Started Get Execution Results auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Return Result=0 auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Has Custom Parameters=false auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Completed Get Execution Results auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Started Report Execution Results auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] report_execution_result auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [15261526][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Completed Report Execution Results auditId=4358147
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=2954368 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=9602944 Used Memory(percent)=77%
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358147: Request completed
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [7F097F09][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] report_execution_result auditId=4358142
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=2225600 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=10331712 Used Memory(percent)=83%
    2013/05/10-09:23:12-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358142: Request completed
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [41D041D][] Explicit garbage collection - requested
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358159: Processing execute request
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=6296536 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=6260776 Used Memory(percent)=50%
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][] Thin driver connection time - 81 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Initializing execution for auditId= 4358159 parentAuditId= 4358137 topLevelAuditId=4358137 taskName=MAPPER_T_MAIN:WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_030
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.ProcessFlow'
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Thin driver connection time - 74 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:13-CEST [88E088E][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Workflow equivalent DB Java Encoding = ISO-8859-1
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [41D041D][] Explicit garbage collection - requested
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358164: Processing execute request
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=5425128 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=7132184 Used Memory(percent)=57%
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][] Thin driver connection time - 79 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Initializing execution for auditId= 4358164 parentAuditId= 4358159 topLevelAuditId=4358137 taskName=WF_BOOKED_PRODUCT_030:MAP_BOOKED_PRODUCT_030
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.InfrastructureException: RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    - no rows found for select into statement
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: no rows found for select into statement
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NO_ROW_SELECT_INTO(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         ... 6 more
    java.sql.SQLException: no rows found for select into statement
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NO_ROW_SELECT_INTO(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.InfrastructureException: RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    - no rows found for select into statement
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: no rows found for select into statement
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NO_ROW_SELECT_INTO(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         ... 6 more
    java.sql.SQLException: no rows found for select into statement
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
         at sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NO_ROW_SELECT_INTO(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.WarehouseObjectImpl.<init>(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [41D041D][] Free Memory(bytes)=3686600 Total Memory(bytes)=12557312 Used Memory(bytes)=8870712 Used Memory(percent)=71%
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [41D041D][] AuditId=4358164: Request completed
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] Thread terminating due to fatal exception of type oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.InfrastructureException
    2013/05/10-09:23:14-CEST [6F866F86][OWB_REPOWNER.OWB_REPOWNER] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.InfrastructureException: RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    - no rows found for select into statement

  • How to monitor the wrapper process flows

    I have a process flow(main wrapper) which contains the 2 child process flows(child_PF1, child_PF2). which looks like below.
    start -> Child_PF1 -> Child_PF2 -> end
    I am able to run the the process flows successfully. I want to monitor the process flows and the % of completion of the process flow.
    I am able to check the parent and child process flows seperately. I am unable to link the parent process flow to its child work flows. Can anyone explain how to link/track the Parent process flow to its child process flows.
    When i open the Parent process flow i was able to see the child process flow as an operator. But i was not able to view the contents child process flow further.
    Oracle Workflow server version is 2.6.4
    OWB version is
    Thanks in Advance,

    the following SQL works with OWB 10.2.
    SELECT to_char(x.created_on,' hh24:mi') as created_on,
           --x.root_id as r_id,
           sys_connect_by_path(x.map_name, '/') AS NAME,
           step_name as target,
           --x.map_name as map_name,
           x.number_records_updated + x.number_records_inserted + x.number_records_merged + x.number_records_deleted AS "#R",
           --x.number_records_selected AS "#S",
           --x.number_records_inserted AS "#I",
           --x.number_records_updated AS "#U",
           --x.number_records_merged AS "#M",
           --x.number_records_deleted AS "#D",
           NVL(x.elapse_time, round((x.updated_on - x.created_on) * 86400)) AS secs,
      FROM (SELECT r.top_level_execution_audit_id AS root_id,
                   r.parent_execution_audit_id AS parent_id,
                   r.execution_audit_id AS audit_id,
                   coalesce(substr(m.map_name, 2, length(m.map_name) - 2), r.execution_name) AS map_name,
                   s.run_status as step_status,
                   s.elapse_time as step_time,
                   p1.VALUE AS p1,
                   coalesce(e.run_error_message, msg.message_text, s.run_status, m.run_status, r.return_result, 'RUNNING') AS status,
              FROM all_rt_audit_executions r,
                   all_rt_audit_map_runs m,
                   all_rt_audit_map_run_errors e,
                   all_rt_audit_step_runs s,
                   (SELECT execution_audit_id,
                      FROM all_rt_audit_exec_messages
                     WHERE message_line_number = 1) msg,
                   (SELECT p.execution_audit_id,
                      FROM all_rt_audit_execution_params p
                     WHERE p.parameter_kind = 'CUSTOM'
                       AND p.parameter_name = 'OTIM_ID') p1
             WHERE 1 = 1
               AND r.execution_audit_id = p1.execution_audit_id(+)
               AND m.map_run_id = e.map_run_id(+)
               AND m.map_run_id = s.map_run_id(+)
               AND r.execution_audit_id = m.execution_audit_id(+)
               AND r.execution_audit_id = msg.execution_audit_id(+)) x
    WHERE 1 = 1
       AND x.created_on > trunc(SYSDATE) - 0
    CONNECT BY x.parent_id = PRIOR x.audit_id
    START WITH x.parent_id IS NULL
    ORDER SIBLINGS BY x.root_id DESC, x.audit_id DESC, x.step_id DESCMaybe your are lucky and it will work also with OWB 10.1.

  • RPE-01008 & RPE-01009 during Process flows execution

    I run a daily process to refresh my warehouse. This process is made up of a fairly large process flow package that calls up to 40 processes. I often get the RPE-01008 & RPE-01009 errors. Like I was advised previously, I checked the <OWB_HOME>log directory and got the following extract:
    22:48:03 [66718] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    22:48:03 [66718] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.PLSQL'
    22:48:03 [6F1474] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    22:48:03 [6F1474] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.PLSQL'
    22:48:03 [66718] PLSQL callspec: declare l_env wb_rt_mapaudit.wb_rt_name_values;function bool_to_char (val boolean) return varchar2 is begin if (val is null) then return null; else if (val) then return 'true'; else return 'false'; end if; end if; end; begin l_env(1).param_name := 'AUDIT_ID'; l_env(1).param_value := 711240; l_env(2).param_name := 'OPERATING_MODE'; l_env(2).param_value := '3'; l_env(3).param_name := 'MAX_NO_OF_ERRORS'; l_env(3).param_value := '50'; l_env(4).param_name := 'COMMIT_FREQUENCY'; l_env(4).param_value := '1000'; l_env(5).param_name := 'AUDIT_LEVEL'; l_env(5).param_value := '2'; l_env(6).param_name := 'BULK_SIZE'; l_env(6).param_value := '50'; ? := MAP_BILL_CLIENT_LINK.main(p_env=>l_env);end;
    22:48:04 [6F1474] PLSQL callspec: declare l_env wb_rt_mapaudit.wb_rt_name_values;function bool_to_char (val boolean) return varchar2 is begin if (val is null) then return null; else if (val) then return 'true'; else return 'false'; end if; end if; end; begin l_env(1).param_name := 'AUDIT_ID'; l_env(1).param_value := 711248; l_env(2).param_name := 'OPERATING_MODE'; l_env(2).param_value := '3'; l_env(3).param_name := 'MAX_NO_OF_ERRORS'; l_env(3).param_value := '50'; l_env(4).param_name := 'COMMIT_FREQUENCY'; l_env(4).param_value := '1000'; l_env(5).param_name := 'AUDIT_LEVEL'; l_env(5).param_value := '2'; l_env(6).param_name := 'BULK_SIZE'; l_env(6).param_value := '50'; ? := MAP_FLAG_SUBTOTALS.main(p_env=>l_env);end;
    23:15:03 [5DD521] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    <<no stack trace available>>
    23:15:03 [5DD521] report_execution_result auditId=710262
    23:15:04 [5DD521] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    <<no stack trace available>>
    23:15:05 [5DD521] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.RecoveryInProgress: RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress.
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.AdapterContextImpl.initialize(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    23:15:06 [5DD521] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    23:15:06 [5DD521] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.AbortedDueToSystemFailure: RPE-01009: Completion of this task could not be completed due to an earlier system failure.
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.NativeExecutionAdapter.execute(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    23:15:07 [237368] AuditId=710262: Request completed
    23:15:10 [237368] AuditId=711260: Processing execute request
    23:15:11 [3508DA] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    23:15:11 [3508DA] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.PLSQLProcedure'
    I see it is an out of memory error. Please how do you suggest we handle this error?
    I will really appreciate as prompt answer as it is impacting on timelines.
    Thank you.
    Warmest Regards,
    Ademola Rotimi,
    EDW, MTN Nigeria.

    I see the out of memory error which suggests that the runtime service is running out of memory. You can try to increase the memory allocated to the RTS.
    To stop/start the runtime services manually, please execute stop_service.sql or start_service.sql from <OWB HOME>\owb\rtp\sql directory. You must run this from the runtime repository DB user. To check the status of the runtime service, please use the service_doctor.sql script in the same directory.
    To increase the runtime memory, first stop the service by running stop_service.sql from the runtime repository schema, then editing the file <OWB HOME>\owb\bin\win32\run_service.bat (for Windows systems) or <OWB HOME>/owb/bin\win32/ for unix systems. In this file, please change the parameters at the bottom. Instead of:
    ${JAVAEXE} -Xms64M -Xmx256
    ${JAVAEXE} -Xms256M -Xmx1024
    or as much as the platform memory allows.

  • Kill process flow that is append

    Hi there,
    I've got a problem with a Process Flow that is append (I can see BUSY_FAILURE state on Repository Browser) and it doesn't allow me to launch another Process Flow.
    How can I kill the BUSY_FAILURE process?
    Thanks in advance

    l_audit_id number;
    l_busy number;
    l_count number;
    cursor c_audit_id is
         to_char(audit_deployment_id) as Audit_id
         audit_status in (
    for r_audit in c_audit_id loop
    l_audit_id := r_audit.Audit_id;
    select count(*) into l_busy from wb_rt_audit_executions
    where audit_execution_id = l_audit_id and
    audit_status not in (
    if l_busy <> 0
    while l_busy <> 0 and l_count < 30
    select count(*) into l_busy from wb_rt_audit_executions
    where audit_execution_id = l_audit_id and
    audit_status not in (
    end loop;
    end if;
    if l_busy <> 0
    dbms_output.put_line('warning: abort requested but not yet actioned');
    end if;
    end loop;

  • Passing paramater from process flow to unix script in owb

    I need help in calling a function the return value must be passed as a paramater to user defined activity operator in owb which would in turn run a unix script on the server which would use the paramater passed.

    hi let me give you some more infor about my proble.
    i have a unix script named caproc. The script would be passed a paramater. the script would be called from simple owb process flow and i need to pass the paramater to it.
    i have tested running other unix scripts and the are running fine.
    as you said to create a variable 'x' i did that and under paramater_list of the user activity operator under binding i selected the variable 'X'
    the process flow was valiadated fine and deployed but when i run it it gives me this error.
    RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    RPE-01038: Failed to evaluate expression declare "$LOOP_DETECT$" NUMBER := 0;function "COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL" return VARCHAR2 is "WARNING" NUMBER := 2;"RETURN_RESULT_NUMBER" NUMBER := NULL;"NUMBER_OF_ERRORS" NUMBER := 0;"SUCCESS" NUMBER := 1;"ITEM_TYPE" VARCHAR2(4000) := (owbsys.wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(305587));"ERROR" NUMBER := 3;"EVAL_LOCATION" VARCHAR2(4000) := (owbsys.wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(305590));"OK" NUMBER := 1;"FAILURE" NUMBER := 3;"AUDIT_ID" NUMBER := 305586;"RETURN_CODE" NUMBER := NULL;"NUMBER_OF_WARNINGS" NUMBER := 0;"ITEM_KEY" VARCHAR2(4000) := (owbsys.wb_rt_task_variable.get_value(305589));"RETURN_RESULT" VARCHAR(64) := NULL;"PARENT_AUDIT_ID" NUMBER := NULL;"OK_WITH_WARNINGS" NUMBER := 2;begin "$LOOP_DETECT$" := "$LOOP_DETECT$" + 1;if "$LOOP_DETECT$" > 2 then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Loop detected calling "COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL"');end if;return to_char(?'acac');end;begin :result := "COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL";end;. Please modify the expression, redeploy and retry again.
    Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 2
    i am pasting the xml script owb generates which might help someone to point me the problem
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Package SYSTEM "jar:file:/C:/product/11.1.0/db_1/owb/lib/int/rtpcommon.jar!/Package_dtd.txt">
    <Package Id="SPT_TRY" Name="SPT_TRY">
    <Application Id="A805FAF687910739AE04011AC69063028" Name="UX_SCRIPT">
    <FormalParameter Id="EXIT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <DeclaredType Id="EXIT_STATUS"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:COMMAND">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:PARAMETER_LIST">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:SUCCESS_THRESHOLD">
    <BasicType Type="INTEGER"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:SCRIPT">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:RESULT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <BasicType Type="INTEGER"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Function" Value="SHELL"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID"/>
    <Application Id="A81117E4A8F6699DAE04011AC680650B6" Name="UX_SCRIPT">
    <FormalParameter Id="EXIT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <DeclaredType Id="EXIT_STATUS"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:COMMAND">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:PARAMETER_LIST">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:SUCCESS_THRESHOLD">
    <BasicType Type="INTEGER"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:SCRIPT">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <FormalParameter Id="CFG:RESULT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <BasicType Type="INTEGER"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Function" Value="SHELL"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID"/>
    <WorkflowProcess Id="UX_SCP_CALL" Name="UX_SCP_CALL">
    <FormalParameter Id="EXIT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <DeclaredType Id="EXIT_STATUS"/>
    <Activity Id="UX_SCRIPT" Name="UX_SCRIPT">
    <Tool Id="A805FAF687910739AE04011AC69063028" Type="APPLICATION">
    <Split Type="XOR"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="805FAF687910739AE04011AC69063028"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName" Value="&quot;UX_SCP_CALL:UX_SCRIPT&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID" Value="&quot;{0}&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="262.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-219.0"/>
    <Activity Id="END_SUCCESS" Name="END_SUCCESS">
    <Tool Id="END" Type="APPLICATION">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="805FAF68790F739AE04011AC69063028"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="450.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-40.0"/>
    <Activity Id="START1" Name="START1">
    <Tool Id="START" Type="APPLICATION">
    <Split Type="XOR"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="805FAF68790E739AE04011AC69063028"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="-321.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-211.0"/>
    <Transition Id="TRANSITION_1" From="UX_SCRIPT" To="END_SUCCESS">
    <Condition Type="OTHERWISE"/>
    <Transition Id="TRANSITION" From="START1" To="UX_SCRIPT"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="805FAF687909739AE04011AC69063028"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:RootUOID" Value="&quot;805FAF687909739AE04011AC69063028&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName" Value="&quot;UX_SCP_CALL&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID" Value="&quot;{0}&quot;"/>
    <WorkflowProcess Id="COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL" Name="COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL">
    <FormalParameter Id="EXIT_CODE" Mode="OUT">
    <DeclaredType Id="EXIT_STATUS"/>
    <DataField Id="X">
    <BasicType Type="STRING"/>
    <Activity Id="END_SUCCESS" Name="END_SUCCESS">
    <Tool Id="END" Type="APPLICATION">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="81117E4A8F6999DAE04011AC680650B6"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="450.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-40.0"/>
    <Activity Id="UX_SCRIPT" Name="UX_SCRIPT">
    <Tool Id="A81117E4A8F6699DAE04011AC680650B6" Type="APPLICATION">
    <Split Type="XOR"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="81117E4A8F6699DAE04011AC680650B6"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName" Value="&quot;COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL:UX_SCRIPT&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID" Value="&quot;{0}&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="262.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-219.0"/>
    <Activity Id="START1" Name="START1">
    <Tool Id="START" Type="APPLICATION">
    <Split Type="XOR"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="81117E4A8F6499DAE04011AC680650B6"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:Position">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:XPos" Value="-321.0"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:YPos" Value="-211.0"/>
    <Transition Id="TRANSITION_1" From="UX_SCRIPT" To="END_SUCCESS">
    <Condition Type="OTHERWISE"/>
    <Transition Id="TRANSITION" From="START1" To="UX_SCRIPT"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="81117E4A8F6199DAE04011AC680650B6"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExtendedAttributes" Value="TASK_ID">
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:RootUOID" Value="&quot;81117E4A8F6199DAE04011AC680650B6&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:TaskName" Value="&quot;COPY_OF_UX_SCP_CALL&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:ExecStoreUOID" Value="&quot;{0}&quot;"/>
    <ExtendedAttribute Name="OWB:UOID" Value="805FAF687904739AE04011AC69063028"/>

  • URGENT:error while deploying a process flow

    EMP_COUNT is a mapping which i have deployed .
    when i try to deploy a process flow i get the following error:
    OMB05602: An unknown Deployment error has occured for Object Type API8028: No signature is available for mapping EMP_COUNT because the generation language is undefined. Please set the generation language property of this mapping, or generate this mapping to set the generation language property to a default value..
    thnx in advance

    Fast enough? ;-)

  • Cannot deploy process flow package specification from file

    we are using owb 11gr2 on linux. We successfully managed to deploy mappings and tables into a specification file, and then deploy from that file into the target database (RAC). But when we try to deploy a process flow package we run into an error:
    A process flow package can be deployed to a specification file. But a deployment from that specification file fails with the error: " OMB05623: Cannot deploy specification from file. Exception follows. nulll"
    ### SETUP
    set CONN_DESIGN "xxx"
    set CONN_TARGET_DESIGN "yyy"
    set CONN_TARGET_RT "xxx'"
    set DIR "D:\\tmp"
    set RELEASE "V0_2"
    set file "$DIR\\$RELEASE"
    set plan "FILE_DEPLOY_$RELEASE"
    ### Deployment via control center: works!
    ### Deployment via specificatin file: fails!
    ### OMB05623: Deployment von Spezifikation aus Datei nicht möglich. Exception folgt. null
    ###OMB05623: Cannot deploy specification from file. Exception follows. nullIf we use the operation DROP it works. But REPLACE and CREATE do not work.
    We get the error regardless whether the code is executed as an expert or on the command line at a windows client.
    Does anyone knows a workaround?
    Deployment via a specification file is a must due to license and architecture requirements.

    Its woked fine for me for OWB .... some steps are missing from code like
    when you are connecting again it should be
    OMBCONNECT CONTROL_CENTER $CONN_TARGET_RTI think you can try the same on different system .

  • A/R process flow with notice of readiness for shipment

    I'm trying to implement the following A/R process flow:
    - sales order
    - xx% A/R down payment invoice
    - notice of readiness for shipment
    - incoming payment
    - delivery
    - A/R invoice (xx% down payment to be deducted here)
    What's the best way to implement it?

    no, it's something different. It is because we want to be paid before shipping anything.
    In more detail:
    - we request a certain amount of down payment after the order and before starting production
    - we request final payment before we deliver goods

  • MM - PO process flow chart

    MM Gurus , Can any one help me to provide me with the MM  PO and Change PO process flow diagram .Pl send me the diagram or links to my email ID
    Thanks in advance .Will give you points
    [email protected]

    Dear James,
    Process Flow:
    1)Determination of Requirements: Through MRP, purchase requisitions
    2)Source Determination: helps you identify potential sources of supply, creating requests for quotation (RFQs
    3) Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations: The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios
    4) Purchase Order Processing: information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. scheduling agreements and contracts are also supported.
    5) Purchase Order Follow-Up: The system checks the reminder periods you have specified. up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.
    6) Goods Receiving and Inventory Management: Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number
    7) Invoice Verification: The system supports the checking and matching of invoices, and clearing invoices for payment.
    Flow Chart for PO & MM process :
    RFQ (ME 41) --> Maintain Quotation ( ME 47) -> Price comparision ( ME 49)>
    -->Create PR ( ME 51 N) --> Create PO ( ME 21N) --->
    > Good Receipt  wrt PO( MIGO)> Invoice Verification wrt PO ( MIRO)
    I hope this will suffice your need & if satisfied please reward points,

  • Demo on SAP Transportation Management Overview + End to End Process Flow by Navin Nadpurohit-SAP TM Consultant - Krypt Inc-a Leading SAP Supply Chain Company

    Hello All,
    Attached is the link explaining SAP Transportation Management Overview and a system demonstration of End to End Process Flow.
    TM Overview + End to End Process Flow - YouTube
    Thanks and best regards,

    Very Good Demo Navin

  • RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress in process flows.

    I am calling shell script as an userdefined activity in a process flows.
    All the process flows were working fine.
    Today, all the process flows wherever the shell script is called ended up with an error showing " RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress".
    Could any one please explain, what might be reason?
    Thanks in advance.
    Thank you,
    Gowtham Sen.

    we have exactly the same problem here.
    Does anybody have a solution?

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