Automated Glossary Creation

Currently re-designing our publishing workflow from custom legacy FrameMaker system to InDesign.
Trying to work out best method of handling automated glossary creation. Currently using mark-up tags in Frame to create a numerical tag for reference to a Glossary term which can then be searched within Frame through a script and each term selected in a book/document to be defined. These terms are defined within a database and then can be searched within the data-base with reference to a specific document while also keeping the data-base current with all such defined terms.
Any similar type of tagging available in InDesign where a custom tag can be created with a numerical reference (or something similar)?
Have a load of other questions and would appreciate an Adobe publishing workflow consultant contact if such is available.

Here is a (horrible!) Javascript to add a tag to any selected text and automatically prompt for an attribute value. You need to add a basic XML framework around your text first, else it will Not Run. (Select a text frame, call up the Tags panel, and then select "Autotag" from the dropdown menu for a basic structure.)
In this script you might want to adjust the name of the XML tag (the first "tag" in the double 'add' line) and the attribute name ("id" in the second part of the 'add' line).
In this form, the script does not allow you to re-define a previously tagged item (use the Structure panel for that) or to remove a tag (use Untag in the Tags panel). Running it twice on a selected text will add a new nested tag! (But as always, anything is possible with a longer/smarter/less horrible script.)
if (app.selection.length==1 && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline") && app.selection[0].length)
tagId = prompt ("Tag with ID:", '');
if (tagId)
  app.selection[0].associatedXMLElements[0].xmlElements.add("tag", app.selection[0]).xmlAttributes.add("id", tagId);

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     Specific changes that have been made are marked with a comment starting with “Converter:”
      Creates a cluster with specified configuration.
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      .\New-HDInsightCluster.ps1 -Cluster "MyClusterName" -Location "North Europe"  `
          -DefaultStorageAccount mystorage -DefaultStorageContainer myContainer `
          -ClusterSizeInNodes 4
    workflow New-HDInsightCluster99 {
     param (
         # Cluster dns name to create
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
         # Location
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
         [String]$Location = "North Europe",
         # Blob storage account that new cluster will be connected to
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
         [String]$DefaultStorageAccount = "tavidon",
         # Blob storage container that new cluster will use by default
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
         [String]$DefaultStorageContainer = "patientdata",
         # Number of data nodes that will be provisioned in the new cluster
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
         [Int32]$ClusterSizeInNodes = 2,
         # Credentials to be used for the new cluster
         [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
         [PSCredential]$Credential = $null
     # Converter: Wrapping initial script in an InlineScript activity, and passing any parameters for use within the InlineScript
     # Converter: If you want this InlineScript to execute on another host rather than the Automation worker, simply add some combination of -PSComputerName, -PSCredential, -PSConnectionURI, or other workflow common parameters as parameters of
    the InlineScript
     inlineScript {
      $Cluster = $using:Cluster
      $Location = $using:Location
      $DefaultStorageAccount = $using:DefaultStorageAccount
      $DefaultStorageContainer = $using:DefaultStorageContainer
      $ClusterSizeInNodes = $using:ClusterSizeInNodes
      $Credential = $using:Credential
      # The script has been tested on Powershell 3.0
      Set-StrictMode -Version 3
      # Following modifies the Write-Verbose behavior to turn the messages on globally for this session
      $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
      # Check if Windows Azure Powershell is avaiable
      if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable Azure) -eq $null)
          throw "Windows Azure Powershell not found! Please make sure to install them from 
      # Create storage account and container if not specified
      if ($DefaultStorageAccount -eq "") {
          $DefaultStorageAccount = $Cluster.ToLowerInvariant()
          # Check if account already exists then use it
          $storageAccount = Get-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $DefaultStorageAccount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
          if ($storageAccount -eq $null) {
              Write-Verbose "Creating new storage account $DefaultStorageAccount."
              $storageAccount = New-AzureStorageAccount –StorageAccountName $DefaultStorageAccount -Location $Location
          } else {
              Write-Verbose "Using existing storage account $DefaultStorageAccount."
      # Check if container already exists then use it
      if ($DefaultStorageContainer -eq "") {
          $storageContext = New-AzureStorageContext –StorageAccountName $DefaultStorageAccount -StorageAccountKey (Get-AzureStorageKey $DefaultStorageAccount).Primary
          $DefaultStorageContainer = $DefaultStorageAccount
          $storageContainer = Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DefaultStorageContainer -Context $storageContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
          if ($storageContainer -eq $null) {
              Write-Verbose "Creating new storage container $DefaultStorageContainer."
              $storageContainer = New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DefaultStorageContainer -Context $storageContext
          } else {
              Write-Verbose "Using existing storage container $DefaultStorageContainer."
      if ($Credential -eq $null) {
          # Get user credentials to use when provisioning the cluster.
          Write-Verbose "Prompt user for administrator credentials to use when provisioning the cluster."
          $Credential = Get-Credential
          Write-Verbose "Administrator credentials captured.  Use these credentials to login to the cluster when the script is complete."
      # Initiate cluster provisioning
      $storage = Get-AzureStorageAccount $DefaultStorageAccount
      New-AzureHDInsightCluster -Name $Cluster -Location $Location `
            -DefaultStorageAccountName ($storage.StorageAccountName + "") `
            -DefaultStorageAccountKey (Get-AzureStorageKey $DefaultStorageAccount).Primary `
            -DefaultStorageContainerName $DefaultStorageContainer `
            -Credential $Credential `
            -ClusterSizeInNodes $ClusterSizeInNodes
    Many thanks

    it appears that [PSCredential]$Credential = $null is not correct, i to get the same
    error, let me check further on it and revert back to you.

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    Yes, after you create the fields, you can replace the pages with pages from a different PDF and any fields will be retained. This process can be automated with the doc.replacePages JavaScript method:

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    A couple of options. The first uses automator and a shell script, but you would run the workflow which asks for a folder name instead of you creating it first, as you requested. The second uses Folder Actions so that when you create a new folder in your clients folder it will ask for a name and create the folders.
    Automator Method:
    1) From Files and Folders, drag over a "New Folder" action.
    2) Enter a default name for the folder in the Name: field (or leave blank)
    3) Select your Clients folder in the Where: field
    4) Click the "Options" button and tell it to "show this action when the workflow runs"
    5) From the Utilities, drag over a "Do shell script" action
    6) Select the /bin/bash shell
    7) in the Pass input field select "As arguments"
    8) Enter this code mkdir -p $1/legal/ $1/spec files/ $1/correspondence/ $1/modules/ $1/graphic design/ $1/archived materials/
    Save this workflow and run it when you want to create the new folder. If you have quick keys, launch bar, Quicksilver, or the like, you could set up a shortcut...or, you can use cmd-space to call up spotlight and search for you workflow name and launch it from spotlight.
    For the Applescript option:
    I had some glitches with it in that it seemed to re-run the script after I changed the name. I couldn't figure out if the name change drove the script to run again. Also, after creating the new folder, you have to wait a few seconds for it to trigger. Kind of annoying, I thought.
    First, copy this script to a new Script Editor script (Applescript folder).
    property dialog_timeout : 30 -- set the amount of time before dialogs auto-answer.
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    tell application "Finder"
    set theFolder to item 1 of added_items
    set response to display dialog "Please enter a folder name:" default answer "New Client"
    if button returned of response is not "Cancel" then
    set the name of folder theFolder to (text returned of response)
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"legal"}
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"spec files"}
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"correspondence"}
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"modules"}
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"graphic design"}
    make new folder at folder theFolder with properties {name:"archived materials"}
    end if
    end tell
    on error theErr
    display dialog theErr
    end try
    end adding folder items to
    Save it as a script in your user/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ folder. Run the Folder Actions Setup script in the Applescript folder and attach this script to your "Clients" folder:
    1) Click on the Enable Actions checkbox
    2) Click the "+" button in the left pane and find your clients folder
    3) Click the "+" button in the right pane and find your script you just saved.

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    I am using the EXIT ‘EXIT_SAPLLCPP_001’. It is triggering during the transaction run. But it doesn’t serve the purpose.
    Can anyone help me to achieve this functionality?

    In Process Order Header Screen Go to ---> Log ---> On Release.Here you will find the detail error behind this problem.Go though it .Resolve it and then try to release the Process Order, and if required get back to us.
    Suppose reason may be,
    - Missing part
    - Missing Capacity
    - Batch Determination is required to perform.
    - Any User Exit (Other then std. SAP)

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    Ideally, I could load in a list that dictated all appropriate values (canvas size, color fill value, layer name?, file name, etc) and have Photoshop spit out a batch of files.
    Anyone have an idea for how this might be done? I would appreciate any thoughts/input.

    In xtools ( the file xtools/xlib/ColorSwatches.jsx has code in it that will read files in X11 rgb.txt format:
    ! $Xorg: rgb.txt,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:00 cpqbld Exp $
    255 250 250        snow
    248 248 255        ghost white
    248 248 255        GhostWhite
    245 245 245        white smoke
    245 245 245        WhiteSmoke
    220 220 220        gainsboro
    From there, you can load/create/save a Swatch Palette, .aco file, or whatever.
    It's all probably overkill for what you need. A CSV file with the info you need would be easy enough to parse and create your psd files from.

  • Automating account creation

    i've read the command line admin guide and have tried dscl and dsimport to handle LDAP account creation, but i was wondering about how others perform these tasks.
    are there "best practices" to follow in mass account creation? do you have any recommended techniques i should follow?
    thanks for your help.

    i just wanted to second passenger. I use it to create mass amounts of accounts and it really helps out. Plus you will be able to open up the document that it creates before you import it if you really want to see what an import document looks like with the headers and all.

  • Automating User Creation

    Hi - I've been working on the following script to automate creation of users. I want to run it as a scheduled task so the service desk guys don't have to spend the time. The way it sits currently it will create the user just fine. It fails when trying to
    set the LineUri. The error is:
    PS C:\Temp> C:\Users\wilson\Desktop\CreateUsers.PS1
    Set-CsUser : Management object not found for identity "Joffery McIntyre".
    At C:\Users\wilson\Desktop\CreateUsers.PS1:14 char:9
    +         Set-CsUser -Identity "Joffery McIntyre" -LineUri $phoneNumber
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-CsUser], ManagementException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ManagementException,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.Cmdlets.SetOcsUserCmdlet
    Set-CsClientPin : Cannot find user in Active Directory with the following SIP URI: "CN=McIntyre\, Joffery,OU=Administrative_Users,OU=All
    At C:\Users\wilson\Desktop\CreateUsers.PS1:15 char:9
    +         Set-CsClientPin -Identity $ID -Pin $phonePIN
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (CN=McIntyre\, J...eststeel,DC=com:UserIdParameter) [Set-CsClientPin], ArgumentException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Cannot find user in Active Directory with the following SIP URI: "CN=McIntyre\, Joffery,OU=Administrative_Users,OU=All Users,DC=fws,DC=weststeel,DC=com",Microsoft.Rtc.Management.UserPinService.SetOcsUserPinCmdlet
    import-module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1'
    $UserInfo = Get-CsAdUser -filter {enabled -ne $true} -OU "ou=all users,dc=fws,dc=weststeel,dc=com"
    foreach ($User in $UserInfo)
            $ID = $User.Identity
            $phoneNumber = $User.Phone
            $phoneNumber = $phoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]"
            $phoneNumber = $phoneNumber -match "^4"
            $phonePIN = "0" + $phoneNumber
            $phoneNumber = "tel:+" + $phoneNumber + ";ext=" + $phoneNumber
            Enable-Csuser -Identity $ID -RegistrarPool "" -SipAddressType EmailAddress -SipDomain
            Set-CsUser -Identity $ID -LineUri $phoneNumber
            Set-CsClientPin -Identity $ID -Pin $phonePIN

    Okay - I found that the problem was that the LineURI and PIN were both being set too quickly after account creation. Adding a sleep in there makes it run perfectly. It ran fine with 15 seconds, but I increased to 30 in case there is heavy load. The second
    part of the script removes users that have left the company.
    import-module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1'
    $UserInfo = Get-CsAdUser -filter {enabled -ne $true} -OU "ou=all users,dc=fws,dc=weststeel,dc=com"
    foreach ($User in $UserInfo)
            if ($user.WindowsEmailAddress -like '*')
            Enable-Csuser -Identity $User.Displayname -RegistrarPool "" -SipAddressType EmailAddress -SipDomain
            Clear-Variable -name extension
            Clear-Variable -name phoneNumber
            Clear-Variable -name UDN
            Clear-Variable -name phonePIN
            $UDN = $User.Displayname
            $phoneNumber = $User.Phone
                if ($phoneNumber.length -gt 4)
                        $phoneNumber = $phoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]"
                        $extension = $phoneNumber.Substring(6,4)
                        $phonePIN = "0" + $extension
                        $phoneNumber = "tel:+" + $extension + ";ext=" + $extension
                        Start-Sleep -s 30
                        Set-CsUser -Identity $UDN -LineUri $phoneNumber
                        Start-Sleep -s 30
                        Set-CsClientPin -Identity $UDN -Pin $phonePIN
                        Write-Output $UDN
    $RemoveUserInfo = Get-CsAdUser -filter {enabled -eq $true} -OU "ou=departed,ou=users,ou=archive,dc=fws,dc=weststeel,dc=com"
    foreach ($RemoveUser in $RemoveUserInfo)
            Disable-CsUser -Identity $RemoveUser.DisplayName

  • Automating mapping creation

    Is there a way to automate mapping creation. I need to create mappings for around 100 tables and they're all very simple. Just taking all columns from source view, and then doing truncate/insert into the target table, which has the same column names as the source view.

    I have done something like this before. We had views which matched target tables and wanted to generate the mappings. We did this using OMB+ and it worked out very well. Here is an editied excerpt from the script. We used a mapping template that had standard pre-mapping and post-mapping functions as well as some paramteres and other goodies all prototyped, so we built new mapping by copying the template, but you could do the same from scratch and build into your script whatever other details you want.
    Anyway, the basic heart of the code looked like:
        OMBALTER MAPPING '$MAP_NAME'  SET PROPERTIES (business_name, description) VALUES ('$MAP_NAME', 'Map to load table $TAB_NAME')
        log_msg LOG "Adding $VW_NAME View in the $MAP_NAME Map...."
        log_msg LOG "Adding Table...."
        #the following line of code will blank the hint value for each i mapp as it caused problems with partitioned tables and parallel loading.
        log_msg LOG "Linking Columns....\n"
        if [catch { set lst [ OMBRETRIEVE TABLE '$TAB_NAME' GET COLUMNS ] } errmsg] {
          log_msg OMB_ERROR "$errmsg"
        } else {
           foreach tcol $lst {
        log_msg LOG "Deploying: $MAP_NAME"
        OMBSAVENow, there was lots more to the script (importing objects from the database, connecting to the control center and location, etc. etc.) , but it shows you that it can be done.

  • Automating VM Creation Post Auto Deploy

    I asked a similar question over on the vCenter forum but I'm thinking it might be wise to post in this forum as well.  I'm trying to figure out how to create a VM from a template after an ESXi auto deploy is complete.  I thought vRealize Automation might be the way to go but I'm also wondering if there's a better way.

    I was talking with a guy on IRC #vmware and he pointed to the vRealize Auto Deploy plug-in that might be the way to go.  Posting the link here in case anyone else needs it...

  • Hiii exit for automated PR creation when doing SO

    I have a specific order type where when i create the order there will be an automatic creation of the PR.
    I have to fill in the purchase requisition EKGRP which i have already found the exit for it (EXIT_SAPFV45E_002)
    I also need when to fill in the EBAN-FLIEF value with the value found in the VBPA but at this stage of the exit the VBPA structure is empty?
    Can you please advise if there is another exit where i can do the modification ???/
    I have also found the the FM creating the PR no is ME_CREATE_REQUISITION_EXT.  I can put some enhancement but the problem it that i don;t have access to any of the sales data here except for the order No.

    You can check these user exits but not sure wheter it fit for your requirment.
    ME_CREATE_REQUISITION_EXT Functioan module actually used to create PR inside VA02. before oo calling this function module you need to find user exit and need to put your code.

  • Automated order creation druing GR + partner roles

    i have probleme. During making GR (automated order); the only partner role that is copied is Goods supplier (WL).
    When i create manualy PR; the Invoicing party (RS); Ordering address (BA)
    Goods supplier (WL) is coping.
    Why they arent coping when im making automated orders.

                                                                     Thanking you the update, I need to know that as during maintaining Partener Function  VN is maintained for Good Supplier , PI is maintained for Invoice Presenter, But as of now i did maintained the Partener Function as DP , here the description coming as " Log Service Provider" , Can u please explain that what is the actual role of this Partner DP ?
    Best Rgds,
    Edited by: sap11 on Feb 8, 2010 12:24 PM

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