Back up catalogue to a new place?

The next time I back up a catalogue I'd like it to go to a new place (I want to put everything in the cloud so it's going to a dropbox folder). How would I tell it to do that so that it backs up there each time? Thanks.

Well actually another question. The catalog isn't the actual photo files right? Am I right that the actual files (eg the jpegs) get auto stored under the "Pictures" folder, which then has sub-folders by date. So if I want to move everything to the cloud, it's these I have to move aswell as the catalog?

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    Yes, this should be fine! You may wish to give your catalog (the .lrcat) a new name (prefix) when you first copy it to your Mac. This will force build a new Previews folder on the new machine, sometimes a very good thing; sometimes wholly unnecessary.....

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    --- Show package Contents
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    which links to

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    You have bad data in your EXIF fields on your photos
    At one time early on someone posted that iPhoto was switching the sign (making negative locations positive as I remember) on some Geo Data - if these are old photos that have been in iPhoto for a while that might be what the problem is - export one and look at the EXIF data in preview or with a third party program like CD Finder Inspector -

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    schoolofhardknocks wrote:
    Thanks, but right now I can't do a back-up because I keep getting an error message that my drive is too full, and it must mean my C drive because my external has plenty of room.
    Do you get the message when in editor, in organizer or both ?
    Which operating system ? I suppose Windows : XP, Vista or Win 7 32 or 64bits ?
    From the explorer, when you right click on C: to show properties, how much free space is shown ?
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    I think it means that you are not opening Lr4 but Lr3. Lr3 cannot read the catalog once it has been updated by Lr4.
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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    When you turn on the new iMac for the first time, Setup Assistant will ask you to restore a backup, so connect the external disk and follow steps to restore all your files to your new iMac. Your new Mac will have the same settings and programs as your old computer.
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    Hey Shaiju isac,
    I'd take a look at the following article, it'll guide you though steps to you troubleshoot cellular data issues on your iPhone:
    iPhone: Troubleshooting a cellular data connection

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  • How to create a new place in iPhoto 11 without doing any harm?

    Yes, I know how to create a new place for a photo -- theoretically:
    Select the photo.
    Make sure the Info icon in the lower right portion of the iPhoto window is clicked and the too-tiny-for-any-but-the-youngest-eyes map is displaying.
    Click in "Assign a Place..." and begin typing a place that iPhoto will search for.  It searches in both "your places" (i.e., those that you have already defined) as well as in Google Maps.
    When you see a place in the search results list that you think might be close to the one you mean, select it.
    A pin appears on the itsy-bitsy map.  Move it to the exact place you mean.  You can make controls appear on the map by moving the mouse over the bottom of the map.  The controls allow you to zoom in and out, and to change views (Terrain, Satellite, Hybrid).  When the pin is where you want it, click it. The current name of the location appears.  Modify it to the name you want, then click the check mark.
    That's "all" there is to it ... except for a couple of "gotchas."
    There's a difference between what happens when you select a place that you've defined and when you select a place that Google found in the search results.  If it's a place that you've defined, and you then move the pin to a new location and/or change its name, this will affect all photos assigned to the custom place.  In effect, you are modifying the place.
    All places have a radius associated with them, thereby making them circles.  You can adjust the radius only in the Maintain My Places window.  In the itsy-bitsy map it doesn't even appear.  However, if the newly defined place overlaps existing ones, all the photos assigned to the overlapped places will be assigned to the new one.  Their pins will remain where they were.
    Now, before anybody suggests sending feedback to Apple, let me emphasize that I have been sending Apple feedback on the wrong-headed implementation of Places since iPhoto 9.0.  New versions have come and gone (the current one is 9.1.2), but these "features" have remained.  So my purpose in opening this thread is to consolidate work arounds to these "features" in one place.  My work around: 
    Whenever I define a new place, I select only a single photo.  I try to name my places so that I can distinguish them from those that Google finds.  In order to avoid Gotcha 1 I select a place that Google finds and try to place the pin close enough to where I want it, but far enough from any other places that I've defined.  I give it a name that I can easily find it Manage My Place.
    I immediately open Manage My Places and select the new place.  I first note the pins near it, then decrease its radius, move the pin to the desired location, note the nearby places, and give it its final name.
    I then view Places and navigate to the new place to view the photos assigned to it.  If I'm lucky, there's only one.  Otherwise, I have to reassign the other photos to their correct places.

    So... in the hope it will not confuse folks more, let me be more specific of a procedure that works for me...
    Procedure to create a new My Places location.
    OK there is more you can do with a non-GPS Coord linked photo.
    Click Info and then click Assign a Place in the lower right of screen. (if your photo has a location linked to it already the Assign a Place will NOT show up.)
    Choose a location name near the actual location that Google Maps can find.
    Click that location in the Google Maps list that appears and your photo will be temporarily assigned to that location.
    Now  type over that  location name in order to make sure to give that location a unique name that will show up in your My Places list and click that name after you have typed it  to be sure it is accepted.
    Now in iPhoto click Window/Manage My Places and go the that newly named location in the large My Places map. There's no easy search. You have to run down through the alphabetical list.
    Drag the flag to the location you want this place to be and click Done.
    The location name is now in your My Places list at the location you dragged the flag to!
    It is important to note that only your unique named locations show up in your Places list, so if you want to modify the location coordinates you have to establish a unique name for it.
    This is much more complicated that previous iPhoto versions!
    But Yeah!!!!!!!!!!
    It really works!!!!!!!

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    External hard drive that stored music has crashed.  How can I safely get my songs from my I Pod back onto computer into a new external drive?

    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer discussing different ways to copy content from your iPod back to your PC.

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    Ipjone6, silver, 64GB
    I lost my password and i could get into my phone, i tried but it said connect to itune. i did, but i did not get any result. please give me some advises how do i get my password back or reset with a new one?

    how to reset password:

  • Lightroom 5 file edited in photoshop cc 2014 does not appear back next to original after save. Is anyone else having this issue? If so what is the fix.  The edited image appears back in lightroom in a new folder.

    Lightroom 5 file edited in photoshop cc 2014 does not appear back next to original after save. Is anyone else having this issue? If so what is the fix.  The edited image appears back in lightroom in a new folder.

    I'm performing a normal "Save", not "Save As". Work flow I'm using is as follows:  Select photo in Lightroom 5.7 >" Edit In" Photoshop CC 2014 > (after working on photo is PS) > Save > close PS. Photo returns to Lightroom 5.7 in a new folder rather than next to the original. Prior to purchasing the monthly plan and upgrading to PS CC 2014, I performed this same work flow using Lightroom 5.6 and Photoshop CS6 without any issues.
    Just for fun... I attempted to move the edited file back into the original folder. I received a prompt that said the file already existed in the original folder, however I can't see it except the new folder that LR created. I tried several different sort orders, etc without any success.
    *** Follow up: Was unable to resolve the issue using Photoshop CC 2014. Uninstalled PS CC 2014 and went back to using Photoshop CS6. Return trips from LR 5.7 to Photoshop is now performing as it should: returning edited photo back to the original folder in LR 5 and placing next to the original image.
    Should anyone have a suggestion on getting Photoshop CC 2014 to do the same, I would love to be educated.
    Thanks for the help, dj_paige.

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