Automatic write to disk option?

Hi there,
I was just wondering, is there any sort of option in TimesTen that flushes changes to the database to disk, as soon as possible? Such an option might be useful in failure situations, say, if a server crashes or has a power failure, to minimize the amount of lost changes, though at a possible cost in performance.

TimesTen provides the full ACID properties you can use, and DurableCommit is an attribute you can set for your connection; but as you said, it's at a major cost of performance. There is also a built-in procedure called ttDurableCommit that can be called from the application. Calling this builtin flushes the current transaction and all previously committed transactions in the transaction log buffer to disk.
Note that the transaction log manager has a background log flusher that continuously flushes the transaction log data to disk as fast as it can, so you don't really need to do the periodic durablecommit calls yourself.
For high availability, you can use Replication 2-SAFE to ensure no-data-loss with any single point of failure. Using Replication 2SAFE is actually faster than using durable commit on every transaction.
Using DurableCommit to guard against data loss due to power failure is NOT a good use of TimesTen.

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  • "Date Modified" for all files being changed if "Automatically write to XMP" is on

    Recently upgraded from LR3 (v3.4.1) from LR2 on OSX 10.6.8 and have always had Catalog Settings > Automatically write changes into XMP turned on.
    When browsing existing JPG files in my Library (no Develop changes, no keywording, no Presets, no Import), LR3 is writing to disk — i.e., when I look at files in Finder, almost every viewed file’s “Date Modified” is being set to today’s date and time. (It actually creates a .swp file, then changes it's name back to .jpg)
    This is really bad, as it's making it impossible for me to use Finder to figure out when I last worked with a file, it is triggering needless Time Machine and Backblaze backups, and unnecessarily churning my disk.
    If I turn off "Automatically write..." this behavior stops. Per David Marx at, I tried turning off this preference, manually doing a "Save Metadata to File" for all files, letting that complete, then turning the preference back on. This does not solve the problem.
    Per a suggestion at, I used ExifTool to see what changes LR was writing to a sample file; from the diff below, you can see that LR is adding a bunch of new fields as well as moving other fields around. But my point is that LR3 should never overwrite a file on disk if all I am doing is browsing thru them.
    Is anyone else seeing this? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
    -- David
    diff Exif5609_original Exif5609_update
    < FileName: DSC_5609_original.JPG
    > FileName: DSC_5609_update.JPG
    < FileModifyDate: 2009:11:27 21:32:54-08:00
    < FilePermissions: rwxr-xr-x
    > FileModifyDate: 2011:08:07 22:06:47-07:00
    > FilePermissions: rw-r--r--
    > ShutterSpeedValue: 1/200
    > ApertureValue: 7.1
    < SerialNumber: 3209521
    < Lens: 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
    < UserComment:
    < SubSecTime: 00
    < SubSecTimeOriginal: 00
    < SubSecTimeDigitized: 00
    > XMPToolkit: Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c004 1.136881, 2010/06/10-18:11:35
    > CreatorTool: Ver.1.00
    > MetadataDate: 2011:08:07 22:06:47-07:00
    > SerialNumber: 3209521
    > LensInfo: 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
    > Lens: 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
    > ImageNumber: 26634
    > RawFileName: DSC_5609.JPG
    > SavedSettingsName: Import
    > SavedSettingsType: Snapshot
    > SavedSettingsParametersVersion: 6.4.1
    > SavedSettingsParametersProcessVersion: 5.0
    > SavedSettingsParametersWhiteBalance: As Shot
    > SavedSettingsParametersIncrementalTemperature: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersIncrementalTint: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersExposure: 0.00
    > SavedSettingsParametersShadows: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersBrightness: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersContrast: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSharpness: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceSmoothing: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersColorNoiseReduction: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersChromaticAberrationR: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersChromaticAberrationB: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersVignetteAmount: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersShadowTint: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersRedHue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersRedSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersGreenHue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersGreenSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersBlueHue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersBlueSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersFillLight: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersVibrance: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHighlightRecovery: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersClarity: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersDefringe: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentRed: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentOrange: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentYellow: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentGreen: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentAqua: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentBlue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentPurple: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersHueAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentRed: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentOrange: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentYellow: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentGreen: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentAqua: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentBlue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentPurple: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSaturationAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentRed: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentOrange: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentYellow: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentGreen: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentAqua: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentBlue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentPurple: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLuminanceAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSplitToningShadowHue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSplitToningShadowSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSplitToningHighlightHue: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSplitToningHighlightSaturation: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSplitToningBalance: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricShadows: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricDarks: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricLights: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricHighlights: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricShadowSplit: 25
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricMidtoneSplit: 50
    > SavedSettingsParametersParametricHighlightSplit: 75
    > SavedSettingsParametersSharpenRadius: +1.0
    > SavedSettingsParametersSharpenDetail: 25
    > SavedSettingsParametersSharpenEdgeMasking: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersPostCropVignetteAmount: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersGrainAmount: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLensProfileEnable: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersLensManualDistortionAmount: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersPerspectiveVertical: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersPerspectiveHorizontal: 0
    > SavedSettingsParametersPerspectiveRotate: 0.0
    > SavedSettingsParametersPerspectiveScale: 100
    > SavedSettingsParametersConvertToGrayscale: False
    > SavedSettingsParametersToneCurveName: Linear
    > SavedSettingsParametersCameraProfile: Embedded
    > SavedSettingsParametersCameraProfileDigest: D6AF5AEA62557FCE88BC099788BBD3CC
    > SavedSettingsParametersLensProfileSetup: LensDefaults
    > SavedSettingsParametersToneCurve: 0, 0, 255, 255
    > IPTCDigest: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    < SubSecCreateDate: 2009:11:27 21:32:54.00
    < SubSecDateTimeOriginal: 2009:11:27 21:32:54.00
    < SubSecModifyDate: 2009:11:27 21:32:54.00 g_updated_when_browsing_photos_if_catalog_settings_automatically_write_changes_into_xmp_is /replies/6313647

    clvrmnky wrote:
    davidpope007 wrote:
    Then when LR3 loaded my old LR2 images into memory, it "dirtied" the in-memory copy of the file by adding in these new LR3 XMP fields. Then, because I had "Automatically write XMP" on, it said "I better write these changes to disk".
    Yuck. As a former software engineer, this is very bad software engineering.
    It should wait until the user dirties the file (via Develop, keywords, etc.) before presuming to add a bunch of metadata fields that are unique to the new version of LR3.
    Well, I'm a current software developer, and this is, really, a perfectly reasonable thing to do. It is a reasonable trade-off for a convenient feature required by a small subset of users.
    Yes, in most cases the in-memory copy should "never" be dirtied unless the user makes a gesture of some sort, but like I said earlier, this option (once set by the user) sets up the situation where this gesture becomes implicit. This is a clear trade-off for the sake of convenience. And if the XMP is out of date and needs to be updated en masse, so be it.
    The fact is, there is no easy way around this. Do we save up /every/ dirty buffer somehow until you make a gesture that /might/ require the XMP to be up-to-date before acting on that gesture? Now we have to worry about unflushed buffers if something goes wrong and the app exits. Do we save the buffers to the DB? Now we have to block some calls to make another blocking call to flush some or all of those to DB, and then write some or all of it out to one or more files. In what order? What if there is a gesture to have X files with up-to-date XMP and some or all of those are in unflushed buffers, unflushed DB writes or we have to wait for the DB.
    As you can see, this is a transactionality nightmare, and the easiest and safest thing to get what the user wants (i.e., up-to-date XMP for the purpose of talking to a third-party XMP aware app) is to simply update the sidecar or XMP block in an atomic manner using the correct file IO. The file will have to change at some point, so it may as well be now.
    [Thanks to both of you for your detailed replies. I am aware of the need for tradeoffs so when you say the approach taken is quite reasonable, I do believe you. I also apologize in advance for the length of the following and am extremely aware of the time it must have taken you to compose the above replies, but I'm going to add a bit more, if only for my own piece of mind and in hopes of coming up with a solution for my workflow.]
    From my naive point of view, I was expecting the answer to be simply "don't raise the XMPDirtyFlag upon reading in a file". Obviously if your architecture requires you to "upgrade to latest XMP format" upon read, and another part of the system auto-detects "out of date XMP", then it's going to write those changes to disk.
    But it didn't need to be designed that way. LR obviously has mechanisms to know when a user has made a change to XMP so it is able to write XMP changes to disk only when necessary.
    The promise (to me) of "Automatically Write XMP changes to disk" was to auto-save my changes, and not those made for any internal (i.e., XMP versioning related) changes.
    Perhaps the premise is that it is LR3's job to update an individual file's XMP to the latest version so that other XMP-aware apps can make use of it? I would argue that those third-party XMP-aware apps already have to know how to deal with all prior versions of XMP, so LR3 should just leave well enough alone.
    You asked if my problem with your approach was that it was "inelegant"; not at all, it is based on my own perception of what I need from my workflow, so let me describe that so maybe we can find a better way:
    * Part of the appeal of LR to me is that it preserves my original file as it came off the memory card, allowing me to move to a different workflow/toolset in 2025 if I choose to do so
    * However, with all of changes contained in a single database file, I'm concerned about rare (but possible) corruption, so to mitigate this risk, I let LR backup my database weekly and it's also backed up continuously in the cloud via Backblaze
    * Even with backups of the database, there is still a chance that I could lose changes made to individual files (e.g., LR corrupts the DB and I have to go back to last week's DB)
    * Thus the appeal of the "auto-write to XMP" flag -- that way critical changes (develop, crop, keywords) are saved on a per-file basis; I liked the "automatic" part of this (as opposed to a manual save) because then I don't have to teach others in my family how to manually save XMP changes
    * A nice side-effect of this setting is now when I use Finder to find a file and double-click on it to edit it in Photoshop, all my develop changes are right there; (in other words, I like the flexibility of not having to fire up LR in order to just invoke PS from within it); also when I use Bridge I see all the keywords there
    * So with LR2, I had gotten used to what I thought was the best of all worlds -- autosave of changes at the file level via XMP + raw negatives untouched (i.e., Date Modified == the date I took the picture); this allows me to use operating-system-level tools -- Finder -- to locate/search for files
    * Now I upgrade to LR3 and I'm finally now understanding that a concept "XMP versioning" is going to result in changes to many, but not all my files. (That's something else that's annoying about this issue -- I open up the Grid and browse a folder of files, and only seemingly random ones I've cursored over seem to get written to disk -- if it's so urgent that LR3 update the XMP, then it should do it for all the files in the catalog or at least in that directory)
    Here's a screenshot from Finder of what I see everytime I look at this folder:
    * So now I have to assume that each new version of XMP and/or LR is going to touch my files on disk. Sigh.
    * What I don't like about this is that it is ruining the promise of "untouched raw negative". Yes, the image data is untouched -- which I agree is most of the benefit; but the file has been touched.
    * Perhaps you might empathize a bit more if you imagined that someone went thru all your source code or Word files and randomly changed the date to "today" because you upgraded compilers or moved to Word 2011.
    I agree all of this would be solved by having an XMP sidecar file for JPGs, but you indicate that's not going to happen.
    You've also alluded to the solution of "resetting the Date Modifed" to it's original value -- which I believe is what Finder does when you move or copy a file -- but that that is fraught with issues as well. I believe you when you say there are issues, but again the naive part of me wonders why that soultion would be so bad...
    I just thought of another potential solution -- turning on Date Created in Finder -- but it turns out that's changed, too.
    I am really at a loss as to what to do and would welcome your suggestions.
    Thanks again and kind regards,
    -- David

  • Automatically write changes to XMP crashes Lightroom!

    Everytime I turn on the option "automatically write changes to XMP" my processor load rises to 100%. So far so understandable. LR is trying to update all of my 40000 images with xmp data. We've already discussed that there is no progress-bar indicating this and that this can be a real issue for people who don't know.
    So I turn on the checkbox in the evening and let my pc write all xmps over night, but unfortunately every morning I look at it, lightroom has closed or crashed. It seems not to be possible to complete this task anyway.
    Unfortunately writing to XMP seems to have another issue: LR does not notice, witch xmp have already been written, so it writes everything again and again, when I start it manually.
    Could anyone of the LR-Team issue a statement and explain how this is meant to work and why LR constantly crashes on automatical export?
    Thank you in advance.

    I feel that though LR is a very good product in many aspects, they have seriously failed in other aspects. I think what is mentioned here is one of the worse problems. How should we trust Adobe to take care of our image library when they behaves like this? They must surely know that their product will be used by proffesionals that have thousands if files in their library.
    I think it is very arrogant of them to update all my photos with XMP-information even though I didn't ask for it. I check the "automatically write CHANGES to XMP", actually believing that this is what LR is going to do, but instead it updates all my photos with some useless information that are of course already in the files. This is NOT a good thing to do. I will not trust Adobe after this, because I have no way of knowing what they will do to my library.
    So, now, after installing LR, my partial backup suddenly discovered 50GB of pictures that was modified and needed backup! F... them!

  • Hard disk always working - sync_supers writting to disk every 5 second

    As the topic says. My computer is on my desk while I work and I can't stand the noise of hard disk doing something every 5 seconds. I think I noticed this since 2.6.36 kernel.
    When computer is completely idle it still writes to disk.
    Tried Ubuntu 10.10 and got the same result. I have WD Caviar Blue 500gb. On ext4 filesystem there is jbd2/sda* doing write every 5 seconds or so and on reiserfs there is sync_supers doing the same. I guess those that is journaling acitivy, but its anoying to hear hard drive working when computer is completely idle.
    Any tips?

    linux wrote:Does anyone know the destination where sync_supers is writing to?
    The Linux kernel mailing list has some information that may help on identifying what sync_supers is doing,
    While you wait for kernel patches, there are some mount options that other people have suggested may help:
    Use noatime or at least relatime for ext* filesystems
    Use the option commit=60 or commit=300 to lengthen the time between syncs of data and metadata from 5 seconds to 1 or 5 minutes.  However, if the computer crashes between commits there may be some data loss.
    Use hdparm to change the acoustic management settings – … 5#p1063185

  • Automatic Write-off Document in Dispute Case

    I was wondering once the dispute case is automatically written off, should the financial document should be updated in the dispute case, because technically the write off document is the resolved object in the dispute case.
    When i performed automatic write off, the accounting document is not updated anywhere in linked objects in any sub folder, however the dispute case was confirmed.
    Should it update or is there something needs to be done to update in the dispute case?

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your reply. In auto status changing, I dont have the option other than defining status for automatic reopen, written off and close. I did check the status, but its not relevant.
    Here is what I am looking for, the automatic written off accounting document should be available or updated under resolved objects under linked objects.
    Thanks in advance

  • Can't add songs unless I restore the iPod. (unable to write to disk)

    iPod Shuffle 512
    Brand new XL SP2 machine with all windows updates
    The only way I can put new songs on my shuffle is if I (1) restore it, & (2) let it automatically fill. If I want specific songs to load I have to delete some of the songs that populated the playlist automatically & hurry up & add the desired songs to the ipods playlist because once it's done uploading it wont accept any more songs. It will give me that "Unable to write to disk" error. In a nutshell, the ipod will only upload during the initial session immediately after restoring.
    If I come back the next day or even just 2 minutes later wanting to add an additional song I have to start the process all over.
    This happened using the newest version of iTunes as well as an older version (about a year old) that I keep around because I know its stable & one of the updates in between caused my video podcasts to be choppy.
    Anything I can do or am I stuck?
    I knew I shoulda got a Mac!

    In my experince Mac is no better than PC, its all in the user and how much you know. I fix more Macs daily than PCs. Of course all the PC I work on I built myself... lets see you build your own Mac!

  • "Can't Read Or Write to disk" Video Won't Transfer To Ipod

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    They are in the correct mpeg 4 whatever format. My itunes is the most resent version, but for some reason I keep getting the same error.
    "Cannot Read Or Write To Disk".
      Windows XP  

    I've got this problem too. My 5g iPod 30gig syncs after about 3 minutes with iTunes then after loading songs and videos after 10 minutes i get the same message your getting - "Can't Read Or Write to disk". I think theres some kind of USB2 conflict or something. All my other USB devices work fine. All my drivers and software is up-to-date.

  • Ipod will sync up once then says cannot read or write to disk.

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    the IPOd will sync up when I fiorst plug it in. the problem is when it is finished, Itunes says ipod update complete you can disconnect. I leave it connected, and if I try to update the ipod again after I download something or whatever into Itunes it comes back with the cannot read from or write to disk. I can unplug it and plug it back in and it work sfine. There is something with the software I guess that is not staying connected with the hardware after the first sync.

  • Music Downloads - unable to read or write to disk.

    Hi, I'm new to iPods, and when I try to download music
    I get the message Unable to update iPod, unable to read / write to disk....
    Originally I had no problems now unable to download more than one song at a time, and only the manually... it's taking ages...
    Does anyone have any ideas? I've restored, reset everything and downloaded the latest software....

    Unless you are using OCR (optical character recognition) software when doing the scan, the result of scanning a document is only an image, a picture of the document. Since you only have a picture of the document at this point, the only thing that you can do with it in Word is to insert the image into the document. As an image, you won't be able to edit or search the text that appears in the image. You need to run OCR software to examine the image and convert the images of the characters into editable text. If you are already using OCR software, reply back and let me know which application you are using, and I'll try to help you further.
    Hope this helps,

  • "Can't read from or write to disk...." iPod error

    I recently switched from my old PowerBook G4 (running Leopard 10.5.2) to a newer MacBook Pro (running Leopard 10.5.5). I migrated my account and permissions from the PB to the MacBook Pro, and everything is working just fine except for iTunes (version 8.0.2) and my older 160 GB iPod Classic (running 1.1.2).
    Since the migration, I've been getting this "can't read from or write to disk..." error whenever I attempt to sync my iPod to iTunes. Previously, I'd never had any problems. I have tried to restore the iPod using iTunes - didn't work. I have tried different USB to dock connector cables - didn't work. I have even tried completely re-formatting the iPod using Disk Utility - didn't work. Everytime I begin syncing the iPod, it starts out just fine. At varying degrees of completion it ALWAYS fails with the same error.
    I had an idea. I tried syncing the iPod to a different computer - my G5 4 x 2.5 GHz (running Leopard 10.5.5) with iTunes (version 8.0.2). I still got the same error. I haven't dropped it, submerged it in water or done anything to it that would otherwise compromise its functionality. So, I'm at a loss.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions? - OTHER THAN BUYING A NEW IPOD

    OK, after the visit to my Genius Bar; I thought of a variable that wasn't previously considered. Because their transfer of media was successful without the slightest hitch, I had to figure out something else.
    Everytime I had tried to sync the iPod with my various Macs, I was using the same process. Since all of my music and movies "live" on an external 500 GB drive, I was attempting to use that same drive whenever I would try to sync. It occurred to me that possibly the failing was in the drive and not the iPod.
    I have part of that library on a Power Mac G4 867 DP (running 10.4.9). I updated the iTunes on that machine to 8.0.2, connected the iPod and made a successful transfer of a large amount of media!
    My only problem now is that I can't figure out how to get the 500 GB drive to stop hanging on transfer and update of my Genius information. The drive just completely stalls and I get the spinning wheel from iTunes and the application ceases to respond. When I force quit iTunes, the drive recovers fine. I don't have any problems transferring data to and from it and Disk Utility reports that the drive is healthy.
    I have tried re-installing iTunes on all affected Macs - didn't help. I believe my problem may exist in the iTunes Library file or in the associated .xml document. My only concern is that if I do a completely fresh install of iTunes where those files would be re-created, I would lose all of my play and ratings data as well as the information about when my files were added. On a related note, when playing the music from this drive through iTunes. I don't have any issues at all.

  • Why does my laptop computer automatically write "ccc" and "bbb"?

    I have Toshiba Sattelite L300 laptop which automatically writes these letters "cccc" and "bbbb" (ONLY these two letters). I bought this laptop 11 months ago and it is still under 1-year basic guarantee that will expire within few weeks. Few months ago, I began to notice that frequently while I'm writing (whether in Microsoft Word, yahoo notepad, Google documents, or simply writing my ID's and passwrods online) and after finshing the sentence, sequences of c "ccc" and sometimes b "bbb" automatically written without pressing the letter keys. I thought that it was Windows problem, and so I ran Toshiba Recovery twice, and the problem remained. It could happen once everyday, and it could happen even more frequnetly (e.g. 5-50 times a day!). I was told that it must have been sticking keys on the keyboard causing the problem. I contacted Toshiba technical support who kindly replaced the keyboard and returned the laptop back to me. I was surprised that the problem was not sorted out. Someone on Yahoo Answers told me it might have been a virus. Therefore, I replaced my anti-virus with Avast! (free version), and downloaded 2 anti-spyware/malware (Spybot and Ad-Aware also free online) and scanned my computer. However, the problem is still there, coming and going, and sometimes very frequent to the extent that when the curser is at any place whether online or in Word, it writes big number of C's "cccccccc" and sometimes "bbbb". The noticeable thing is that never any other letter is automatically written! Just these 2 letters (b and c). The only thing that happended to this laptop few month ago is that my 2-year child stood upon it while it was closed and I don't know whether this had anything to do with this writing problem. The problem is terrible because MOST of what I do on my laptop is writing...What do you think? Has anybody gone through this painful, hateful experience? Any suggestions? I really hate this to happen, especially because I'm writing my PhD thesis and I don't want to be obsessed with reviewing every single paragraph in case that this might have happened...Serious and/or expert answers please! Thanks so much in advance.

    Bet you didn't mention to the Toshiba folks that your child stood on the laptop.  It's probable that the chassis has been deformed sufficiently to cause the problem, regardless of a new keyboard.  The problem, as you describe it, is intermittent, so it's not likely to be found by Toshiba during replacement of the keyboard.
    Since the warranty doesn't cover abuse, about all you can do is bite the bullet and buy another laptop.  Perhaps one of the Panasonic ToughBooks if you are going to leave it where your offspring can stand on it again. <grin>

  • HI I'm having real trouble opening my word documents (using Office:Mac 2008)  Have tried repair disk options as I saw this advice on another blog, seemed to work for a while now its stared happening again.  Any help MUCH appreciated

    HI I'm having real trouble opening my word documents (using Office:Mac 2008)  Have tried repair disk options as I saw this advice on another blog, seemed to work for a while now its stared happening again.  Any help MUCH appreciated

  • I cant find the enable disk option on Itunes11

    can you tell me where the enable disk option is on Itunes 11.....I cant get to the home page so have no idea where to find it

    When you say "What I see is only the General tab asking for sync? " Is the same General tab in the Options menu?
    The View Passwords is generally under Options > Security > Saved Passwords
    It is possible to check that the new device has the sync account attached in the Sync Tab in Options. If you already did please ignore this option.

  • Can't Write to Disk Error (-69)

    I have windows XP, and an iPod 30gb photo. OUt of the blue it stopped copying files to the iPod and gives the message cannot write to disk with the error (-69).
    I have reinstalled both the iPod software and itunes multiple times.
    I formatted my HD and reinstalled windows
    The iPod works on other computers .
    Does anyone know what i should do.
    I have all my music on a USB drive that works fine, and it has been that way for months. I did not install any new software.
    Dell tells me it's the iPod and Apple tells me it's the Dell
    I would appreciate any help
    [email protected]

    After formatting my HD, restarting windows, spending hours on dell and apple tech support, buying a firewire card, i figure it out.
    I had a bad file in my library (it was a podcast).
    once i deleted it, everything was fine.
    see if you can see at what song you get that error and delete that song.. good luck.

  • Script to automatically UNMOUT all disks EXCEPT Booting Disk

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    set volname to "Macintosh HD" -- # name of target volume 
    set p to (POSIX path of (volname & ":" as alias))'s text 1 thru -2
    set sh to "diskutil umount " & quoted form of p & " &> /dev/null &"
    do shell script sh
    How to modify it (or create a new one from scratch) to unmount all disks (except the booting one, of course), whatever their names and number?
    Better if the script does not issue any confirmation or warning of any kind, but works in the background without any feedback to the user.
    That is great to automatically unmount ALL disks (except the booting one) after rebooting or booting, saving energy, heat, noise and speeding up the Mac performance (eg., when selecting save as, etc, since such unused disks do not show), extending the life of the unused disks.
    Of course, any disk can be later on manually mounted using the Disk Utility at any time, if required.

    You shouldn't make assumptions about what the names of the volumes are - both the Finder and System Events have terminology to determine if a disk is the startup volume (or a local volume, for that matter), for example:
    tell application "System Events"
      repeat with someDisk in (get disks whose startup is false and local volume is true)
        set someDisk to POSIX path of someDisk
        do shell script "diskutil umount " & quoted form of someDisk & " &> /dev/null &"
      end repeat
    end tell
    Note that if you are unmounting a disk from a standard account you will be prompted for administrator authentication.

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