Auto Time Changes?

Hi Guys,
Is it possible to automate a time change gradually from say 120 to 96 over a bar or two?
I thought I might be able to do this on an automated channel but I need it to apply across all tracks.
Any possibility of this being done in the hyper edit window, which I tried and was unsuccessful.
Any advise would be very helpful. Thank you

Sure. Select Global track in the Arrange -> View menu. Then select Tempo. In there, pick a Tempo alternative (you can have up to 9, I think). Using the pencil tool, create nodes for the beginning and end of the 120 -> 96 area. These tempo changes will be instant - in other words the tempo line will change abruptly. Now you can create curves into and out of your tempo change by just dragging the nodes to taste.
It's harder to explain than to do - once you're in global -> tempo alternative it'll be obvious after you've experimented a little.
Hope this helps.

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    Read here:

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    The image duration has to be entered in the Inspector as seconds and frames, not as a decimal. So, for example, if you are using the NTSC format each second is comprised of 30 frames (in reality, 29.97 frames). So if you want the image to be one and a half seconds you enter it as 1:15, which is one second and 15 frames. You can enter the time up to a maximum of x number of seconds plus 29 frames, such as 1:29 - you can't enter, say, 3:35 as that will actually represent 4 seconds and 5 frames and should be entered as 4:05 (note that a colon separates the numbers, not a decimal point).
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    Hi guys,
    Thanks for the replies. I was starting to wonder if it was just me having this issue. I'm saving to my work PC laptop (Lenovo), but has has this also on my Mac.
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    In the Pages Preferences > Auto Correction deselect Automatic list detection.

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    Hi Go to General Settings Date & Time set to Auto time zone. Cheers Brian

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    Thank you

    No chgs to make if you have already accepted the summertime defaults. Using CLI I will show the difference in the host cfg defaults between 5.1.3 and 5.1.4:
    sensor# conf t
    sensor(config)# ser host
    sensor(config-hos)# show set | begin summer
    offset: 60 minutes
    summertime-zone-name: CDT
    month: april
    week-of-month: first
    day-of-week: sunday
    time-of-day: 02:00:00
    month: october
    week-of-month: last
    day-of-week: sunday
    time-of-day: 02:00:00
    sensor# conf t
    sensor(config)# ser host
    sensor(config-hos)# show settings | begin summer
    offset: 60 minutes
    summertime-zone-name: CDT
    month: march
    week-of-month: second
    day-of-week: sunday
    time-of-day: 02:00:00
    month: november
    week-of-month: first
    day-of-week: sunday
    time-of-day: 02:00:00

  • I think I solved my time changing issues- hope this helps

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    So i went to the apple store to meet with an apple genius to ask him why my phone's time kept moving up 1 hour everytime I synced my phone. Well he said that he's never seen this problem before, and after a trying a reset and restore he let me exchange my phone. The problem is that when I went to sync my new phone the problem still persisted. They told me it was probably something to do with my computer and its time zone settings.
    So I get home and click on my computers clock in the bottom right hand corner to bring up the date and time properties and sure enought my time is correct, the date is correct and the time zone is correct (Eastern Daylight Time). So I look through the different tabs (Date & Time, Time Zone, Internet Time). The first thing I tried to do was to change where my computer syncs its internet time. It was originaly set on NIST time. I then switched it to Windows time, but this didn't do anything. My clock would still change when I synced to itunes. The next thing I tried was fideling around in the Time Zone tabs. I noticed that the box that says "Automatically adjust clock for daylight savings" was unchecked, so I checked it and my computer's time jumped an hour ahead. So I left the box checked but moved my clock one hour back (to the correct time), clicked on apply and left it at that. I synced my iPhone and voila! The time didn't change! It stayed on the correct time! To to make a long story short, make sure that you computer's clock is set on "automatically adjust clock for daylight savings changes, make sure your time zone is correct, and that the time is right when that box is checked. I hope this helps you. I'm glad I got a new phone out of the deal;)
    Chris P. "

    As I mentioned in my post, whenever I checked that box the time would be incorrect. It would move up an hour. I've messed with this along time ago, way before I got my iphone. I think this had something to do with the daylight savings change that was implemented this year or last year. I dont remember if I never tried correcting it before, or if I couldn't, but this time I didn't have any problems correcting it. Anyway, since I couldn't correct it back then, I just left the box uncheck and decided that I would change the time manually when the next time change occurs. But it seems to work fine now so all is well.

  • IdM Scheduler and Time Change to Daylight Savings Time GMT to BST

    This isn't really a 'question' , but just a topic for discussion.
    We're not live yet, but will be by the time the clocks go back. So I'm just interest to hear everyone's experiences and any issues with regards to the switching to / from DST
    I did some "interesting" (or not) tests last night to see what happens with Pending Values which are due to take effect at the time change threshold of 01:00 GMT when switching to Daylight Savings Time (BST) GMT +0100.
    It seems as if the IdM scheduler keeps going according to UTC or GMT. However any values provisioned to target systems or to local tables using the ddm.datetime8601 system variable are in local time according to the runtime server or SQL server's locale settings.
    I set up a task to output from a javascript the current system date
    using the following in the functions.
    currentTime = new Date();
    return currentTime.toString(); // returns Locale Time String
    currentTime = new Date();
    return currentTime.toUTCString(); // returns UTC Time String
    in the same pass I also output the ddm.datetime8601 system parameter and the ddm.time24 system parameter.
    This task was to update a comment on an entry and Scheduled to run at 00:00:00 and was executed at 00:00:06 GMT all times were still in GMT as expected.
    Local Time: Sun Mar 27 00:00:06 GMT-0000 (GMT) 2011, UTC Time: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 00:00:06 GMT, ddm.datetime8601: 2011-03-27T00:00:06, ddm.time24: 00:00:06
    This task was scheduled at 01:00:00 in IdM and was exectued at 01:00:08 GMT by the runtime, and you can see the local time is being correctly reported as 02:00:08 BST. Note also the ddmdatetime8061 is also 02:00:08 i.e. BST.
    Local Time: Sun Mar 27 02:00:08 GMT+0100 (BST) 2011, UTC Time: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:00:08 GMT, ddm.datetime8601: 2011-03-27T02:00:08, ddm.time24: 02:00:08
    In the database the entry values MXI_VALUES ModifyTime field has the GMT / UTC timestamp.
    I also set up some pending value objects to be applied at 00:59:59 and 01:30:00 to see if the 01:30:00 would be 'skipped' as the locl clock change would've gone from 00:59:59 to 02:00:00. Well the pending values were correctly applied and expired and no 'lost' transactions happened as a result of the change.
    So essentially it seems to me that the IdM runtime and scheduler times are all based on UTC / GMT.
    I guess it's only an issue twice a year if you're expecting something to happen at a specific local time 01:00:00 or if you've got a global user base and their account expiry should be in each user's own country's local time. In these cases, it would seem that you'd need to convert the schedule times and pending value times to UTC first before setting them in the database.
    Has anyone else had any issues, thoughts, questions or suggestioins on scheduling tasks which span the DST time change when switching to and from Daylight Savings Time.
    Edited by: Paul Abrahamson on Mar 27, 2011 10:51 AM

    Read here:

  • Multiple instances spawned after daylight savings time change

    This is a known issue and there is an SAP Knowledge Base Article created on this issue:
    1448881 - Multiple instances spawned after daylight savings time change
    Below is the information from the SAP Knowledge Base Article:
    Scheduled reports that are supposed to run once a day, run multiple times.
    Duplicate instances are being created.
    BusinessObjects Enterprise XIR2 SP5
    BusinessObjects Enterprise XIR2 SP5 + FP5.x
    Reproducing the Issue
    A report is scheduled to be run on a daily basis - this is a Recurring schedule.
    Normally the report runs once a day, at a particular time.
    After Daylight Savings Time change, the report runs at the specified time, but immediately after the successful instance, another instance is spawned.
    Many more instances spawn after each instance completes.
    This is a known issue: ADAPT01318487. This issue is because of DST and how our code handles this change.
    There is currently no known fix for this issue. There is however a script that can quickly resolve the problem.
    The issue it seems is related to Daily recurring schedules.
    What this script will do:
    it will run a query to display all your DAILY Recurring jobs
    you will have the option to choose your jobs and reschedule them by 1 hour
    you will then highlight the same job and change them back by 1 hour
    by modifying the schedule times, you are modifying the schedule itself and this will keep the issue of duplicate instances from occurring.
    Exact Steps to Complete:
    Stop the Job Servers.
    Double click on the .hta file.
    Change the System Name to that of your CMS name.
    Add the Administrator's password.
    Click Logon.
    Click List All Recurring Instances.
    Select All.
    Make note of what it says in: Schedule Selected Recurring Instances: Should be 1 hr earlier.
    Click Reschedule Selected Recurring Instances.
    Choose All instances again and change Schedule Selected Recurring Instances to 1 hour Later.
    Click Reschedule Selected Recurring Instances.
    Now start your Job Servers.
    The issue should not occur again.
    The Script is attached here, but please review the SAP Knowledge Base article 1448881 as well

    Hi Nicola,
    - The multiple spawned instances issue ONLY affects XI3 SP3+ only.  For XI3 SP1 and SP2 all Fix Pack levels this is not an issue as it was introduced as a problem in SP3.
    - 1568239 notes the Java version and can apply to all O/S environments and is updated to reflect that.
    If you are located in Europe you can also apply the patches in advance of the DST change to avoid the problem.  If you are in Americas at this point utilizing the clean up scripts for this year is the approach needed to clean up the spawned instances and reschedule the existing schedules.

  • Since Time Change, iCal and iPhone Calendar Time Are All Messed Up

    Ever since the most recent daylight-savings time change, I noticed all events I created in iCal, when synced with my iPhone, became an hour off. If I edit the event on the iPhone, it stays the correct time on my iPhone, but when it syncs with iCal again, the time on iCal goes off by another hour, even though the time for the event on the iPhone stays correct. (Hopefully that makes sense) Has anyone else experienced this problem? It is incredibly annoying, because now I have no trust in any of my calendar entries as to what the correct time is.
    As an example: I created an event for Sunday the 16th on iCal on my Mac for a 1-hour soccer game from 8:00PM - 9:00PM. When I synced my iPhone, I noticed a few days later that the event on my iPhone now said the event was from 9:00PM - hour off! I edited the event on my iPhone, and re-synced. Now my iPhone has the correct time (which I manually edited on the phone) but iCal now says the event goes from 7:00PM - 8:00PM. Again, an hour off, but in the reverse direction (an hour off early, rather than late). When I sync now, even though the times on the iPhone and the times on iCal don't match, they do not's as if either the computer or the phone didn't recognize daylight savings time or something, and thinks it has the correct time for the event. Both my Mac and my iPhone's clocks do display the correct time and date, however, so it's not like the system clock is off. It is completely bizarre, and I entered my entire teams schedule this way, so ALL games were off, and now is completely screwed up. Please help.
    Message was edited by: Hamster Huey
    Message was edited by: Hamster Huey

    Yes, I did. I posted an identical post in the iPhone forum since no one answered here.
    The first reply solved the problem. It involved the Time Zone setting in iCal Advanced preferences for me.

  • Need to add date/time stamp to file name without time change creating new files

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    I've attached a shot of the relevant part of our VI. It's all in a big while loop. The data save is in a case/switch so that when it is triggered it starts saving. (The for loop is to split the data up
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    TimeInFileNameQuestion.jpg ‏46 KB

    I need a loop in order to use a shift register. I cannot stop the outer while loop (because it would stop the hardware from collecting data), and I cannot add loops inside which bogs down the processor to where the app stops. I've attached a simpler version of my VI which illustrates the problem. While the button is pressed (the trigger) it should save the data (in this case just cycle numbers) into one file with the initial date/time. But, you can see that it creates 1 file/second. I tried using shift registers, but without adding extra loops I can't see how to do it. Thanks
    Attachments: ‏29 KB

  • Will my phone automatically go one hour ahead tonight for the time change? Also, if I set my alarm will it go off at the time it's supposed to, or an hour later?

    I live in ny and was wondering if tonight with the time change, will my iPhone automatically change the time? Also, if my alarm is set to go off in the morning, will it go off an hour later, or at the time that its supposed to?

    On your iPhone, go to Settings > General > Date & Time.
    If you have Set Automatically selected, the date and time for your iPhone is set automtically based on the tower your iPhone is connected to with your cell phone carrier.
    The date and time will be changed automatically on your iPhone based on your carrier changing the date and time at the tower your iPhone is connected with.
    If the date and time is changed automatically on your iPhone, the alarm wiil go off at the selected time for the alarm. If you need to ensure you don't miss waking up at the designated time, I would use a backup alarm that is not based on the date and time being changed by your cell phone carrier.

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