Azure CDN vs Storage vs Media Services and Streaming Units

Quite new to Azure and these services and after much poking around cannot quite find the answer to my question so I'm writing it here.  I have a video that I have uploaded under storage but one cannot access that through the listed URL.  So under
Media Services I created a new Media Service and if you look under Content you can find the URL for the video which I have published.
So, I then under configuration for this Media Service went under Streaming Capacity and turned it up to streaming capacity 1 unit = 200mbps at $4.50 per day.  Which seems expensive for just wanting one video to be available on demand.
So I'm needing some help.  I created some CDNs but not sure what they do and if they should be connected to my video.  All I know is that it is costing me over $5 day to have one 47MB be available to play as soon as the user clicks on the link on
my page.  This seems ridiculous.  What am I doing wrong?  How do I use the CDN, or the Media Services and if I'm just serving up one video do I need the 200mbps?  I understand the idea of guaranteed bandwidth.... but some discussion on
this would help greatly.  Thanks in advance for any discussion on this.

Hi Paul,
Streaming capacity doesn't only provides guaranteed bandwidth, but also enabled additional features such as dynamic packaging and dynamic encryption. If your intent is only stream one video file and just use progressive download, I would recommend you to
use directly storage SAS URLs and bypass streaming end-point. Streaming-end point with streaming capacity will provide you adaptive streaming and the additional feature.
To use storage URLs directly, you can just upload your video file using Azure portal and publish which will create a storage SAS URL. The URL should include blobcore in the URL. To integrate CDN for this URL, you should use CDN tab and integrate CDN
for the corresponding storage account.

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    Azure media services has a RESTful service and a C# SDK that you can use to interact with the Azure Media Services.
    Here is the documentation and sample code for calling the Media services and using the SDK:
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    Rajesh Khunt
    Blog :
    Twitter :!/r_rajeshkhunt
    Linkedin :

    Hi Rajesh
    Every Media Services account needs a blob storage account associated with it. You can choose an existing blob storage account for that purpose. In order for Media Services to work with your videos you need to create an asset using the Media Services APIs.
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    There are no in box components that will allow you to transmit captured video from a Windows Phone device to Azure Media Services. You will need to create you own implementation. You can do this by creating a custom Media Foundation sync that can plug into
    the MediaCapture element's pipeline. You will then need to modify the captured and compressed video to align to one of the two protocols that Azure Media services can use. At this time Azure Media services can use either Smooth Streaming or RTMP for ingestion.
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    Here is an example of how to create a custom Media Foundation sync (please note you must write your Media Foundation components using C++ MoCOM. We do not support Media Foundation components written in managed languages):
    Real-time communication sample
    I hope this helps,
    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

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    Thanks. The first point that the license server is included in the Azure service is now clear, thank you.
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     var outputAsset = _context.Assets.Where(p => p.Name == "Demo18032015_DefaultProgram").FirstOrDefault();
                IAsset encodedAsset =
                    EncodeToAdaptiveBitrateMP4s(outputAsset, AssetCreationOptions.None);
    static public IAsset EncodeToAdaptiveBitrateMP4s(IAsset asset, AssetCreationOptions options)
                // Prepare a job with a single task to transcode the specified asset
                // into a multi-bitrate asset.
                IJob job = _context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting transcoding job...");
                // Submit the job and wait until it is completed.
                job = job.StartExecutionProgressTask(
                    j =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Job state: {0}", j.State);
                        Console.WriteLine("Job progress: {0:0.##}%", j.GetOverallProgress());
                Console.WriteLine("Transcoding job finished.");
                IAsset outputAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
                return outputAsset;
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    I am using windowsazure.mediaservices version="" and windowsazure.mediaservices.extensions version="" dll.
    Please help me with the issue.

    The error is as expected - the on-demand encoders in our service (Azure Media Encoder, etc.) do not yet support handling of input Assets that are archives from a live stream.
    However, we are close to shipping an update to our service that will provide such support. Please watch out for our blog posts in

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    Hi Georgios,
    There is support for using audio overlays in our service - see for examples. It may be possible to perform pairwise overlays to implement your scenario.
    However, it's currently not possible for us to integrate customer-built processor code into our service.
    Azure Media Services team

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    way to stream data without having to incur the bandwidth cost for each student. What is the best and cost effective way to utilize Media services to stream data in this scenario?
    Please respond as soon as possible.
    Aakash Goyal

    Media Services Encoding is charged based on the amount of data processed and whether you choose to have Encoding Reserved Units to process parallel media tasks.
    Refer :
    On-demand streaming is charged based on the number of Reserved Units you use. Reserved Unit provides bandwidth up to 200 Mbps per Reserved Unit along with built-in failover.
    Reserved Unit: $199 per month (prorated daily)
    In addition, any outbound data transfers are charged separately at the regular
    Data Transfer rate.

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    I'm new to Azure Media Services and I was wondering if it could do what I need...
    Can I do compositing on a live stream ? for exemple if I want to do augmented reality, can I stream a live feed and use some program on Azure to "draw" on my stream ?
    Or do I need to do it on my computer and then only do the streaming on Azure Media Services...
    Any help is appreciated !
    Cheers !

    First thanks for answering. We also asked Xavier Pouyat via Vincent Thavonekham, a P-Seller Azure who is working with us.
    Our augmentation layer will contain images and texture as well. As for how we were planning to do it, I guess we would have applied what would have been available using Azure Media Services. A secondary video stream seems a good way to do it.
    I guess I'll do the compositing locally for the time being, Cheers

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    out of the country publishing point to test it streams great as they use the same services account. If I take my out of the country file share to the US I get the same result just will not work. I have poke prodded and banged my head and since I get this result
    I have concluded it must be something with the new security of SMB 3.0.
    Does anyone have this working or tested? Also I am using the exact same video file to test all of this. Or is there secret I missed to either make smb 3.0 even more compatible or make streaming services play nice.
    Anything helps please let me know.

    I'd recommend calling in for support on this one.  Things aren't adding up.  Probably the most useful thing to do would be to do a network trace of the WMS server connecting to the remote server over SMB.

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    1.Instead of receiving this form content via email,  I just need a
    HTML and/or PHP code with tags code so I can send the content viewers give me (videos with up to 500MB) directly into my existing Azure blob.
    Seems I can also direct the form to a any database... They gave me this code sample but it was for AWS
    Therefore they suggested me to reach out to Azure devs.
    I don't code so please show me the exact code HTML and/or PHP code to connect my "pre-built forms" with Azure Storage/Media services.

    You may refer the following links which may help you in building forms to direct to azure table/blob storage:

  • Media URL expiration and IP restriction when using Azure CDN

    Is anyone tried to use Azure CDN mapped to storage used for media streaming?
    In my media account I have IP restiction for my org + I am setting timeout for the URL to be public.
    Will those rules still going to work for accessing the media via the CDN?
    If not - are those features availabe for the Azure CDN?

    Currently, seamless CDN integration is not a feature of Microsoft Azure Media Services, but you can utilize one of the CDN providers on the market (see this link ).

  • How to upload to Azure Media Services when using HTML5 with Web API

    I keep finding examples demonstrating how to upload video to Azure Media Services through a console application.  I am developing an application using HTML5 with angularjs and web api, but am having trouble finding an example for uploading when you
    are getting the file from a form on a web browser.  The main issue I find is that I see a way to upload from a file path and no way to upload from a stream.  I would like to upload the file to blob storage and then associate the file in blob storage
    with the IAssetFile object, which is then associated with IAsset.  It this possible and if so can you point me in the direction of some tutorials that demonstrate this?  Also, I am allowing site members to upload videos and images.  For this
    images scenario, I saw doc. demonstrating how to start a job that will save the image into a different size, what if I need four different sizes for each image uploaded?

    the following example shows how to upload a stream into a blob and associate the blob with an asset:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Does Azure Media services support storing images?

    We are planning to store the media files in azure cloud, initially we planned to use the Azure blob storage and after deeply investigating we found the Azure media services has some outstanding capabilities  like streaming offline viewing etc. compared
    to azure blob storage.
    So here my question, does this supports storing the images as well?Please confirm this ASAP.
    I read the some article about media services, there it has been given like below, but Just i want to confirmation about this.
    Supported file types in Azure Media Services
    Various video, audio, and image file types can be uploaded to a Media Services account, with there being no restriction on the types or formats of files that you can upload using the Media Services SDK. However, the Azure Management portal restricts uploads
    to the formats that are supported by the Azure Media Encoder. These import formats include MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and Windows Media Video encoded video, MP3, WAVE, and Windows Media Audio encoded audio, and BMP, JPEG, and PNG encoded images. The Azure Media
    Encoder can export data as Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio, MP4, and Smooth Streaming File Format.
    For more information about the supported file formats see "Supported input formats" and "Introduction to encoding."

    Hi John,
    One more Question here.
    As of now we are planning to store and retrieve only the images and audio files with media services, so can I avoid encoding and packaging and use it?Will it work?
    Can I access the  images and audio files without encoding and packaging?
    In future, we are are planning to add the videos as well.
    I think encoding and packaging will come into picture when streaming the videos.

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