Avoiding iADs

In the event that I find the new advertising objectionable (very likely), will I be able to downgrade my IOS to 3.x? I noticed that Apple will allow me to opt-out of targeted advertisements, but not ads altogether.
Frankly, I don't see the benefit in installing iOS 4.x on my iPad if it will include advertising. None of the new features are worth having my life interrupted.

iOS 4 does not include any advertising.
Only third-party apps from developers who have chosen to incorporate iAds will have adverts in them.
If you object to developers making a living from their free Apps through advertising, you have the choice whether to download and use ad-supported Apps or purchase paid-for alternatives.
You also have the choice whether to click on adverts in Apps with iAds.
Incidentally, thousands of Apps in the iOS 3 you already use have adverts in them. This is nothing new, just a different company providing the ad functionality to developers.

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  • IAds Bandwidth Usage

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    Thinking about getting my first iPhone with ATT's 200mb plan. But, I'm a little concerned about the iAds consuming bandwidth and eating up my data plan. I do understand that the free apps will probably be the ones that have the iAds within them and that buying the non-free ones could be a way to avoid them, but I'm still curious on how this will play out.
    From my understanding, the initial iAds banner will consume a small amount of bandwidth to load. The bulk of the bandwidth the iAds ad consumes is when you click the ad. So, if you don't click the ad, then bandwidth usage is very small. But, will apps be loading multiple adds (looping thru them) and thus using bandwidth the whole time I'm using the app?
    Also, does anyone know if iAds will be consuming bandwidth if you're not using the app while multi-tasking?

    question needed editing. i didn't see how to edit, so i'm closing and reopening a new question.

  • Avoiding null and duplicate values using model clause

    I am trying to use model clause to get comma seperated list of data : following is the scenario:
    testuser>select * from test1;
    1 Value1
    2 Value2
    3 Value3
    4 Value4
    5 Value4
    7 value5
    8 rows selected.
    the query I have is:
    testuser>with src as (
    2 select distinct id,value
    3 from test1
    4 ),
    5 t as (
    6 select distinct substr(value,2) value
    7 from src
    8 model
    9 ignore nav
    10 dimension by (id)
    11 measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value)
    12 rules
    13 (
    14 value[any] order by id =
    15 value[cv()-1] || ',' || value[cv()]
    16 )
    17 )
    18 select max(value) oneline
    19 from t;
    what I find is that this query has duplicate value and null (',,') coming in as data has null and duplicate value. Is there a way i can avoid the null and the duplicate values in the query output?
    Edited by: orausern on Feb 19, 2010 5:05 AM

    Try this code.
    t as ( select substr(value,2)value,ind
            from test1
            ignore nav
            dimension by (id)
            measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value, 0 ind)
            ( ind[any]=  instr(value[cv()-1],value[cv()]),
            value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || CASE WHEN value[cv()] IS NOT NULL
                                               and ind[cv()]=0     THEN ',' || value[cv()] END      
    select max(value) oneline
    from t;
    SQL> select * from test1;
            ID VALUE
             1 Value1
             2 Value2
             3 Value3
             4 Value4
             5 Value4
             7 value5
    8 ligne(s) sélectionnée(s).
    SQL> with
      2   t as ( select substr(value,2)value,ind
      3          from test1
      4          model
      5          ignore nav
      6          dimension by (id)
      7          measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value, 0 ind)
      8          rules
      9          ( ind[any]=  instr(value[cv()-1],value[cv()]),
    10          value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || CASE WHEN value[cv()] IS NOT NULL
    11                                             and ind[cv()]=0     THEN ',' || value[cv()] END 
    12          )
    13        )
    14   select max(value) oneline
    15   from t;

  • How to set text resources avoiding automatic page update with c:set tag

    Hello everyone,
    I'm developing my web application with JDeveloper in order to support two language locales (en and de). Following this guide I've performed the following steps:
    Creation of two property files (Resources.properties and Resources_de.properties) with the key-value entries;
    Modify of faces-config.xml file adding these lines:
    In the project properties > Resources Bundle I've checked:
    Automatically Synchronize Bundle;
    Warn about Hard-coed Translatable Strings;
    Always Prompt for Description.
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    Anyway, when I use the "Select Text Resources..." menu in any text value choosing a value from the default property file, JDev automatically adds the following tag:
    <c:set var="customuiBundle" value="#{adfBundle['view.ViewControllerBundle']}"/>
    setting the value of the text in #{ViewControllerBundle.HELLOWORLD}.
    There is a way to avoid this behavior? Can I manage the resources in a different way? I would to choose a value from the list in order to get the res.KEY value instead of ViewControllerBundle.KEY value.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    don't select from menu - go to source and write it . The problem with the tools is they have a certain way of doing things and don't think we should spend time customizing jdeveloper rather concentrate on the work in hand.

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    Alternatively, is there a way to construct a form so you can start interacting with it without having to wait for it all to load? This question comes from the (uninformed) assumption that maybe there are forward references that can't be satisfied until all the bits have come over the wire. If that's right, can a multipage form be architected so as to avoid this problem?

    No that technology does not exist yet. There are form level events that need to have the entire document there before they can fire. Also you would have to keep track of where you are so that would mean some sort of session information for each user.

  • To avoid writing database code in the front end

    I am working on a database application using 10g database as backend and dotnet as front end. I wish to execute only oracle stored procedure for all the select (to avoid hard parse and use of bind variable), DDL and DML operations; just to avoid writing database code in the front end. Can anyone please give me a little examples of :
    1.Select query's output to be return as resultset by stored procedure.
    2.DML example by stored procedure.
    3.Any DDL example by stored procedure.
    using scott.emp, so that i would just call the stored procedure, rather than giving select,DML and/or DDL commands in the front end. Even though i have read in the documentation, but a clear cut examples will help me to get into clear concept as well.
    Thanks & Regards
    Girish Sharma

    -->Select example
    create or replace procedure get_emp(rc out sys_refcursor)
    open rc for select * from emp;
    -->DML example
    create or replace procedure do_dml_emp(pempid in number,
    pempname varchar2,
    result out number)
    insert into emp(empid,empname) values(pempid,pempname) returning empid into result;
    when others then
    -->DDL example
    create or replace procedure ddl_emp(colname varchar2,
    coltype varchar2,
    result out number)
    execute immediate 'alter table emp add column ' || colname || ' ' || coltype ;

  • Query to populate an alert message to avoid the duplication of Reference no

    Hi Experts,
    SUB:Query to populate an alert message to avoid the duplication of BP reference no.
    In A/R invoice, BP reference (numAtcard) is used to enter sales Order no as the reference number. As human error, double A/R invoice is created to that particular Sales Order no.
    So,I want a formatted search query in that BP reference field, so that when i type the sales order number and give tab, it should populate the alert message if it already exists.
    Moreover i do not want to block it through store procedure method, only warning is required to my scenario.
    Kindly, help me on this ground.

    Hi there, i think this could work, maybe you'll only need to configure the Formated search to work with the document total, each time it changes
    declare @numatcard varchar(15)
    declare @count int
    set @numatcard=(select $[oinv.numatcard])
    set @count= (select count(numatcard) from oinv where numatcard=@numatcard)
    if @count>1
    select 'There is a duplicated reference'
    select @numatcard
    hope it works

  • Avoiding data memory duplication in subVI calls

    I am on a Quest to better understand some of the subtle ways of the LabVIEW memory manager. Overall, I want to (as much as practically possible) eliminate calls to the memory manager while the code is running.
    (I mainly do RT code that is expected to run "forever", the more static and "quiet" the memory manager activity is, the faster and simpler it is to prove beyond reasonable doubt that your application does not have memory leaks, and that if will not run into memory fragmentation (out of memory) issues etc. What I like to see as much as possible, are near static "used memory" and "largest contiguous block available" stats over days and weeks of deployed RT code.)
    In my first example (attached, "IPE vs non-IPE.png"), I compared IPE buffer allocation (black dots) for doing some of the operations in an IPE structure vs. "the old way". I see fewer dots the old way, and removed the IPE structure.
    Next I went from initializing an array of size x to values y to using a constant array (0 values) with an "array add" to get an array with the same values as my first version of the code. ("constant array.png")
    The length of the constant array is set to my "worst case" of 25 elements (in example). Since "replace sub-array" does not change the size of the input array even when the sub-array is "too long", this saves me from constantly creating small, variable sized arrays at run-time. (not sure what the run-time cpu/memory hit is if you tried to replace the last 4 elements with a sub-array that is 25 elements long...??)
    Once I arrived at this point, I found myself wondering "how exactly the constant array is handled during run-time?". Is it allocated the first time that this sub-vi is called then remains in memory until the main/top VI terminates, or is it unloaded every time the SubVI finishes execution? (I -think- Mac's could unload, while windows and linux/unix it remains in memory until top level closes?)  When thinking (and hopefully answering),  consider that the the code is compiled to an RTEXE runningg on a cRIO-9014 (vxWorks OS).  
    In this case, I could make the constant array a control, and place the constant on the diagram of the caller, and pipe the constant all the way up to the top level VI, but this seems cumbersome and I'm not convinced that the compiler would properly reckognize that at the end of a long chain of sub-sub-sub VI's all those "controls" are actually always tied off to a single constant. Another way would perhaps be to initialize a FG with this constant array and always "read it" out from the FG. (using this cool trick on creating large arrays on a shift register with only one copy which avoids the dual copy (one for shift register, one from "initialize array" function)).
    This is just one example of many cases where I'm trying to avoid creating memory manager activity by making LabVIEW assign memory space once, then only operate on that data "in-place" as much as possible. In another discussion on "in-place element" structures (here), I got the distinct sense that in-place very rarely adds any advantage as the compiler can pick up on and do "in-place" automatically in pretty much any situation. I find the NI documentation on IPE's lacking in that it doesn't really show good examples of when it works and when it doesn't. In particular, this already great article would vastly benefit from updates showing good/bad use of IPE's.
    I've read the following NI links to try and self-help (all links should open in new window/tab):
    cool trick on creating large arrays on a shift register with only one copy
    somewhat dated but good article on memory optimization
    IPE caveats and recommendations
    How Can I Optimize the Memory Use in My LabVIEW VI?
    Determining When and Where LabVIEW Allocates a New Buffer
    I do have the memory profiler tool, but it shows min/max/average allocations, it doesn't really tell me (or I don't know how to read it properly) how many times blocks are allocated or re-allocated.
    Thanks, and I hope to build on this thread with other examples and at the end of the thread, hopefully everyone have found one or two neat things that they can use to memory optimize their own applications.  Next on my list are probably handling of large strings, lots of array math operations on various input arrays to create a result output array etc.
    CLD LabVIEW 7.1 to 2013
    IPE vs non-IPE.png ‏4 KB
    constant array.png ‏3 KB

    I sense a hint of frustration on your part, I'm not trying to be dense or difficult, but do realize that this is more towards the "philosophical" side than "practical" side. Code clarity and practicalities are not necessarily the objectives here.
    Also, I have greatly appreciated all your time and input on this and the other thread!
    The answer to your first question is actually "yes, sort of". I had a RT application that developed a small memory leak (through a bug with the "get volume info.vi' from NI), but to isolate it and prove it out took a very long time because the constant large allocation/deallocations would mask out the leak. (Trace's didn't work out either since it was a very very slow leak and the traces would bomb out before showing anythinng conclusive.) The leak is a few bytes, but in addition to short term memory oscilations and  long term (days) cyclical "saw-tooth" ramps in memory usage, made this very hard to see. A more "static" memory landscape would possibly have made this simpler to narrow down and diagnose. or maybe not. 
    Also, you are missing my point entierely, this is not about "running out of memory" (and the size of 25 in my screen-shot may or may not be what that array (and others) end up being). This is about having things allocated in memory ONCE then not de-allocated or moved, and how/when this is possible to accomplish.  Also this is a quest (meaning something  I'm undertaking to improve and expand my knowledge, who said it has to be practical).
    You may find this document really interesting, its the sort of thing you could end up being forced to code to, albeit, I don't see how 100% compliance with this document would ever be possible in LabVIEW, thats not to say its worthless: JPL Institutional Coding Standard for the C Programming Language (while it is directed at C, they have a lot of valid general points in there.)
    Yes, you are right that the IPE would grow the output if the lenght of my replacement array is not the same, and since I can't share the full VI's its a bit of a stretch to expect people to infer from the small screen dummp that the I32 wires on the right guarantee the lengths will match up in the IPE example.
    Once, on recomendation of NI support, I actually did use the Request deallocation primitive during the hunt for what was going on in that RT app I was debugging last year. At that particular time, the symptom was constant fragmentation of memory, until the largest contiguous block would be less than a couple of kB and the app would terminate with 60+MB of free memory space.. (AKA memory leak, though we could not yet prove that from diagnostic memory consumption statistics due to the constant dynamic behavior of the program)  I later removed them. Also, they would run counter to my goal of "allocate once, re-use forever" that I'm chasing. and again, I'm chasing this more as a way to learn than because all my code MUST run this way. 
    I'm not sure I see what you mean by "copying data in and out of some temporary array". Previously (before the constant array) at every call to the containing sub-vi, I used to "initialize array" with x elements of value y (where x depends to a large degree on a configuration parameter, and y is determined by the input data array). Since I would call to "initialize" a new array each time the code was called, and the size of the array could change, I looked for a way that I could get rid of the dynamic size, and get rid of dynamically creating the array from scratch each time the sub-vi was called. What I came up with is perhaps not as clear as the old way I did it, but with some comments, I think its clear enough. In the new way, the array is created as a constant, so I would think that would cause less "movement" in memory as it at that point should be preventing the "source" array from (potentially) moving around in memory?  Considering the alternative of always re-creating a new array, how is this adding an "extra" copy that creating new ones would not create?
    How would you accomplish the task of creating an array of "n" elements, all of value "y" without creating "extra" copies? -auto-indexing using a for loop is certainly a good option, but again, is that sure to reuse the same memory location with each call? Would that not, in a nit-picking way, use more CPU cycles since you are building the array one element at the time instead of just using a primitive array add operation (which I have found to be wicked fast operations) and operate on a constant data structure?
    I cannot provide full VI's without further isolation, maybe down the road (once my weekends clear up a bit). Again, I appreciate your attention and your time!
    CLD LabVIEW 7.1 to 2013

  • Avoid printing Header and Footer in the last page

    Could anyone please let me know how to avoid print the header and footer in the last page?
    Note: I'm printing RTF template for publishing the output.
    Looking forward for your valuable inputs/suggestions.
    Thanks in advance,

    My report got FROM PO & TO PO parameters and i need to print footer only in first page of each PO. Tried with section but now i am getting first page of all PO contionious and then all lines together.
    Please call me or sent replies to [email protected]

  • How to avoid of application running on Oracle 10g to be copied?

    I am a newbie to the security issues, so I need your help, please, where to start / what to read:
    I have an application running across many customers on Oracle 10g. I have faced lately that our users
    can use their daily backups to establish a totaly new database on a same / different server
    and point our application to use it as well.
    Is there any way to avoid it? F.e. I thought to use SELECT * FROM v$instance; to get the server instance details, and
    in result with some other function to obtain, let say, local server's (WIN2003) details,
    such as HD Serial Number, MAC number or so and then to check these values each time user runs the application.
    Is it the correct way? What are the basics here at all?
    Many thanks in advance to all!

    A lot of enterprises, however, actively avoid systems which are locked down to a particular server for very legitimate reasons. If my data center dies in the middle of the night, I sure don't want to have to call your mobile phone so that you can get to a computer, log in to the office network, and get me a new key so that I can finish my emergency failover. If I've got dozens of applications, I absolutely don't want to do that with dozens of different vendors.
    It sounds like your problem, though, isn't that users are installing your software on multiple computers it's that they are accessing functionality they haven't licensed. That is generally a much easier problem to solve and doesn't require you to lock anything down to a particular machine. You can create a table LICENSED_CONTENT, for example,
    CREATE TABLE licensed_content (
      client_id    NUMBER,
      content_type VARCHAR2(30),
      key          RAW(128)
    )In this case, KEY is, say, a hash (using the DBMS_CRYPTO or DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT packages if you'd like) of the client_id, content_type, and a bit of salt (i.e. a fixed string that only you know). When you sell a license to manage diamond content, you provide a script that inserts the appropriate row in the LICENSED_CONTENT table. When your application starts up, it reads the LICENSED_CONTENT table and verifies the hash before allowing users to access that type of content. This allows legitimate customers to move the software from one system to another but prevents them from accessing new functionality without a new license.

  • How to avoid redeclaring your web service interface?

    Hi there,
    How can one avoid having to redeclare your wsdl interface on
    each mxml page where it is accessed? I only want to declare the web
    service and the operation is has once and then just include it in
    the component where I use it to access/update data.
    I am new to flex so this may be obviouse to other but not me.
    I tried including it in its own mxml file and then using the normal
    component include tag to include it. I get errors about not being
    able to access the webservice via its id.
    Error: Access of undefined property WebService.
    [mxmlc] WebService.getSiteOptions.send();

    The solution is to place the web definition in a separate
    file and then use the "include" like functionality of defining your
    own namespace in the xml. You do the include in the main
    application file.
    title="Reports Menu"
    creationComplete="onInit();" >
    On the main application page to include your web service file
    do a
    <webservice:webservices id="services"/>
    The webservices.mxml file will contain your definitions.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="
    import mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    public var webServiceWSDL:String ="";
    public function onServiceFault(evt:FaultEvent):void
    var err:Error = new Error(evt.fault.faultCode + " , " +
    public function onSuccess(evt:Event):void
    <!-- ======================================== -->
    <!-- Remote Services -->
    <!-- ======================================== -->
    <mx:WebService id="webservice"
    wsdl="{this.webServiceWSDL}" service="ValueAddWebService"
    port="AppWebServiceHttpPort" fault="onServiceFault(event)"
    showBusyCursor="true" >
    In your child components you can refer to the component by
    doing a "parentApplication.services.webservice"

  • How to add iad's to window based application in xcode for ios

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    Im trying to add iad's to a window based application. I add the framework and add the banner in interface builder. The program builds without any problems but when I try to run the application on the simulator, the app crashes. Don't know what im doing wrong. Do I need to add any extra code or something. Please help, thanks in advance

  • Avoid double login for BSP iView

    I have installed a Netweaver 2004s Application Server + Portal. The user data source for the Portal is the ABAP System. I have created a portal page that contains a BSP iView. This BSP is created in the Application Server, and the portal page is assigned to a role.
    When I access the portal with a user with that role, I have to log in, but for seeing the content of the BSP there is a second login request. Both logins are the same user and password against the same user data source (ABAP system). Is there any way to avoid the second login request apart of SSO?
    Thanks in advance and best regards.
    Joaquin Sanchez.

    Same issue discussed & solved in below thread..
    Re: How to supress login pop up for a BSP iView?
    Let us know if you face any more issue..
    Raja T

  • How Do I Avoid Losing Formatting When Pages documents Are Converted to PDF Files and Emailed?

    I put together a presentation piece with Pages, converted its 19 pages to pdf files, emailed the folder of pdf files to Staples for duplication, collation, and binding, and was disappointed to see some of my graphic frame formatting lost. 
    Can anyone please tell me how to avoid the loss in the future?  'Sure would appreciate it. 
    I was "raised" on Microsoft Publisher, then worked with Adobe Elements before switching to Mac.  For the most-part, I find Mac OSX 10.7.5 a joy to use, but it takes me quite a while to figure out how to bridge differences between PC and Mac applications.   Even though Mac applications tend to be straight forward, I loften find myself shaking my head and wondering how I could have been stumped so long by a little thing such as instant alpha.  I don't want to chalk up this difficulty in adapting  to old age, but could! (--Which translates:  Please be easy on the old lady!)  Thanking you in advance for such assistance as you might provide ...

    Upgrade to Mountain Lion OSX 10.8, much better than Lion.
    I take it you are talking about Pages '09?
    Your problem is probably with anything that has transparency eg fancy frames, 3D charts, shadows, reflections because Pages exports all these to too low 72dpi resolution in .pdfs.
    Prepping files for commercial print is always a concern and you need at least some Pro skills, but Apple has made life even harder with key missing settings and inferior presets.
    The subject of preparing for print is rather broad and detailed.
    You may find more comprehensive advice here:

  • How to avoid to check if a column value is NULL?

    Hi, I'm a newbee in Oracle.
    I have a procedure like this:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE get_employee
         v_first_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
         v_middle_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
         v_last_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
    To select rows with matching multiple column values, I can simply do this:
    SELECT *
    FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = v_first_name
    AND middle_name = v_middle_name
    AND last_name = v_last_name
    The problem is v_middle_name can be NULL. This means,
    I need check if v_middle_name is NULL, and if it is, I need use "IS NULL" instead, like this:
    SELECT *
    FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = v_first_name
    AND middle_name IS NULL
    AND last_name = v_last_name
    It seems very cumbersome to do a check for each column that can be null.
    Is there a way that I do not need to do a check for every column?
    or is it better to avoid having NULL values in those columns (and replace them with, say a space) ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Normally, you would do something like
    SELECT *
      FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = NVL( v_first_name, first_name )
       AND middle_name = NVL(v_middle_name, middle_name )
       AND last_name = NVL(v_last_name, last_name )Of course, if you can ensure that NULL data is not allowed (without creating phony non-NULL data), that is a good thing. In most systems, for example, it is probably reasonable to require a non-NULL first and last name. But you almost certainly cannot require a middle name.

Maybe you are looking for


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