Automatic itune update question

sometimes there is a message that says there is a new version of itune that you can download. It asks if you want to download now or later and there is also a box that can be checked or not checked asking if this message should appear again. by accident i clicked that this message should NOT appear again but now I don't know how to update itunes. I think there is this option that says check for itunes updates under help but i would like to get the automatic message thing again. (it's just easier for me). Any help would be appreciated. THanks in advance.
  Windows XP  

Open iTunes and go to Edit>Preferences>General and tick the box "Check for iTunes updates automatically"

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    Make sure you are running as the Administrator of the Account.
    Also...  See this User Tip by turingtest2
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    You have Synergy running? What happens when you don't have it running?
    Any utility, whether a widget, an application or whatever, that controls or gets status from iTunes has the potential to launch iTunes when you don't expect. The developers try to ensure it doesn't happen but it can still happen.

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    Probably a slow internet connection where your at
    the update is very large (700mb ish) so it can take a very long time to download (roughly the sice of 250 mp3s for example)
    Best bet is to go somewhere where else with wifi (starbucks, mcdonalds, etc) and try the update there

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    You go to add/remove programs on the control panel.
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    It should be pretty obvious. The program also starts a new process with a similar name.
    You don't have to remove it.

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    You forgot to include the link to the mp3 in your last episode.
    You are missing titles for all your episodes.
    You have a random <itunes:block> tag in your feed which could cause iTunes to block your whole feed.
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    turingtest2 wrote:
    The "missing file" thing happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, or that the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout, or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place.
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    In some cases iTunes may be able to repair itself if you go through the same steps and locate the lost track. It may then offer to attempt to automatically fix other broken links. Alternatively, as long as you can find a location holding the missing files, then you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes.
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    The location where itunes thinks my music file is:
    "file://localhost/C:/Users/MY NAME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/"
    The actual location where my music file is:
    "C:/Users/MY NAME/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/"
    This is weird because I have not moved my music and it was working fine before I upgraded to the new iTunes...
    My steps:
    1) update itunes to latest version
    2) plug in old phone take backup in itunes
    3) plug in new phone and restore from that backup
    I didn't notice the issue until I looked on my phone and all of music was missing from my phone along with playlists (minus the music I purchased directly from iphone/itunes.
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    I am concerned what to do about hearing no tone and the version of iTunes I thought it said it was going to install but when I checked About iTunes it says 10.6 (4.0)
    any help in this matter.  I am not the best when it comes to computer knowledge.

    Your explanations have clarified some things (including one misconception I had from not reading your post carefully enough -- I thought you had "hard shut down" by holding down the power button, no in rereading your post, it sounds like you did not do that but rather shut down in an orderly way, that was my misconception).
    I too was not aware of the Magsafe Power Supply issues, but it sounds like you would be well off to use that settlement check to obtain a new one. Hopefully that will resolve the charging issues you saw. I work somewhere where there are literally hundreds of Macbook Pro and Air laptops, all with these Magsafe adaptors, and I haven't seen any such complaints, but perhaps yours was part of a bad batch, it sounds like you're not the only one. (I have seen such chargers just wear out after 4-5 years, but then they just stop working altogether, versus the "charging/not charging" business you were seeing.)
    I am going to surmise that none of the Magsafe issues have anything to do with iTunes because iTunes is just an application that is not related to the way the laptop charges. I suspect it is a coincidence that the iTunes update happened around the same time. The Magsafe behaviors probably would have manifested themselves even if you had not done the update.
    Is your sound working in iTunes? Do you still not have boot up sound? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, you may want to read this Apple article  and consider doing a reset of your PRAM and/or NVRAM. I noticed that PRAM does control some sound settings and "attention tones" of the computer (which might include a startup tone perhaps).  Something to consider, it's hard to offer advice in these cases without being there in person to observe things. Good luck with all this.
    Before you do any resets on PRAM or NVRAM, do re-check your sound settings to confirm that the mute box is not checked. When my Macbook Pro mute box is checked, I get no startup chime also. You might consider checking the mute box, restaring, then unchecking it again just to see if that matters. One last thing -- some other posts in the Discussions involved Macs without a startup chime and people got their chime back after disconnecting or fixing a peripheral that was plugged in via USB or Firewire. I don't understand why that would be, but that is what they reported -- something else for you to consider.

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