[b]Error during JSP page processing[/b]

hi , i'm mech.
i have some probs with jsp. i am trying to connect jsp page with database and printing the data on the browser page. i have created DSN mm using microsoft odbc for oracle and oracle9i's driver oracle in orahome90 but it is giving yet . i have this coding and error.
------------------------jsp code--------------------------
package pagecompile.jsp;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.*;
import java.beans.*;
import com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.JspException;
import java.sql.*;
public class _Connect extends HttpJspBase {
static char[][] jspxhtml_data = null;
public _Connect( ) {
private static boolean jspxinited = false;
public final void jspxinit() throws JspException {
ObjectInputStream oin = null;
int numStrings = 0;
try {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\tmpdir\\default\\pagecompile\\jsp\\pagecompile.jspConnect.dat");
oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
jspxhtml_data = (char[][]) oin.readObject();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JspException("Unable to open data file");
} finally {
if (oin != null)
try { oin.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { }
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse  response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
boolean jspxcleared_due_to_forward = false;
JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
PageContext pageContext = null;
HttpSession session = null;
ServletContext application = null;
ServletConfig config = null;
JspWriter out = null;
Object page = this;
String _value = null;
try {
if (_jspx_inited == false) {
jspxinited = true;
_jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
               "", true, 8192, true);
application = pageContext.getServletContext();
config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
session = pageContext.getSession();
out = pageContext.getOut();
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(14,2);to=(28,2)]
Connection myconn=DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:mm","madhulika","madhulika");
Statement stmt = myconn.createStatement();
ResultSet myResultSet = stmt.executeQuery("Select * from peopletable");
if(myResultSet != null)
          int eid=myResultSet.getInt("id");
          String fname=myResultSet.getString("firstname");
          String lname=myResultSet.getString("lastname");
          String mail=myResultSet.getString("email");
// end
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(30,10);to=(30,13)]
// end
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(31,10);to=(31,15)]
// end
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(32,10);to=(32,15)]
// end
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(33,10);to=(33,14)]
// end
// begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(37,5);to=(43,0)]
// end
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (out.getBufferSize() != 0)
throw new JspException("Unknown exception: ", t);
} finally {
if (!_jspx_cleared_due_to_forward)
-------------------error in browser----------------------
Error during JSP page processing
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
     at java.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code)
     at java.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)
     at java.sql.SQLException.(SQLException.java:43)
     at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Compiled Code)
     at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:3814)
     at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLDriverConnect(JdbcOdbc.java:1029)
     at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(JdbcOdbcConnection.java:145)
     at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:165)
     at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Compiled Code)
     at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:126)
     at pagecompile.jsp._Connect._jspService(Compiled Code)
     at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:87)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
     at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.runServlet(JspServlet.java:469)
     at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.processJspPage(JspServlet.java:259)
     at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:97)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
     at com.sun.server.ServletState.callService(ServletState.java:226)
     at com.sun.server.ServletManager.callServletService(ServletManager.java:936)
     at com.sun.server.ProcessingState.invokeTargetServlet(ProcessingState.java:423)
     at com.sun.server.http.HttpProcessingState.execute(HttpProcessingState.java:79)
     at com.sun.server.http.stages.Runner.process(Runner.java:79)
     at com.sun.server.ProcessingSupport.process(Compiled Code)
     at com.sun.server.Service.process(Service.java:204)
     at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(HttpServiceHandler.java:374)
     at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(Compiled Code)
     at com.sun.server.HandlerThread.run(Compiled

Backing up a moment, is there a particular reason that you're using the JDBC-ODBC bridge rather than using the Oracle JDBC driver?
Have you taken a look at the JSP sample code available on OTN? I would start by making sure you can run that.
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    **"The task could not be successfully executed. Reason: 'fuego.web.execution.exception.InternalForwardException: UnExpected error during internal forward process.'."**
    My jsp is very simple and the code is as follows:
    <%@ page session="true"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://fuego.com/jsp/ftl" prefix="f" %>
    <link href="<f:webResources relativePath='css/default.css'/>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <form name="form" method="post" action="<f:postResults/>">
    <td>Person Name</td>
    <td><input type="text" id="personName" <f:field att="personObject.personName"/> /></td>
    <td>Person Age</td>
    <td><input type="text" id="personAge" <f:field att="personObject.personAge"/> /></td>
    <input type="submit" name="Ok" value="Ok">
    Also I have created a "person" BPM Object under Catalogue and created instance variable with the name as "personObject". I cannot understand why i am getting the above error. Please Help.

    When I go to the Log Viewer it gives the following error details:
    UnExpected error during internal forward process.
    Caused by: Could not find FuegoObject:personObject in request.
    fuego.web.execution.exception.InternalForwardException: UnExpected error during internal forward process.
         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.redirectView(ServletExternalContext.java:131)
         at fuegoblock.net.web.NewJspController.forward(NewJspController.java:98)
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         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletRedirector$ControllerRedirector.forward(ServletRedirector.java:197)
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         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.forwardInternal(ServletExternalContext.java:197)
         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.processAction(ServletExternalContext.java:110)
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         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:156)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:152)
         at fuego.web.filter.SingleThreadPerSessionFilter.doFilter(SingleThreadPerSessionFilter.java:64)
         at fuego.web.filter.BaseFilter.doFilter(BaseFilter.java:63)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor213.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:243)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:275)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.java:217)
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         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000(ApplicationFilterChain.java:50)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:156)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:152)
         at fuego.web.filter.CharsetFilter.doFilter(CharsetFilter.java:48)
         at fuego.web.filter.BaseFilter.doFilter(BaseFilter.java:63)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor213.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:243)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:275)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.java:217)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:197)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000(ApplicationFilterChain.java:50)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:156)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:152)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:126)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:105)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:107)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:148)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:869)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11BaseProtocol.java:667)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:527)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.runIt(LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.java:80)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:684)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not find FuegoObject:personObject in request.
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:858)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.access$1100(PageContextImpl.java:65)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl$12.run(PageContextImpl.java:778)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:776)
         at org.apache.jsp.webRoot.customJSP.showperson_jsp._jspService(showperson_jsp.java:113)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:97)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:332)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:314)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:264)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:243)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:275)
         at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.java:161)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:245)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000(ApplicationFilterChain.java:50)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:156)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:152)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(ApplicationDispatcher.java:672)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.processRequest(ApplicationDispatcher.java:463)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:398)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.access$000(ApplicationDispatcher.java:66)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher$PrivilegedForward.run(ApplicationDispatcher.java:81)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:293)
         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.redirectView(ServletExternalContext.java:128)

  • Error during entry document processing - wae02 - EHS

    Dear All,
    In WAE02, i am getting the below error
    "Error during entry document processing - wae02 - EHS"
    But, when i click on "extras - messages", its empty.
    Added, i have assigned "Partner assignement", posting is over, Accout assignment is complete.
    Still the warning message comes and PO is not getting created.
    Please answer this high priority issue and do the needful.
    Hari Prasath

    Hello Hari
    Seems issue is with BAPI in Purchase order process
    Check the OSS Note :1111389

  • There was an error during the save process

    Hi All,
    When I try to save the data in a form, I got the following error but data was saved. Remaing forms are saving the data without any error.
    There was an error during the save process
    I found the log
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 acquired connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 releasing connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 released connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 acquired connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 releasing connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 released connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 acquired connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 releasing connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 released connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 acquired connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 releasing connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:17 PM]: Thread TP-Processor8 released connection com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssConnection@11d2066
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:24:30 PM]: Rebind at: Sat Jul 04 16:24:30 GMT+03:00 2009
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:25:30 PM]: Rebind at: Sat Jul 04 16:25:30 GMT+03:00 2009
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:26:30 PM]: Rebind at: Sat Jul 04 16:26:30 GMT+03:00 2009
    [Jul 4, 2009 4:27:30 PM]: Rebind at: Sat Jul 04 16:27:30 GMT+03:00 2009
    Thanks & regards,
    Sravan Kumar.

    Hi John,
    I customized the standerd Transfer BR according to my requirement. And I am using the customized form.
    I tried to change the Action in (Action is smart list) in the form, it is getting saved but with the error There was an error during the save process.
    My requirement is Action updated through BR only. But it is not updating. Previously the same BR worked fine.
    Is there any relationship between the error and the Action was not updating?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sravan Kumar.
    Edited by: Kumar1899 on Jul 6, 2009 6:29 AM

  • Error during the submit process

    I am trying to download an eBook for course, and it does not let me log in with my network username and password. It gives me an "error during the submit process".
    I have charter internet, and we contacted them to make sure my signal strength was strong enough. Reset password. I am using Adobe Reader X.

    I am also facing same error.
    Please let me know if you have resolved problem.

  • Error during the save process with Planning data form

    When in Planning web-client, I am trying to make changes to data on a data form. The cells are level-0 members (Yellow and writeable in a bottom-up Working version). When I save, it takes a while to process the request, then gives me the following error message: "There was an error during the save process."
    The data form is fairly large, could this be causing the problem? I am a able to save data on other forms that correspond to the exact same set of members and dimensions with no problem. What are possible causes of this error? I have tried stopping and starting planning and the entire EPM system. Thank you.

    I believe you are using V11, I would stop planning, clear out log \Hyperion\logs\services\HyS9Planning-sysout.log, start planning, replicate the error and then going in look if the log has any more detailed information.

  • Error during start of process in Inegration Process

    My scenario is file to integration process and back.
    Message is not entering my integration process. In sxmb_moni it shows a green falg at the queue and when you click on 'PE', we are taken to the inbound queue with 'SYSFAIL'.
    The error description at the trace is 'Error during start of process'.
    There are no errors in sxi_cache for the particular integration process. The return code is '0'. I have tried re-activation too and tested again. But to no avail.
    There are no entries in swwl, since the message has not even entered integration process.
    Kindly help me to correct the error.

    Yes the the 'Start Process' is checked.
    Steps in BPM.
    Receive step, transformation step to a multiline element, a block for sending each line in the multiline, a container operation for appending (also inside the block) and finally another transforamtion and send step.
    But since the message has not even entered the send step, it is not of much use to know all steps

  • Error during calling BPEL Process Using Oracle BPEL Process Manager Client

    I have the following error during Calling BPel process and I can not detect the reason :
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/EJBException
         at com.oracle.bpel.client.util.ExceptionUtils.handleServerException(ExceptionUtils.java:76)
         at com.oracle.bpel.client.delivery.DeliveryService.getDeliveryBean(DeliveryService.java:254)
         at com.oracle.bpel.client.delivery.DeliveryService.request(DeliveryService.java:83)
         at com.oracle.bpel.client.delivery.DeliveryService.request(DeliveryService.java:53)
         at portlet.BPELProcess.startProcess(BPELProcess.java:68)
         at portlet.BPELProcess.main(BPELProcess.java:89)
    My Code :
    locator = new Locator("default", "welcome1");
    deliveryService = (IDeliveryService)locator.lookupService(IDeliveryService.SERVICE_NAME);
    String SchemaInputXML = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">\n" +
    " <soap:Header/>\n" +
    " <soap:Body xmlns:ns1=\"http://www.globalcompany.com/ns/sales\">\n" +
    " <ns1:User>\n" +
    " <ns1:FirstName>787878</ns1:FirstName>\n" +
    " <ns1:LastName>ujfyytytry</ns1:LastName>\n" +
    " </ns1:User>\n" +
    " </soap:Body>\n" +
    NormalizedMessage nm = new NormalizedMessage();
    nm.addPart("payload", SchemaInputXML);
    deliveryService.request("userBPEL", "initiate", nm); --> here exception appear
    userBPEL is my Process Name
    initiate is BPel method

    Message was edited by:
    Marc Kelderman

  • Error during start of process of type

    Hi All,
    One of my BPM scenario was strucked every weekend in the queue (SMQ2) and say the error called " Error during start of process of type WS91000041"
    I observed the Queue messages, due to the error from database system for particular record,
    In my BPM there is Exception Branch in the block step in case of Database connection error, Why it was strucked in the queue in case of error in the Database?
    Why it doesn't the goes to exception branch?
    Kindly suggest me how i can approach here.
    Thank you very much.

    Hello All,
    Could you please suggest me above my problem.I am looking forward from you.
    Thank you.
    Kindest Regards,
    Edited by: sateesh kumar .N on Oct 11, 2011 10:39 AM

  • Error in JSP Page Compilation

    Hi...I found following error during my jsp page compilation...I am using Tomcat Server 4.1.18 as a server.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
    Generated servlet error:
    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:43: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class LoginManager
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] LoginManager loginManager = null;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:45: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class LoginManager
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] loginManager = (LoginManager) pageContext.getAttribute("loginManager", PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:48: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class LoginManager
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] loginManager = (LoginManager) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "LoginManager");
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:58: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class UserCredentials
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] UserCredentials credentials = null;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:60: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class UserCredentials
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] credentials = (UserCredentials) pageContext.getAttribute("credentials", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Tomcat-4.1.24\work\Standalone\localhost\webdav\new\ValidateUser_jsp.java:63: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class UserCredentials
    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.ValidateUser_jsp
    [javac] credentials = (UserCredentials) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "UserCredentials");
    [javac] ^
    [javac] 6 errors
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.javacError(DefaultErrorHandler.java:130)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.javacError(ErrorDispatcher.java:293)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateClass(Compiler.java:353)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:370)
         at org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(JspCompilationContext.java:473)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:190)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:295)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:241)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:247)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:256)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:191)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(StandardContext.java:2415)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:180)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(ErrorDispatcherValve.java:171)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:641)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:172)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:641)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:174)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
         at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:223)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:594)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11Protocol.java:392)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:565)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:619)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)

    This is my jsp file..i have also kept all my class files in respective folder..still i have this error...i have kept my class files into /WEB-INF/
    webapps folder
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import="com.chintan.webapps.LoginManager" %>
    <%@ page import="com.chintan.webapps.UserCredentials" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="loginManager" class="com.chintan.webapps.LoginManager" scope="application" />
    <jsp:useBean id="credentials" class="com.chintan.webapps.UserCredentials" scope="session" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="credentials" property="*" />
    User Validation JSP Page
    <%! String nextPage; %>
    nextPage = "Mainmenu.jsp";
    }else if(loginManager.isLoggedIn(credentials)){
    nextPage = "Duplicate.jsp";
    nextPage = "loginFailure.jsp";
    <jsp:forward page="<%= nextPage %>" />

  • Error in Jsp page - undefined type

    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"
    java.io.Writer.*, java.util.*,
    session="false" %>
    * Copyright 2002,2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    * Happiness tests for axis. These look at the classpath and warn if things
    * are missing. Normally addng this much code in a JSP page is mad
    * but here we want to validate JSP compilation too, and have a drop-in
    * page for easy re-use
    * @author Steve 'configuration problems' Loughran
    * @author dims
    * @author Brian Ewins
    * test for a class existing
    * @param classname
    * @return class iff present
    Class classExists(String classname) {
    try {
    return Class.forName(classname);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    return null;
    * test for resource on the classpath
    * @param resource
    * @return true iff present
    boolean resourceExists(String resource) {
    boolean found;
    InputStream instream=this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);
    if(instream!=null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return found;
    * probe for a class, print an error message is missing
    * @param out stream to print stuff
    * @param category text like "warning" or "error"
    * @param classname class to look for
    * @param jarFile where this class comes from
    * @param errorText extra error text
    * @param homePage where to d/l the library
    * @return the number of missing classes
    * @throws IOException
    int probeClass(JspWriter out,
    String category,
    String classname,
    String jarFile,
    String description,
    String errorText,
    String homePage) throws IOException {
    try {
    Class clazz = classExists(classname);
    if(clazz == null) {
    String url="";
    if(homePage!=null) {
    return 1;
    } else {
    String location = getLocation(out, clazz);
    if(location == null) {
    else {
    return 0;
    } catch(NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) {
    String url="";
    if(homePage!=null) {
    out.write(getMessage("couldNotFoundDep",category, classname, errorText, url));
    out.write(getMessage("theRootCause",ncdfe.getMessage(), classname));
    return 1;
    * get the location of a class
    * @param out
    * @param clazz
    * @return the jar file or path where a class was found
    String getLocation(JspWriter out,
    Class clazz) {
    try {
    java.net.URL url = clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
    String location = url.toString();
    if(location.startsWith("jar")) {
    url = ((java.net.JarURLConnection)url.openConnection()).getJarFileURL();
    location = url.toString();
    if(location.startsWith("file")) {
    java.io.File file = new java.io.File(url.getFile());
    return file.getAbsolutePath();
    } else {
    return url.toString();
    } catch (Throwable t){
    return getMessage("classFoundError");
    * a class we need if a class is missing
    * @param out stream to print stuff
    * @param classname class to look for
    * @param jarFile where this class comes from
    * @param errorText extra error text
    * @param homePage where to d/l the library
    * @throws IOException when needed
    * @return the number of missing libraries (0 or 1)
    int needClass(JspWriter out,
    String classname,
    String jarFile,
    String description,
    String errorText,
    String homePage) throws IOException {
    return probeClass(out,
    * print warning message if a class is missing
    * @param out stream to print stuff
    * @param classname class to look for
    * @param jarFile where this class comes from
    * @param errorText extra error text
    * @param homePage where to d/l the library
    * @throws IOException when needed
    * @return the number of missing libraries (0 or 1)
    int wantClass(JspWriter out,
    String classname,
    String jarFile,
    String description,
    String errorText,
    String homePage) throws IOException {
    return probeClass(out,
    * get servlet version string
    public String getServletVersion() {
    ServletContext context=getServletConfig().getServletContext();
    int major = context.getMajorVersion();
    int minor = context.getMinorVersion();
    return Integer.toString(major) + '.' + Integer.toString(minor);
    * what parser are we using.
    * @return the classname of the parser
    private String getParserName() {
    SAXParser saxParser = getSAXParser();
    if (saxParser == null) {
    return getMessage("couldNotCreateParser");
    // check to what is in the classname
    String saxParserName = saxParser.getClass().getName();
    return saxParserName;
    * Create a JAXP SAXParser
    * @return parser or null for trouble
    private SAXParser getSAXParser() {
    SAXParserFactory saxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    if (saxParserFactory == null) {
    return null;
    SAXParser saxParser = null;
    try {
    saxParser = saxParserFactory.newSAXParser();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return saxParser;
    * get the location of the parser
    * @return path or null for trouble in tracking it down
    private String getParserLocation(JspWriter out) {
    SAXParser saxParser = getSAXParser();
    if (saxParser == null) {
    return null;
    String location = getLocation(out,saxParser.getClass());
    return location;
    * Check if class implements specified interface.
    * @param Class clazz
    * @param String interface name
    * @return boolean
    private boolean implementsInterface(Class clazz, String interfaceName) {
    if (clazz == null) {
    return false;
    Class[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
    if (interfaces.length != 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
    if (interfaces.getName().equals(interfaceName)) {
    return true;
    return false;
    <%@ include file="i18nLib.jsp" %>
    // initialize a private HttpServletRequest
    // set a resouce base
    <title><%= getMessage("pageTitle") %></title>
    <body bgcolor='#ffffff'>
    out.print("<h1>"+ getMessage("pageTitle") +"</h1>");
    out.print("<h2>"+ getMessage("pageRole") +"</h2><p/>");
    <%= getLocaleChoice() %>
    out.print("<h3>"+ getMessage("neededComponents") +"</h3>");
    int needed=0,wanted=0;
    * the essentials, without these Axis is not going to work
    // need to check if the available version of SAAJ API meets requirements
    String className = "javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart";
    String interfaceName = "org.w3c.dom.Document";
    Class clazz = classExists(className);
    if (clazz == null || implementsInterface(clazz, interfaceName)) {
    needed = needClass(out, "javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage",
    "SAAJ API",
    } else {
    String location = getLocation(out, clazz);
    needed+=needClass(out, "javax.xml.rpc.Service",
    "JAX-RPC API",
    needed+=needClass(out, "org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet",
    needed+=needClass(out, "org.apache.commons.discovery.Resource",
    "Jakarta-Commons Discovery",
    needed+=needClass(out, "org.apache.commons.logging.Log",
    "Jakarta-Commons Logging",
    needed+=needClass(out, "org.apache.log4j.Layout",
    //should we search for a javax.wsdl file here, to hint that it needs
    //to go into an approved directory? because we dont seem to need to do that.
    needed+=needClass(out, "com.ibm.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactoryImpl",
    "IBM's WSDL4Java",
    needed+=needClass(out, "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory",
    "JAXP implementation",
    "Activation API",
    out.print("<h3>"+ getMessage("optionalComponents") +"</h3>");
    * now the stuff we can live without
    "Mail API",
    "XML Security API",
    wanted += wantClass(out, "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",
    "jsse.jar or java1.4+ runtime",
    "Java Secure Socket Extension",
    * resources on the classpath path
    /* add more libraries here */
    //is everythng we need here
    if(needed==0) {
    //yes, be happy
    } else {
    //no, be very unhappy
    //now look at wanted stuff
    if(wanted>0) {
    } else {
    //hint if anything is missing
    if(needed>0 || wanted>0 ) {
    <h2><%= getMessage("apsExamining") %></h2>
    String servletVersion=getServletVersion();
    String xmlParser=getParserName();
    String xmlParserLocation = getParserLocation(out);
    <table border="1" cellpadding="10">
    <tr><td>Servlet version</td><td><%= servletVersion %></td></tr>
    <tr><td>XML Parser</td><td><%= xmlParser %></td></tr>
    <tr><td>XML ParserLocation</td><td><%= xmlParserLocation %></td></tr>
    <% if(xmlParser.indexOf("crimson")>=0) { %>
    <%= getMessage("recommendedParser") %>
    <% } %>
    <h2><%= getMessage("sysExamining") %></h2>
    * Dump the system properties
    java.util.Enumeration e=null;
    try {
    e= System.getProperties().propertyNames();
    } catch (SecurityException se) {
    if(e!=null) {
    for (;e.hasMoreElements();) {
    String key = (String) e.nextElement();
    out.write(key + "=" + System.getProperty(key)+"\n");
    } else {
    <%= getMessage("apsPlatform") %>:
    <%= getServletConfig().getServletContext().getServerInfo() %>
    in the above jsp code i am getting errors such as "1.getMessage(String) is undefined for the type"
    "2. setRequest(HttpServletRequest) is undefined for the type"
    "3. getLocaleChoice() is undefined for the type"
    whats wrong with the code??

    I would also like to mention that you posted the original message... then barely an hour later made a comment that it was still unanswered.
    In my time zone, you posted at 3:32 AM and then commented at 4:35 AM. I don't know about many people here, but I am fast asleep during that time.
    So please understand we are here to help you, not be your servants to fix your problems.

  • Error during PDF post processing in HtmlToPDF

    I am using Web services interface to convert Html document to PDF. Works fine for simple html documents stored locally. However when using a remote html document (for example the one in the quickstart--http://www.adobe.com--I am getting an exception:
    ALC-PDG-16003-16003-000: com.adobe.livecycle.generatedpdf.client.ConversionException: ALC-PDG-016-003-An unknown/unexpected error occurred during PDF post-processing.
    I get the same error when trying this conversion from the Administration Console. I am using JBoss/turnkey. I do not have Adobe Acrobat running on the server computer.

    Hello Ramya,
    I am not finished checking but I did make some progress. Testing from html file located on the server machine, I use the url for file. For example if the file is named foo.html and it is located in directory c:\adata then the file url is
    That works for me using adminui, and from calling the web service.
    The example in the quickstart ( converting the default page at
    http://www.adobe.com ) does not work for me just yet. Still get the post pdf processing error.
    If not doing so already, check the server log to see if any additional debug information is provided.

  • Error in jsp page

    1.i create a database
    2.then i create a jsp page for welcome
    3.then another jsp page for view result
    4.then i write code for java
    here is my 1st jsp page
    <body bgcolor=pink>
    <form action="project.jsp" method=post>
    Project id
    ; <input type="text" name="proj_id"><br><br>
    Project Name                <input
    type="text" name="proj_name"><br><br>
    Client Name
    type="text" name="client_name"><br><br>
    Project Start Date          <input type="text" name="strt_date"><br><br>
    Est Project End Date     <input type="text" name="est_date"><br><br>
    Project Manager            <input type="text"
    Est Effort
    ;   <input type="text" name="est_effort"><br><br>
    <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add" onClick=add() >
    <input type="button" name="modify" value="Modify">
    <input type="button" name="delete" value="Delete">
    <input type="button" name="assign" value="Assign">
    here my java page
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.io.*;
    class base
         PreparedStatement pstmt=null;
         Connection con = null;
         Statement stmt = null;
         ResultSet rset = null;     
          int est_effort;
         String  proj_id,proj_name,client_name,strt_date,est_date,proj_mgr; 
    /*     int est_effort;
         String  Project_id,Project_name,client_name,start_date,estimated_date,Project_mgr;   */
         void add( )
                   String driverName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
                   String serverName = "";
                   String mydatabase = "Trainees";
                   String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName +  "/" + mydatabase; // a JDBC url
                   String username = "josep";
                   String password = "josep";
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
                   System.out.println("Before Update1");     
    pstmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into project(proj_id,proj_name,client_name,strt_date,est_date,proj_mgr,est_effort) values  ('
    "+Project_id+" ',' "+Project_name+"',' "+client_name+" ',' "+start_date+" ',' "+estimated_date+" ',' "+Project_mgr+" ',' "+est_effort+"')");
    pstmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into project(proj_id,proj_name,client_name,strt_date,est_date,proj_mgr,est_effort) values 
                   System.out.println("Before Update2");
                   pstmt.setString (2,proj_name);
                   pstmt.setString (3,client_name);
                   pstmt.setString (4,strt_date);
                   pstmt.setString (5,est_date);
                   System.out.println("" +pstmt );
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
                        if(con != null)
                   catch(SQLException e)
         void modify()
         void delete()
         void assign()
    public class xx extends base
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
              base a= new base();
    here my second jsp page
    <%@ page language="java"%>
    <%@ page import="java.io.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@page import="ss.xx"%>
    //<%@ page import="ss.xx.*"%>
    <body bgcolor = "LightGrey">
    xx obj=new xx();
    obj.add( );
         String Project_id = request.getParameter("proj_id");
    String Project_name=request.getParameter("proj_name");
    String client_name=request.getParameter("client_name");
         String start_date=request.getParameter("strt_date");
         String estimated_date=request.getParameter("est_date");
         String Project_mgr=request.getParameter("proj_mgr");
         int est_effort=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("est_effort"));
    <p><font size="6">Project id :  <%= Project_id%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Project Name :  <%= Project_name%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Client Name :  <%= client_name%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Project Start Date :  <%= start_date%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Est Project End Date :  <%= estimated_date%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Project Manager :  <%= Project_mgr%></font></p>
    <p><font size="6">Est Effort :  <%= est_effort%></font></p>
    here that second jsp page error
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 12 in the jsp file: /project.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    The type base cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

    Uh, those aren't runtime errors, but just compilation errors. Googling on the error message can give a lot of results.
    Learn how to write Java properly. It would also help a lot if you put all the Java logic in Java classes instead of JSPs.

  • Cast error in JSP page

    if this is not the right forum, please some one show where.
    I created a EJB pack and deployed at the server. Made a java program client to test it and all is Ok. But when I try to use a jsp page to use the service, I get a java.lang.ClassCastException message.
    I can get the context , the reference , but when I try to
    get a reference to the bean's Home interface the error happens.
    This is the line with the problem:
    ServiceHome1 home =(ServiceHome1) PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ref, ServiceHome1.class);
    the same line runs ok at a java program at the same machine.
    I use Tomcat/Jboss and the Jboss libs are in %CATALINA_HOME%/commom/lib

    Do you import the ServiceHome1 in your jsp page?

  • Error during Parforeach dynamic processing!

    Hello All:
    Hope to have some input to an unsolvable error in the workflow template that I have developed.
    I have developed a workflow in which I am using a block with “parforeach” dynamic parallel processing and in that block I am displaying notification of absence. IN the block I have created a task which displays notification of absence.
    I have maintained User_ID(this is a multiline container element which has multiple user ids) as my parallel processing multi-line element so that all the users entered in the User_ID element can access the workitem. Now I was able to create different work items for all the users entered , but when any one of the user is accessing the work-item, the work flow is getting in the error status with the following error log messages.
    Flow item Test Worflow for dynamic block (Workflow 000000033121) has the status "Error" 
    Error when starting work item 000000033121                                              
    JOIN entry missing for fork on node 0000000008                                          
    Error when loading the callback component (work item 000000033126)                      
    Error during result processing of work item 000000033126                                
    Work item 000000033121: Object FLOWITEM method EXECUTE cannot be executed               
    Error when loading the callback component (work item 000000033126)                      
    Error when loading the callback component (work item 000000033126)                      
    User_ID is entered as Multiline element.
    In the control tab of block, (Note: USER_ID is the multielement)
    In the “display absence” step of block, I am assigning in the “Agents” area of the control tab as: &_USER_ID_LINE&
    Now, when I execute the workflow, I am able to see that the work-items are sent to the respective agent inboxes given in the USER_ID element and when I execute(display absence form) any one of it , the workflow is set to error status giving the above mentioned errors.
    Please help me. I am missing any binding elements??
    Do I need to add any JOIN in my dynamic step??

    Hi Satya,
    Hmmmm.... well you've correctly assigned the multiline container element and the binding between workflow and container.  However the way you have assigned the agents is a little suspicious - as it relies on a guaranteed order of processing.  That might be what is confusing the workflow.
    Try the following instead.
    a) Put your task into a subflow.
    b) Call the subflow using the parforeach processing
    I think you'll find this less problematic.
    Also be careful to watch what you are passing back from the task to the workflow - you don't want any deadlocks here.  Either don't pass anything back, or pass back the values into  a table using the APPEND binding option rather than the usual assign (just select the arrow button in the binding).

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