Avoiding rejection with a Single Issue app

Hi there,
We are up against a wall with the digital edition of a book that is about to be released in print unable to be approved by Apple because it presents features that are able to be replicated in the iBookstore.
Quite disappointing for us as we have been publishing on DPS for 18 months now and would rather use the toolset we know and pay for than spend time wrestling with a new workflow.  However, it is easy to see why Apple has taken the stance.
As I see it, we have three ways to move forward, but I am looking for insight from the community on whether any of these seems especially prone to success:
1. Appeal to Apple with a list of similar apps that have been published recently. While this would be our easiest route, it seems to me to be the least likely to bear fruit. Apple has said outright that what's in the store is not an indiication of the current approval policies, so I don't see this one working out.  I think Bob Levine had success with this, but it seems like a gamble to me.
2. Add features to the app that differentiate it from an iBook. One post somewhere in these forums suggested adding web-enabled content like an online survey or some social media interation using Web Overlays or HTML Stacks. My fear is that I don't have a great feel for the limitations of the iBook platform (EPUB3-esque) that I can say for certain what would differentiate us. Does anyone have any examples that show off iBooks being pushed to the limit?
3. Our last resort, and one that I know next to nothing about, is to convert the title to the iBookstore just as Apple is suggesting. This would mean throwing out the app approach and leaving DPS behind and takes us into very unfamiliar territory. Am I right in thinking that going the EPUB route would essentially mean starting over when it comes to things like videos and slideshows?
Thank you in advance for any and all insight you can provide.
Steven Sokulski

Hi Neil! Thanks for the quick reply.
We have not utilized pich and zoom images (just pages) or scrollable frames in this book, though we have used MSOs to create slideshows but not to leverage customized functionality.
So far, we have used movies and slideshows, which are arguably quite tame. We shyed away from scrolling frames due to reports of poor performance on the New iPad.
After some brainstorming with our team, we have begun to explore the possibility of re-cooking the app as a multi-issue app (we already have DPS Pro for our magazine) and then using it as an umbrella app for a series of same-category apps we are working on right now.
I've been able to uncover a few other apps doing the same thing in the app store now. Do you know anyone using DPS to create their own bookshelf right now?

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    Short of paying for a pro or enterprise account there is nothing you can do.
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    Hi Wadih saad,
    I think the memory is not suffcient to hold the load. Check your swap space and memory during the client export and also check whether there is sufficient space in the hard disk to hold the export files.
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    It is not possible with a single edition app, and is only possible in the enterprise edition if you develop a custom storefront.

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    Thanks for response. It is so frustrating.
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    Hi Mudassar,
    This rule analyzes cube dimensions to determine whether a cube contains only one cube dimension. Generally, a cube that contains only one cube dimension should have that dimension split into multiple cube dimensions based on logical business entities. Splitting
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    Charlie Liao
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    I hope someone can you help me out with this one as I really enjoy listening to podcasts and feel that my user experience would be greatly hampered if the limit to the availability of podcasts is only to those who have published on itunes or offer subscriptions.  The ability to add podcasts manually and have them synced via iTunes is always available so surely it is only a matter of properly formatting, labelling and adding the correct tags to the files so they show up in the podcast app.
    Thanks in advance for your help
    (P.S Somone mentioned in aonther post changing the genre to "Podcast" as well, will check that out and get back to you all)

    To confirm, changing the genre to "podcast" has no effect on displaying the entire list of titles or other podcasts in the podcast app.  I beleive the app to have a serious bug.
    I can see all the titles in spotlight search, I can search by title name or even artist name and they appear, so clearly they are available in the iphone.  Another major issue is I can't play them in the podcast app.  I can select one from spolight and the podcast app loads however it always play the same title that is playing, it won't chnage to the title I selected.
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    I can change the media kind to either Audiobook or iTunesU and the mp3 files are successfully listed in both the music app or ITunesU app respectively and I have no issues seeing them all, playing them or syncing them.  only issue with itunesU is can't increase to 2x speed, it says only at 1x
    There really are some major flaws with the the podcast app v2.0. I will add a new ticket to the apple bugreport site for developers concerning these issues.

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    Thank you for you help!

    Thank you for your reply, Bob!
    I've forgotten to ask the most important thing: This also stays that way for DPS V30?
    Thank you!

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