AVG/Yahoo Search has taken over my new tab, how can I reset it?

I opened Firefox today and my "new tab" is suddenly AVG/Yahoo Search. I'm the only person who uses this computer and I never OK'd it. I normally have it either at a blank tab or the website thumbnails. There is a button ON the search page that says you can disable it and it'll be back to normal when you restart Firefox. That didn't work, seems to be a lie. I've tried about:config, didn't work. I tried resetting Firefox through default reset, didn't work. I tried disabling AVG search through add-ons, didn't work. I'm not a computer whiz but I'm not a novice either, I'm usually able to figure these things out and have done so in the past but this is not going away. It certainly makes me distrust AVG if it's weaseling things in beyond my approval, and it's making me annoyed with Firefox and I'm wanting to switch to Chrome. Please let me know how I can fix this. Thanks.

Hi franontheedge, when you revert to a restore point, you may roll back your Firefox further than desired, for example, losing recently added bookmarks or saved passwords. It might be preferable to clean out the unwanted software by hand. If you have 10 minutes...
I suggest:
(1) Open the Windows '''Control Panel''', Uninstall a Program (or for XP Add/Remove Programs). After the list loads, click the "Installed on" column heading to group the infections, I mean, additions, by date. This can help in smoking out undisclosed bundle items that snuck in with some software you agreed to install. Take out as much trash as possible here.
(2) open the '''Add-ons page''' using either:
* Ctrl+Shift+a
* "3-bar" menu button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons
In the left column, click Plugins. Set nonessential and unrecognized plugins to "Never Activate".
In the left column, click Extensions. Then, if in doubt, disable (or Remove, if possible) unrecognized and unwanted extensions.
Often a link will appear above at least one disabled extension to restart Firefox. You can complete your work on the tab and click one of the links as the last step.
(3) With the above removed, you can update your home page if it's not already back to normal. These articles have more details on how:
* [[Startup, home page and download settings]]
* [[How to set the home page]]

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    == URL of affected sites ==

    Use the instructions at [[How to set the home page]].
    If the problem persists after that, you probably have an add-on that is adjusting it. See [[Uninstalling add-ons]]

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    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

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    here's the FIRST HALF of the source... how do I obliterate it?
    <!doctype html><html lang="en-US"><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Yahoo! Search - Web Search</title><meta name="description" content="The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. Find the most relevant information, video, images, and answers from all across the Web."><style>html{color:#000;background:#FFF}body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fieldset,legend,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{margin:0;padding:0}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}fieldset,img{border:0}address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var{font-style:normal;font-weight:normal}li{list-style:none}caption,th{text-align:left}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%;font-weight:normal}q:before,q:after{content:''}abbr,acronym{border:0;font-variant:normal}sup{vertical-align:text-top}sub{vertical-align:text-bottom}input,textarea,select{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit}input,textarea,select{*font-size:100%}legend{color:#000}body{font:13px/1.231 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small}select,input,button,textarea{font:99% 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    avg/yahoo page comes up when i open a new tab how can i change it back to my home page. it does have a get rid of this page button but it is a link t buy the full edition of avg.
    == i downloaded avg free edition

    BY removing avg toolbar from your firefox adds-on should remove this problem

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    these days i face this problem.whenever i click on a site it appears in a new tab.how can i stop it?

    The Google Search setting has an option '''Where results open'''. If it is selected, you can try deselecting that. If it doesn't solve the problem, please check if this happens in [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe%20Mode Safe Mode]. Safe mode disables the installed '''Extensions''', and themes ('''Appearance''') in '''Tools''' ('''Alt''' + '''T''') > '''Add-ons'''. Hardware acceleration is also temporarily disabled - the manual setting is '''Tools''' > '''Options''' > '''Advanced''' > '''General''' > [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Options%20window%20-%20Advanced%20panel?as=u '''Use hardware acceleration when available''']. All these settings/options/add-ons can also be individually or collectively disabled/enabled/changed in Firefox normal mode to check if an extension, theme, option or hardware acceleration is causing issues. Disabling/enabling hardware acceleration, and some types of add-ons in normal mode may require a Firefox restart.
    [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Uninstalling+add-ons Uninstalling Add-ons]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Uninstalling_toolbars Uninstalling Toolbars]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20extensions%20and%20themes Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions Problematic Extensions]
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Options%20window Options]

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    When opening a new tab, how can I specify a site, homepage or empty? My new tabs open to a site I don't want to see.

    A new tab opens by default as a blank tab (about:blank).
    If that isn't the case then an extension has changed that behavior.
    You can middle-click or hold down Ctrl and left-click the Home button on the Navigation toolbar to open the Home page in a new tab.
    You can look at this extension to set which page to open in a new tab:
    *NewTabURL : https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/newtaburl/

  • You changed the order of the menu for "Open in a new window" or "Open in new Tab", How can I change it back? Or how can I omit any reference to tabs? I do not use them at all.

    You changed the order of the menu for "Open in a new window" or "Open in new Tab", How can I change it back? Or how can I omit any reference to tabs? I do not use them at all.

    You can use the Menu Editor add-on to rearrange or remove menu items - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/menu-editor

  • When I open a new tab, how can I get the second tab to be me my home page also?

    I know how to right click and open a new tab when I am browsing but if I want to open just a blank new tab, how can I get the second tab to be my home page also?

    I know how to right click and open a new tab when I am browsing but if I want to open just a blank new tab, how can I get the second tab to be my home page also?

  • Since the latest update of 3.5.11, firefox opens links in a new window. it used to open links in a new tab. how can i fix that?

    since the latest update of 3.5.11, firefox opens links in a new window. it used to open links in a new tab. how can i fix that?

    The setting in "Tools > Options > Tabs" only works for links that would open in a new window.<br />
    That option allow you to divert such calls to a new tab.<br />
    For other links you either have to use a middle click or a Ctrl + left click or use the context menu.
    Tabberwocky: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/14439

  • Yahoo search has no link to news results

    I tried to like new Yahoo search, but I like to search for news, and Yahoo result page has no clickable link taking me to news results.
    I know normal Yahoo search has this, why is Firefox customized Yahoo results lacking of this?
    Back to Bing for now.

    My search page from Yahoo has a news link
    * https://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=hi&ei=UTF-8
    * Generic links search.yahoo.com & news.yahoo.com
    Possibly you are just looking at the Firefox homepage about:home or the newtab page about:newtab Feel free to bookmark such pages or set them as a homepage {If you set multiple homepages, multiple tabs open) or newtab page.
    * [[Startup, home page and download settings]]
    * [[New Tab Page – show, hide and customize top sites]]
    I am aware Yahoo has previously made available a Yahoo toolbar but it appears at present that is broken and being worked on by Yahoo[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/forums/contributors/711130 .] The toolbar will apparently only work in outdated unsafe Firefox versions.

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    This is embarrassing. It sounds like you have a third party program that has taken over your search engine, home page, and/or the default new tab page. Fortunately, this can be remedied easily:
    # At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), and then click Add-ons. The Add-ons Manager tab will open.
    # In the Add-ons Manager tab, select the Extensions panel.
    # Select the toolbar you wish to remove.
    # Click the remove button.
    # Click "Restart now" if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.
    After Firefox restarts, install the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/searchreset/ Search Reset Tool]. This will remove the rest of the traces of this program from your Firefox.
    For further information, please read [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]].
    Did this fix the problem? Let us know!

  • BearShare has taken over browser page. How do I get rid of it?

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    The safest and most thorough way of cleaning it out of your system is to download Revo Uninstaller, run it in advanced mode and press delete all when prompted. Do NOT go messing about in your registry unless you are a real expert. The other way is to go into system restore and tell your computer to restore to a date & time before you downloaded Bearshare. Just remember that any software you installed since that date will be deleted so back it up first. Good luck. Bearshare is a pain in the Jacksy!

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    A new tab opens by default as a blank tab (about:blank).
    If that isn't the case then an extension has changed that behavior.

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