Average no of farmers in each Mouza/Town.

I have a table name farmer data and it has attributes like farmer name, father name, pesticides used, town etc (these attributes would be required for query). also the data type of columns is var char. I have to write a query to calculate the average no
of farmers in each town. How can I write this query? I have tried this query but its not giving me correct answer.
select Farmer_Name, Count(distinct town)
from farmer_data
group by town
i have also tried another query, its giving output in correct format but the answer of farmers are very huge values. i want number of distinct farmers in every town, this query is counting all the farmers
select town, count (*)
from farmer_data
group by town

Farmer name                 town
Taimoor Shah                 Ch. 5-M
NUSRAT ali                      Ch. 77 M
kamal khan                     Hootwala
ABDUL KHALIQ               Gazipur
Anwar Kamal                   Hootwala
NUSRAT ali                       Ch. 77 M
now i want distinct number of farmers in every town.. i have 25 million records and i found distinct number of farmers with a query and its returning me 899. now issue is this query is returning me 899 against every town name. like in this query, output
should be
town name           farmers in each town
Ch. 5-M                 1
Ch. 77 M               2
Gazipur                 1
Hootwala               2
instead of giving this result, its giving me total number of farmers against each town, like in this scenario, output which i am getting  is
town name           farmers in each town
Ch. 5-M                 6
Ch. 77 M               6
Gazipur                 6
Hootwala               6
i hope my question is clear now..

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    Any suggestions
    Edited by: user13353366 on Jul 1, 2010 11:55 AM

    Welcome to the forum!
    Whenever you have a question, it helps if you post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data. No doubt you have a perfectly clear idea of what your data is, and what results you want, but other people are likely to make bad assumptions from just looking at a description of the problem. For example, are date and hour one colum or two? What role does hour_interval play in this problem?
    So, in addition to a description of the data and the probelm, post a specific example, like this for the data:
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    (     dt          DATE
    ,     hour_interval     NUMBER (2)
    ,     price          NUMBER
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    INSERT INTO table_x (dt, hour_interval, price) VALUES (TO_DATE ('2010/07/01 02', 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24'),  13,   9.9);and like this for the results you want from that same data:
    HR             AVG_PRICE
    2010/07/01 01       1.05
    2010/07/01 02          9If those happens to be the results you would want from that data, then, as Lkbrwn said, AVG and GROUP BY can get them for you, like this:
    SELECT       TRUNC (dt, 'HH')     AS hr
    ,       AVG (price)          AS avg_price
    FROM       table_x
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                   AND     12
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    vendor 2     9899     0.024277964     98%     
    vendor 1     9874     0.02421665     100%     
    Total     407736               
    Please, suggest me to proceed further.
    Thank You.

    Hi manjula
    In order to get total for any key figure .... for that key figure at the query level in the  calculation tab there will be one box like calculate result as there u give sum or average accroding to ur purpose... then it will display the total or average accordingly....
    the key figure when used average for result shows average of all record conrtibutions but
    In order to display the  percentage of each vendor from total u can use
    Percentage Share of Result (%CT)
    Specifies how high the percentage share is in relation to the result. The result
    means the result of aggregation at the next level (interim result).
    %CT Incoming Orders specifies the share of incoming order values of each
    individual characteristic value (for example of each customer) in relation to
    the characteristic's result (for example, customer of a division).

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    Looking at the error message "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection" , It appears hostname and port may be incorrect. Review the targets.xml under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\emd and
    emoms.properties under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\config folder to make sure host ( sap_solman) and port (1527) are correct.
    As far as setting the environment variables goes, you can go to control panel -> system -> advanced -> environment variables and set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID

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    Message Edited by StuMtu on 10-30-2008 11:39 AM
    FRFdata_1.xls ‏1445 KB
    filtereddata_1.xls ‏3062 KB
    ImTe-10-29_run1_1 (DAQmx).seproj ‏787 KB

    Hey Stu,
    You had asked this question a while back. Did you have any problems implementing the solution I provided?  If so, please post in the original forum and we can take it from there.  Thanks!
    -John Sullivan
    Analog Engineer

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    I have attached the file. 
    Overflowing Froth Height.vi ‏110 KB

    So you want ot average only the values between 0.6 and 1.8?
    Well, we can go about this in 2 ways: build an array of data points to keep or delete the unwanted data points.  It is probably easiest to build an array of points to keep.  So here's what you should do.  Use a FOR loop and autoindex the waveform array.  Use the In Range and Coerce function to see if your current data point is within the range.  If it is add to the array.  The building of the array should be handled with a shift register.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
    Build Array from Range.png ‏15 KB

  • Sort image files by average luminance and by average hue?

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    I know of one program which does this: CF/X's Photo Mosaic, which uses the averages to match an image to a tile in the "master image".  I don't know of any way to attach the Photo-Mosaic-generated averages to the files themselves.  I asked CF/X about this today.

    You may try the AppleScript script listed below. It is a simple wrapper of rubycocoa script which uses CIFilter to calculate average brightness and hue of each image (jpg|jpeg|png) in specified directory tree. It is a skeleton just to generate a TSV output of [brightness, hue, file] records sorted by brightness and then hue on desktop. I don't know how to embed these info into image metabata.
    Script is briefly tested under 10.6.8.
    Hope this may help somehow,
    PS. If copied code has extra spaces in front of every line, which appears to be the case with some browsers including Firefox, please remove them before running the script.
    -- SCRIPT
    set d to (choose folder with prompt "Choose start folder")
    set args to d's POSIX path's quoted form
    do shell script "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w <<'EOF' - " & args & " > ~/desktop/test_out.txt
    #     get average brightness and hue of image files (jpg|jpeg|png)
    #     * output record = B=brightness [TAB] H=hue [TAB] file [LF]
    #     * sorted by brightness and then hue
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    EXTS = %w[ jpg jpeg png ]    # target extensions
    module OSX
        class << CIContext
            def contextWithSize(w, h)
                br = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.objc_send(
                    :initWithBitmapDataPlanes, nil,
                    :pixelsWide, w,
                    :pixelsHigh, h,
                    :bitsPerSample, 8,
                    :samplesPerPixel, 4,
                    :hasAlpha, true,
                    :isPlanar, false,
                    :colorSpaceName, NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace,
                    :bytesPerRow, 0,
                    :bitsPerPixel, 0)
                c = NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep(br)
                CIContext.objc_send(:contextWithCGContext, c.graphicsPort , :options, {})
        class CIFilter
            def setParameters(dict)
            def output
        class << CIVector
            def vectorWithRect(r)
                self.vectorWithX_Y_Z_W(r.origin.x, r.origin.y, r.size.width, r.size.height)
    # process ARGV and retrieve image files with given extensions under specfied directory
    raise ArgumentError, %Q[Usage: #{File.basename($0)} directory] unless ARGV.length == 1
    dir, = ARGV.map { |a| a == '/' ? a : a.chomp('/')}
    ff = %x[find -E \"#{dir}\" -type f -iregex '.*/.*\\.(#{EXTS.join('|')})$' -print0].split(/\\0/)
    # get CIContext and CIFilter
    cic = CIContext.contextWithSize(5000, 5000)  # let it be large enough
    cif = CIFilter.filterWithName('CIAreaAverage')
    # retrieve average brightness and hue of images
    hh = {}
    ff.each do |f|
        u = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(f)
        ci = CIImage.imageWithContentsOfURL(u)
        civ = CIVector.vectorWithRect(ci.extent)
        cif.setParameters({'inputImage' => ci, 'inputExtent' => civ})
        ciout = cif.output
        cgout = cic.objc_send(:createCGImage, ciout, :fromRect, ciout.extent)
        colr = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithCGImage(cgout).colorAtX_y(0, 0)
        hh[f] = { :b => colr.brightnessComponent, :h => colr.hueComponent}
    # sort criteria
    brightness          = lambda { |k| hh[k][:b] }
    hue                 = lambda { |k| hh[k][:h] }
    brightness_and_hue  = lambda { |k| b, h = hh[k].values_at(:b, :h); b * 1e6 + h }
    # print sorted records
    hh.keys.sort_by(&brightness_and_hue).each do |k|
        b, h = hh[k].values_at(:b, :h)
        puts %Q[B=%f\\tH=%f\\t%s] %  [b, h, k]

  • Month average

    I would really like to make a query (I think that is the right word) to determine the average number of sales for each month (for example, Jan thru Dec). Not the average number of per month!
    I have a table as follows:
    id               VARCHAR2(32)     NOT NULL,
    item               VARCHAR2(32)     NOT NULL,
    saledate          DATE,
    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    Populated with data like:
    001 AAA 08-FEB-00
    002 ZZZ 14-MAR-01
    003 HHH 06-OCT-02
    004 DDD 30-MAR-03
    005 KKK 12-APR-03
    006 GGG 22-SEP-04
    007 BBB 15-MAR-04
    008 BBB 16-MAR-04
    009 SSS 17-MAR-04
    010 SSS 18-MAR-04
    011 BBB 19-MAR-04
    I did manage to create the below query which returns the average sales per month but this is NOT want I wish for:
    FROM (SELECT TO_CHAR(saledate, 'MON') as MONTH from sale)
    I would like an average output per month, example:
    JAN     0
    FEB     0
    MAR     2
    DEC     0
    I have no idea...

    Okay, you want the average of the monthly sales. You can get that by doing this:
    SELECT to_char(x.month, 'MON') AS month, avg(mon_tot) AS avg
    FROM   ( SELECT trunc(month, 'MM') AS month, count(*) AS mon_tot
             FROM   sales
             GROUP  BY trunc(month, 'MM') x
    GROUP BY to_char(x.month, 'MON');Now your other problem is filling in the gaps for months where there are no sales. You will find Help Required for date display & mutating trigger to be helpful if you are using Oracle9i or higher, otherwise you will need to use Justin's variation.
    Cheers, APC

  • Advanced Datagrid with average and sum at bottom

    I have an xml file which has the following elements
    I'l like to have a tree which is first sorted by name, and then by type. Then it should sum up and average all the prices of each of those elements which have the same type and name.
    Any advice on how I can achieve this is highly appreciated.

    try this.
    data w_cat type lvc_s_fcat,
    t_cat type lvc_t_fcat.
    w_cat-fieldname = 'CITYFROM'.
      w_cat-do_sum = 'X'
      APPEND w_cat TO t_cat.
      CLEAR w_cat.
    CALL METHOD r_alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
       i_buffer_active               =
       i_bypassing_buffer            =
       i_consistency_check           =
          i_structure_name              = 'FS'
       is_variant                    =
       i_save                        =
       i_default                     = 'X'
          is_layout                     = w_lay
       is_print                      =
       it_special_groups             =
       it_toolbar_excluding          =
       it_hyperlink                  =
       it_alv_graphics               =
       it_except_qinfo               =
       ir_salv_adapter               =
          it_outtab                     = itab
          it_fieldcatalog               = t_cat
       invalid_parameter_combination = 1
       program_error                 = 2
       too_many_lines                = 3
       others                        = 4

  • What's the best program structure for multi-channel Averaged FFTs?

    I have been successfully using a 8-channel FFT analyzer using a separate Averaged FFT Spectrum (Mag-Phase) VI for each channel, but I now need to expand my channel count from 8 to 16. All channels are simultaneoulsy read in to a buffer to maintain phase relatioships. Do I need to have 16 copies of the Averaged FFT Spectrum VI in my diagram to maintain the averages of each channel or can I utilize one FFT VI somehow within a For Loop? If a For Loop can be used, how can the averaged spectrums be maintained for each of the 16 channels?

    You should be able to use a single FFT vi in a for loop. If your data is in a 2D array representation with each row representing a channel and you leave the indexing enabled you can pass your data array into the loop and it will strip off each row automatically. You could then pass each row of data to the FFT and pass the results out to the boundary of the for loop. This will then build an array containing the FFT results for each row (channel).

  • Making different signals for different color average of the pixcells

    Hello, everyone.
    I'll take image of paper money by webcam,
    and get the color average of the bills
    and fractionate the color average by wavelength range of each bills.
    and I want to making signal releasing time differently for different color average of the pixcells.(to fractionate the kind of bills)
    (I want different signal for different kind of bills) 
    my question is this:
    (1)How can I connect the webcam to the Labview?
    (2)How can I get the color average of paper money?
    (3)How can I make Labview program for releasing different signals which has different releasing time for each color average?

    Hi 박지성,
    you can use the IMAQ for USB Driver. See this link http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5030. You can also use the integrated windows dll to get your picture.
    Hope it helps.

  • Averaging rows in an array

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    There is a much faster possibility by using matrix multiplication. The function is called "A x B". See also attached image. The speed was faster by a factor of 13.
    test.jpg ‏94 KB
    benchmark.vi ‏18 KB

  • Spatial Average

    Hi all.
    I'm very new to all this spatial business so bare with me.
    I need to calculate the average value of an attribute within a region.
    I have two tables. One that contains a cell_id, and the geometry column is a polygon that defines the bounding box of the cell. Each cell is approx 25km by 25km.
    In another table i have a reading for each cell for each day over a period of a few months.
    I need to be able to calculate the average over regions. For example the average for regions with a spatial resolution of 10 degrees.
    Does anyone know how i can do this?
    I realise i could build a query window and do a seperate query for each region. But that would be very very slow. Any other ideas?
    Thanks bec.

    I don't think that there is an out-of-the-box solution for your task but if I understandd you correctly the only thing you will have to do is to average the power associated with each 1/n octave band of all your microphones. In the S&V toolkit the band power is an output parameter of e. g. the SVT Third-octave Analysis.vi. The band powers for each channel are stored within arrays so you will simply have to average the corresponding array elements from each of your channels.
    Best regards,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments Germany

  • Creating a form with Running Averages

    I am creating a Blood Glucose Monthly Form. It is organized by week with an average at the end of each week for the various times of day I test my sugar. Those results then contribute to averaging the weekly numbers for a monthly number. I have a similar form I am developing for Blood Pressure.
    My question is that since this a monthly form destined to be a template how do I get around the error messages that appear when there are blanks as I have not yet reached that day/ date. Can someone help with a formula that will work?
    Thank you

    There is a function named "IFERROR" that will trap an error condition, prevent the alert and substitute a display/calculation that you choose. The syntax is: =IFERROR(original-expression, what-to-do-upon-error).
    Often it is sufficient to display a null string on error: IFERROR(original-expression, "").

  • I am measuring mV on 8 channels using 2 NI 9239's and want to find the mean of each channel

    I'm using 2 NI 9239's to capture the voltages at 8 point on a test fixture. The voltages are very small (a few mV). I want to take an average of 1k samples from each channel and use these to calculate the resistivity of the sample under test. 
    What is the easiest method to precisely measure 8 channels?

    Let's start from the beginning.  Do you know how to read 1k samples from 8 channels using a single DAQmx Task?  Once you have that, then use a FOR loop to do a mean on each channel's data.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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