Away from home, can I register and get my shuffle started on my sisters

computer, then when I go home, will I have a problem?
Homemade   Windows XP  

You can use the ipod on multiple computers.
For more information on this please go to this
SOMEDAY (how about TODAY?) you should READ the actual CONTENT of the documents you point users seeking advice to!
The note at the bottom of this one says:
Note: iPod shuffle is intended for use with a single computer. You cannot load music from multiple computers or iTunes libraries onto iPod shuffle like you can with other iPods.

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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.1; AOLBuild 4334.5009; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.3; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)

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    Generally speaking, your bookmarks are private to your computer, and if you set up multiple Firefox profiles on your computer, to the one profile.
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    Is there a way that I can achieve both at the same time?

    Yes, iTunes Match alleviates this situation.  As long as iTunes on both of your computers is using the same Apple ID, you can add songs to either one, and once they have uploaded to iCloud, they will be available on any of your iDevices AND in iTunes on the other computer.

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    ARD is totally unnecessary and inapplicable for your scenario. ARD is a Mac OS X application for managing other Macs and is not useful if you want to connect to a Mac from some other OS. Mac OS X has a VNC client build int, so VNC,  or one of the number of other remote control solutions - LogMeIn, for instance, if they offer a Linux version - is where you want to be looking.

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    Do you mean applecare ?
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    Yes, if you setup one of the methods.. see
    You must use a Mac for any of those.. if you want to use some other OS tell us. 

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    if you're away from how do you access data? through your network? check if you turned off your data. Go to SETTINGS>GENERAL>NETWORK
    turn on Cellular Data if it's OFF
    3G should also be ON for faster access.

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    I can't get my MacBook Pro to send email when I'm away from home but the connection doctor says it is connected to all of the smtp servers in my mail accounts.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Most, if not all ISPs, block the use of SMTP servers that are outside of their network (or not provided by the ISP being used for your internet connection) on Port 25. Some ISPs allow the use of an authenticated SMTP server only that is outside of their network, but some block all available ports that can be used with an SMTP server that is outside of their network.
    These restrictions are in place as part of an overall effort to prevent spam emanating from the ISP's domain.
    Earthlink has an authenticated SMTP server, as does a .Mac account, so you should be able to send messages with your Earthlink and .Mac accounts when connected to different ISPs. If not and you are using 25 for the SMTP server port for these SMTP servers, try using 587 for the SMTP server port instead for each.
    You can only use the .Mac authenticated SMTP server to send messages with a .Mac account, but it should be possible to use Earthlink's authenticated SMTP server to send messages with any account.
    If the ISP you are using for your internet connection is very restrictive in this regard, there isn't much you can do except for contacting the ISP being used for their requirement when using an SMTP server that is outside of their network, or send via webmail access for the account using a browser.

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