Automating a task in Panther

A few months ago I set up an old G3 iMac as a server at a small publishing business. Recently, I enabled WebDAV on this server so that staff and colleagues from outside the business can access certain folders remotely. Now I am thinking of automating a task. Specifically, this task is that whenever a user uploads a file to one of the folders on the server it would automatically trigger an email program and send a message that a new file has been added to the server. How would I go about automating this process?
G4 466    

AppleScript or shell scripting should do it. The Mail interface is probably easier in AppleScript, if you know it (I don't).
Brief description -- have the boot scripts start a background process (daemon) that scans the directory, sleeping (I dunno, maybe a minute?) between scans. The first time (done at boot before the first sleep), it just records the time -- on subsequent passes, it looks for files within that directory that have changed since the last time it looked, then records the time. If any files changed, it sends a message (to a list?).
I could write the directory scan/sleep part (in Bourne shell script, a subset of zsh which is available on OS X), but I'm not too sure about the mail interface. Might have to get an AppleScript person in and use osascript to invoke it... How do you send mail from the iMac now?

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    In an Oracle Data Guard environment, the Scheduler includes additional support for two database roles: primary and logical standby. You can configure a job to run only when the database is in the primary role or only when the database is in the logical standby role. To do so, you set the database_role attribute. This example explains how to enable a job to run in both database roles. The method used is to create two copies of the job and assign a different database_role attribute to each.
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    More Information please cheek below link:
    Examples of Using the Scheduler
    Thank you

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    Barry Whitten
    Mid South Sports
    [email protected]

    BQWHIT - not sure your question has really been answered at all…
    • Scripting is used where there are variables (things that need to be done DIFFERENTLY depending on the source images) - complex image specific calculations. Or complete workflows set up.
    • Actions (automation) are used where a series of predictable steps can be recorded. These are extremely versatile, for example its possible to automate such things as copy and pasting between documents (which you will probably need to do), repositioning of items, color correction, rescaling. Playback is also faster using Actions.
    From your description it sounds like a job for Actions not scripts. Its quite difficult to tell from what you have said, and you need to be more specific, not referring to things like 'monitors' and 'laptops'. These are things that you will have to work out as part of your own wokflow. Now, scripting your PC's to open the correct files, ot move them across the network MAY be a part of the  process thats true, but its unlikely that you will have much use for Photoshop scripting here. Opening specific files (for example your 'template' file) can all be done using Actions. Actions are also easier to edit and to work with.
    drag the photo (not the template just the photo taken) to the trash bin
    to start the sequence all over again with the next customer.
    One piece of advice, which I hope you will take seriously - best to NEVER delete your source images, you never know when they will be needed. Better to move them to a sub folder on an external drive maybe.

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    Hi Sachin ,
    You need to write @prompt ,which holds default value .Write code If default value is selected then it'll run for current month else it'll run for selected month.
    Ex : This is with Oracle, change according to Ms sql.
    @Select(Time\Yr-Mth Key)  between@Prompt('From Date','A','Time\Month / Year',mono,primary_key,,{'JUL 2013'}) and
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    @Prompt('To Date','A','Time\Month / Year',mono,primary_key,,{'JAN 1999'}) end)   
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    Any ideas would help.
    Happy New Year!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! In learning how to use the REN and batch processes in XP, I also discovered some more stuff I could do in AA's Marker window and the batch process button at the bottom of it. I feel kinda dumb that I didn't know about it all along. Oh well. Since I was going to need the final sound clips to be in a certain sequence, I just unchecked the "use label as filename" box, and all the marker phrases were saved in the order they appeared in the file. Nice! Now my 116 final marked phrases appeared as: "001.wav, 002.wav-->116.wav." Then all I had to do was make a batch script to create the list of file names, and paste those into a column in Excel. Then in the next column over I entered the name of all the final file names. Those will always be the same. Then with a 3rd column of "REN" next to the other 2, I just copy, paste into Notepad, save as ".bat," and double-click the file! All that saved about 4 hours off of about a 6-hour job!
    Runaway, to answer your question...I never see a "Save As" dialog box! Once I Auto-Mark the big file, I don't really spend much time even looking at the Edit window. I just go down the list in the Marker window, audition each marked phrase, delete until I'm left with the 116 I want, then use the "batch process" button at the bottom to do what I mentioned above.
    Thanks a lot guys. This has been an amazing help.
    Now if I could just figure out why AA makes it so hard to sequentially listen to phrases one-by-one. You have to double-click each one before you can hear it. Then if you delete one, inexplicably the cursor jumps way up the list so you have to scroll back down to where you were. Once I had all the files saved into a folder, I QC'd them in Reaper and MAN what a difference! All I had to do was use the "down" arrow to advance to the next file AND have it play. I literally took me 5 minutes to check all 116 files that way. If AA could add that kind of functionality I would REALLY be happy.
    Oh well. ONe thing at a time, I guess. I may post about that last thing on its own.
    Thanks again! Hapy New Year!

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    3) I import the resized photos into flash
    4) I create the keyframes etc (3 frames per photo)
    5) The canvas is the exact size of the photo, so the photo fits perfectly (drag and drop)
    6) Save the file once im done with the batch
    Basically, I was wondering if i can do in flash what i am doing in photoshop. Automate the app to select a folder, have Flash import the photo, create the keyframes and place each photo in the frame...repeat until all photos are done.
    Is this possible?
    Thanks in advance,

    if you name your photos suggestively (whatever1.jpg, whatever2.jpg etc) and if you import one, flash will detect that you might want to load the entire sequence and distribute one per keyframe and give you that option.
    while flash can resize for you, if this is going to be a web-based app, you would still benefit from resizing before importing.

  • Error:com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic

    The following error message is logged to the OSM server log during executing the OSM orders.
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic.
    This issue occurs in case of building with "BUILD_DEPLOY_MODE=optimized", sending after deploying the cartridge, and then executing the task first time.
    I have the below questions.
    1. What causes this error?
    2. How can we avoid this error?
    Can anyone has any idea as why and what causes this error.
    Error Message:
    See the following error:
    ####<2012/06/19 11時00分59秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E20E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071259860> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyViewStructureWorkInfoTABAuto: copyViewStructureWorkInfoTAB XSLT completed.>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分00秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E25E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071260546> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTABAuto: copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTAB XSLT from order[54], Execution mode[do]>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分00秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E25E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071260552> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTABAuto: copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTAB XSLT do nothing while not in amend>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分00秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E25E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071260553> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTABAuto: copyViewStructureWorkDataOtherTAB XSLT completed.>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分01秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E2AE817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071261256> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyDesignStructureAuto: copyDesignStructure XSLT from order[54], Execution mode[do]>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分01秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E2AE817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071261263> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyDesignStructureAuto: copyDesignStructure XSLT do nothing while not in amend.>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分01秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E2AE817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071261263> <BEA-000000> <new-provi.copyDesignStructureAuto: copyDesignStructure XSLT completed.>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分01秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E31E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071261809> <BEA-000000> <updateSelfOrderInfoi.updateSelfOrderInfoRequest: updateSelfOrderInfo SELF ORDER FLAG [    ], >
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分01秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E31E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071261809> <BEA-000000> <updateSelfOrderInfoi.updateSelfOrderInfoRequest: updateSelfOrderInfo XSLT LAST SENTENCE >
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Error> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E34E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262103> <BEA-000000> <plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.getClusterRequestContext(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.AbstractExternalReceiverDispatcher.processMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationDispatcher.onLocalMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.AutomationDispatcherImpl.a(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.l.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.executeMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.access$000(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Error> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E34E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262105> <BEA-000000> <plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.getClusterRequestContext(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.AbstractExternalReceiverDispatcher.processMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationDispatcher.onLocalMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.AutomationDispatcherImpl.a(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.l.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.executeMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.access$000(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E34E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262110> <BEA-000000> <updateSelfOrderInfo.updateSelfOrderInfoResponse: updateSelfOrderInfo Response XSLT from order[54], taskMnemonic[updateSelfOrderInfo]>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E34E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262116> <BEA-000000> <updateSelfOrderInfo.updateSelfOrderInfoResponse: updateSelfOrderInfoResponse XSLT SELF_ORDER_FLAG NOT ONE SUCCESS IN>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E34E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262117> <BEA-000000> <updateSelfOrderInfo.updateSelfOrderInfoResponse: updateSelfOrderInfoResponse Success.>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分02秒 JST> <Info> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E39E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071262673> <BEA-000000> <updateExternalAmendDataImmediate.updateExternalAmendDataImmediateRequest: updateExternalAmendDataImmediateRequest XSLT from order[54], executionMode[do]>
    ####<2012/06/19 11時01分04秒 JST> <Error> <oms> <apsrv01> <AdminServerOSM5> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <oms-automation> <BEA1-6E49E817DB114FECCD4A> <> <1340071264643> <BEA-000000> <plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.getClusterRequestContext(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.AbstractExternalReceiverDispatcher.processMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationDispatcher.onLocalMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.AutomationDispatcherImpl.a(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.l.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.executeMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.access$000(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Edited by: user10139614 on Aug 23, 2012 9:00 AM
    Edited by: user10139614 on Aug 27, 2012 4:51 AM

    Hi any solution on this.
    We are using O2A 7.0.3 cartridges and design studio 7.2 and getting below error for order which are created on 'SIFallout'.
    But I think it is nothing related to optimized build and deploy because other cartridges are working fine.
    Below is the error that I can see when OSM received fallout notification from AIA.Order is created on SIfallout cartridge but failed in task 'GetFulfillment Order Task'.
    'oms.automation'> <Creating automation plugin [class oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.XQuerySender] jndi[GetFulfillmentOrderTask.GetFulfillmentOrder] built using SDK version []>
    <11-Sep-2012 10:23:09,326 GMT+03:00 AM> <ERROR> <plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <Incorrect Task Mnemonic>
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.getClusterRequestContext(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.AbstractExternalReceiverDispatcher.processMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationDispatcher.onLocalMessage(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.AutomationDispatcherImpl.a(Unknown Source)
    at com.mslv.oms.automation.plugin.l.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.executeMessage(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.access$000(
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    <Sep 11, 2012 10:23:09 AM GMT+03:00> <Error> <oms> <BEA-000000> <plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    com.mslv.oms.automation.AutomationException: Incorrect Task Mnemonic
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.a(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.InnerEarExternalReceiverDispatcher.getClusterRequestContext(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.communications.ordermanagement.cluster.message.ClusterMessageHandlerBean.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <11-Sep-2012 10:23:09,329 GMT+03:00 AM> <INFO> <GetFulfillmentOrderTask.GetFulfillmentOrderResponse> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'oms.automation'> <Creating automation plugin [class oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.XQueryReceiver] jndi[GetFulfillmentOrderTask.GetFulfillmentOrderResponse] built using SDK version []>

  • Maintenance task question

    Hi All,
    I found this article:
    My server has all enable but i am not getting anything when i query the dba_autotask_task like:
    select task_name, status
    from dba_autotask_taskThis mean all tasks are not running, correct?
    how can I enable?

    Nothing is running when i query the job hsitory.
    select client_name,window_name,to_char(job_start_time,'yy-mon-dd hh24:mi:ss') job_start_time,job_status
    SELECT client_name, window_name, jobs_created, jobs_started, jobs_completed
    FROM dba_autotask_client_history
    WHERE client_name like '%stats%';Am I querying the wrong place?

  • Automating GUI Operations

    Anybody have a suggested tool for automating GUI tasks from a shell script ......

    generally, whatever you run from a GUI will have a command line equivalent - or will issue commands - you'll need to do some digging and find out what these commands are, and then put them in a script.
    You could use ps -ef to show the commands that are running after you've pressed a GUI button (assuming it runs for long enough) or resort to the manuals which may list the commands.
    What application is it? That might narrow down the answer a bit.

  • Windows\SoftwareDistribution Folder Cleanup Automation

    Hi -
    I have a number of machines with a bloated Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder.  I usually address this by:
    Stopping the Automatic Updates service.
    Deleting the Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder.
    Restarting the Automatic Updates service.
    I'm considering using a computer startup script to perform this task automatically.  Does anyone have a more elegant method of automating this task?
    Thanks in advance for your input.

    My Software Distribution folder is currently 1.3GB.
    My install is exactly 2 days old
    A couple of questions here:
    Did you install a base image of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (released Spring 2011),
    or did you install a base image of Windows 7 (RTM) (released Fall 2009).
    If you installed the RTM version of Windows 7, and then applied a year-and-a-half worth of updates to the machine in 2 days, then a 1.3GB Download folder is **NORMAL** and **EXPECTED** -- particularly if you also then installed the Service Pack! If
    all of the updates have been installed successfully, then you can either wait another week and that folder will clean itself up, or you can delete the contents of the \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder -- but frankly, I don't think freeing up 1.3GB
    of disk space is going to make one whit of difference in the operation of your system.
    Fact is that Microsoft is very clear about the disk requirements to install an operating system, and the WINDOWS folder on a Windows 7 system is going to require upwards of 10GB of space. Disk space is **CHEAP**, so I'm not really inclined to be too sympathetic
    about people whining about a few GB of space they can't get back. If you're short on free space, buy a bigger drive. A 250GB drive is $80 at BestBuy; even cheaper on eBay. I run Win7 on an 80GB drive, with 50% free space on the machine I'm posting from, and
    I also have a copy running on a 40GB drive which is 90% full -- the point being that a 50GB drive is the minimum functional requirement to install a working Win7 system.
    Having said that, I'll also note that this thread has wandered excessively
    off-topic for this forum, so I would ask the participants to take the discussion of disk utilization by the Windows operating system to the appropriate Setup/Deployment forums, where those discussions are on-topic.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP:EA, MCDBA, MCSA
    Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas
    Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2012)
    My MVP Profile:
    Mr. Garvin, when people come to a forum they are looking for help solving an issue. Not a condescending, asinine tirade detailing how people are whiners about disk space and gasoline in their fancy sports car. Furthermore, I was intrigued by your arrogance
    and decided to look up your credentials...impressed I am not. Of 7,951 posts, only 631 people thought they were helpful and that figures up to 8% of the time which means...wait for it...not much. In fact, I wondered how a CTO could post replies like that and
    still retain their position within the company. Then I looked up your company and I laughed so hard that I spit coffee all over my desk. What did you edit that website with??? FrontPage 98? I can say that it makes my top 10 all-time list of things to NOT do
    when creating a website. Please spare the internet from your future incompetence of web programming.
    And the fact that you tell people that this thread has wandered excessively off-topic and they should go post somewhere else is frankly irritating. That is exactly what this topic is about! The excessive disk space usage by the Windows OS! Just so all you
    people out there know, MVP means Microsoft Valued Professional which is a fancy term for someone that posts to the forum frequently. MVPs are independent of Microsoft, with separate opinions and perspectives, and are able to represent the views of the community
    members with whom they engage every day. So Mr. Garvin has no authority granted by the Microsoft Corporation to tell anyone anything. The only people that actually represent the company have the title, Microsoft, MSFT.
    Now I am a Senior Programmer/Analyst with a MS in Computer Science (woohoo) and I can tell you that when Windows 7 is using 80% or more of a 64GB SSD, there is an issue. Regarding the WinSXS directory, it is full of files you may or may not require to run
    applications that were designed for an older operating system. It is a .dll repository of sorts. I have an i7 Intel processor and there are many files within WinSXS that refer to an AMD64 processor. I find it hard to believe I need those files, but you never
    know. I can tell you that if you delete all the files in this folder, you will probably create yourself some issues with backward compatibility of applications designed for previous operating systems. I will continue to research this issue and update my findings
    if they are helpful.
    For those of you that are using the AVG Internet Security toolbar, a bug was introduced in version 9.0.027 that allows the log file for this application to grow to enormous sizes....sometimes 11GB in size. It continues to do so in AVG 2012. This hidden file
    is located at C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/toolbar_log.txt. The only way to get rid of it is to get rid of the AVG toolbar and then delete it.
    Also, you can use a folder migrating utility to move directories and files to a secondary hard drive. You can can also move the LocalLow and Roaming folders from AppData over to your secondary hard drive to keep some applications from writing to precious
    SSD space. Unfortunately, moving the Local folder is extremely difficult and should be left alone unless you are comfortable with editing the registry.
    And for those of you that would like a good laugh, stroll on over to Mr.Garvin's corporation website located at:
    It's spew worthy after reading a few of his posts and all that MC this and that after his name.
    L. Skywalker

  • Automate Task in Notification

    Good Day Everyone
    Has anyone ever automated the task line on service notification under the repair tab to create a task line when the material was received into stock for repair (IW52 transaction)?  This is customer stock coming into the plant for repair through an inbound delivery.   On ECC 6.0
    Please share some experiences and how it was accomplished.
    Edited by: Kimberly Blair on Jun 23, 2010 3:57 PM

    Your thread is more related to Task related in CS Module, Pls explore the following links, you  should get a solution.
    Automatic Task determination link:
    Also for one of your query use Partner determinatiom procedure for notifiction type,
    Edited by: D.Srinivasa Rao on Nov 18, 2011 7:58 AM

  • Idsyncwin does not invalidate old passwords

    I am using Identity Synchronization for Windows (part of DSEE 11g) to replicate MSAD accounts into an organization maintained in DSEE, one-way. This works acceptably, except for one nit, which may be a problem to complete the POC demonstration: a change of user password in MSAD does not propagate into DSEE reliably.
    To be more specific, when the password is changed in Active Directory, ISW does detect the change and sets dspswvalidate:true as is expected. If the DSEE user logs in with the new MSAD password, this password is validated against MSAD, succeeds, and is saved into DSEE. Likewise, login with a random password fails as expected.
    However, if the user logs in with his old DSEE password, the validation against MSAD is logged as successful (which is apparently wrong), but the old DSEE password remains in place. The dspswvalidate flag is cleared and the user no longer has a chance to log in with a Windows password - the old DSEE password remains in place.
    I see that when provisioning new users, ISW can place an invalid string into userpassword attribute... can it do the same when it detects changes in the upstream MSAD data, so the user has no possibility to log in with an obsolete password?
    Since the ISW is a bit of esoteric and old product with little change from DS5.x times (though works fine with current DSEE and MSAD), possibly a solution would be to make some plugin for DSEE that would detect changes to the dspswvalidate flag and invalidate a password?.. Any ideas how to do this, if all else fails?
    Thanks in advance,
    //Jim Klimov

    So... status update: the problem has been traced to MSAD - the domain controllers trust both the user's new password and the previous password for 5 minutes, which leads to DSEE testing the old passwords if the clients request it to (i.e. regular mail checks), trusting them and saving them for posterity (and removing the flag to verify passwords via MSAD).
    The Windows team was not able to remove this behaviour from domain controllers. It is also probably infeasible to change their password-changing procedure to change it twice (so as to forget the previous password completely), or to instantly (programmatically?) log in to DSEE via convergence or ldapsearch or whatever with the new password, or to manually change the email password as well - especially when end-users can change their domain passwords too.
    So the problem remains: old passwords are verifiable via MSAD and thus trusted by DSEE, so for example regular messaging tasks running on behalf of users might practically prevent propagation of updated passwords from MSAD domain into DSEE/CommSuite.
    One solution that I see is to have DSEE (maybe via its ISW plugin) not remove the dspswvalidate flag for a configurable timeout after it first detected the password-change event on another directory source. This way for some 10 minutes (for example) after the MSAD-initiated password invalidation, DSEE would re-validate against the domain, ultimately making sure that the saved-to-trust password is the new one.
    Another idea is to test the user-provided cleartext password against (a copy of) the old DSEE userPassword hashed value, and not save the password if it is positive against both the MSAD domain and old DSEE password.
    Both of those ideas rely on changes to the ISW plugin which we can not do to the closed-source program.
    A bolt-on solution might be to make a script that runs every minute from crontab, detects new DSEE invalidations and saves a timestamp. Then for those example 10 minutes it would restore the requirement to validate against MSAD, if it detects the invalidation flag cleared during this time. I can foresee how this would NOT work and increase helpdesk calls, with lags upon logins after the password change, on-and-off trust of DSEE to one or another password, and mostly with automated email tasks firing within that minute between script runs so that the password change event, setting of the flag, validation of old password and clearing of the flag all happen before the bolt-on script would detect that anything happened.
    MAYBE though, it can parse cn=changelog for a verifiable history of events to detect appearances of the validation flag - even if it has been cleared by the time the script runs...
    Still, the bolt-on sounds like an unreliable solution, though doable.
    Are there any other ideas or practical advices, remaining withing the constraints of MSAD + DSEE + IdSyncWin? (Implementation of IAMS in particular, to unify this and other identity management is considered, but as a separate project and purchase - so some solution is needed for what they have today)
    //Jim Klimov

  • AWR Report - no data!!

    Oracle Version: 64x
    OS Version: Windows 2008 Server 64x
    Hi There,
    We're just trying to generate a awr report for one of our databases and the report is coming out with no data.
    statistics_level parameter is set to "TYPICAL"; any idea to what's going on please?
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql
    Current Instance
       DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
    1391811405 WEBTST              1 webtst
    Specify the Report Type
    Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
    Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
    Defaults to 'html'
    Enter value for report_type: text
    Type Specified:  text
    Instances in this Workload Repository schema
       DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
    * 1391811405        1 WEBTST       webtst       WEBDBTST
    Using 1391811405 for database Id
    Using          1 for instance number
    Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
    Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
    (n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
    specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
    Enter value for num_days: 1
    Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots
    Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
    webtst       WEBTST           43973 12 May 2011 00:00      1
                                  43974 12 May 2011 01:00      1
                                  43975 12 May 2011 02:00      1
                                  43976 12 May 2011 03:00      1
                                  43977 12 May 2011 04:00      1
                                  43978 12 May 2011 05:00      1
                                  43979 12 May 2011 06:00      1
                                  43980 12 May 2011 07:00      1
                                  43981 12 May 2011 08:00      1
                                  43982 12 May 2011 09:00      1
                                  43983 12 May 2011 10:00      1
                                  43984 12 May 2011 11:00      1
                                  43985 12 May 2011 11:02      1
    Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    Enter value for begin_snap: 43984
    Begin Snapshot Id specified: 43984
    Enter value for end_snap: 43985
    End   Snapshot Id specified: 43985
    Specify the Report Name
    The default report file name is awrrpt_1_43984_43985.txt.  To use this name,
    press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    Enter value for report_name:
    Using the report name awrrpt_1_43984_43985.txt
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: parse time elapsed
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: DB CPU
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: free memory
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: free memory
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic logons current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic logons current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic opened cursors current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic opened cursors current
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: sql execute elapsed
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter undo_management
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter db_block_size
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: log_buffer
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: DB time
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter timed_statistics
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter timed_statistics
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter statistics_level
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter statistics_level
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter sga_target
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter pga_aggregate_target
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: background cpu time
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: background elapsed
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: connection manageme
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: buffer_cache
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: buffer_cache
    WARNING: Since the DB Time is less than one second, there was
             minimal foreground activity in the snapshot period.
             Some of the percentage values will be invalid.
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Startup Time    Release     RAC
    WEBTST        1391811405 webtst              1 29-Apr-11 04:50  NO
    Host Name        Platform                         CPUs Cores Sockets Memory(GB)
    WEBDBTST         Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit                           .00
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     43984 12-May-11 11:00:01
      End Snap:     43985 12-May-11 11:02:00
       Elapsed:                1.98 (mins)
       DB Time:                0.00 (mins)
    Cache Sizes                       Begin        End
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                  ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:MM  Std Block Size:K
               Shared Pool Size:         0M         0M      Log Buffer:K
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Error encountered in Report Summary
    Continuing to Report Sections
    Time Model Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Operating System Statistics         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Operating System Statistics - DetailDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Foreground Wait Class               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
    -> s  - second, ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
    -> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%.  Value of null is truly 0
    -> Captured Time accounts for %  of Total DB time            .00 (s)
    -> Total FG Wait Time:    (s)  DB CPU time:            .00 (s)
                                          %Time       Total Wait     wait
    Wait Class                      Waits -outs         Time (s)     (ms)  %DB time
    DB CPU                                                     0              100.0
    Foreground Wait Events             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Background Wait Events             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Wait Event Histogram               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Service Statistics                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Service Wait Class Stats            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Elapsed Time        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by CPU Time            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Gets                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Reads               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Executions          DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Sharable Memory     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Version Count       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats - Absolute ValuesDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats - Thread ActivityDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Tablespace IO Stats                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    File IO Stats                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Pool Statistics             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Recovery Stats             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Pool Advisory                       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Summary                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Target Stats               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Target Histogram           DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Memory Advisory                        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Shared Pool Advisory                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SGA Target Advisory                        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Pool Advisory                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Java Pool Advisory                         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Wait Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Enqueue Activity                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Undo Segment Summary               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Undo Segment Stats                  DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Activity                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Sleep Breakdown              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Miss Sources                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Mutex Sleep Summary                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Parent Latch Statistics            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Child Latch Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by Row Lock Waits         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by ITL Waits               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by Buffer Busy Waits       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Dictionary Cache Stats             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Library Cache Activity              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Dynamic Components          DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Resize Operations Summary    DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Resize Ops                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Process Memory Summary             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SGA breakdown difference            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams CPU/IO Usage               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Capture                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Apply                       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffered Queues                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffered Subscribers                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Rule Set                            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Persistent Queues                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Persistent Subscribers              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Resource Limit Stats                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    init.ora Parameters                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    End of Report

    SQL> show parameter statistics
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    optimizer_use_pending_statistics     boolean     FALSE
    statistics_level                     string      TYPICAL
    timed_os_statistics                  integer     0
    timed_statistics                     boolean     TRUE
    SQL> SELECT statistics_name,
      2             session_status,
      3             system_status,
      4             activation_level,
      5             session_settable
      6      FROM   v$statistics_level
      7      ORDER BY statistics_name;
    STATISTICS_NAME                                                  SESSION_ SYSTEM_S ACTIVAT SES
    Active Session History                                           ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Adaptive Thresholds Enabled                                      ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Automated Maintenance Tasks                                      ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Bind Data Capture                                                ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Buffer Cache Advice                                              ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Global Cache Statistics                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Longops Statistics                                               ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    MTTR Advice                                                      DISABLED DISABLED TYPICAL NO
    Modification Monitoring                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    PGA Advice                                                       ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Plan Execution Sampling                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Plan Execution Statistics                                        DISABLED DISABLED ALL     YES
    SQL Monitoring                                                   ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Segment Level Statistics                                         ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Shared Pool Advice                                               ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Streams Pool Advice                                              ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Threshold-based Alerts                                           ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Time Model Events                                                ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Timed OS Statistics                                              DISABLED DISABLED ALL     YES
    Timed Statistics                                                 ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Ultrafast Latch Statistics                                       ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up                            ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    V$IOSTAT_* statistics                                            ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    23 rows selected.
    Edited by: rsar001 on May 12, 2011 11:33 AM

  • New Quicktime 7.1 - What are the changes exactly?  I am looking...

    May 11, 2006 - QuickTime 7.1 is an important release that delivers numerous bug fixes, support for iLife ’06, and H.264 performance improvements. This update is highly recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
    Thanks to Karl Peterson:
    What’s new in QuickTime Player
    Both the free QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro provide a host of new features. New in QuickTime Player:
    • H.264 video support
    This state-of-the-art, standards-based codec delivers exceptional-quality video at the lowest data rate possible, across data rates ranging from 3G to HD and beyond.
    • Live resize
    Playback continues smoothly as you change the size of the QuickTime Player window.
    • Zero-configuration streaming
    You no longer need to set your Internet connection speed in QuickTime Preferences. QuickTime automatically determines the best connection speed for your computer. If a connection is lost during streaming, QuickTime automatically reconnects to the server.
    • Surround sound
    QuickTime Player can now play up to 24 channels of audio. With QuickTime 7, your Mac, and surround speakers, you can enjoy the full effect of your surround sound movie or game.
    • New and improved playback controls
    Use the new A/V Controls window to adjust settings for the best viewing experience. Easily change settings including jog shuttle, playback speed, bass, treble, and balance.
    • Spotlight-friendly media
    New in Mac OS X v10.4, Spotlight makes it easy to find your QuickTime content. Spotlight can search for movie attributes such as artist, copyright, codec, and so on.
    • Screen reader compatibility
    Using VoiceOver, included with Mac OS X v10.4, visually impaired users can enjoy QuickTime Player features.
    • All-new content guide
    The all-new QuickTime Content Guide provides the latest in entertainment on the Internet.
    • Easy access to QuickTime Pro
    When you use the free QuickTime Player, features available only in QuickTime Pro display a “Pro” by their names. If you choose one of these items, you’ll see a definition of the feature and learn how to upgrade to QuickTime Pro.
    QuickTime 7 Pro users enjoy not only all the great features in QuickTime Player, but also the following new QuickTime Pro capabilities:
    • Record audio and video
    With a digital video camera connected to your computer, you can quickly create vido postcards to share with family and friends.
    • Share movies
    Easily create a movie file for sending via email or posting to a website.
    • Floating controls
    Full-screen mode now provides floating DVD-like controls for easy access to functions like pause, play, fast-forward, and rewind. Move your mouse and the full-screen controller appears on the screen for several seconds.
    • Create H.264 video
    Use this codec for all your video encoding needs. Create content ranging in size from HD (high definition) to 3G (for mobile devices), and everything in between.
    • Create surround audio
    Create a rich multimedia experience for your customers by adding multi-channel audio to your movie. If some of your customers don’t have surround speakers, don’t worry; QuickTime automatically mixes the audio to work with the speaker setup of each user.
    • Concurrent exports
    Export multiple files at once—and continue with your next playback or editing task.
    • Improved movie authoring
    Editing tasks are much easier with new hot keys for in and out points. In addition, the Movie Properties interface has been completely redesigned to facilitate simple and efficient movie authoring.
    • New AAC constant-quality mode
    Create AAC audio files optimized for constant quality rather than a constant bit rate for a consistently high-quality listening experience.
    • Conform to Aperture
    View a movie’s aperture mode, and choose to have the movie conform to new aperture settings, including pixel shape.
    • Deinterlace Source Video
    When exporting with the Movie to QuickTime Movie option, you can now deinterlace the video by setting an option in Export Size settings.
    • 3G streaming
    Create 3G files for RTSP streaming that are fully interoperable with other 3G streaming handsets and delivery architectures.
    • Automator-compliant
    With Mac OS X v10.4, employ the easy-to-use interface of Automator for streamlining your QuickTime workflow. QuickTime 7 Pro users have exclusive access to a set of QuickTime-based Automator actions for easily automating such tasks as starting and stopping captures, hinting movies, enabling tracks, and more. The combination of Automator and QuickTime 7 Pro also lets you create your own set of personalized QuickTime-based Automator actions.
    O.K. I found the new export options ROCK!
    Daniel C. Slagle
    Keeper of the "Unofficial" iMovie FAQ

    Found all of them!

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