Avoid J2EE engine restart

Hi Folks,
we have a project, which was developed using J2EE and PDK. I have sapconnection.properties files, and we are getting the connection information using the JCo programming. Suppose if i can  change the connection information in properties file, i have to restart the j2ee engine (mandatory). then only it got reflected. So is there any way to to take effect with out j2ee engine restart..?

Hi Ishita
It is recommended to restart the J2EE Engine after reimporintg the model because metadata will not be refreshed,
The Web Dynpro Adaptive RFC framework sits on the top of several layers such as the Java Connector Objects (JCO), Data Dictionary (DDIC) and the MDI.
            After the first access each of these layers caches the metadata within them and keeps returning the cached values thereafter. The caches are not refreshed even if something would have changed in the metadata on the R/3 backend. In addition the Web Dynpro ARFC model itself also caches the metadata. The new invalidation tool will try to refreshes the caches across all the layers. The earlier solution to refresh the caches was to simply restart the engine.
Please look into this Blog, [reimporting a Model without restarting|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/10465350-b4f5-2910-61ba-a58282b3b6df] the J2EE Engine.
Best Regards

Similar Messages

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    Hi All
    i am using SAP Jco 2.0 to connect to backend.The code runs fine for tables but when i try to access fields like 
    getExportParameterList().getField("EMPLOYEENUMBER").toString(); it leads to j2ee engine restarts.
    Is it a bug?
    Is it possible for an exception to restarts server even with error?

    Does your application uses any property files or log files? If so, check if they are available in the specified location.
    Check the defaultTrace, you will know why the server is getting restarted. Have a placeholder in the defaultTrace so that you can easily identify the error.

  • When SLD is accessed J2EE engine restarts automatically.

    When SLD is accessed J2EE engine restarts automatically.  System is a central component and have ECC and XI on it. Everything works fine only when SLD is acessed through browser it restarts the J2EE engine. 2004s Oracle windows 64bit.
    The error message on the web browser says. The Java Engine is restarting...
    Thanks and Regards.

    Thank you swaroop for your reply.
    Integration is set to :
    When I checked the bridge its pointing to Solution manager address... which is very weard.
    However i am creating another bridge for my Dev and will delete the solution manager one.
    Another issue which I see is I am not able to log into ICM ...
    In MMC.. when I click on ICM .. its asking me for username and password . when I give ICMADM password.. it gives auth error...
    Unable to find icmauth.txt file in global host... tried creating one.. created successfully but still I dont see the file in globalhost.
    If you need any more information please feel free. All the help is greatly appriciated.

  • J2EE engine restart with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError  Java heap space

    I hope someone can help me, I have an error on my J2EE engine.
    My portal restarts only when I click on User - Administration - Identity Management.
    Here is the log error.
    Exception id: [000000000000005B0000001C0000098800045ACD637E87AB]#
    ]_13##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server/Critical#Plain###FATAL: Caught OutOfMemoryError! Node will exit with exit code 666#
    ]_13##0#0#Fatal#1#/System#Java###FATAL: Caught OutOfMemoryError! Node will exit with exit code 666
    #1#java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)
            at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.ApplicationLoader.defineClassWithInterception(ApplicationLoader.java:168)
            at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.ApplicationLoader.loadLocalClass(ApplicationLoader.java:140)
            at com.sap.engine.frame.core.load.ResourceLoader.loadClass(ResourceLoader.java:127)
            at com.sap.engine.frame.core.load.ReferencedLoader.loadClass(ReferencedLoader.java:365)
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            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingComponent.<init>(DelegatingComponent.java:51)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientComponent.init(ClientComponent.java:382)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientComponent.createComponent(ClientComponent.java:940)
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            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientComponent.getViewManagerFor(ClientComponent.java:305)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.createUninitializedView(ViewManager.java:628)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.getView(ViewManager.java:694)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.bind(ViewManager.java:555)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.getView(ViewManager.java:724)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.bindRoot(ViewManager.java:579)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.init(ViewManager.java:155)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.InterfaceView.initController(InterfaceView.java:43)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.controller.Controller.init(Controller.java:200)
            at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewManager.getView(ViewManager.java:709)
    Thanks for your help

    pretty obvious to me "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    those links should give you a fairly good idea on how to solve the issue.

  • J2EE Engine Restarts Automatically

    Hi all,
    We have a clustered environment with 2 J2EE dispatchers and 2 server nodes per J2EE dispatchers. Whenever a server node has a problem with the Messaging Service all the J2EE server nodes restart.
    The following is part of the std_server log that seems to have problem
    [Framework -> criticalShutdown] Missed broadcast due to network problems. Restart is required (advanced Reconnect)
    Sep 09, 2008 8:27:53 AM             com.sap.engine.core.Framework [Thread[Thread-25250,5,SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_Group]] Fatal: Critical shutdown was invoked. Reason is: Missed broadcast due to network problems. Restart is required (advanced Reconnect)
    [Framework -> criticalShutdown] Exiting Listener Loop. This requires a restart of the node. Possible reason is an interrupted
    reconnect session to the message server.
    Sep 09, 2008 8:27:53 AM             com.sap.engine.core.Framework [SAP J2EE Engine|MS Socket Listener] Fatal: Critical shutdown was invoked. Reason is: Exiting Listener Loop. This requires a restart of the node. Possible reason is an interrupted reconnect session to the message server.
    The following the dev_ms log
    [Thr  1] Fri Sep 09 08:55:13 2008
    [Thr  1] MsSSuspendCheck: C10 (J2EE3231271), no write within 40 secs, disconnect now
    [Thr  1] MsJ2EE_AddDisconnectedNode: add node [3231271] into disconnect list
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] MsJ2EE_CleanDisconnectedNodes: clean disconnect list
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C6 (J2EE43102890) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsSClientHandle: C9 (J2EE3231270) send inv_name J2EE3231271 [msxxserv_mt. 4256]
    [Thr  1] ***LOG Q0U=> MsSClientHandle, inv_name (J2EE3231271) [msxxserv_mt. 4265]
    Anyone familiar with "Missed broadcast due to network problems. Restart is required".
    Can I change any parameter to increase the MsSSuspendCheck time to more than 40s.

    Hi Roshni,
    I have discover this problem today!
    From time to time (not during the start process of the Was Java) , II have got the same error message.
    In  my /j2ee/cluster/server0/log/system/server.0.log. I see those  message "Critical shutdown was invoked. Reason is: Missed broadcast due to network problems. Restart is required (advanced Reconnect) , Fatal , /System/Server/Critical , com.sap.engine.core.Framework "
    And my Was java server node is restarted
    I am in J2EE 7.0 SP15 on Solaris Server
    I have one JAVA CI and 4 JAVA Application server on 4 different hardware server.
    If you have any clue, please let me know.

  • J2EE Engine - Restart necessary after changing web.xml?

    Hi people,
    do I have to restart the whole J2EE Engine after changing the <max-sessions> parameter of my J2EE-App? Or is a restart of the app via the deploy service also sufficient?
    This parameter change is done in web.xml on 620 and web-j2ee-engine.xml in 640.
    Message was edited by: Bjoern Altmannsberger

    restart only the application via deploy service

  • J2EE Engine restart

    Hello Experrts,
                         I wanted to know that is it necessary to restart the J2EE engine after reimporting  a model?If so then why?? Dont we have the option to restart any one service related to it?? Can anyone give a better option than restarting the server....??
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Ishita
    It is recommended to restart the J2EE Engine after reimporintg the model because metadata will not be refreshed,
    The Web Dynpro Adaptive RFC framework sits on the top of several layers such as the Java Connector Objects (JCO), Data Dictionary (DDIC) and the MDI.
                After the first access each of these layers caches the metadata within them and keeps returning the cached values thereafter. The caches are not refreshed even if something would have changed in the metadata on the R/3 backend. In addition the Web Dynpro ARFC model itself also caches the metadata. The new invalidation tool will try to refreshes the caches across all the layers. The earlier solution to refresh the caches was to simply restart the engine.
    Please look into this Blog, [reimporting a Model without restarting|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/10465350-b4f5-2910-61ba-a58282b3b6df] the J2EE Engine.
    Best Regards

  • J2EE engine shuts down and restarts....

    I am doing a scenrio using BPM with multiple parallel process. I am using a inbound file adapter for the incoming message to feed the BPM process. I have set 500 messages/per recordset.The process is stable when the message size is small but when the message size increases may be to 2MB,the J2EE engine collapses and restarts a certain period of time.
    When I look at the incoming messages they seem to have failed at the BPM process. I am not sure what is causing the J2EE engine to collapse and restart...It works fine with less than 1MB incoming messages....Does it mean XI cannot support messages greater than 1MB? I know its absurd but this is very interesting..Checking the SMICM, I find the processes are all normal...

    Hi :
    Did u checked  up the  java heap parameters in the configtool set for the server
    Raise the heap parameters as per the following steps
    1) Open up the configtool and increase the heap size and memory size for the server
    Cluster Data -> instance_IDXXX ->  ServerIDXXXX
    Max heap Size 2048MB
    Java Parameters
    2) Restart the server using Visual Administrator
    3) open up the configtool again to ensure that the settings you have set in the config tool are available
    4) Now check whether the problem occurs again or not
    regards & cheers

  • How to restart the J2EE Engine

    I ran a couple tests the other day, and the next time I looked the J2EE Engine was down.  (Could not send or receive PTP messages to it).
    When I brought up the J2EE Engine Administrator, it put upt the following help box:
    <b>Unable to lookup connection default
    http:host1:8101/msgserver/text/login returned empty list of connection parameters</b>
    I had to reinstall to get it to work.
    Does anyone know how to restart the J2EE engine ?
    Thanks, John

    judging by the URL given in the error message (which is a URL that queries the message server), your engine must be of 6.40 version. Well, on 6.40 you should have the SAP Management Console (SAP MMC) that you can open and start the engine from. TO open it, go to Start -> Programs -> SAP Management Console. Inside, locate your SAP System, right-click on it and select Start.
    That's it.
    Just for a reference, <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/9b/dd7277f3e64ecba59f7fbac7edd2fe/frameset.htm">this</a> page contains also some screenshots of the MMC.

  • J2EE Engine auto restart when connect J2ee Engine Visual Adminnistrator

    Hi expert
    I'm config BI and EP for SAP NetWare 7.0(2004)
    After aply patch JSPM successful then J2ee often restart when I login Engine Visual Administrator
    I check logfile
    Nov 5, 2008 10:52:15 AM [1225857135537]:Error   : Thread[Thread-13,5,main]      com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4:    com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.Parser newRequest MSG:The possible problem is that there is no correctly working server node available. Check your working servers
    trace file
    /usr/sap/BWQ/DVEBMGS02/j2ee/cluster/dispatcher/log/ defaultTrace.0.trc
    #1.#001A64C962F2001800000006000061DE00045AC54F59B3DC#1225703393178#com.sap.engine.services.jmx.MBeanServerInvoker##com.sap.engine.services.jmx.MBeanServerInvoker#######OrderedChannel for http service##0#0#Warning#1#/System/Server#Java###JMX connector exception occurred while processing external JMX request [ JMX request (java) v1.0 len: 315 |  src: cluster target-node: 28888700 req: invoke params-number: 4 params-bytes: 0 | :name=com.sap.portal.prt.bridge.service.mbeans.PRTMBeanRuntime,j2eeType=PRTBridge_JMX_SECTION,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=28888700,SAP_J2EECluster="" null null null ]
    #1#com.sap.engine.services.jmx.exception.JmxConnectorException: Unable to de-serialize request parameters, message [ JMX request (java) v1.0 len: 315 |  src: cluster target-node: 28888700 req: invoke params-number: 4 params-bytes: 0 | :name=com.sap.portal.prt.bridge.service.mbeans.PRTMBeanRuntime,j2eeType=PRTBridge_JMX_SECTION,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=28888700,SAP_J2EECluster="" null null null ]
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.RequestMessage.readParams(RequestMessage.java:537)
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.RequestMessage.getParams(RequestMessage.java:586)
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.MBeanServerInvoker.invokeMbs(MBeanServerInvoker.java:90)
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.JmxServiceConnectorServer.receiveWait(JmxServiceConnectorServer.java:172)
            at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.ms.MSListenerThread.run(MSListenerThread.java:47)
            at com.sap.engine.frame.core.thread.Task.run(Task.java:64)
            at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl6.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:80)
            at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl6.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:150)
    Caused by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: MBean with name com.sap.default:name=com.sap.portal.prt.bridge.service.mbeans.PRTMBeanRuntime,j2eeType=PRTBridge_JMX_SECTION,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=28888700,SAP_J2EECluster=BWQ not found in repository
            at com.sap.pj.jmx.server.MBeanServerImpl.getClassLoaderFor(MBeanServerImpl.java:1408)
            at com.sap.pj.jmx.server.interceptor.MBeanServerWrapperInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(MBeanServerWrapperInterceptor.java:455)
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.CompletionInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(CompletionInterceptor.java:576)
    [root@sapvs08 log]# pwd
    [root@sapvs08 log]#cat defaultTrace.12.trc 
    #1.#001A64C962F200720000042A0000586E00045AC496B6EC66#1225700295502#com.sap.engine.services.monitor.mbeans.Monitor#sap.com/irj#com.sap.engine.services.monitor.mbeans.Monitor#J2EE_GUEST#0##n/a##04c6a190a97f11dd99cf001a64c962f2#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_24##0#0#Error##Plain###Caller J2EE_GUEST not authorized, user J2EE_GUEST is not available from user management, reason: com.sap.security.api.NoSuchUserException:Connect to SAP gateway failed
    Connect_PM  TYPE=A ASHOST=localhost SYSNR=02 GWHOST=localhost GWSERV=sapgw02 PCS=1
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
    ERROR       partner '' not reached
    TIME        Mon Nov  3 15:18:15 2008
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     38
    RC          -10
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        2823
    DETAIL      NiPConnect2
    SYSTEM CALL connect
    ERRNO       111
    ERRNO TEXT  Connection refused
    COUNTER     254
    #1.#001A64C962F200720000042B0000586E00045AC496B6F426#1225700295504#System.err#sap.com/irj#System.err#J2EE_GUEST#0##n/a##04c6a190a97f11dd99cf001a64c962f2#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_24##0#0#Error##Plain###com.sap.engine.services.jmx.exception.JmxSecurityException: Caller J2EE_GUEST not authorized, user J2EE_GUEST is not available from user management, reason: com.sap.security.api.NoSuchUserException:Connect to SAP gateway failed
    Connect_PM  TYPE=A ASHOST=localhost SYSNR=02 GWHOST=localhost GWSERV=sapgw02 PCS=1
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
    ERROR       partner '' not reached
    TIME        Mon Nov  3 15:18:15 2008
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     38
    RC          -10
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        2823
    DETAIL      NiPConnect2
    SYSTEM CALL connect
    ERRNO       111
    ERRNO TEXT  Connection refused
    COUNTER     254
            at com.sap.engine.services.jmx.auth.UmeAuthorization.checkMBeanPermission(UmeAuthorization.java:63
    Please help me soon
    Quang Le

    Check this link and see if it helps,

  • Automatic restart of SAP J2EE Engine

    Dear Experts,
    We have a 2004s server. Once in a while the server automatically restarts. When i checked the J2EE Engine tab in NWDS, the SDM, dispatcher and server0 all have a flag called automatic restart and it is set to YES. How do i set them to NO.

    you can use jcmon to achieve this.
    Goto your SYS/profile directory:
    e.g. /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile or X:\usr\sap.... on Windows
    Start jcmon using:
    jcmon pf=<PROFILE>
    The Profile to be used is +<SID>_JC<InstanceNo>_<hostname>+
    This will show up jcmon:
    JControl Monitor Program - Main Menu
    0  : exit
    10 : Cluster Administration Menu
    20 : Local Administration Menu
    30 : Shared Memory Menu (Solid Rock, experimental)
    Choose 20 for Local Administration Menu
    You see a list of processes:
    |Idx|Name               |PID     |State                |Error|Restart|
    |  0|dispatcher         |   16670|Running              |    0|yes    |
    |  1|server0            |   16671|Running              |    0|yes    |
    |  2|SDM                |   16672|Running              |    0|yes    |
    JControl Monitor Program - Administration Menu  (Local)
    Instance : JC_<hostname>_<SID>_<InstanceNo>
    0  : exit
    1  : Refresh list
    2  : Shutdown instance
    3  : Enable process
    4  : Disable process
    5  : Restart process
    6  : Enable bootstrapping on restart
    7  : Disable bootstrapping on restart
    8  : Enable debugging
    9  : Disable debugging
    10 : Dump stacktrace
    11 : Process list
    12 : Port list
    13 : Activate debug session
    14 : Deactivate debug session
    15 : Increment trace level
    16 : Decrement trace level
    17 : Enable process restart
    18 : Disable process restart
    19 : Restart instance
    40 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes with specified process type
    41 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes excluding specified process type
    99 : Extended process list on/off
    Now use 17/18 to toggle Process restart
    command => 18
    Process Index : 1
            Do you want to disable process restart for process [0/dispatcher] ? (y/n): y
    Hope this helps

  • How to make new JSP take effect without restart J2EE engine

    Whenever I modify the JSP file, I have restart the J2EE engine.
    I have tried to delete all generated Java/class files, but the new JSP file will not be read.
    Could someone tell me whether it's possible to configure NetWeaver server so that new JSP file will be read/translated/compiled without restarting the J2EE engine?
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    You may find information on adding JSP file in the link below.

  • Restarting XI J2EE Engine

    How do restart the XI J2EE Engine in a proper way.

    Hi Rokie.
    You can restart it from the SAPMMC Console.
    Open the SAPMMC Console, right click on the host name ---> All tasks ---> Stop.
    Once, all the icons turn into grey color from green, then you can start it by right clicking on the hostname-->all tasks ---> start.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Restarting j2ee engine

    I have done some maintenance work and got to restart j2ee engine. I have gone through the previous threads available on the forum and they says
    1) REBOOT : Right click the Dispacher Node or the Server node and choose the option 'reboot'
    But if I right click on node I am getting only 2 options. i.e start and stop. I am not getting the reboot option. So is it like that to restart the J2EE engine I can only stop and start the engine or else is there any other option. And one more thing is in MMC i am not able to see anything like j2ee engine. I am only able to see the process instance named "Dispatcher".

    You will not see J2ee Engine. You will see only dispatcher.
    Check this help:
    Also from SMICM you can do a restart with Soft Shutdown and Hard Shutdown.
    Check this help:
    PS: Also please close your previous threads if you have got the information on what you are looking.

  • How do u restart and monitor J2EE engine from Visual Admin?

    Hi mates,
    How do you restart J2EE engine from VA?
    From VA, is there any way we can monitor if the J2EE engine is rebooting properly or got stuck somewhere?
    thx in adv

    Hi Praveen,
    1) I don't think you can monitor from SAP GUI. SMICM will only allow you also to trigger a reboot via Administration / J2EE server but for the rest it's happing all in the background with no visibility.
    2) The dispatcher node is the 'SAP WEB dispatcher' component which is an independent component / product and ( can ) act as the load balancer
    You can also install it standalone to act e.g. as a reverse proxy.
    3) The J2EE node represents the J2EE server

Maybe you are looking for

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