Automatic startup/shutdown script - 3 Oracle Home

Hi All,
We have a server which has 3 Oracle Home - 8i/9i/10g.
So i am confused about configuring automatic startup/shutdown scripts.
Can you guys please let me know how to setup automatic startup/shutdown for these multiple Oracle Homes.

Bellow is a HP-UX script that can help. Create three scripts like oracle8, oracle9, oracle10 with correct path values. and than decide the runlevels and create soft links for the scripts you created, for example;
Under /sbin/rc3.d
ln -s /sbin/init.d/oracle10 S999oracle10
Under /sbin/rc1.d and /sbin/rc2.d
ln -s /sbin/init.d/oracle10 C9oracle10
$vi /sbin/init.d/oracle10
# NOTE: This script is not configurable! Any changes made to this
# scipt will be overwritten when you upgrade to the next
# release of HP-UX.
# WARNING: Changing this script in any way may lead to a system that
# is unbootable. Do not modify this script.
export PATH
set_return() {
if [ $x -ne 0 ]; then
echo "EXIT CODE: $x"
case $1 in
# Oracle listener and instance startup
echo -n "Starting Oracle: "
su - $ORA_OWNR -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0"
echo "OK DB started"
# Oracle listener and instance shutdown
echo -n "Shutdown Oracle: "
su - $ORA_OWNR -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0"
echo "OK DB shutdown"
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit $rval

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    작성날짜 : 1995-11-21
    시스템이 startup 하면서 오라클도 함께 startup하거나 시스템을 shutdown
    할 때 오라클도 같이 shutdown 하는 것이 가능하다. 그 방법은 OS마다 차이가
    있는데 여기서는 UNIX 에 기반한 여러 플랫폼에 대해서 알아보기로 한다.
    본 내용에서 가장 많이 사용되는 화일은 다음과 같다.
    /etc/oratab 또는 /var/opt/oracle/oratab
    dbstart 와 dbshut 은 오라클을 startup/shutdown 시키는 스크립트인데
    이것은 automatic startup/shutdown 시에만 사용하도록 하고 평상 시의
    경우에는 사용하지 않도록 한다.
    oratab 화일은 일반 텍스트 화일로서 시스템에 설치된 오라클 인스턴스에
    대한 정보를 가지고 있는데 보통 3개의 필드로 이루어져 있으며 첫번재
    필드는 ORACLE_SID, 두번째 필드는 ORACLE_HOME, 세번째 필드는 Y 또는 N
    으로 구성되어 있다. 해당 인스턴스를 autostartup 시키려면 꼭 Y로
    세팅되어 있어야 한다.
    System V 에 기반한 시스템은 /etc/rc<n>.d 디렉토리에 초기화 스크립트를
    가지고 있다. 여기서 <n> 은 해당 스크립트의 run-level 을 의미한다.
    일반적으로 run-level 0은 power shutdown mode 이고 run-level 2는 multi-user
    mode 이다. 각각의 디렉토리에 들어있는 초기화 스크립트는 다음과 같은 형태의
    이름을 갖고 있다.
    K{two-digit number][descriptive filename]
    예를 들면 S75cron, K30tcp 등이 있을 수 있다.
    S로 시작되는 스크립트는 startup 시에 실행되는 것이고 K 로 시작하는 것은
    shutdown 시에 실행된다.
    two-digit number가 의미하는 것은 스크립트가 실행되는 순서인데 숫자가 작은
    것부터 먼저 실행된다. 따라서 오라클 스크립트는 보통 다음과 같은 이름을 갖게 된다.
    S99oracle, K01oracle
    이와 같이 설정하면 시스템이 startup 될 때 모든 초기화가 끝난 후 마지막으로
    오라클이 startup 되며 시스템을 shutdown 할 때에는 오라클을 가장 먼저 shutdown
    하게 된다.
    BSD 에 기반한 시스템은 시스템이 startup 될 때 초기화 화일로
    /etc/rc*(예를 들면, /etc/rc, /etc/rc.local) 를 사용한다.
    시스템을 shutdown 할 때에는 보통은 /etc/shutdown 만 실행하게 되므로
    특별히 실행되는 스크립트가 없지만 /etc/rc.shutdown 이 실행되는
    플랫폼도 있다.
    이제 각 플랫폼별로 자세히 알아보기로 한다.
    주의 : <oracle_owner> 는 oracle owner id 로 대체
    <$ORACLE_HOME> 은 oracle home directory 명으로 대체
    (1)SunOS 4.1.3
    SunOS 4.1.3 에서는 /etc/rc.local 을 startup 스크립트로 사용한다. 즉
    시스템이 startup 되면서 /etc/rc.local 이 실행된다. 따라서 이 화일의 끝에
    다음과 같은 라인을 추가하면 된다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    예를 들어 oracle owner 가 oracle7 이고 $ORACLE_HOME 이 /home/oracle
    이라면 다음과 같이 해주면 된다.
    su oracle7 -c /home/oracle/bin/dbstart
    여기서 /home/oracle 대신에 $ORACLE_HOME 과 같은 환경변수를 이용하여
    세팅하면 안된다.
    SunOS 에서는 시스템이 shutdown 될 때 실행되는 스크립트는 따로 없다.
    따라서 dbshut 을 실행시키는 방법은 다음과 같은 스크립트를 만들어서
    시스템을 shutdown 시킬 때 /etc/shutdown 을 실행시키지 말고 대신
    이것을 실행시켜야 한다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    /etc/shutdown $*
    만약 오라클을 shutdown 하지 않고 시스템을 shutdown 하면 다음에
    오라클을 startup 하려고 할 때 startup이 되지 않는다. 이 경우에는
    $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef<SID>.dbf 화일을 지우고 startup 시키면 된다.
    /etc/inittab : 초기화 과정을 콘트롤
    /sbin/rc3 : run-level 3 에서 사용되는 script
    /sbin/rc0 : run-level 0 에서 사용되는 script
    /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle : /sbin/init.d/oracle 로 link
    /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle : /sbin/init.d/oracle 로 link
    /etc/initab 화일에는 초기화 과정에 대한 정보가 들어 있다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같다.
    s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    이렇게 설정하면 run-level 3 일 경우 /sbin/rc3 스크립트가 실행된다.
    /sbin/rc3 은 /sbin/rc3.d 디렉토리에 들어있는 스크립트를 실행한다. 만약
    스크립트 이름이 K 로 시작하면 이것은 stop 파라미터를 갖고 실행되어서 이
    스크립트에 지정된 프로세스를 정지시킨다. 한편, 스크립트가 S 로 시작하면
    /sbin/rc3 는 이 스크립트에 startup 파라미터를 부여하고 여기서 지정된
    프로세스를 실행시킨다. 따라서 /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle 을 사용하여
    dbstart를 실행한다.
    shutdown 과정도 거의 비슷하다. /etc/inittab 에 다음과 같은 라인을 추가
    s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 off < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    이것은 /sbin/rc0 를 실행시키는데 /sbin/rc0 는 /sbin/rc0.d 디렉토리에
    들어있는 스크립트를 실행시킨다. 스크립트의 이름이 S 로 시작하면 run
    time parameter 로 start 를 사용하게 되고 K 로 시작하면 stop 을
    따라서 /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle 스크립트는 stop 파라미터를 갖고
    실행되며 이 스크립트는 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 스크립트를 실행시켜서
    오라클을 shutdown 시킨다.
    /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle과 /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle은 모두 /sbin/init.d/oracle
    에 대한 symbolic link 이다. /sbin/init.d/oracle 에 대한 symbolic link 는
    이들 외에 더 있을 수 있다.
    (3)Solaris 2.3 & SCO UNIX
    /etc/inittab : 초기화 과정을 콘트롤
    /etc/rc2 : run-level 2 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc0 : run-level 0 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart : /etc/init.d/dbstart 에 대한 link
    /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut : /etc/init.d/dbshut 에 대한 link
    Solaris 의 경우는 OSF/1 과 매우 유사하다. 차이점이라고 한다면 /sbin
    디렉토리 대신에 /etc 디렉토리에 필요한 스크립트가 들어있다는 것이다.
    rc0.d, rc2.d 같은 디렉토리는 실제로 /etc 디렉토리에 위치하고 있으며
    rc0, rc2 와 같은 스크립트는 /etc/init.d 에 존재하는 같은 이름의 스크립트에
    대한 symbolic link이다.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart 와 /etc/init.d/dbshut 스크립트의 내용은 각각 다음과
    같이 한줄로 구성되어 있다.
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    Solaris 에서는 start, stop 같은 파라미터는 /etc/init.d/dbstart,
    /etc/init.d/dbshut 에서는 무시된다.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart, /etc/init.d/dbshut 화일은 owner가 oracle owner id
    이여야 한다.
    /etc/init.d/README 를 읽어보면 좀 더 자세한 내용이 설명되어 있으니 참조하기
    /etc/inittab : 시스템 초기화 화일
    /etc/rc : 시스템 초기화 스크립트
    /etc/mkitab : /etc/inittab 을 수정하는 유틸리티
    /etc/shutdown : 시스템 shutdown 스크립트
    AIX 에서는 오라클 autostartup 방법은 여러가지가 가능하지만 shutdown 은
    한가지만 가능하다. 우선 autostartup 은 다음과 같은 방법 가운데 하나를
    사용하면 된다.
    a)/etc/mkitab 를 사용하여 /etc/inittab 에 entry 를 추가한다. 즉,
    /etc/mkitab "<oracle_owner>:2:wait:/bin/su <oracle_owner> -c
    <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart > /dev/console 2>&1"
    이렇게 하면 /etc/inittab 화일에 dbstart 기능이 추가된다. 이렇게 하면
    시스템이 뜨면서 run-level 2일 경우 오라클이 자동으로 startup 된다.
    b)다음과 같은 방법도 가능하다.
    /etc/mkitab "rcoracle:2:wait:/etc/ > /dev/console 2>&1"
    그리고, root 소유의 /etc/ 스크립트를 다음과 같이 작성한다.
    su <oracle_owner> <<EOF
    c)/etc/rc 스크립트의 마지막에 다음을 추가한다.
    /bin/su <oracle_owner> - c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    AIX 에서 시스템 shutdown 은 /etc/shutdown 에 의한다. 시스템을 내릴 때
    오라클을 shutdown 하려면 별도의 시스템 shutdown 스크립트(root 소유로)를
    다음과 같이 만들어서 /etc/shutdown 을 사용하지 말고 이것을 사용해야 한다.
    /bin/su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    /etc/shutdown $*
    /etc/rc : 시스템 startup 화일
    /etc/shutdown : 시스템 shutdown 실행 화일
    /etc/shutdown.d : 시스템 shutdown 디렉토리
    HP/UX 에서는 시스템 startup 시에 /etc/rc 가 실행된다. 따라서 다음 라인을
    /etc/rc 스크립트의 마지막에 추가하면 auto startup 이 가능해진다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    시스템의 shutdown 은 /etc/shutdown 화일을 실행하여 수행된다. 이 프로그램은
    /etc/shutdown.d 디렉토리에 들어있는 스크립트를 실행시키는데 다음과 같은
    세 가지 방법 가운데 하나로 auto shutdown 을 세팅할 수 있다.
    a)$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 화일을 /etc/shutdown.d 디렉토리 아래에 copy
    b)/etc/shutdown.d/dbshut 을 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 으로 symbolic link 지정
    c)다음과 같은 스크립트 작성
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    단,이 스크립트는 root의 소유이고 root에 의해서만 실행 가능해야 한다.
    만약 V6 와 V7 을 동시에 사용하는 경우라면 V7 에서 제공하는 dbshut을
    사용하도록 한다.

    Dear Alexdelarg,
    First launch the "Services" applet from the Windows NT Control Panel. Double-click on the "OracleService<SID>" service and verify that "Startup Type" is set to "Automatic", "Log On As" is set to "System Account", and that the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" check box is disabled.
    Then launch REGEDIT and check that the Value String ORA_<SID>AUTOSTART within the key My Computer\HKEYLOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE is set to "TRUE".
    If the above does not rectify your startup problem, try issuing the following command from the Command Prompt:
    <ORACLE_HOME>\bin\oradim -edit -sid <SID> -startmode auto
    where <ORACLE_HOME> is the full path of your Oracle8i Server software and <SID> is the Service Identifier of your database.
    Hope this helps!

  • Oracle 8i Automatic Startup/shutdown on NT

    After installing Oracle 8.1.6 on Win NT/2000 and creating a database a new service is created too (OracleServiceSID). My problem is that this new service (which works like oradim starting srvc,inst) does not startup the db when rebooting the machine. I need always manual startup/shutdown with a script that uses svrmgrl while in Oracle guides it seems that would be enough to start the service. Every parameter in the registry is set according to these guides to permit automatic startup/shutdown but only the service, not the db, starts and stops automatically. Where is my error?

    Dear Alexdelarg,
    First launch the "Services" applet from the Windows NT Control Panel. Double-click on the "OracleService<SID>" service and verify that "Startup Type" is set to "Automatic", "Log On As" is set to "System Account", and that the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" check box is disabled.
    Then launch REGEDIT and check that the Value String ORA_<SID>AUTOSTART within the key My Computer\HKEYLOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE is set to "TRUE".
    If the above does not rectify your startup problem, try issuing the following command from the Command Prompt:
    <ORACLE_HOME>\bin\oradim -edit -sid <SID> -startmode auto
    where <ORACLE_HOME> is the full path of your Oracle8i Server software and <SID> is the Service Identifier of your database.
    Hope this helps!

  • Oracle Automatic Startup & Shutdown

    My automatic Database startup/Shutdown script won't work while system reboot. I have Oracle 8.1.7/Sun solaris. When I ran the script by hand it works fine both for startup and shutdown but not while system reboot. I am putting the script in the proper run levels rc0.d and rc3.d.
    even /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle and /etc/rc3.d/S90oracle is working fine.
    Could someone please tell me what am i missing.
    Appreciate your help

    Have you settled your issue? I would think the problem was caused by the environment under which the script was run. Normally the rc scripts are run as root and the PATH will not be set to run Oracle executables. So inside the script if you run the startup script as the user who has execute permission to the Oracle executables and whose path is SET in .profile then it should work.

  • Startup/Shutdown script for OBIEE 11g on Linux

    Hi all,
    as a follow-up to [url]an earlier thread by some fine gentleman, I have improved the original startup/shutdown script for Linux a bit, making sure that all processes are handled correctly. The script has been tested and works fine on CentOS 5.5 with Oracle BI in a clustered configuration. Instructions:
    Manual start/stop:
    > service obiee start
    > service obiee stop
    > service obiee status
    Automatic start/stop during boot sequence:
    > chkconfig --add obiee
    > chkconfig obiee on
    Note that in order for the procedure to go through smoothly, you need to provide the admin credentials (username/password, defaulting to weblogic/weblogic) in three different places:
    1. In configuration file <FMW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<domain name>/servers/AdminServer/security/ for the administration server;
    2. In script <FMW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<domain name>/bin/ (variables WLS_USER and WLS_PW) for the managed server;
    3. In the startup script itself (variables BIEE_USER and BIEE_PASSWD) for shutting down the managed server.
    Complete logs are available in /var/log/obiee-start (-stop).log files.
    Please comment as necessary,
    # File:    /etc/init.d/obiee
    # Purpose: Start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence 11g components.
    # chkconfig: 2345 99 10
    # description: Manage OBIEE service.
    # These values must be adapted to your environment.
    ORACLE_OWNR=oracle                  # Local Unix user running OBIEE
    ORACLE_FMW=/home/oracle/biee        # Deployment root directory
    BIEE_USER=<username>                # BIEE administrator name
    BIEE_PASSWD=<password>              # BIEE administrator password              
    BIEE_DOMAIN=<domain name>           # Domain name
    BIEE_INSTANCE=instance1             # Instance name
    BIEE_SERVER=bi_server1              # Server name
    BIEE_MANAGER_URL=<hostname>:7001    # Admin server URL (hostname:port)   
    # These should require no change.
    start() {
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Starting Admin Server on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$BIEE_PATH/" &
        wait_for "Server started in RUNNING mode"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Starting Node Manager on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$WL_PATH/" &
        wait_for "socket listener started on port"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Starting Managed Server $BIEE_SERVER on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        wait_for "Server started in RUNNING mode"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Starting BI components on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "OBIEE start sequence completed on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
    stop() {
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Stopping BI components on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Stopping Managed Server $BIEE_SERVER on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Stopping Node Manager on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        pkill -TERM -u $ORACLE_OWNR -f "weblogic\\.NodeManager"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "Stopping Admin Server on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$BIEE_PATH/"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
        echo "OBIEE stop sequence completed on $(date)"
        echo "********************************************************************************"
    wait_for() {
        while [[ ! $res -gt 0 ]]
            res=$(tail -5 "$START_LOG" | fgrep -c "$1")
            sleep 5
    case "$1" in
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            echo "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence on $(date)"
            echo "Logs are sent to $START_LOG"
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            start &> $START_LOG &
            touch /var/lock/subsys/$SUBSYS
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            echo "Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence on $(date)"
            echo "Logs are sent to $STOP_LOG"
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            stop &> $STOP_LOG
            rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$SUBSYS
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            echo "Oracle BIEE components status...."
            echo "********************************************************************************"
            su $ORACLE_OWNR -c "$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status"
            $0 stop
            $0 start
            echo "Usage: $(basename $0) start|stop|restart|status"
            exit 1
    exit 0

    You can use WLST to start/stop BI Services and it works on both Linux and Windows.
    Following link has the sample -

  • Automate startup/shutdown thru script on windows

    WIndows 2003
    I am new to oracle on windows.
    Is there way to automated startup/shutdown database thru script on windows?
    I want to schedule this task at perticuler time.

    You have to come up with your own script to shutdown.
    There's a sample here
    [Start / Shut Oracle with a Click (Windows Script) |]
    Edited by: yingkuan on Oct 9, 2008 5:05 PM

  • Automatic Startup/shutdown

    Hi All
    Please I am trying to enable this feature, startup automatically with the system startup
    I am using Oracle enterprise linux, the user with it we startup weblogic is root
    it's impossible to add something in .profile_bash of oracle user (oracle user exists)
    either in /etc/rc.local , nothing occured when I add the startup command on the bottom of the file
    Any idea please?

      Follow the below procedure,
    1. Create a startup script like startWebLogicAdmin which would contain the below
           su - wlsadmin -c "<DOMAIN_HOME>/bin/"
          Remember to replace the <DOMAIN_HOME> directory with the actual directory
    2. Now place the script in /etc/init.d/ and make sure to give the full execute permission to this file
    3. Now create a soft link point to the run level of your system
        ln -s /etc/init.d/startWebLogicAdmin /etc/rc2.d/S28startWebLogicAdmin
    Remember S is used for startup and K is used during shutdown
    4. You can then check if the startup service is properly configured using corresponding unix level flavor
    chkconfig --list startWebLogicAdmin

  • GPO Startup/Shutdown scripts not running

    I am running server 2003 SBS with windows 8.1 Pro workstations.
    My workstations run 1 start-up script and 2 shutdown scripts. All are BAT files.
    They were all working fine last week before I ran the update for 8.1.1, now they do not run at the appropriate time on any of those systems. However, if I execute them manually they work as expected.
    I have checked to see if the BAT files are still located in the GPO and they are there. They are stored locally on each machine, I have even tried to delete and re-add them and then run GPUPDATE to no avail. 
    Any help here would be great, as they deal with local encrypted containers and are specific to each workstation.

    Hi Sebastian,
    Thanks for posting.
    Whether the GPO with start-up/shutdown scripts are linked to the OU containing computers?
    FYI -  Logon/Logoff scripts could only be applied to users, whereas Start-up/Shutdown scripts applies to computers.
    Also, checkout the below thread on similar discussion,

  • Startup/Shutdown script for OBIEE on Linux

    There was a very good thread on start/stop scripts for Oracle BI that can be found at OBI11. is out and I tried to use the scripts in the post to start OBI after system reboot. I did the following
    1) saved the scripts modified with my environemnt variables in /etc/init.d
    2) login as root
    3) issue command, and got in std out right away
    # service obiee start
    Starting Oracle Business Intelligence on Tue Sep 27 10:39:31 PDT 2011
    Logs are sent to /var/log/obiee-start.log
    4) check the log file
    [oracle@cchdb ~]$ tail -f /var/log/obiee-start.log
    at Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <Sep 27, 2011 10:39:54 AM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FAILED>
    <Sep 27, 2011 10:39:54 AM PDT> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000383> <A critical service failed. The server will shut itself down>
    <Sep 27, 2011 10:39:54 AM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN>
    5) Check running processes
    [root@cchdb oracle]# ps -fe|grep obiee
    root 9332 1 0 10:39 pts/2 00:00:00 /bin/bash /etc/init.d/obiee start
    oracle 9452 9179 0 10:39 pts/1 00:00:00 tail -f /var/log/obiee-start.log
    root 9481 9305 0 10:40 pts/2 00:00:00 grep obiee
    OBI is not started. Can some one help ?

    Tried various things and has a work around.
    First of all, cannot make WLST work for me. Then tried manually step by step as described in reference that is in fact agree with document e10541.
    1) Start Admin Server and response to prompt to username/password
    <BI Domain Home>/bin/
    2) Start node manager
    3) Start managed Server with Weblogic Server Admin Console
    4) Start System Components with opmnctl
    ./opmnctl startall This works with the following notes1) Do step one in backgroumd not work, cannot response the username/password prompt properly.
    2) If change WLS_USER and WLS_PW in <BI Domain Home>/bin/ as in the reference cited abover, step 1 still prompt for username and stops right after username is provided.
    3) Step 3 does not work if use command line
    <BI Domain Home>/bin/ bi_server1 http://<admin_server_host_name>:7001
    Has to use UI tool Weblogic Server Admin Console.  Question1) How to provide username/password to to allow run it in background
    2) How to provide username/password to to allow run it in background

  • TREX startup/shutdown script for Windows 2003

    Hi ,
    I am looking for a script that would do a startup/shutdown of TREX servers/services on  Windows 2003.  I am not sure if I have posted this on the right forum.  Also, why is the TREX hanging and going into a dormant mode when not used?
    Is there a SAP note for the above.
    Would really appreciate any assistance.
    Thank you.
    Ramesh Srinivasan.

    Hi again,
    sorry my bad, I misunderstood your question. Indeed what the script does now is wait for the different components of BIEE to start and stop, whatever time they take for that. On my system (a dual-quad DL380 with 64GB RAM) the whole process still takes about 4 min. However this should not be too much of a pb to you since this BI reboot operations should really be exceptional, not much more frequent than system or database reboots in fact.
    On the other hand the BI processes restart from within Fusion Middleware Control are much more frequent and should be much quicker (about a couple dozen seconds).
    Maybe by looking at the startup logs (/var/log/obiee-start.log) you may identify some time-consuming operation. I remember that during initial setup I had some long timeouts when the managed server tried to contact the admin server on port 7001 and could not for whatever reason (firewall for instance). One thing to do might be to watch the startup process in real time by monitoring the log file (tail -f /var/log/obiee-start.log).
    Hope this helps,

  • Automatic startup/shutdown failed. Running the script

    DB: Oracle9i
    Os: solaris 9
    /etc/rc0.d K05oracle -> /etc/init.d/oracledb
    /etc/rc3.d SS85oracle -> /etc/init.d/oracledb
    Oratab: i have put yes.
    Please help to resolve this issue...where can i check the startup log?
    what else i need to check?

    Thanks for your reply....
    case "$1" in
    # Sets ORACLE_HOME to latest version on machine
    # ORACLE_HOME="`cut -d ":" -f 2 /var/opt/oracle/oratab | sort | tail -1`"
    ORACLE_HOME=`grep -v "^#" /var/opt/oracle/oratab|grep -v "^$"|cut -d ":" -f 2 | sort | tail -1`
    export ORACLE_HOME
    # If you are running Oracle's Multi-Threaded Server, the SQL*Net
    # listener service must be started before the database is started.
    # If it is not, your dispatcher(s) will not start.
    if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart ]
    echo "Starting up Oracle databases."
    su oracle -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start"
    su oracle -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart"
    echo "Can't find Oracle startup file."
    # Sets ORACLE_HOME to latest version on machine
    ORACLE_HOME="`cut -d ":" -f 2 /var/opt/oracle/oratab | sort | tail -1`"
    export ORACLE_HOME
    if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut ]
    echo "Shutting down Oracle databases."
    su oracle -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut"
    su oracle -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop"
    echo "Can't find Oracle shutdown file."
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/database { start | stop }"

  • EP6.0 SP2 startup/shutdown scripts for Windows/MMC

    Does anyone have scripts to automate the starting/stopping of EP6.0?  I'm using the Startup Framework to start/stop EP6.0 manually but need an automated process to use for scheduled backups.  There is a document called "Startup and Shutdown of Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2" that specifies the command "shutdown -h localhost:<p4 port>" which shuts down the portal but the processes automatically restart.  I've tried using jcontrol in a batch file to start the portal but the red-yellow-green status in MMC does not reflect the status of the portal when it's started outside MMC.  Any feedback would be welcome.
    Kind regards,
    Rex L. Farris

    Hi Rex,
    please have a look at the note 748713: Central note - Usage of startup framework with EP 60 SP2.
    It states that unattendes shutdown is not supported in Windows Environment.
    Anyway you can:
    - follow the hint suggested in the note to manage start / stop of the portal;
    - use startsap / stopsap commands with this syntax:
       stopsap name=<instance> nr=<nr> SAPDIAHOST=<hostname>
    Hope this can help,

  • Start up and shutdown scripts for Oracle R12 in Windows XP

    I succesfully installed R12.1.1 in Windows XP and logged onto the Vision without any issues. But after restarting my PC, I am unable to restart (I dont know how to restart) the services.
    I see the other threads that talk about the same scripts in Linux environment.
    If anyone knows - how to start and shutdown R12 services in Windows environment, Plz share.
    Edited by: SanDan on Jul 13, 2012 10:08 AM

    SanDan wrote:
    I succesfully installed R12.1.1 in Windows XP and logged onto the Vision without any issues. But after restarting my PC, I am unable to restart (I dont know how to restart) the services.
    I see the other threads that talk about the same scripts in Linux environment.
    If anyone knows - how to start and shutdown R12 services in Windows environment, Plz share.Managing Server Processes

  • Instance startup / shutdown (Solaris 9 Oracle 9i)

    Morning Guys, How was the weekend? Hope everybody enjoyed.
    I have 2 instances running in one machine. I have just performed a shutdown but only 1 intance is down the other one is still running, how do I shutdown the other one as well. The same goes for Startup can I perform the startup for both of the instances seperately.
    Thank you.

    Are the 2 instances running on 2 databases?
    if yes simply connect to each database by user sys@service_name and shut it down.
    conn sys/sys_pass@service_name1 as sysdba
    shutdown immediate;
    conn sys/sys_pass@service_name2 as sysdba
    shutdown immediate;

  • Oracle 10g automatic startup in Solaris 10

    Good afternoon,
    I've installed Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition Server on a server with Solaris 10. I'm trying to configure the automatic startup/shutdown. I've changed dbstart script. I've prepared dbora script and I've created the necessary link to this script in the rc*.d directories.
    When I launch dbora start or dbora stop everything is ok, but when I reboot my machine nothing happens.
    My dbora script is as follow:
    if[ ! -f $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart ]
    echo "Oracle startup: cannot start"
    case "$1" in
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/emctl start dbconsole"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl start"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl stop"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop"
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c "ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut"
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    I think that I've found the problem but I need your help. The problem is related to the listener. The file listener.ora doesn't exist!!! In fact the listener starts perfectly when I type the command lsnrctl start, but I don't understand why this file doesn't appear :-O. And of course neither the file sqlnet.ora exists.
    I've create these files and I'm going to check. But could you tell how to configure sqlnet.ora to get the file listener.trc?
    Thanks in advance.

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